After toying with the idea late last year and seemingly listening to fan concerns, Square Enix has decided to go ahead and release some Final Fantasy NFTs. Specifically, the NFTs are to celebrate Final Fantasy VII's 25th anniversary.
Eurogamer reports that the company is partnering with NFT company Enjin to create a digital card collection for the 1997 RPG — which sees Cloud Strife tackle Shinra, Inc., a company that is draining the life energy of the Planet to use as an energy resource.
The digital card collection will be released on Enjin's network in 2023 and the tokens will be stored on the company's blockchain. But there's also a physical collection coming with the game.
One action figure has already been announced and is up for pre-order, and it's of Cloud Strife. Called a 'Digital Plus' figure, purchasing this figure will allow you to "exchange tickets to redeem a digital certificate of authenticity and a digital version of the figure which can be enjoyed on PC or Smart Phone."
If you take a look around the page, you'll find lots of warnings around the code and NFT side of the purchase, including one that says "In case the Enjin services becomes unavailable in the future, you may lose access to the NFT digital certificate of authenticity and digital version of the figure." That's part of your $159.99 (or $129.99 for the standard edition figure) lost in the ether, then.
Considering Final Fantasy VII's message of environmentalism and its themes of saving the planet, many have pointed out the irony of Square Enix using this game (and series — of which Crisis Core, the prequel to VII, is coming to Switch later this year) to create its first NFT collection:
Enjin has stated that it "will enable carbon-neutral NFTs by the year 2030", but fans are still not happy with the decision.
The Cloud Strife figure is part of the Bring Arts series, which are usually priced at around $70-$100, so the NFT component bumps the price up of the figure a bit. The price of the cards has not been revealed, but these will not be available to pre-order until later in the year.
In comparison to Square Enix's announcement today, Mojang — the creator of Minecraft — has said it will not allow NFTs in Minecraft.
You can find all of the details about the Cloud Strife figure on the official Square Enix store page.
Further reading
Comments 71
“digital version of the figure which can be enjoyed on PC or Smart Phone”
The real world is more dystopian than ff7 itself
Experts said "this is the one thing we didn't want to happen"
But you don't understand, only 1 million pounds for an image is an absolute steal! - Nft owners, probably
Nft sales are going down, all we need to do is show them we're not interested
Not even surprised.
And of course it starts with FF7, cause that isn't being milked like there's no tomorrow already either.
Please kindly **** off.
No better way to celebrate your most famous game than by completely missing the point of it
NFTs... please go away
@Type_Trubbish Why does this read like the headline of a clickbait article?
Just remove these adverts from Smash bros and I'll be happy.
NFT's really made sense for artists who only work digitally as a way of giving them the same rights as physical artists. But then someone at some point got bitcoin signs in their eyes and spoiled it all.
Pyramid schemes for the digital/modern world.
All the bad luck, curses and hexes. All of them. May this dishonest practice die out, with a whimper. Soon
something to be said about swearing being against community rules but the Crypto-F**cker image getting full billing
@moodycat The wrath of Sephiroth is upon us...
The irony is quite hysterical. Also how does someone "enjoy" an NFT? I get admiring the craftsmanship that goes into an actual real figurine but the NFT is just going to be a jpeg. You can literally get the exact same "enjoyment" out of just looking at the picture in the article for free as opposed to spending $130-150!
I just don't get it man...
@PtM The square characters were put in for advertising so square could make more profit from the remake and a ***** cloud version of Kingdom hearts. But then again I might have biased towards ultimate as a whole now because lockdown made me realize how empty the game is when compared to brawl and smash 4 even melee had more things to do to pass the time!
@Korgon you and me both
Once upon a time, the fastest way to get rich was to sell air and water for as much as possible. Nowadays it's selling literaly nothing.
@Korgon Square makes Sephiroth look like a good guy and Kefka look totally sane in comparison to themselves. 😡😠😈👿👹👺💀
No Fun Tokens are ruining everything. I absolutely hate everything about them and I really don't get how one would get "enjoyment" out of "owning" a JPEG you can download for free
It's like the company just drills as many holes in the boat as possible while keeping it afloat.
Also this sounds like an amibo that doesn't work at all.
@Mr_Fox Wouldn’t it just be more beneficial for everyone all around for digital artists to make a single high quality print of their work and send it out? Or if they work and sell their art exclusively digitally for whatever reason just sell the JPEG and send it over…why the need for NFT tech to be involved? None of it makes sense
Why do all of these companies do these crappy things on Anniversaries? It's like they want us to not actually celebrate the series!
Sad times for games. Wish they never got that popular. Back in my Genesis days gamers were shunned but after xbox and halo released everyone that shunned us decided gaming was their soldier training with mountain dew and dorritos. Now we have this nft crap. It can get worse. Oh yes it can.
I'm like, daily baffled by how companies still think NFTs are a good idea. Please kindly GTFO with this baloney.
@larryisaman Like South Park sad, the real money is in selling the nfts not buying them.
What better way to celebrate an anniversary: defecating on your franchise AND your fanbase.
Because of course they are, why do you guys make it so hard for me to support you! Let’s hope, they revert it, but I doubt it.
So whenever if ever this stops, till then, s*** you square.
Such a weird thing to own a digital picture that anyone still can download and use as they please...
Then again I haven't actually paid to see a movie/TV show since Matrix 2 came out so I don't exactly have qualms about "ownership" of something that can be copied and created indefinitely.
We hate this.
Not surprised. It's terrible, and I thought Strong Bad's old Lappy was Environmentally Unfriendly. That thing sapped a lot of energy, and its battery causes forest fires, and whenever Strong Bad would hit the Enter Button, they would lose power. Come to think of it, why do I imagine Strong Bad doing this, just to be environmentally friendly, to spite Marzipan and Strong Sad more than just dropping a piano on their heads?
I have yet to see an NFT sales pitch that didn't read like a blatant scam targeting the hyper-gullible.
What happened to you, SquEnix?
That is NOT the way to ommemorate the Anniversary of a game series! The one true way is to re-release the games that made the series famous on existing platforms. BRING THE PIXEL REMASTERS TO THE SWITCH! I don't wanna use my Tablet for this, nor do I want to save money for a newer gaming laptop just to play them on the TV!
Knew Square Enix would screw up FF7, didnt realise how much.
Money grabbing piles of ****
EDIT: WAIT WAIT WAIT!! This article is misleading, you buy the solid figure and you then get the actual figure and an NFT to sell, which is still weird.
Final Fantasy No F* Thanks
hey where are the NFT Pros who say "but you all don't understand NFTs and thats the reason you hate them"... I hope that NFTs die a slow death. There is no value in NFTs
At any rate, I'm glad to see Mojang turning down NFTs.
@Mr_Fox Except they don't even do that. They claim to do that, but they don't. And other systems do and have done for years.
NFTs were made as a thing to sell crypto and blockchain, don't get it confused. Crypto and blockchain had been floating about for a while but there was no real purpose to them, so along came NFTs and the concept of the artificial scarcity they supposedly bring to attach a 'product' to the system. And it's a zero sum system, anytime anyone gains money from it it's because someone else is loosing money. It doesn't generate income it redistributes it, and like most financial things it's rigged to those with the most money already.
And the world's money laundering community raises a glass to Square Enix.
@Korgon Ok so firstly, I am very anti NFT and blockchain and crypto etc.
But an NFT is not a Jpeg. It's actually even less than that. It's a digital receipt that proves an artificial scarcity applied to whatever it's attached too. That can be any digital file, it just so happens to usually be randomly generated jpegs. But for this it is a 3D digital model.
I still don't think that's any better. But now you're a little more armed for when the crypto-simps come at you.
I’ll pass on NFT’s just like I pass on paid DLC, cloud gaming and micro transactions.
This and the Minecraft article yesterday shows the duality of man pretty well. Also, making them for the 25th anniversary? A: that's more messed up than you could possibly imagine and B: isn't that literally the exact same thing Konami pulled with Castlevania's last year? Square Enix have gone from gaming pantheons to the seed of everything currently wrong with gaming within the span of two years, good lord.
Why are people so upset about non-f***-with-able tapes?
(Devolver Digital reference. IYKYK.)
Square Enix really just said: "Happy anniversary! Here's a JPEG scam that completely undermine the message of the game we're supposedly celebrating. Because screw you, give us money."
My disappointment is immeasureable...
It's worrying but not entirely surprising. Squarenix has been giving signs for years of it's slow decent into a greedy corporation that completely lost touch with what made them great in the past.
The Squarenix of old would sell actual figurines to commemorate an anniversary. Yet, slapping a huge pricetag on a jpeg sounds much more lucrative
@moodycat Sors immanis et inanis!
They thought this was more financially viable than Tomb Raider.
Squarenix should rename themselves Shinra Gaming Company
It's the Castlevania anniversary fiasco all over again.
Nfts are just like a type of money laundering. Same as for some large art purchases. Companies can be so corrupt and I hope no normal person pays for something like this.
Ah I appreciate the clarification. So I guess it's not the actual NFT that Square thinks people will "enjoy" but the manufactured "value" the NFT provides.
Thanks that actually makes a little more sense even if the concept is still dumb. 😄
Guys, right-click and download! That's it.
@Korgon No idea how to enjoy an NFT either. If it was hologram in 3-D space you could rotate, that would be about as close as you could get to the real thing. But I would rather hold the figure or look at it on my shelf.
@Yorumi The people buying NFTs are the people who don’t care about what the art attached to them is, they just see the potential to resell them for multiple times what they paid. Not gonna get many of those people commenting on sites like this because they don’t care about games or the industry, just how they can make money. I hope the whole NFT bubble bursts for everyone involved with pushing them
Fingers crossed for the whole venture to crash and burn, as has been the case for NFTs in general lately.
We are officially living in the worst timeline
I thought yeah more Amiibos then I read more and was disappointed.
The chad Mojang: says no to Nft’s
The virgin Square Enix: celebrates one of it’s biggest games by doing the opposite of it.
@somebread This happens a lot when NLife do the "Twitter responds to latest atrocity" thing. Somehow the Twitter feed is exempt from all the family-friendly guidelines this site generally follows.
Digital Snake Oil.
They can keep their Trash.
Only Morrons will buy it.
@Fighting_Game_Loser The celebration is for the company, they get lots of money.
NFTs?? No F*****g Thanks
@Yorumi it's absolutely worth pointing out. I've never seen such universal condemnation of a business practice. Those that pretend to support them in the vain attempt to make a quick buck are conspicuously absent.
This is a fad that will blow over eventually. There is no intrinsic value which means it cannot succeed in the long term. Its a way for companies to make a quick buck off of suckers.
It seems that some companies have made the decision that burning their reputation for said quick buck is the right thing to do. I suspect these decisions will come back to bite them in a few years. Reputational damage can take decades to repair.
"In case the Enjin services becomes unavailable in the future, you may lose access to the NFT digital certificate of authenticity and digital version of the figure."
This is the main reason why I would never consider buying NFTs. I might as well throw my money out the window.
Square Enix has become Shinra.
Aaaaaaaaaaand guess who just lost out on a chunk of my money.
@somebread Ha! I know, that cracked me up.
Please, god, nobody buy this crap 🤦♂️
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