The Pokémon Company has announced it will be shutting down the Pokémon Diamond & Pearl sound library just months after it opened.
Fans can go to this website to stream and download the music and sound effects from 2006 releases (for free) and explore the "incredible sounds" for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. There are 149 tracks of music and sound effects all up.
Below is the full announcement - revealing the shutdown will take place next week on 31st May 2022.
Closing announcement - 2022.5.17

Thank you for visiting the Pokémon DP Sound Library. We will be shutting down the service on MAY 31, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. UTC. You will not be able to stream or download the sound data after this date.
As for sound data downloaded already, you will be able to continue using it within the scope of the Terms of Use and Guidelines. You can access this website to view the Terms of Use and Guidelines after the closure of Pokémon DP Sound Libary. Please make sure to follow the latest Terms of Use and Guidelines when using the sound data.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you to everyone who has supported us since the service launch.
This sound library was originally launched at the start of February this year, around the same time Nintendo soundtracks were being pulled from YouTube.
So, if you haven't already downloaded the free tracks available on this website, you might want to hurry up!
[source soundlibrary.pokemon.co.jp]
Comments 41
Well I could always look at archives for the music and sounds on youtube and other places at least.
what was even the point then
I see so that's why when I went to listen to the Planet Popstar music OST from Return to Dreamland that was uploaded almost 10 years ago on YouTube recently and discovered it was blocked, it was because of this. Still really petty regardless but then again everybody knows Nintendo are the pettiest Company in existence.
@somebread Honestly, the takedown doesn't even really matter that much. People are still going to be able to find the music if they just want to listen to it, and since the Pokemon Company isn't going to be able to tell where you got the music from, the music is permanently going to fall under the rules of guidelines for anything related to that. It only really makes things slightly less convenient, which, while it is annoying, doesn't take away from the net positive that this created.
It’s almost like protecting your IP is important to not losing your copyrights.
@Screen It's from an old game. Sega don't do it so I don't see why Nintendo can't be like them. I stand by what I said.
Under normal circumstances I would agree but like I said this is from an old Wii game and no money is being made either. It was just there so people can listen to it. If you can't share stuff, SHARE and nothing else then what's the point of YouTube? may as well shut the site down if people are going to make such a fuss over this copyright nonsense over old music and whatever else.
Should have kept my mouth shut. People will always defend big multi million dollar cooperations after all.
It’s no different if it was taken from an indie game.
@Screen I get it. But Square Enix literally put up over 1,000 music files up on their YouTube music page this year, so people could access their library of songs. Nintendo doesn't offer any legal way to listen to their game music via streaming. This is what actual leads to piracy.
I agree it’s stupid of them.
@Screen We are a petty creature and sometimes I wonder if the human race will ever grow up? I doubt it if this is anything to go by.
I don't get it, is it that hard to make a specific Nintendo music youtube channel, and just put all the songs on there, that way you wont lose money, people wont pirate your stuff, and people would use youtube like they been doing, just on your channel?
I just want to listen to banger's man!
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos just became abandonware.
There’s a reason Pokémon is the largest IP in the history of the world, and Croc hasn’t been seen in 16 years.
(Not that Croc is a bad game. It isn’t)
@Snatcher I was actually surprised how much I listened to just the soundtrack collection available on Mario 3D All Stars. YouTube Music, (this is different from YouTube), allows an artist/publisher to set up their own "page" of music and control it fully. This is probably why Square Enix only released their music there, because you have so much control over it. Nintendo, advertising adverse as they are, could do that too.
@Screen Copyright is still valid whether or not you actively challenge it.
It's trademarks which expire if you don't enforce them.
Also "abandonware" isn't a legal term. It's just a "we don't think anybody is going to care enough about it anymore to sue if we upload it". Games don't just "become" abandonware.
Did the owners of Croc officially announce it "freeware" or "public domain" or any term that has legal meaning.
Is anyone else having issues getting the DISC1/DISC2 download links to do anything? I can download individual tracks but those two do nothing.
Edit: Never mind, it was Firefox, because it works in Chrome.
Tbf I don’t believe the devs stated it publicly, but they did make the engine open source.
I am getting a 403, seems People are zerging the Page right now and it can not handle the Traffic.
So it was a special case. Nintendo stepped in with a mandate that this would be limited time for The Pokémon Company?
Either way, they're missing the opportunity for YouTube ad revenue.
....so why even bother doing this?
I never managed to use it because of chrome issues or something.
Ah, just like Mario 35, this was too cool to live so they decided to get rid of it. Boo!
That's a real shame, as the site is legit really cool for what it is. I'd honestly consider paying money for something like this if it had a large enough quantity of Nintendo soundtracks.
@kkslider5552000 No, just like Mario 35 this was meant to be temporary. And that's why they're closing it. But you can still download it before closing. I did and I have backed up the music for personal purposes.
This website never worked for me no matter what I tried so I'll probably just continue to look for the songs on Youtube or Soundcloud to be honest. The fact this was never updated with other game's osts like HGSS or BW is an absolutely massive missed opportunity.
@Fizza Never worked for me either. I wonder if it's region locked or something?
Laughs in Plex. Nintendo game music alone is a reason to set up your own streaming server.
@ModdedInkling It's easy to think that Nintendo is why this happened, pulling TPC's arm.
But remember, TPC doesnt credit Nintendo on any of their mobile games, despite being one third of the property owner, nor did TPC let Nintendo use Pokemon amiibo for anything in Yoshi's Crafted World, or Mario Maker. You just got either a sprite with generic sounds, or a generic amiibo shirt.
That's a little weird that a company Nintendo can apparently control wouldn't let them use an IP they therefore own to its full extent in their own games, yet third parties are gung-ho for it, isn't it?
I think part of the reason behind it is because Nintendo isn't the majority stakeholder in The Pokémon Company (with a VERY specific ownership percentage of 32% as opposed to 33%). Nintendo used to be in charge of the marketing for The Pokémon Company, but it seems like they really aren't doing too much outside of providing the resources and earning some amount of revenue.
Curious if I should download this when I already have the D/P OST from iTunes?
@Harmonie : Yes, because these files are provided in WAV (lossless) format as opposed to Apple's lossy files.
I appreciate the reminder as I had neglected to download it until now.
@Silly_G If it's FLAC or ALAC those are "lossless" like WAV but are compressed unlike WAV.
@Fizza @WinterschneeFee The site doesn't work for me on Windows 10 with Firefox, but it functions with Edge on Windows 10 and Firefox on Android. Try using different browsers and operating systems if you can.
@Tourtus : iTunes music downloads are provided in lossy AAC format.
@Silly_G I appreciate your answer, but that isn't a concern for me. I can't even tell the difference, to be honest. Are there any other reasons you could think of to download this? I think I was thinking more if it has tracks that the iTunes OST does not.
Anyone that downloaded it can up on mediafire or something like that please? I can't access the site since its launch in february, always getting error 403
Welp, that was pointless.
@Screen You can protect your IP without being a pest about it lol.
The obvious being taking down content that others are making money off of, but nintendo doesn't stop there and targets anything freelance too.
You don't see microsoft taking down videos of their game's content/music etc... they're not scared some random indie developer is going to use it, no one will notice, and make money with it.
@Harmonie : I don’t think it matters whether one can immediately tell the difference or not. If the option is there for a lossless version of music that I like, I take it. It’s that kind of indifference that emboldens companies like Apple to sell inferior quality music to the detriment of consumers who do care. And hell, these soundtracks are offered for free, so, if you’ve already paid for them, why wouldn’t you download the superior quality version for safekeeping?
Lossless music can come in handy in other situations where the quality of the music may matter more, such as when using it in videos that could be played via a quality sound system (as opposed to a portable music player). When making videos for online consumption or for clients, I try to procure lossless versions, where possible.
I own most of the Pokémon OSTs on CD, but I relented to the iTunes versions of HG/SS and Black/White as I couldn’t find them new, and used copies were outrageously expensive, and I was okay with playing only AU$17 each instead.
Come and get your free stuff here people, I've got it wrapped up nice and tight with a bow on it. Come and get in people, free to everyone. I have made it really easy to get your free stuff here people, roll on roll. FREE FREE FREE
OH dear the offer has finished!!!! Well that is just disgusting!!!! How dare they!!!! This is truly epic bad logic from another multi billion pound corporation. Blah blah blah blah
For those who have 403 problems, I believe the site is geo-restricted. Some countries such as mine apparently cannot access the site. But when I used a VPN to change my location to USA or UK, I could access the site without issue.
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