Since the last 8-bit-style game came out, Shovel Knight has been branching out more into other genres as developer and publisher Yacht Club charts a course for where its eponymous nobleman will go next. In December, we got the wonderful Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, which smartly blended falling block puzzle mechanics with roguelite game design. Now, we’re getting another roguelite in Shovel Knight Dig, only this time the gameplay is much more in line with the action-platforming of the original game. As you’d probably expect of this franchise by now, it’s an absolute blast to play; developer Nitrome (Bomb Chicken) delivers a tough, rewarding, and enjoyable new experience that series aficionados will want to dig into immediately.

Shovel Knight Dig takes place sometime before the original Shovel Knight, so Shield Knight hasn’t disappeared yet and the Enchantress has yet to rise to power and form the Order of No Quarter. Here, the main villain is a new character named Drill Knight, who has formed a group of knights called the Hexcavators to help him in raiding a treasure room buried somewhere deep within the earth. Their efforts to do so—and the enormous hole they’ve created—are creating problems for the people on the surface, so Shovel Knight and Shield Knight dive in to try to get to the bottom of what’s going on.
Obviously, the story isn’t much of a focus here, as this is a highly replayable roguelite platformer first and foremost. Even so, what’s here creates a certain amount of intrigue as you can’t help but wonder what awaits you at the bottom of the hole, and series fans will appreciate the many nods to other titles that take place later on in the Shovel Knight timeline. For example, it’s cool to see Shovel Knight and Shield Knight’s relationship played out in more than the brief flashbacks we get elsewhere in the series, and interacting with earlier incarnations of Mole Knight and Tinker Knight from before their time in the Order of No Quarter provides some cool insights into the characters. The ‘lore’ isn’t very heavy here, so franchise first-timers won’t feel like they’re missing out on much, but those who have played previous releases will appreciate seeing how this fits in.

Gameplay could be best described as what the original Shovel Knight game would look like if it was made with the design philosophy of Downwell. You play as the titular blue knight and start each run by jumping into the hole, with the goal simply being to get to the bottom as fast as possible while collecting as much as you can on the way down. Each run is divided up into biomes composed of three levels, with a final fourth level consisting of a boss fight with that area’s resident knight. Each time you fall in battle, you’re brought back to the surface and have to try it all over again. You retain some of your collected gems from each run, but otherwise lose all upgrades and inventory items that weren’t already permanent.
Suffice it to say, the difficulty is brutal, but not necessarily unfair. You don’t really have that much health to begin each run, and though this can later be expanded via shops and upgrades, healing items are typically pretty sparse. Most failures, then, aren’t because you hit a brick wall that you simply couldn’t get past, but rather they're deaths by a thousand cuts as every miscalculated jump and rough enemy encounter adds up to eventually take a final toll. You’d think the solution would be to simply take things slow and play it safe, but there is constantly a huge, invincible buzzsaw drill bearing down on you from above. Most of the time, you don’t even know it’s there, but if you’re taking too much time fooling around and trying to snap up every gem and collectable, it’ll catch up to you fast and kill you instantly.

Given this, there’s a delicious kind of tension to every minute of your run. Shovel Knight Dig certainly adheres to the ‘rich-get-richer’ philosophy where effective play is rewarded with boons that make the game even easier, while playing poorly will make things even harder for you the longer you go on. It’s in your best interests to collect as many gems as possible on your way down, as this will directly give you more ability to buy relics, upgrades, and healing items if you happen to come across a shop. Yet, if you don’t learn how to effectively prioritize which groups of gems to grab and which ones to pass on, you’ll find the saw eventually catching you. Finding that risk-reward line is a big part of the fun of Shovel Knight Dig, and you’ll find yourself slowly building a knowledge base as time goes on and you learn how to best handle the myriad situations and obstacles that may arise.
Though every level is randomly generated, we appreciated how the various stage gimmicks and enemy types here came together to give a handcrafted feel to these new biomes. Whether you’re bouncing between mushrooms, dodging between bubbles and swimming fish, or disarming bombs before they go off, there’s hardly ever a dull moment in Dig as you frantically swipe and jump your way to safety. Importantly, moment-to-moment gameplay feels extremely similar to the original Shovel Knight; you have the exact same moveset and even the physics feel quite similar. Given this, it feels like you’re always capable of overcoming the barriers before you, but not to the point that any of them are rendered trivial. Even the common mook enemies can land a tricky hit on you every now and then, and the damage you take there can mean the difference between life and death when you later fall into some spikes.

Along the way, you find ways to add to Shovel Knight’s repertoire and this is where your survival chances go up considerably. In treasure chests or at shops, for example, you can pick up Relics that give you access to new limited-use items to help even the odds. Whether it be a form of short-range teleportation, a helpful projectile attack, or a means of levitating briefly, each Relic has very clear use cases to help get you out of a bind.
Additionally, you can pick up upgrades in shops that give you either flat bumps to your health or magic stats, or helpful passive abilities like a gem magnet or a wider range to your shovel swing. If you’re diligent about collecting gems along the way, you can usually afford to buy one or two things in each shop, but you never have enough to get everything you want.
Additionally, there are three golden gears in every level, placed in obvious but slightly difficult-to-reach areas. They usually require putting yourself in more danger to pick them up, but if you collect them all, you’ll be given a choice at the end of a stage between a full health restore or a random new passive upgrade. These golden gears make a huge difference in your runs—the benefit of that full health restore cannot be overstated—but they introduce another variable to consider when you’re in the thick of things and weighing your options. We appreciated the gears’ role in the overall gameplay loop; they challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and push yourself, but the costs of doing so can be high.

Those of you who enjoy some meta progression in a roguelite will be pleased to note that there are some permanent upgrades that persist between runs. Leftover gems from a run will be tossed into your bank, and this can then be spent on things like different armor sets to tweak your playstyle or new kinds of relics that can then appear in subsequent attempts. These upgrades aren’t of the variety that will guarantee you succeed if you simply stay on the grind long enough, but they do offer up helpful tools and buffs that enhance your chance of success beyond the base kit. Perhaps most importantly, it feels like the economy here is well-handled, too; you can’t just buy out everything in a few runs like you could in Pocket Dungeon.
In terms of presentation, Shovel Knight Dig jumps the franchise from 8-bit to 16-bit and brings with it all the new fidelity you would expect. The art style feels like the natural progression of what came before, and seeing beloved characters and enemies rendered in a much more expressive and detailed style is exciting for Shovel Knight veterans. Environments are each given their own distinctive color palettes and have a lot of fun details going on in their backgrounds, whether that be slimy insect hives or wet, troupple-adorned ruins.
Meanwhile, the soundtrack blends together remixes of classic tunes and all new music to make for a catchy backdrop to all the slashing and dashing. Hearing more complicated and layered music compared to the 8-bit chiptunes of the original games is interesting, but none of it feels out of place or out of step with what’s come before. It does feel like the soundtrack is generally a little less memorable here, though this admittedly could just be a side effect of the more intense pace of the gameplay. You don’t have as much time to focus on the music when you’re fighting for your life!

If there’s one complaint that we have about Shovel Knight Dig, it’s that it can feel like it’s a little bit too short, even by roguelite standards. Our first full clear came a little less than three hours into our overall playthrough and though there are more things to unlock and try for in subsequent runs, we were still at over 50% completion for our file at this point. The content that’s here is certainly high quality and well worth your time, but it feels in many ways like this is more of a side dish than a main entrée. Those of you looking for a Dead Cells or Enter the Gungeon-style experience that could take dozens of hours to fully conquer may feel a little disappointed.
That said, there’s also quite a bit of replayability here beyond raw unlocks for those of you who are more competitive. Though there isn’t any multiplayer, you can post scores from your runs to the global leaderboard to see how you stack up, and there are also daily and weekly runs offered to keep you coming back. You can sort these leaderboards to just show people on your friends list, too, allowing you to focus on keeping your competition more local if you prefer. This leaderboard integration helps to keep subsequent runs from feeling too grindy by providing a secondary incentive, as there’s always someone out there a little better than you who you can work to overthrow.
Shovel Knight Dig is another triumphant and enjoyable entry in the popular indie knight’s growing legacy, offering up thrilling, challenging gameplay that will appeal to fans both old and new. Though it may be a little on the short side, every minute of Shovel Knight Dig positively oozes quality, whether that be the snappy action-platforming or the fresh 16-bit art style and animation. We’d give this one a high recommendation to anyone who enjoyed the original platformers or to anyone looking for a tough (but not offputtingly tough) new roguelite. Shovel Knight Dig has got it where it counts and can stand tall beside its noble predecessors.
Comments 78
Another one for the wish list to pick up on sale and then probably never play because I have too many games.
Shovel Knight and roguelike? Sign me up. 😃
Sounds great! I’ll be checking it out on Apple Arcade tomorrow for sure.
Might have to grab it then. Not really into the roguelike genre, but I love SK enough to take a shot at it.
@BenAV I'm glad it's not just me!
Interested to hear how short it is. I was under the impression that this game had no definitive ending and that it followed some of the format of Nitrome’s Leap Day. This is surely Apple Arcade’s biggest release in some time, even though last month’s Jetpack Joyride 2 is definitely not an irrelevant addition.
Sounds really cool! Already have a lot of games i want to buy tho, so this one is going on my wishlist.
Pretty great review, and definitely another one for my list. The closest thing I got to a (minor) complaint is the fact the game is another prequel - I'm curious to know in more detail what happened with some of those characters after the events of the original story.
Roguelikes/lites I'm usually a little wary of but this looks great. I'll pick this one up, for sure.
I want this, and Pocket Dungeon, but not without a physical release.
Love Rogue-like games...pure gameplay, replayability and challenge! I'm in
Just played the OG for the first time last week and can’t believe I hadn’t before. Looking forward to this after I blitz through the other 3!
I really don’t like rogues usually, they get too repetitive and dull far too quickly, but this looks like a good time and I do like myself some more shovel knight.
I've replayed Shovel Knight so many times at this point. I think I'll definitely get this.
So are we still waiting for a Shovel Knight 2? Or is this it? I can’t stomach roguelites/likes.
I love the snes styled shovel knight, I'm buying it for the art style alone. Also a more action oriented shovel knight? Sign me up! Been waiting a long time for this!
I’ve really liked what I’ve seen of this moreso than pocket dungeon for some shovel knight side content.
The game looks fun, but sadly I think the popularity of Shovel knight is seemingly past its peak. Almost nobody talked about Pocket dungeon and I didnt even remember this game was going to be released this month. I guess amongus guy is the new face of indie games.
I would be all over this, but a short rogue lite makes me nervous.
I like meaty rogue-likes/lites
"kinda short" is actually a selling point for me. never played any of the other shovel knight games.
@fenlix I don't know about that, pocket dungeon is a puzzle game which spun off of a platformer. I'd be hard pressed to say that a puzzle game would amass the same attention as a shovel knight platformer since that's what originally made it a success anyway.
I have truly enjoyed all of the Shovel Knight games. I look forward to playing this one; the 16-bit art style is very appealing.
Watch list till decent sale woooo
NL users: *Buys indies only on SALE
Also NL users: *Buys AAA game full price
We have to practice supporting indies at full price guys.
This game isn't quite what I thought it would be (going off the review), but I'd be willing to take a chance eventually when it goes on sale.
@Vivianeat We have to practice supporting ourselves by wasting as little money as possible. Some of us enjoy the frugal life.
I really love what Apple is doing with Arcade and wish Nintendo would do something similar with its online services….sponsor some smaller devs and have them create games exclusively for Nintendo….
I'm with u on that but we have to support indies full price as well. They're as frugal as us.
I am most definitely going to get this but I absolutely hope that they eventually do a shovel knight 2 in the vein of the 1st game.
@Vivianeat haha nope, not a chance, early adopters get nothing extra for paying premium. Sales is where its at for Indies for me!
@Markiemania95 well there currently working on a another IP, Mina The Hollower so it might be a while before we get a new Shovel Knight game, seeing as they probably want to be known for making other games besides Shovel Knight
Somehow I was under the impression that this wouldn't be a roguelite. Sad times.
Also annoying how indie devs are treated like some protected minority and that some bloke on the Internet is trying to make others feel pressured to buy at full price when they'd rather wait for a price that suits them. Needs to end. We can't be held responsible for someone else entering a crowded, competitive market. I often buy at full price if I want a game at launch. Just stop the obnoxious preaching, already. Respect us as humans, and respect our ability and freedom to make our own decisions.
Shovel Knight going 16-bit sure is eye candy. Hope they make a new mainline Shovel Knight game in 16-bit too.
Might get it if it is around ten dollars. For reference, the other shovel knight games, if bought by themself, are $8.99.
You do know the developers of said indie game set the price. They also decide if their game goes on sale. But blame the consumer for the games being cheaper than a triple AAA game.
I on the other hand, will continue to buy games at the cheapest I can find them. This goes for first party games as well.
I think the reason nobody talked about pocket dungeon was due to how different it was. I know I associate shovel knight with platformer, not puzzle games.
I might get it but I just wish they would make a proper sequel. It’s been years! I had shovel knight on wiiu…….. it’s been that long!
I’ll buy it and probably play through a good deal of it, but god am I sick of rogue-anything.
@blindsquarel I assume they discount them due to competition, lack of buying, not meeting sales numbers, to stay relevant, and declining trend after its launch. Doesn't Nintendo take like 35% to 40% of the cut of each copy? Not only that, taxes are taken out against the developer. Indie devs would still prefer folks to buy at full price before any change. If an indie dev sets a game at $20, Nintendo takes and taxes take. They're likely left with $8 to $10. If they discount, that's the dev trying to get it into as many hands as possible creating a trend, therefore hopefully increasing sales. Losing money from the discount is just part of the sacrifice to get noticed.
@Patendo Yes sales matter for everything. The discount indies give is the sacrifice they make hoping to trend, giving them a chance at bigger sales.
@BenAV Seriously! I've discovered Stardew Valley recently, have to jump back into Cult of The Lamb, and Hell Pie.
I played the first one on the Wii U and I had a pretty fun time. That was enough shoveling action for me, although I'm happy to see another game in the series (Is it a series? Or just DLC that has come out so far?) for the fans. I'll save my money for something else.
@Patendo I still find a lot of companies over charge for Indy titles as well. On the other side of that pretty much all the major stores take 30% and most companies don't want to lose that 30%. If the stores weren't as greedy as they are you would see games being cheaper from Indies. I'm lucky because the game that I'm making with my 2 friends we're doing most of the work ourselves so a lot of the pie stays with us minus the 30% and possibly publishing fees as well depending if it's easier to go with a publisher. We figured $19.99 is more than enough.
@CharlieGirl Pocket Dungeon is great. I beat it with SK and have been going back to replay it with the other Knights you unlock. Definitely a game to play!
@fenlix Very small amount of people(me) like Puzzle Roguelike games so I bet it just didn't hit that market enough. They are probably working on a big epic Shovel Knight platformer but these games will keep us busy until it's ready.
Not a big roguelike fan but I like SK well enough. Will wishlist for a sale.
I've been hype for this game since it was announced. I'm a big platform fan, I love SK, and I especially love rogue likes. Can't wait for this to drop.
Yacht Club Games once again proving their worth. Will grab this before years end..
The graphics here look great. The older games were still lookers, but I'd like a remaster of those in this style.
I'm not a fan of Roguelikes/lites. I am a fan of Shovel Knight-- I may still consider it, but I'm on the fence for now.
Another roguelike? Groan.. it is Shovel Knight, but... :/
@BenAV "Another one for the wish list to pick up on sale and then probably never play because I have too many games."
Q1: What is something you have too much of?
A1: "video games."
Q2: What is something you desperately need more of?
A2: "video games."
There is no use to arguing about this. If you aren’t okay with buying indie games at a discount then that is fine. It is your choice and you shouldn’t be judged for it. But that not judging part also goes for the people who buy indie games at a discount.
I have a confession, I never finished the original shovel knight. I played alot of it and liked what i played but other games kept pulling me away. I better get on that finally. As for dig is this the official sequel or more like a spin off?
@Truegamer79 According to the review, Dig is set before the original Shovel Knight, making it a prequel, even though the 16-bit art style makes it look better than original (similar to Star Wars episodes 1-3).
Well it looks like a game a can dig! Not a fan of rogue likes and randomly generated levels but i may give this a try.
Still not purchasable on the NA eshop
Can you play as shield knight?
@BenAV triggered- too close to home lol
I'm just not into roguelikes. I hated Pocket Dungeon with an ire reserved for only the worst offending games. It's what ruined Returnal for me, it's why I hated Dead Cells and Hades...
I thought this was going to be more Steamworld Dig 2 than Pocket Dungeon with platforming.
Just wanted to post here that if anyone is still either on the fence about this game, or just wishlisted it, just buy it. Why you ask? Well first off, wishlisting this is pointless because it probably will rarely go on sale and even then not for much. Secondly, the game is legit. You will get your money's worth as soon as you listen to the first song. The first level song, which you will hear at the beggining of every run, is an absolute banger. so yeah, just buy it. dont believe me, listen for yourself: (skip to four minutes and thirty six seconds to hear the first level track) when a roguelite has music like this, that goes a long way for me. and I would expect no less from the legendary shovel knight franchise.
@JaxonH not to be a d***, but this game and all of the games you mentioned are not roguelikes. they are roguelites. there is a major difference.
I make no distinction between them. I don't like either.
@JaxonH you are entitled to your personal taste, although I usually say that I don't play a genre rather than that I don't like it. there are good games in most genres, but not all genres are for everyone. but aside from your wording, I have no issue with you not "liking" roguelikes and roguelikes. the issue I have with your reply is what exactly you mean by not making a distinction between a roguelike and a roguelite. there has to be a distinction made because they are two quite different genres of games. the odds are that you have not played any roguelikes. very few exist on modern platforms. you have mainly played roguelites. so also, how can you say you don't "like" roguelikes when you have not played one? I am just confused and irritated by your statement. I have a feeling you are ignorant and a lazy conversationalist
@BenAV don't wait. if u want more shovel knight, or enjoy roguelites, this is top tier. and it is worth it just for the soundtrack alone
@NintendoByNature did u buy?
@Bluelink45 don't wait. buy. this is top tier. listen to the first level sound dtrack at 4:36
@fenlix no! don't dismiss the shovel knight ight franchise or yacht club games. cyber shadow is top tier and underrated and so is shovel knight dig! dig in!
I love conversating, but I hate arguing. And your response, right off the bat, was some anal nitpick that served no purpose other than to get on a high horse with, "well actually" and I just don't have the time or interest in that.
I gave you my reasoning, and yet again with the, "well actually". I have no interest in petty arguments being started with me for no reason. I'm enjoying life too much to get dragged down into misery by those desperate for company.
I don't like them. I don't like the death aspects. I've never liked any of the ones I've played. I don't care about the subtle differences between because I'm not writing a book about it. Many ppl use the term interchangeably, and I don't care enough to do otherwise.
@Retrogamindaddy Nah I'll wait. I haven't even gotten around to playing everything in Treasure Trove which I've had since launch so it's not like I'm dying for more Shovel Knight, haha. Definitely in the pile of games that I'd like to play eventually but it's a long pile.
Also, since you got me interested enough to do some research, I have to seriously question your assertion that they are so different I can't rightfully say I dislike one if I dislike the other.
ONE tiny aspect makes the difference. Literally one. You could hit all the bullet points of randomization, permadeath, exploration, etc, but not be top down and boom, roguelite. You were trying to use my lack of detailed knowlege against me banking on the fact I wouldnt look it up. But I did. And thats a wild assertion to make. I tell you I've played half a dozen games with 6-7 shared aspects, and you think I'll magically like it if its also top down and turn based? That's ridiculous.
As I said, I don't like the death aspects of starting over. And that is common across both. So it literally makes no difference.
Furthermore, per the linked article,
But for everyone else, the distinction doesn't seem to matter much at all. Any game with procedural generation and harsh penalties upon death tends to get labelled as a "roguelike" these days—and this trend seems to be entrenched more and more with every passing year.
So while there are technical differences between the terms "roguelike" and "roguelite," we might just have to throw in the towel and accept that the original definition of a "roguelike" no longer holds.
...makes very clear it's not uncommon to lump them together as I have. So please, let it rest with this whole lecture on the difference.
Anyways, one thing you said I do agree with,
there are good games in most genres, but not all genres are for everyone
I'm a firm believer every gamer can enjoy every genre, and I quite literally buy and play games from every genre. I used to hate turn based, now I'm a diehard turn based fan. I used to hate shmups, now I'm a shmup lover. All it takes is finding 1 game to change your perspective. But there are a small selection of genres I have yet to find that magic game that sells me on it. I'm not giving up, but I am becoming more skeptical. Whereas I used to buy every game in the genre no questions asked to explore my tastes, I'm now waiting for one that really catches my interest by showing some indication of better progression between deaths without as much repetition during replays. I'll know it when I see it.
@JaxonH that's not accurate. it's hard to have an actual conversation on here, and I'm too tired to explain. but u got it wrong about the difference between the genres. I can explain if u want to have an actual conversation. and man..... yes I was negative. I'm sorry I'm a d*** sometimes. I apologize. I just have my pet peeves and one is people who call roguelites roguelikes
@JaxonH also, have u played curse of the dead gods or undermine? pretty much the two best roguelites in existence. if u can't get into them, the genre probably isn't for you
@Retrogamindaddy I did not. Decided to continue playing splatoon 3 instead and start up luigis mansion. I got some time yet before I play SK Dig.
No, I haven't heard of it. It's on Switch?
Absolutely brilliant game. I’ve picked it up on Apple Arcade though and along with a Backbone One controller it’s superb to play. I can’t justify paying 23 quid for a game I can effectively play for free.
@JaxonH hey so sorry to lag so long on replying. never saw ur comment. both games are on sqitch and perfect fits and s if not god tier.
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