Following on from a Switch Online mobile app update earlier today, it seems Nintendo has now rolled out another "rebootless" update for Switch firmware Version 14.1.2.
Nintendo dataminer OatmealDome has once again revealed what's going on behind the scenes. Keep in mind, that unlike regular updates, these ones are "silently installed", so you don't have to do anything on your end.
Here's the rundown of the latest update to Version 14.1.2:
[Nintendo Switch Firmware Update] A second “rebootless” update was released for 14.1.2.
The bad words list was updated. Additions:
- A racial slur for Japanese people
- Various misspellings of Hitler and a sexual term
- “http://icloud.com” and “http://outlook.com”
You can see the original patch notes for Version 14.1.2 in our previous post, it was distributed last month in June:
Read more: Nintendo Switch System Update 14.1.2 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
You can also see the mobile update for the Switch Online app in our latest post:
Read more: Nintendo Has Updated Its Switch Online App To Version 2.2.0, See What's Included
[source twitter.com]
Comments 76
"Hitler and a sexual term" wow what a statement
No stability update?
Always improving upon George Carlin’s 7 Dirty Words…..
So we cannot type 5ex, s3x, $ex, b1+ch, na21, hit ler, baka, $lu+, xxx, etc?
@Anti-Matter “80085”
I want an actual new update that actually adds stuff again.
Like at least give us a few extra basic color themes for the system.
guess someone was advertising their outlook email in their name???
Hiltré is a bum bum
Take that Nintendumb you can’t stop me!!! #winning
Rebootless updates? Didn't know the Switch could have those
@VancouverVelocityFan lmao
Well ********* ************* ***** ******** *** *******!
(also, aren't iCloud and Outlook those messaging/file storage apps that come preloaded on certain laptops?)
867-5309 LET'S GO!!!!!
@Dm9982 gasp!
No joke, I was told I couldn't name one of my buildings in Animal Crossing DLC "The Grape Bucket". It took me like 2 minutes to figure out why and I'm still shaking my head days later.
@SpaceboyScreams I think I understand the issue myself (if I don't then yikers this is a bad look for me) so I have to ask: were you still able to type just grape?
I'd better never see the words "Hitler" and "sexual" used in the same sentence ever again.
I'd like to hope that there's a team working on actual features for system updates. Folders and themes would be nice.
...it just seems like there's one dude that keeps researching offensive terms to add to the list
In the words from Salvatore (Windwaker): SPLISH!
Unfortunately there’s still plenty of racial slurs for white English males that don’t get removed.
They added iCloud.com and outlook.com to the bad word list? Eh?
People will always find a way around this sadly.
Hitler Starfish lives another day...
Still waiting for them to censor my "FcKCh1Naz1"-nickname in Pokémon Unite.
@ROBLOGNICK Possibly there was an exploit of some kind?
All this time, the email I have been using for school and work had an offensive name? Welp, time to delete my account.
In all seriousness, I would legitimately laugh if it was used as some kind of exploit.
I bet the creators of Outlook never imagined it ever mentioned in the same context as Hitler.😅
@Yosher I'm thinking that if haven't had it 5.5 years since the systems release, we're probably not going to have it all at this point 🤷♂️
Thank you, Nintendo, for expanding my vocabulary and teaching me swear words I didn't know existed!
"Various misspelings of Hitler"
Apparently some people really want to alude to Hitler online and Nintendo has to keep up with whatever way to write it they make up. Wasn't this included in the previous rebootless update too?
No proper Bluetooth fix? Boo.
Stupid sexy H!tl3r!
@fox_mattcloud Probably not but you never know with Nintendo.
Nintendo direct confirmed ! 😀
the one aspect of the Switch "bad words list" I'm not a fan of is when it gets in the way of me being able to nickname my Pokémon. For example I can't use the word "Grapefruit" as a nickname because apparently it's a bad word. I wish they would fix false positives like this.
Gosh, http .. how modern!
Bad word omissions can get interesting. I tried using the nickname "Arsenal" once for an Aggron in Pokemon Go and couldn't understand why the word was off limits. It took a couple of moments.
As long as they don't get as bad as the Pokemon DS games, where you had to nickname Froslass and Nosepass before trading on the GTS....Those were YOUR OWN names, TPC!
Is it wrong to talk about Hitler or iCloud or Hotmail...? LOL, Nintendo. LOL...
“Guys… I’m gonna say it…”
“You wouldn’t…”
“I would”
“But imagine the consquences!”
“Stop me.”
“Wait please!!!”
@Fizza You asking what Outlook is makes me feel nothing short of absolutely ancient 💀
Maybe they should look into Strong Bad's "Okay For Mom" list of words that are alternate terms for the word "Butt."
1. rear-end
2. back parts
3. fanny
4. tush
5. tushie
6. buns
7. booty
8. can
9. tuckus
10. hinders
11. bwathom
12. boontockle
And going unnecessarily further down...
107. hiney
108. patootie
109. bum
110. rump
111. trunk
112. sit-part
113. boat take
We still don't even know how to finish a sentence starting with "My boat take."
" '80085' "?
Bad Words List is the new stability. We update the English language constantly with whole new bad words.
These never cease to make me laugh
Always good to see Nintendo have their priorities straight as always and still not doing anything to improve the Eshop stability problem because that'd be silly.
MAN! Companies infringing on one’s rights is my favorite.
@SpaceboyScreams okay, I need to know: how was grape bucket offensive? Or your best theory. BEST I can find up with is it rhyme's with "F it". My fu**** bucket lol. But seriously this is gonna eat my brain all day.
@ROBLOGNICK Yes indeed. Blocking Outlook.com and iCloud.com? One is a free email service and the other is a Apple ID domain which can double as it's own email address. Can't understand those two much like you. While more context about that is always welcome maybe (and maybe is the watchword here) they are starting some of sort ban on email accounts that aren't tied to an ISP domain. Some internet forums in the past and now are famous for that as it minimizes the riff-raff they deal with on an everyday basis. Out!
After that, I wonder if the Steam game under the ID 1849000 will get a switch release
I'm quite suprised Nintendo hasn't come up with paid themes yet. Not exactly thing I would like to see on my Switch though, besides free themes which would be very welcomed.
More seriously then, what about a unlockable perk for NSO subscribers then, huh? That would make sense. As an addition to other unlockables, missions etc.
I can understand the racial slur, sexual term, and various Hitler spellings word bans, but the two email ones baffle me. Just- Wha- I'm gonna need Nintendo or at least someone with an insane level of know-how to explain that one to me. So bizarre!
@Dizavid remove the letter “g”. This happened to me when trying to nickname a Pokémon as “Grape” yesterday.
@Mario500 spells boobs on a calculator, old cell phone or pager…. Yup I’m officially old. 😂
These words are next if they're not already
@ChronoDragoon ....so for some reason, adding that word before bucket made me imagine Disney characters, the seven dwarves for some reason.
Having an overactive imagination is both a gift and a curse.
@Dizavid Take the g out of grape. I know it's very strange, I would like to have someone else try to get the same results in their game.
Dibs on "Hitler and a Sexual Term" for a band name.
I'd swear up a storm about the lack of stability, but I can't even do THAT anymore
@Orokosaki like what cracker?
@calbeau : I think Clinton would be a more fitting namesake for such a band. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Tyranexx : It took me a moment. I'm aware that Humphrey was banned in Gen V (though I'm not sure if it had been rectified in subsequent generations).
Another oddity is my first name, which, when transliterated in Japanese, is identical to the transliteration of the English word "black", which I couldn't use when attempting to input my name in a game. Grr...
@Tom-Nook unfortunately if I use those words on here I’ll be banned
@Anti-Matter Baka just means idiot or dumb and rarely can mean crazy as well in Japanese. That's not a racial slur. Nonetheless it is an insult under quite a few circumstances.
@Maxz Titler
@Tom-Nook I’d happily be called a vanilla cracker marshmallow fellow pasty-face cookie-dough snow-bro if the alternative is not being able to use various terms primarily describing bland but tasty foodstuffs.
Wait, Nintendo... did you just make it to where I can't log into my Microsoft account for Minecraft??
@Bobb yes, actually.
@Orokosaki I know, right? Just because I'm a white guy doesn't mean I'm inherently evil. I just wish we could all see each other as human beings and just live but that's not the way this world works.
@Yosher a few basic color themes? That'd be FANTASTIC! It'd be even better if they did for the Switch what they did with the 3DS, I'd actually PAY for a new theme for my Switch homescreen if they did.
@Aiodensghost Of course, same here, I just named the bare minimum that they could do. Everyone would prefer fun game-themed... well, themes. But we all would also like at least some bare minimum basic color themes at this point.
@Aiodensghost it’s the way society is heading unfortunately!
iCl*ud is my favorite curse word, though. Hits different than Outl*ok.
@Silly_G The funny thing is, "Arsenal" was meant in a completely innocent manner lol. I finally settled on "Panzer".
Most unfortunate on that Japanese transliteration on your real name....I understand why flagged words and options exist, but I sometimes wonder if they take it too far in goofy cases like that.
I will never look at grape soda the same way again.
@Tyranexx : Frankly, I wish they'd cool it as it results in so many unintended consequences (and frustrations), and just provide the option to report potentially inappropriate names during online play, because those hell-bent on making rude names will find a way to make the system their female Houndoom.
@Silly_G For the most part, I agree. There are some word combos that I'm fine with them banning, but the sticking point for me if there's an innocent meaning or if the offending word is part of a completely acceptable parent word. A report tool would work wonders.
Names referring to serial killer Che are okay though I'm guessing?
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