Well, it looks like the rumours were true - Atlus has now officially revealed the fighting game Persona 4 Arena Ultimax will be making a return as part of the Persona series' 25th anniversary celebrations.
It'll be arriving on the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms next year on 17th March. According to Atlus, it'll also be "Ver.2.50" - which has "never before" been released on console platforms.
The original release came out in 2013/14 and was co-developed by the talent over at Arc System Works.
Will you be adding this game to your Nintendo Switch collection? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 80
This is great news. I'm currently playing through Persona 4 Golden for the first time right now on the Vita!
not to sound too inflammatory here but uhh screw the RPGs now I can retire my 360
Persona 4 on Switch
Arena Ultimax
Well I'm slightly disappointed but I'll take it.
All of us Nintendo fans are only interested in the Persona spinoffs. Yup.
Nice! Only P4 related game I haven't played, though P4G still would've been a better game to release first
@Aurumonado to quote a certain Carlton from his Fresh Prince, "I know I am"
"Ever wondered what happened after Persona 4 Golden?" Well, I'd like to know what happened in Persona 4 Golden to begin with, if you'd let me play it on the Switch, please.
Not exactly the Persona 4 game anyone expected…
The better Persona 4 imo. We got a taste of this in BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle so to bring this game in full to Switch make sense since it used the same engine as Cross Tag Battle.
@Specter_of-the_OLED it's such a relief to be able to play these characters outside of that rather underwhelming (or at least too dlc-heavy) game
Atlus try to bring mainline Persona to Switch challenge (impossible)
Atlus: "This is the Persona game you guys wanted, right?"
Top trolling from Atlus here.
Still, happy to see more Persona on Switch in any form.
Who is calling the shots at ATLUS?
I always wanted this game on the Switch
Since this is a sequel to P4, I won't be getting it. Give me the game it's connected to first, Atlus.
I got excited for a second then got a tiny bit disappointed when I realized it's a fighting game.
YES!! One more reason to retire my 360! Oh Atlus, ya did good. Dangit I gotta build a new stick!
Hahahahahaha. Glad I have a Vita.
Happy for those who like it
Was hoping for P3-5
This is good. Has the arcade version that never went to console before plus all the dlc content.
No sign of Persona 4 Golden anywhere, and that's a much less demanding game. What's wrong with them?
I am happy and sad at the same time. The fighting game fan in me is happy. The rpg fan in me is crying.
You can tell by the comment section that there are a few non fighting game fans.
It’s not like this announcement automatically means the rpg won’t come.
@somebread Ultimax was VERY dlc heavy too in its original release it just won’t be noticed in this release since they packaged all the dlc into it from characters to music
Cool, played P4A but not Ultimax so I'm happy with this.
...and they're including the story from the original while keeping it under £50? Sweet!
@Arawn93 oh believe me i know, i'm beyond glad there's not like 10,000 different glasses going up with this lol
This is great! Been wanting to play this since I put close to 200 hours into Persona 4 Golden on Steam. Already preordered it on Steam as well!
Excellent! Never got around to playing this.
I’m loving this. Profile pic shows who I’ll main; Now if only we could get the mainline Personas (4 & 5 at least) ported to Switch as well that’ll be even better.
Dude I literally just finished persona 4 golden on steam 2 days ago! Talk about good timing for me 😂
looks interesting. Maybe I will get this
It probably isn't as simple as just bringing the game over to switch. There must be some contractual bs holding the game back.
Well, since I played P4 on my vita and absolutely loved it, I will definitely buy this game ❤️
@JR150 @Aurumonado @Harmonie @Wilforce
Atlus: "We heard you Nintendo fans! Get ready for Persona 4: Dancing All Night in 2024!"
This is an extremely addicting fighting game and very friendly to newcomers to the fighting genre. Definitely recommend picking this up if you're even slightly interested.
This is extremely good news. The game is one of the best fighters ever. I put many, many hours into it on PS3. Will definitely be double-dipping.
I’m beginning to wonder if they have any sense at all when it comes to these ports. Why the spin-off sequels and not the original games that could possibly make playing these games make so much more sense. Even worse this is a sequel to a spin-off of a game!
Why not have P4G bundled with it as a P4 collection? Not to mention porting P5, 3, all of 2 and 1 to other platforms?!
Atlus, you're so out of touch....
Still not mainline Persona lol, but I'll take it.
Pass. I ignored the fighting games when they first came out, and I'll happily do so again.
I'm sorry but Atlus is extremely tone deaf. For once, just listen to the fans and actually port the Persona games (spinoffs don't count). How many times have people asked for Persona on Switch, at this point I bet Mother 3 may have a better shot on the console.
At this point, I am ok with Atlus not porting P4, P5, and/or the entire Persona series over. That would be one less JRPG game series nibbling at my wallet. Thank You. 😀
Wonder if Persona 4 Golden will be coming to the Switch and PS4/5 later…? I enjoyed this game on the PS3, so I’ll grab it for the Switch for sure over Steam or PS4/5. However… this game did come to the 360 as well, why did it skip the Xbox?
Gotta love the Persona portbeggers XD Meanwhile FGC is boppin' right now, this is one of Arc System Works's best fighting games and it's finally back from the dead.
I love how they have this, but they haven't re-released Persona 3, which is required to understand the plot of Arena.
Look, I love this game but for a moment I thought they were announcing Arena 5 and I got so excited then felt deep disappointment.
This is good but I honestly thought they were going to announce more. They had all those squares...
I legitimately don't understand this company at all. 😂 We'll give you P5S, but not any version of P5. We'll give you P4A, but not P4. Then you consider that Switch is the best current console for RPG lovers, and I just... am at a loss.
Nobody is that inept at decision making, I'm convinced there has to be some behind the scenes legal conflict preventing them from releasing any of the mainline games on Switch.
This looks quite good and a good fit for the Switch.
However, I agree, shocking P4 and P5 aren't on the system. Guarenteed mega-sales and an ideal console for the dang games
Niiice... Guess that it'll be a new fighting game for our game nights
Still irritated though that I can't play P4G beside on my worse-than-a-toaster laptop (3 years old but lags and shuts down the game a lot)
My predictions for the ret of the Persona anniversary:
Well, I'll be. This is bound to provoke doom and gloom from many other commenters, but to me the half of this glass is fuller than ever now. Every time we were to recall that every Persona entry before 5 "has gone portable before", Arena popped out like an annoying footnote... well, not anymore! Between this port and Switch still managing to rack up 200k Japanese sales in one week (by mid-January it may well reach THRICE the sales of PS4 in the region) long after this port was estimatedly conceived, Joker's game of origin feels figuratively CORNERED now.😄
And needless to say, having this fighter on Switch is welcome on its own, too.
@SuperZeldaFun smash doesn't appeal to many in the FGC as it's not a true 2D fighter (or whatever) and P4AU is considered by many to either be on the level or slightly below GGAC+R and BBCF in terms of other arcsys games on the system (mainly due to the mash-a-combo system I think, but DBFZ and especially BBCTB have those); there's a reason a large amount of people finagled really convoluted emulation setups to play it with people, and i've yet to see anyone call it terrible/"a sad excuse for a fighting game" besides you based on some metacritic reviews, where only one of the text reviews (for ultimax, which is what this is a port and update of) say the fighting is the bad part of the game (in fact, most of the reviews are calling out the story rather than the gameplay)
Yes, bring us all the sequels but none of the originals.
I guess that means we're getting Digital Devil Saga 2.
This is one of the games I wanted to play. Super happy
Most of the characters are in BlazBlue Cross tag Battle,I'll pass.
I'll take it simply because it's Persona characters but I'd still like PSG or P5R on the Switch
hmm, I may pick it up
Give me Persona 4 Golden on the Nintendo Switch please. /sigh
Are Atlus using throwing darts to pick their ports?
While I do feel bad for people who only own a Switch and will never get to enjoy a mainline entry in the Persona series, this is the best announcement we've got so far for the Persona 25th Anniversary. Ever since Atlus teased that they were going to be doing a bunch of announcements to celebrate the Persona 25th Anniversary, all we got were a bunch of digital wallpapers and perfume. It's about time they actually announced a game. Hopefully they have other games down the pipeline. I'm worried that they're going to just announce Persona shoes next.
This doesn't change my opinion towards the leaks. If Shin Megami Tensei V comes to PlayStation 4 and 5 before Persona 5 comes to the Switch, it will be a great insult towards Nintendo for biased console preference.
@Handsomistic15 The great cabbbage lord, eh.
@SuperZeldaFun Except it was review bombed. The vast majority of the people on Metacritic who gave the game a 0 were because of the region lock drama, and had nothing to do with the quality of the game. Just check to see how many of those 0 scores actually wrote a review. There's a reason why the critics gave the game glowing praise (has between 84-86% depending on the console version), and the game was widely loved by fans too. Obviously there are people out there who didn't like it, and that's valid, but the user score on metacritic was clearly review bombed and that's not something people should go by when they make their decision to purchase.
Any reason they can't just give us straight persona games? Waiting for 4 or 5 to show up will buy again just to have a portable version.... I dont feel like tracking down a Vita for hundreds just to replay mgs and play persona 4
For people complaining that we get another spin-off instead of mainline Persona games, SMT V hasn't been out for a long time tbh and Atlus probably wants to see more sales come out of SMT V. Putting P4 or P5 would ruin that sales
I'm saying this for all MegaTen games that release on Switch: Buy this to show Atlus we want P5 on Switch. I am excited for this, regardless
That doesn’t make sense at all. If they are competing with just their games for sales they are still going to make money. Even more so if they ported the original titles instead of the spin-offs since they spoil major plot points of them.
@InkIdols I am in it because it’s a fighting game. So I would be buying this
Numbered SMT games on Switch: 2. Numbered Persona games on Switch: 0.
Arena Ultimax is a great game (in terms of gameplay anyways, don’t care for the story), but goodness, this feels like a tone deaf decision. I’m pretty sure the switch owners were begging for the RPGs, not the fighting game. Regardless, I’ll pick this up, just not on switch.
Also please have rollback netcode
I have this on PS3, but as a big fan of the game I’m sure I’ll be double dipping.
@danemord dk about SMT V because it’s not persona exactly but everything else you said makes sense
@CactusMan it’s Kombat with a K
@somebread agreed.
@Meteoroid This is what I'm thinking, too. I just cannot fathom how any company executive could be so out of touch that they'd think this is a better investment of company resources than just porting the mainline games. I'm sure this will find some audience, but there's no way this would ever outsell any one of P4G, P5 or P5R.
If there isn't anything keeping them from releasing any of those and it really is just ineptitude, then I am genuinely shocked at how Atlus continues to be a profitable company 😂
I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but Switch is the only platform I own. I feel like these spinoffs require prior knowledge and experience with the base games to fully enjoy and appreciate, but they won't release the base games. I have no reason to bother with the spinoffs. I am interested in the Persona series, but as a JRPG fan. I don't think this would be a good introduction to the world of Persona 4.
I forgot about this spinoff game. In general l forget about most of the spinoff games because they never interested me. Like the dancing one was just silly xD
@KirbysAdventure Gotta love ignorant people who don't understand that Atlus is still missing out on a golden opportunity.
Well I had a lot of fun with Blazblue Cross Tag, maybe this will be worth a shot too.
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