Witness the first time Alex cracked the Joy-Con off a Switch...

Five years ago today Nintendo pulled the curtain back on Switch with an online presentation and hands-on events for the games media, and anyone else lucky enough to nab a press pass. It was our first chance to go hands-on with Switch ahead of its March 2017 launch and many of us at Nintendo Life — and others across the press — have been reminiscing and recalling our impressions of that first event.

As we've touched on before, back then it was impossible to predict the enormous success that would soon follow, and although the hardware itself was impressive from the off — and milking cows in 1-2-Switch had its novelty value, as Alex found out (see our Instagram post below!) — coming off the Wii U it was still unknown if Nintendo would appeal to a broader audience with hardware and software that went beyond cute gimmicks.

Obviously, time has proved that Nintendo had plenty more than some HD rumble ice cubes up its sleeve, but it's fun to look back and remember the excitement, trepidation, and curiosity that surrounded that reveal event. Below we've collected some tweets from the games media, plus some photos of the event we attended that have us wondering where the heck last five years have gone...

Team NL Nintendo Switch UK Premiere
Team Nintendo Life either about to go in, or possibly retiring to the pub for some post-show analysis — Image: Nintendo Life

And we'll finish, of course, with our lovely senior video producer and resident West Country boy Alex Olney getting to grips with 1-2-Switch:

Ah, good times. Let us know below your memories of the January 2017 system presentation and the first time you got your hands on a Nintendo Switch in the comments!

Further reading: