If you weren't already overloaded with some amazing RPG experiences on Switch, this winter, Square Enix will also be releasing the action-RPG Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion on the hybrid platform.
We've previously heard how it's going to go "way beyond" a remaster, but just how far will it go? In a recent interview with Everyeye (translated by Nintendo Everything), the game's creative producer Tetsuya Nomura went into a bit more detail.
Apparently, it's "really complicated" to define but is "much more than a remaster" rather than a complete remake. The name 'Reunion' is used to tie it all together:
“We had mixed feelings on it, as we weren’t sure about the best way to describe the project. At one point there was also a discussion about calling it a ‘remake’ or a ‘remaster’. I think the product is more close to the definition of a remaster, as the story wasn’t changed at all and it’s always the same game.
On the technical side, however, the graphics have been completely renewed, the models have been remade from scratch, many scenes that in the original were only subtitled are now dubbed, and also the combat system has been updated. We are still uncertain on the term that better describes the game, which is the reason why we used ‘reunion’. It’s really complicated, as it’s much more than a remaster, but at the same time is not a complete remake.”
So, there you have it - it's a bit of both, but doesn't go the whole yard in terms of being a "complete remake".
The game promises to include updated 3D models, full voiceovers and new music arrangements. If you're not entirely familar with this release, it made its debut on the PSP in 2007 and is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII starring Zach Fair - an important character in the FFVII mythos:
"the way his story weaves into the fates of characters like Cloud, Aerith, Tifa and Sephiroth will leave a lasting impression."
Are you looking forward to this upcoming Switch release? Tell us below.
[source everyeye.it, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 120
Doesn’t remake just mean they did just that? Remade the game? Demon souls ps5 counts as a remake even tho everything is the same, even down to the original gameplay.
So wouldn’t that make this a remake?
So basically it's a 'rema': not quite a remake but also not quite a remaster, falling into the grey area between. I've never been the biggest into FF myself but this rema certainly interests me.
I love how Square has time to waste on projects like this meanwhile FF7 Remake will take 3 decades to be completed.
This makes me happy for a couple of reasons.
1) The graphics on the PSP original were designed on a screen with 240 vertical lines. That’s a big jump from what we have on consoles today and I’m happy that the cutscenes are being upgraded.
2) After playing through the FFVII Remake, I was hoping they wouldn’t change the ending to Crisis Core, which Remake alluded to.
Oh, I see. It's a remaster, then.
@steventonysmith Waste of time? This project is apart of the ff7 universe and story, I don’t see how it’s a waste of time?
This idea that a remake means the story and gameplay need to see drastic changes is getting really irritating. If the game's rebuilt from the ground up, it's a remake. It doesn't matter if it's super faithful to the original, they still remade it from scratch. A remaster uses the original game as a base and just polishes it. It's not that hard.
@steventonysmith That's because Square isn't just one big team that works on everything together. There are a bunch of teams. This isn't being made by the VII Remake team.
Well clearly the FFVII remake teams needs all hands on deck to help speed up production.
The original release of Crisis Core wasn't well received and only sold 2 million copies. So putting real effort into remaking this seems like a waste of time.
It's so funny how this company has absolutely no idea about the definition of a remake vs remaster vs reboot.
he says that it's not a remake because the story doesn't change at all. But if the changed the story it would be less of a remake and more of a reboot.
a remaster would basically just be an update to the original game making it look and maybe run better.
A remake would be if they set out to make a new version of the game from scratch. FFIV for NDS or the pixel remasters are good examples of remakes.
A reboot would be if they made a new reimagined version from scratch, only using some core ideas from the original.
FFVII "Remake" is actually more of a reboot than a remake.
@steventonysmith I guess. But they did say they are changing gameplay, so maybe this time it will be different? But you make a fair point.
But since it’s like @ReaperMelia said, it should have a impact on the remake chapter 2’s release.
@Snatcher Square Enix is clearly don't understand these definitions. They call their remakes "Remasters" and their reboots "remakes".
They are in turn confusing many gamers. Now people don know what's the correct definition anymore. it's annoying
Considering Final Fantasy VII Remake is actually a sequel, yes, this studio has no idea what these terms mean. Unless they do and they're just trolling us, which they definitely were with Final Fantasy VII Remake.
@DaniPooo Square? Using confusing and nonsensical terminology to name and describe their products? Get outta here
So I guess put that in the Silent Hill HD Collection pile?
(Scott the Woz viewers anyone?)
@Snatcher Yeah. I’d say FFVII remake wasn’t actually a remake cause it was a different game. This seems more like a remake.
Can't wait. This is one my most hyped games for the year.
The very PSP level scale and scope of the actual game being paired with FF7R level graphics is gonna be one hell of a mishmash, you can tell the trailers have been careful to not to expose this yet.
maybe the ending will be different...
I have a feeling this is going to become a gold dress blue dress situation, but to me this is clearly a remake. When you remaster a film or an album, you go back to the original master recordings and re-scan, re-mix, etc. It's not a perfect correlation, but I've always considered a game remaster to be something that involves going back to original assets and reworking them. I'll grant that you may use new textures, tweak physics or even record new music and effects, but there really needs to be some elements from the original there besides the story and gameplay. Once they say they are designing the 3D models "from scratch" that becomes a remake to me.
Back in the day there wasn't any other word we generally used, so literally everything that went beyond being merely a port was called a remake. But I would say that a remaster is fundamentally untrue if they are in rebuilding the game from scratch (which they obviously are just based on the massive graphical differences) so this is factually just a remake.
But I guess they're being a bit loose with the terminology since FFVII remake itself is based so much on being a notably different experience that isn't just FFVII rebuilt with nicer graphics, so calling this a remake would potentially bring up expectations that shouldn't be there.
@Snatcher personally I count the demon's souls 'remake' as a remaster as the game was almost identical to the original. Same goes for Shadow of the Colossus.
Remakes to me are games that are remade from the ground up like resident evil 2 and 3, final fantasy 7 etc.
@steventonysmith wait…. Wuuuut??? 2 million copies for a platform that was plagued with piracy from the get go is a huge achievement. The best seller of the psp is GTA with 8 million copies, and following Monster Hunter with 4.9 So…. NO…. Dude.. you are just in the plain wrong.
Btw, it’s sold 3.1 million copies, which is a HUGE achievement for the platform it was in.
It is in the TOP 8 Out of 10 of the best selling games. So… your point is moot. It’s not a waste of time…. As everybody already told you, different teams.
@Nf157 wasn’t DS remaster remade from the ground up? They just copied the game to a T.
But you said for me, So you do make a fair point.
@Snatcher the code for both demon's souls and shadow of the Colossus was still there in the remakes. They simple added new assets (character models, textures etc.) And cleaned it up to make it run better and added some QOL improvements. Underneath all that it is the same game, at least that's my understanding of it.
I do not really like the direction FF VII Remake is going. It feels like some weird fanfiction. Generally to me, this is the compilation of FF VII all over again. And to me this started the downfall of FF. I feel like I will stay away from Square aside from maybe Dragon Quest, which is propably Enix anyway.
so kind of like firered and leafgreen?
I get the feeling that this new Crisis Core might 're-mix' some of the original story beats, so that an adjusted/new narrative fits better with the next installment of FFVIIR...
I would like to play these games through once, but I got bored of the combat system during that video…
Why make things complicated. Just say it’s a from the ground up remake but it’s going to largely stick to the template of the original with some changes here and there.
Twilight Princess HD is a remaster, Link’s Awakening is a remake, even with it being as 1:1 with the original as possible. It’s not that hard a concept
@steventonysmith How was Crisis Core not well received? It’s got 83 on Metacritic and 85 on user reviews. That’s pretty good. FWIW, I had a blast with it and would put it in the top five PSP games. Great music, looked good for its time and platform, strong gameplay and one of the best endings in video games - which is probably why many people may remember it more fondly than others think it deserves.
The main thing people don’t like is the levelling system, probably because they think it’s randomised (when it isn’t really - it’s very strongly tied to progression in the game).
In short, good game. Glad more people get to play it. If you haven’t played it and like action RPGs, it’s an interesting one.
why always talk like make people confusing..if just remaster than remaster . Remake than remake
Remaster also can be mean include adding extra
Considering that the "Remake" wasn't a remake at all, we can probably expect that the not-remake is a full blown remake then.
I'm really hoping that the rumours of Sony acquiring Square Enix aren't true. They've been releasing so much for Switch that it's quite taxing on my wallet, but I don't their titles to disappear from the Switch release schedule entirely. I'll be getting this.
The big question is, will this be a cloud version, and I'm 95% sure it is.
Square couldn't make a native kingdom hearts game so no chance this will run off a cart
I know what Crisis Core is I've played it and I can promise you it's not worth anyone's time. Also part 2 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake is not the last part of the remake. Who knows how little of the story it will cover
@steventonysmith @SuperPotato316 on the other hand I have played Crisis Core and think its a really good game with an extremely strong and emotional story. And I think it’s absolutely worth the time of any Final Fantasy fan.
If it’s using the original codebase with just some tweaks for the new graphics I’d call it a remaster. If they’ve written a new engine and have also remade a lot of the assets I’d say it’s a remake, even if the story is the same.
I love this game and not enough people even in the Sony side have played it. Good choice SE.
I would say its a remake the same way the new RE2 and RE3 were remakes.
I dunno much about the FF7 remakes cause I only played it for an hour when I subbed to a 1 month trial of PS Plus. However, based on the comments here and feedback in general, there were so much changes from the original FF7 that it's difficult to consider it a remake since its almost entirely different. The short time I played I don't even know what it was since it reminded me very little of the original FF7. I'd say it's more of an Advent Children prequel perhaps?
I'm with @reapermelia, they're using remake as a term to describe what they did with FF7R, when really it just means making the same game with modern tools, maybe some extra content. The PSP anniversary editions of the first 2 FF games were remakes. A remaster is updating the graphics to look better on modern hardware, but primarily retaining the original code, like FF8 or kingdom hearts HD.
CC:FF7 Rebirth is exactly a remake, and I'm 100% here for it. I played the heck out of it on PSP and have been searching for a good way to play it again for ten years.
Really what's called Final Fantasy 7 Remake should be called Final Fantasy 7 Revised, or maybe Reinvented.
And since this is comment 42, it's officially the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
@steventonysmith The original Crisis Core was very well received.
If the game is recreated in a new engine, it's a remake. If it is reworked in the same engine as the original, but with tweaks and optimizations, it's a remaster. If they make significant changes to gameplay, story etc, its a reimagining
@steventonysmith Crisis Core was one of the best-selling titles on the PSP and considered by many to be one of the best as well. It got reviews at the time and many fans of the series have wanted a remake or remaster.
Do you think they will do something similar to Dirge of Cerberus in the future?
Probably why the PSP failed, there was 82 million PSPs sold but one of it's best selling games only sold 2.1 million copies. Not a high attach rate, this means 1 out of every 40 PSP owners bought the game. If they simply did a quick port of this game it would be time and money still spent but for some reason they are doing a whole lot more for a game that in the grand scope of things didn't sell very well. Again the team wasting their money and time on this should be moved to the FF7 Remake or FF16 team to help either of them not take a million years to complete these much larger games
@sonofskywalker3 SE recently said something along the lines of Remake doesn't mean what you think it does for FF7R. It was chosen for the story or something.
Remaster - Improvements in performance and/or graphics and sometimes features modernized controls and additional content, but maintaining the same/similar game engine.
Remake (SE got this wrong the first time) - A game entirely remade from scratch with modern visuals and performance fit for the hardware, but the intention is to remain as faithful to the original as possible, so the gameplay and story remain the same. This is what Crisis Core is going to be.
Reimagining - A remake of a game that strays away from the gameplay and sometimes story aspects of the original work, with the intention of blending modern gameplay and storytelling with a traditional story; it's like an adaptation, basically. This is what Final Fantasy VII Remake would be.
That’s great, I’m pretty excited for this game because I just beat remake and I loved it and this will pass the time while I wait for rebirth to be ported to PC
Never played this one but I'm so burned out with FF7 I don't know if I'm interested.
Can't wait for them to announce the Switch gets a cloud version.
Whatever it is I'm super excited for it!
I used to love this on PSP best game for it maybe.
Would you call Xenoblade DE remastered or remake? Because basically this is the same.
Pointless terminology, imo.
Who cares how you compartmentalize and label it. The game looks fantastic- that's what matters. All new character assets, backgrounds, music redone, voice work... as far as I'm concerned this is a remake. But if you wanna classify as a really high quality remaster, that works too. Doesn't change what it tangibly is.
I'm so glad this is coming to Switch, too. This game was originally designed as a handheld spinoff to complement the main game. Switch is the perfect platform. The graphics are also in that sweet spot of what Switch can handle.
Been waiting over 5 years for a high quality Final Fantasy on Switch. Which, don't get me wrong. Final Fantasy X is my fave FF game of all time. So getting a version of that which was basically identical to the PS4 version was a massive win (I first played on Vita and loved it, but visually there was a huge disparity). And getting Final Fantasy XII on top of it. Heck yes. But this will be a more modernized release, re-built with new assets and all that. I love it.
@Fizza I'm honestly shocked that they got this running on Switch and that it's targeting 720p and 30 FPS on the console at release. If they manage this I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they might actually be able to port a somewhat lower graphically intensive Switch port of VII Remake.
@Snatcher nope. A remake is a changing of everything. A complete rewrite of the story.
@JaxonH no, it VERY much matters. Changing of the story would completely change the game and for some would make it unplayable. Take a look at FF7 remake, because of the changes it is completely unplayable to some people (not me, I loved it). It is an extremely important distinction.
You're misunderstanding.
I'm talking about categorization. How you categorize is completely irrelevant to whether the story has been changed. The game is what it is. How you voluntarily choose to label it after the fact it meaningless, pointless semantics.
And frankly, I don't care if some ppl find changes unplayable. Oh well, they can not play it then. Can't make everyone happy.
@DaniPooo no, a reboot is a continuation. You take something old, like an old TV show and or game franchise and revive it with a sequel/continuation. A remake is ANY change to story, no matter how extensive.
@JaxonH I don't know if you're trolling, being deliberately obtuse, or something else entirely.....but the categorization absolutely matters. It is essential. It informs what customers do and do not purchase. Some people don't want to waste time on a remaster of a game they already played if there's nothing new. Some don't want anything about it to change in regards to the story. There is a very clear, very distinct, very important distinction there.
It doesn't matter.
And if you think me expressing a different opinion than you constitutes "trolling" (in fact I was never even talking to you) I'm just going to block you now.
I don't have time for these childish arguments. Find someone else to aggravate, kid.
With that description, I'd absolutely call it a remake.
A remake doesn't need to reinvent the wheel to be called such, just to rebuild the old one with improvements. New story beats are usually welcome but not necessary.
I do find it funny that even the people making the games struggle to draw the line between these two terms. To be fair it gets pretty blurry with some projects.
I don’t care what they call it. I want to play it.
@ChipBoundary Since when? Crash is not a remake? Ff7 isn’t a remake?
@JaxonH “Now’s he’s going to kick my butt”
@Snatcher FF7 is a remake, and they changed the story. I even said it was a remake. If you're referring to Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, that is a remaster. They even say it in the description on the game box itself that it is a remaster.
@ChipBoundary It’s true they say that on the box. But that’s not what people mean when they say remake, the game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, it doesn’t matter if the story changes are not.
Yes, it is like refilming a Movie.
It doesn't matter that it has the same Story, it is a remake.
A remaster is like taking the original Film Scroll, cleaning it and digitalizing it in a higher Resolution.
@Azuris Thank you!
@UltimateOtaku91 Pretty sure they already confirmed it’s a native port
@Snatcher it doesn't honestly matter what they are referring to. All that matters is what is factually true. One is a remake and one is a remaster. It's not really up for debate or opinion. That's what it IS. No story change? It's a remaster.
They often call it wrong, as soon as you are using a new Engine, they are literally remaking the Game,
even if they're able to reuse some Models, Scripts, Textures and Sounds.
King Kong from 1976 and 2005 aren't Remasters of King Kong from 1933, even if they have the same Story.
@ChipBoundary And who told you that? Because if we are going based off of facts here. Crash would be a remake no matter what they said. Because what a remake is, is not a story change. A remake is a game built from the ground up. So if the game has new models, new informant models that needed to be made, it’s a remake.
@Azuris and those movies you mentioned changed the story. Cris Core is going to be a verbatim retelling of the same story, absolutely nothing changed.
That's the definition of a remaster to me. The same game but revamped. Remake would mean entirely remade from scratch, as in, not even using the original source code as a base or anything. If it's minimal effort it's just a port.
@ChipBoundary no that's not how it works
@ChipBoundary Remake or remaster has absolutely nothing to do with story.
Remake is if they rebuilt the game from the ground up
Remaster is if they take the existing game and provide updates to it.
Remaster is a word that comes from the film and music industry.
It's when you take some old original asset and improve it.
A reboot is like a reimagined version.
Definition from wikipedia:
"A reboot discards continuity to re-create its characters, plotlines and backstory from the beginning. It has been described as a way to "rebrand" or "restart an entertainment universe that has already been established"."
Think of the Spiderman Movies for example. Or Final Fantasy VII "Remake"
FFVII "Remake" is not even the same genre as the original.
Calling that a remake, that's like saying they you are going to remake Tetris but you change the gameplay into a space invaders style game where you are shooting Tetris blocks falling from above.
Then it's not a remake, it's possibly a reboot.
@DaniPooo yeah, wikipedia isn't an actual source. It's a bunch of no-life nerds with a god complex. A reboot is taking old content and continuing it. A prime example of that is what Will and Grace did. Years off the air, picked up the same story and continued it on. The very word reboot means to shut down and start again. Notice a similarity there?
Final Fantasy VII followed the same story mostly but made some changes. The entire combat system, flow, pacing, animations, sound design, and ideas were completely changed. They REMADE it. Look at the actual word definitions for your answer.
Please provide your sources then, or give up
My sources are the actual definitions of the words reboot and remake. So, by definition (see what I did there?) I am correct. You can do your own Internet searching. People call cling wrap/cellophane "Saran wrap" colloquially...but they're wrong. People say irregardless to the point that it was added to the dictionary erroneously just to make people feel less unintelligent. People use infer all the time when the proper word is imply. People use the wrong words every single day. Just because people SAY it, doesn't make it what it is.
I personally refuse to accept people's choice to use words that are incorrect/inaccurate. The definitions of words are absolutely paramount. So please, don't waste your time attempting to contradict fact.
Square Enix needs to understand what the word "Remake" means the same way Activision needs to learn with the word "Remaster"
Crash Insane Trilogy = Remakes
Dark Souls (PS5) = Remake
Resident Evil 2/3 = Recreation/Retelling
Final Fantasy VII Remake = Recreation/Retelling
Reunion is a REMAKE
Good god, and you are talking about god complex.
ok, here's some sources backing me up.
Some on remaster:
And so far you haven't provided any other source than your own understanding of what the words might mean.
Good job man
@ChipBoundary The wiki isn’t an actually source? Omg this has to be satire.
@Snatcher why would it be satire? Every tried citing Wikipedia as a source in a college paper or scientific journal? See how that works out for you.
Your personal understanding (applying standard definition of a word onto a specific subject) is even less of a source
@ChipBoundary Well I just find it funny you say they have a god complex yet you are somehow right about something you can’t even provide proof for, The comment above me has provided tons of proof and sources and you somehow still found a way to say it’s not legit, by saying the wiki, the wiki! How is the wiki not an actually source? Till you can give proof of there heavy “unreliability”, the wiki is a great source of information.
From Merriam-Webster:
a transitive + intransitive : to shut down and restart (a computer or program)
b intransitive : to start up again after closing or shutting down : to boot up again
transitive verb
: to make anew or in a different form
: one that is remade
Notice how you conveniently ignored two of the words actual definitions to supposedly support your claims?
Those definitions does actually apply just fine onto what I am saying as well.
where in those definitions does it state that a remake has anything to do with story?
You have your own idea of what is "restarted" and what is "remade".
You came to the conclusion it's about the story.
But it's not actually when we are talking about Remaster and Remake
@Snatcher in what world is Wikipedia a source? When has it EVER been a legitimate source? Literally ANYBODY can edit it with zero oversight or approval process. Wikipedia is not now, nor will it EVER be a respected or trusted source until only professionals can edit it with strong oversight and multiple approval processes. You can use it to FIND reliable and quality sources via the citations, but IT in and of itself is not and cannot be a source.
@ChipBoundary Are we talking about the same Wikipedia? Your talking about the Wikipedia that people use everyday? Or are we talking about some other random Wikipedia? Fandom wiki? Because now I feel like we can’t be talking about the same Wikipedia.
@DaniPooo because when you remake something, you're remaking the entire thing. Unless you do the whole thing, all you're doing is tweaking it. It's right in the definition...you make it anew.... it's brand new, meaning it can't be what it was, it will never be what it was.
@Snatcher https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliability_of_Wikipedia#:~:text=The%20online%20encyclopedia%20does%20not,Wikipedia%20as%20a%20reliable%20source.
A link directly to a Wikipedia page on their own site where they state themselves that they are not a reliable source, and never will be. Not sure what delusions you're suffering from.
@ChipBoundary Ok fair. The wiki isn’t 100% accurate, heck, a lot of it is even unreliable, but to just say that said source is now invalid because it’s from the wiki, just doesn’t make sense if it’s generally known information.
So I will say I was not right about the wiki being accurate, because it isn’t the most accurate.
And where is your source of that?
I provided many sources so far (not all of them wikipedia) and you have so far provided nothing substantial.
@Snatcher you or I could literally go edit that page he linked right this minute to say anything we wanted and literally nobody would "fact check" it from the site itself. They don't work that way. It says it right on the site. The only way it would change is if someone else came along edited the wiki. Literally anyone on planet Earth is allowed to edit any wiki page they want. That's how it was designed.
@DaniPooo I literally provide Merriam Webster definitions. There's literally nothing else TO provide. The ONLY thing that matters is the definition of the words.
@ChipBoundary Fair point.vary fair point, to tell the truth I didn’t even know every one could edit the pages if they wanted to till know, as I don’t use it to much.
But I still don’t think None of it can’t be trusted.
You provided definitions that does not back up everything you are saying and also aplies to what I am saying.
Guys, I provided other sources as well.. if you don't trust Wiki then check those out then.
don't just take very broad word definition from the dictionary and apply it the way YOU want and then tell everyone else how they are wrong.
It doesn't work like that
@DaniPooo Oh no I agree, A remake doesn’t just mean a change in a story, and it doesn’t need to be.
Why do you think it makes more sense for a reboot to be a prequel or a sequel rather than a complete start from the beginning?
To me The Spider-Man movies are a perfect example of reboot.
also the old batman movies vs the new batman movies.
And old Halloween vs New Halloween.
The new Halloween takes a different approach and tells a different story on how Michael Myers grew to become the serial killer. while the old movie focused more on the present.
@DaniPooo this,
@ChipBoundary ummm no? A reboot is not a continuation in any way. I mean, it’s in the word LOL. It’s a reset. As simple as that.
Could FF VII Remake be considered a sequel and not a remake?
@YoshiF2 reboot and and reset actually mean two different things. Reboot means simply to shut something down and start it again. That's it.
@ChipBoundary Dude your being waaay to literal about this. People use the word reboot to mean the movie or said series is starting over.
@steventonysmith Actually Remake is gonna be in 3 parts so what’s you’re point?
I'm hoping for a physical, but knowing Squarenix it will be download only cloud based where the only way to play is to buy NFTs
Edit: Holy CRAP just found the pre order for a physical on Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crisis-Core-Final-Fantasy-Reunion/dp/B0B4WW85BL/ref=sr_1_15?content-id=amzn1.sym.d191d14d-5ea3-4792-ae6c-e1de8a1c8780&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pd_rd_r=6b6b9723-ea85-4561-9153-1f298f41ba04&pd_rd_w=MMCmY&pd_rd_wg=UoGER&pf_rd_p=d191d14d-5ea3-4792-ae6c-e1de8a1c8780&pf_rd_r=QBF62Y3TAED50S6NP8YX&qid=1659955099&refinements=p_6%3AA3P5ROKL5A1OLE%2Cp_69%3A1y-1000y&rnid=1025616&s=videogames&sr=1-15
Showing the release date of 31 March 2023
Even if it's only three parts at the pace they've been going you will be playing part 3 on the PS6. But do you have an official source that they said it will be only 3 parts?
Absolutly, they back up what People say here all the Time
You know that in Wikipedia itself are Links to Sources.
If you want to be sure, go to such Source and use that in your Diploma.
It is absolutly unnecessary to talk down the Effort and the civilizatoric Accomplishment this free Page of Wisdom is.
Also it is very rude of you calling People that use their free Time to make such Thing happening Nerds.
You are standing your wrong Point again and again.
You rather keep difaming Statements and brought on Sources.
Your own Sources are contradicting you.
You should really overthink your Position and how you lead a Discurse.
I'll block you from now on, because your Mentality is bad and seems more of a Troll and Troublemaker.
@steventonysmith There's only like a 2 year gap between Remake and Rebirth. Part 3 was also announced as being in production around the same time Rebirth was announced in that livestream back in June meaning a similar wait time for part 3 would be likely depending on if a generation jump does happen. The fact there would be 3 parts was also a part of it, meaning if you check other game journalism sties they'll say be saying what's already been
@DaniPooo @DaniPooo @DaniPooo @DaniPooo @DaniPooo
If it is its probably akin to like a soft reboot since the basic story is relatively the same up to a point.
Yes, but again the story isn't everything, here they went and changed the genre from a traditional RPG to an action RPG.
Also they came out and announced that the sequels in the trilogy will stray even further away from the original.
It basically has all the signs of a classic reboot.
I do check other sites maybe I spaced out on ff7 remake news because I'm not dumb enough to give Square $200 (60,70,70) for them to muck up one of my childhood classics
It’s more than a cheesy flatbread, but less than a pizza.
I've never played but def checking it out!
"Many scenes that in the original were only subtitled are now dubbed". Honestly i could live without the cringy english dialogue....
"oh youre more important than the buster sword to me Zack...just a tiny bit"
Which explains a lot about Nomura not understanding the definition of Remaster, Remake, and Re-imagining. Anyway the game is a remake. Sounds like it has been slightly re-imagined in parts. Definitely not a remaster.
Whenever an entire game's graphics are being completely overhauled from the ground up, it's instantly become a remake. Whatever's done with the story is irrelevant.
Remaster is an expectational standard of minor graphical enhancements usually just enough to modernize the game for play on its target device. So usually, upgrading from standard to widescreen, and/or HD resolution/fps enhancements, or HDR inclusion (things like that).
This game is crosses the threshold for remake.
My understanding of these words when it comes to the video game industry has little to do with Graphics or story (Except reboot).
It's really quite simple.
A remaster:
They take the original game and update it to meet a more modern standard
A remake:
The make a completely new codebase, they basically rewrite the entire game from scratch
A reboot:
Same as a Remake but they take the game in a new direction in some ways (story, gameplay or both)
I just can't believe people think this looks good. Squenix seriously bungled a lot by hiring cheaper voice talent for FF7remake onward. This art direction compared to the original CC is just...meh at the very best. Seriously disappointed because of how much potential a remaster/remake had.
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