Update [Mon 13th Jun, 2022 23:25 BST]: During the Capcom Showcase, it was announced there would be a special Dragon's Dogma video event airing on June 16th / 17th on YouTube. This will include a special video celebrating 10 years of the series.
Original story [Tue 24th May, 2022 03:05 BST]: Capcom's action RPG series Dragon's Dogma today celebrates its 10th anniversary. Yes, it's now been a decade since the original title was released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Since then, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has been released on multiple platforms including the Nintendo Switch in 2019.

As part of this milestone, Capcom has launched an anniversary website - with the series' complete history, from the comics to the Netflix animated show, which made its debut on the streaming service in September 2020. As part of these celebrations, the game director Hideaki Itsuno has also shared a special message.
“Dragon's Dogma, first released in 2012, is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Thank you, Arisen, for taking up arms and braving through the impossible challenges laid ahead of you. We are forever grateful for your support throughout the years and hope you will join us in this momentous celebration of Dragon’s Dogma!”
Here's an anniversary movie to go with it (via Gematsu). Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is also currently 75% off on the Switch eShop in Japan. If we hear anything similar announced for the west, we'll let you know.
Capcom hasn't shared anything else just yet for this anniversary, but there have been some leaks suggesting something related to Dragon's Dogma could be arriving in 2022 (it's likely a sequel).
Have you tried out Dragon's Dogma on the Switch yet? What would you like to see from these anniversary celebrations? Leave a comment down below.
[source dragonsdogma.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 25
"there is a sale in Japan..."
That seems really nice for Japan. Congratulations Japan.
Capcom. Don’t throw away my renewed faith in you. Don’t make a mobile game or an online only game or a rerelease for ps5/series x. Give us a new Dragon’s Dogma. Please. The cycle must be broken and the pawns freed.
Also, time is booking. Need to chill more to enjoy it.
Next Dragon's Dogma is gonna be next gen only.
It will not come to Switch.
@Ryu_Niiyama wasn't Dragon's Dogma 2 one of the SKUs in the nvidia leak
Tons of hours... Its one of my comfort games. I try to get my friends into it as well. A new DD with the RE Engine will make me forget all about Monster Hunter…
I really enjoyed my time with Dragon's Dogma. I made it pretty far but never finished it. Story of my gaming life.
It was decent, didn't get all that far though before I got bored fighting wolves and bandits. Fighting the cyclops and griffins was pretty neat. A shame the archer class was nearly useless as your class and only suited for your minions too as it's what I picked first before realizing it was going to make the game a lot less enjoyable playing that way.
Dragon's Dogma is like some unholy chimera of Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, and Skyrim that hasn't gotten nearly as much recognition as any of those games. The narrative is a bit weak, but it has some of the best combat and upgrade systems I've seen in an action RPG. I hope they announce a proper sequel at some point.
DD2 was in that Nvidia leak so I'm ready for more.
@anoyonmus *current gen, I don't think that they'll wait until the next XBOX and PS6
@anoyonmus Nexbox and PS6? Or do you mean Xbox Series and PS5? When does next gen become current gen?
@SteamEngenius when I gave it a try, it seemed somewhat promising. but what it really did was make me want to go back and play Skyrim again.
I'm actually going to play through Morrowind now as I only played it as a kid and didn't get far.
@sanderev @Lanmanna still saying next gen until Xbox one and PS4 are completely phased out
@SteamEngenius The Archer class is not useless
@anoyonmus Current gen is the latest generation of hardware that is released. So PS5 & XBOX Series S|X are current gen.
I love this game, one of my favourites but unfortunately the game was a mess on release, it didn't get resolved until Dark Arisen, by which point the hype train had left the station.
It was, just before it released, poised to be the Skyrim of 2012, but the game was a mess, no fast travel at all, pawn chatter couldn't be turned off, pawns did whatever the hell they wanted, difficulty curve was ridiculous. Game got a 6 out of 10 before Dark Arisen turned it into a solid 8 out of 10, fixing most of the above issues.
Loved Dragons Dogma for ages when it originally came out on other consoles. I finished the game and kept replaying it through to the end dozens of times, but I think I only played through the DLC once.
Either way, I tried playing it on the Switch too when that released, but I just didn't bother playing through it even once. I suppose by that time, I'd already had my fill of the game.
Dragons Dogma was such an amazing experience, but it would have been even better if it had been multiplayer in some way. But they didn't make that happen, so it was doomed to be nothing more then that. I'll welcome any sequel with open arms, but if its not multiplayer, it can only say relevant for so long.
I hate games that force AI companions on you that u can't control, so i avoided the game. I tolerated .ass effect due to the story, but they lost me w Andromeda when they took the control over squad mates away. I heard the story of dragon's dogma sucks, so I'm not sure i would stick to it like i did w mass effect. My backlog is still huge, so i don't have time to play games that are designed around my pet peeves, else i would have bought it for $8 on sale. Oh well. Hopefully there's a sequel that won't force multiplayer on us.
You guys talking about generations… I’m not wholly convinced PS5 and Series X are real. I haven’t seen them in person at least. Until the scalper pandemic and chip shortages are gone I’m still saying next gen. I seriously can’t believe so many people caved and bought scalped units…
I love the lore of dragon’s dogma. The endless cycle powered by the will of the Seneschal, the pawns so tied up in the will of their masters and yet still somewhat individuals. The political intrigue of the other nations and their reaction to the Dragon. The Bargain and Price of the Arisen. Let alone all the stuff in bitterblack. Not sure if any of that was fleshed out in the online game but it was a fun premise.
Gee, I wonder what could possibly be announced.
I started playing this last week. Hope Gransys don't have too high an expection of me. So far I have fallen off a cliff and been carried off by a griffin. Absolutely love it!
I still wish Dark Arisen kept the original Dragon's Dogma theme song, Flying into Free.
Please be Dragon's Dogma 2. The first game desperately needs a sequel
@LexKitteh Ikr, that was like the best title screen song ever. I'll never understand why they changed it
@MajinSoul License deals, that's all there is to it.
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