Hyrule in Breath of the Wild is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to Hyrule in BOTW.

However, while the map itself is vast, the actual edges of the world – as in, what you can actually see – goes way beyond that. Gaming Reinvented proves this point by using glitches to try and ascertain the genuine scope of the world map in an attempt to see exactly where the world truly ends.
As you can see, even beyond the actual edges of the game world, there's a lot of space, and the 'playable' part of Hyrule only makes up a very small percentage of the world itself. There's nothing to actually do outside of the borders of the game, of course, but it's interesting nonetheless to see someone explore the fringes of this vast fantasy world.
Comments 24
It's big alright as I learnt recently during another playthrough after Link fell helplessly and ended up bouncing like a rubber ball to the Chasm far below after running out of Stamina 🤣
I hope that on the sequel of BotW we can go beyond Hyrule.
Oh, how I would love to aimlessly wander a huge world like that.
Do it, BOTW2! Go on, go on, go on...
@Edu23XWiiU Doubtful but that would be nice.
Such desolation...
Imagine running into Beedle out there. I'd be kind of creeped out actually.
Link certainly knows where his towel is.
Imagine a game in which you visit Hyrule’s neighboring kingdom, lowdran. The mcguffins are shiny sprites instead of shiny triangles. The legendary hero isn’t some kid from the woods but rather some corpse from the cemetery in the woods. Then they grab a sword of eternity from the shrine of forgetfulness and travel forward in time to a locale where there’s a foreboding moon overhead and werewolves on the ground! Can Link link the flame? Or will he give into the malaise like so many others?
Half expected them to discover New Donk City is just over the mountains.
Love the Douglas adams. And love your site Damien
Game worlds are becoming too big for the sake of being big. BotW feels about right I think as it feels consistently interesting to explore.
I still have a preference for shorter games.
@andykara2003 This isn't Damien's website. It's @Ant_Dickens website.
@TowaHerschel7 Actually, we're co-owners, alongside Darren Calvert. Although Ant is the original founder (myself and Darren co-founded VC Reviews, which was fused with NL some time ago).
@andykara2003 @Purgatorium So glad someone got the reference
1:45 blew my mind. The whole of Hyrule is a Great Plateau for the rest of the world. But then... could the rest of the world be a Great Plateau on a still larger world?
There's a great video by SwankyBox on a similar theme where he tries to reach the edge of the universe in Super Mario Galaxy. The results are trippy and mildly disturbing.
It’s official…BotW sequel launches 11.11.22!
"You just won't believe how vastly, hugely mind-bogglingly big it is"
Yeah I'm guessing the vast majority of people here are WAY too young for that, but still, absolutely love the attempt!
@AlexHarford 265 hours in the game for me, just recently got back into it. Looking at Hero's Path, there are still tons of places I haven't been to and didn't know existed, including actual labelled locations. The game just keeps on giving.
@RubyCarbuncle Let's wait and see.
@HeadPirate Nah I got it. I'm 43 I knew it was referring to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
They should have left the footage in this video in real time instead of speeding it up.
There was a circular dragon symbol in the land at 1:40 on the right. Wonder what this is.
Imagine if Nintendo hid a single korok seed somewhere out there...
Hyrule, Lorule, Termina, Light World, Dark World, the Twilight Realm, Koholint Island, The Great Sea, New Hyrule, Skyloft, the Underworld etc.... So many possibilities for Zelda BOTW 2! Hope it has elements/references and adds depth/lore/exploration to all of them whilst building out new lands potentially.
... Wun can only hope.
Loving that Hitchhikers guide reference at the beginning
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