The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is unquestionably one of the best games of the past decade, so the fact that Bethesda has re-released it again should come as no great shock.
However, while much was made of the potential relationship between Bethesda and Nintendo when Skyrim was featured in the Nintendo Switch reveal trailer (the company has supported the console since with titles like DOOM, DOOM Eternal and Wolfenstein 2), Nintendo fans aren't actually invited to this particular anniversary party – despite Bethesda's messaging seemingly suggesting that is the case:
Skyrim Anniversary Edition follows in the footsteps of the original game (released in 2011), Legendary Edition (2013), Special Edition (2016), the Nintendo Switch version (2017, complete with Zelda bonus items) and Skyrim VR (2018). It includes the base game, all the DLC (Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard), all previously-released Creation Club mod content (plus some new Creation Club mod content) and (perhaps most exciting of all) a new fishing system.
It's available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC (and on Series X/S and PS5 via a next-gen upgrade), and costs £47.99 / €54.99 / $49.99. If you already own the Special Edition, then you can upgrade for £15.99 / €19.99 / $19.99, but if you own any of the other versions, you'll need to pay the full asking price.
However, there's no indication at this stage that the Anniversary Edition is coming to Switch, despite Bethesda's rather cheeky insistence that it's on 'all platforms'.
Comments 42
It'll be a free download for Christmas, Bethesda are a very kind, giving company.
My question is if there will be physical edition on those consoles AND if all the extra (anniversary) content will be on there?
UPDATE: I got my answer on their FAQ website:
"Will there be a physical version of the Anniversary Edition?
Yes, there will be physical copies of the Anniversary Edition available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems. Please note that while the physical edition contains a game disc, internet access is required to redeem and download the Creation Club content included in the Anniversary Edition.
Prices and availability for physical copies may vary, check your local retailer for details."
So I guess that the game disc is just the Skyrim Special edition.
Oh wow fishing would be perfect on the go too. I was so focused on if I wanted the PC version or not that I didn’t think about it. This hurts a bit now. Maybe I should skip the PC version. Decisions, decisions.
Edit: does make me wonder if these additions are on the nexus.
The Switch version can't be upgraded, as its based on the original version of the game, not the SE edition.
And since this Anniversary Edition is mostly revolving around creation club content and adding 4K support for PS5/Xbox series X, then this edition won't make sense on the Switch anyway.
I find it so disappointing that the Switch version has no mod support, despite the high price tag.
Maybe they will add Mods to switch for the anniversary?
I mean… I’m pretty sure they just meant available on all platforms previously announced. This is a common way of phrasing it, even when Switch is not included.
@chipia The vast majority of mods have only been available on PC. There are really not that many mods available on PS and XBox.
Most of the mods I used were PC only, so I mostly played the PC version. Especially during the Steam workshop era.
@thiz you do wonder why they didn’t remaster oblivion instead. They literally just make a remaster for Skyrim a couple of years ago!
Honestly , I’d buy it again if this came to the Switch
@quinnyboy58 You couldn't even call that a remaster.
They just upped the texture resolution and improved lightning a bit. Next to fixing some outstanding bugs they never bothered to fix earlier. The SE edition was honestly quite a lazy job.
It was mostly really just a rerelease for the PS4 and Xbox One basically. Just as this Aniversary edition is just another lazy cash grab rerelease yet again for PS5 and XBox Series X adding 4K support.
Back then. Modders had already done a much better job at that point and I actually never really played the SE edition, as my modded original edition was simply superior and still is today.
@Jeronan I think that you are wrong, it is based on SE.
@Max_the_German Even if it was based on SE, it mostly got the bug fixes. The texture and lightning improvements were definetely stripped from the Switch Edition.
Either way, it doesn't matter. This Aniversary edition adds nothing for Switch owners. It's mostly just a 4K re-release for PS5/XBox One X with some included popular mod content.
It's a total rip-off for PC players.
At least CDProjectRed will offer the 4K next gen update for free for anyone who already owns a copy of The Witcher 3.
@Jeronan Oh, I see. I guess Skyrim is one of those games that is simply not made for console, since mods are such a big part of the experience.
Wait, this is another version of Skyrim?
Bethesda is literally meming themselves.
More like autopilot insistence despite the anniversary package merely upgrading the pastgen versions whose features like Creation Club never made it to the Switch port either. But like @nessisonett pointed out, these are the only platforms they previously announced in this case, so it's hardly being misadvertised in context. Those not familiar with this context... aren't all that likely to have Bethesda among their twitter subs to begin with.😆
I just started Skyrim on Switch. Enjoying it. Sort of glad this isn't coming out on Switch as I'd be really cross! But some QoL improvements would be lovely!
Well what would they add to a new Switch release that wasn't in the original?
The mods, ok, sure. But everything else that's in this anniversary release is already in the 2017 Switch game and you can't expect a graphical upgrade, the original Switch version is as good as it could get really, it was a great port.
It says Special Edition on the box and does feature all of the upgrades. The only difference is that the resolution was decreased and some of the lighting and colours were also decreased. Aside from that, the game is pretty much just Special Edition on the go.
@Jeronan Actually, there are still quite a few bugs in the Switch version of Skyrim. Here's the ones that I found so far:
1. The giants can still launch people into space with their club.
2. Mammoths can spawn high up in the air before falling to their deaths.
3. The skeleton of a dragon can spawn if you warp to a city, like Riften.
4. There is a spot in the wall in the Ancestor Glade that you can clip through and fall out of the world to a flat surface. Falling off of that makes the world loop back up, but you fall to your death.
5. After vampires attack the Hall of the Vigilant, the corpses of the Vigilants of Stendarr, the Vampires, and the Death Hounds will still appear alive, and just stand there, looking at you. You can still loot them, however.
6. In the Dark Brotherhood questline, when you can go to Hag's End to get the Ancient Shrouded Armor, the assassin who wore it may not spawn, meaning the armor is unobtainable. You'd have to start a new save file and play through the game all over again.
7. If you visit Castle Volkihar before starting the Dawnguard questline, the gatekeeper won't let you in. That itself is not the bug, but when you return with Serana as part of the Dawnguard questline, the gatekeeper still won't let you in. You then have to use the wooden plate glitch (which itself is still in the game) to clip through the gate in order to gain entry to the castle and continue the questline.
8. When building your homesteads, furniture that you had already built will show back up in the construction menus.
So really, if you ask me, the Switch port of Skyrim was just a lazy port of the Definitive Edition, which was the base game with all the DLC, albeit with a Zelda-themed treasure chest with the Champion's Tunic, the Master Sword, and the Hylian Shield thrown in.
Bethesda really should look into fixing these bugs if they want to continue rereleasing Skyrim for the umpteenth time.
@ModdedInkling I just checked my copy of the game, and there's nothing to indicate that it is the Special Edition. More than likely, it's based on the Definitive Edition, which came before the Special Edition, and is just the vanilla game plus the DLC (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn), but with Zelda content (Champion's Tunic, Master Sword, and Hylian Shield) thrown in.
@ModdedInkling Like above already called out. It's based on the earlier definitive edition that contained the DLC.
All so called upgrades on SE edition are not in the Switch version.
When Bethesda was called out what edition the Switch version was based on, they never gave a straight answer on it, which should be proof enough.
The SE edition was really just a rerelease for PS4 and XBox One, with some GFX improvements and bug fixes.
Like I said earlier. Modders on the PC version had already done a much better job back then, with superior GFX mods and a Super patch mod that fixed the majority of bugs Bethesda never bothered to fix themselves.
It's the same with this Aniversary Edition. It's really only those who don't own it on console yet and want to play the game in 4K on their PS5/XBox series X.
Just like the SE edition, this Aniversary edition is just a total rip-off for PC players, but also for current XBox and PS owners who already own the SE edition. It should have been a free update.
It literally doesn't add anything worthwile that justifies the 20 bucks upgrade price tag! It's a Cash Grab, nothing more.
Well to be fair, most AAA devs don't consider Nintendo a real platform worthy of continued support.
"Hey what about Switch?"
"Lol buy a real console"
@AstroTheGamosian There's also ton of graphical glitches unique to the Switch edition, like Dynamic shadows breaking in exactly half of a room (most often seen by me in alchemist shop in Whiterun and in the Dragonsreach main hall, lighting disappearing entirely at certain angles (Thieves' Guild training area), water distortion filters getting applied at a random height far above the water surface (various caves and dungeons), music cutting out and playing various glitchy noise, etc.
Also, another carryover, this time game breaking bug from the original game, when a certain village elder takes a certain book from you but doesn't do anything with it, just continuing to pray, actually preventing you from completing Drahonborn.
Yeah, I think trying to at all that new stuff to this version would just break it completely.
@AstroTheGamosian I’ve really wanted to buy the switch version , but I thought it didn’t have some of the remastered versions features on switch compared to PS5 / XB1 so I’ve be unsure on it. I mean Skyrim is great , but if I’m going to re buy it I want all the extra content , I just really wanted the switch version to have all extras content
@Razzy Not to mention that the game on the Switch can randomly soft-lock after you defeat Miraak, preventing you from leaving his arena and getting permanently stuck. If you happen to save and you don’t have prior save states, that character is gone. This glitch and many others (I’m sure you know this) are fixed in the unofficial bug fix patch. This is why the Switch version is arguably the least favorable one to play on. But ooooh, handheld 🤷♂️
Not looking forward to reinstalling all my mods...especially since I am still using LE.
Wouldn't say Skyrim is one of the best games of the decade it was unplayable for me with so many bugs & a terrible frame rate (bought it on PS4 pro)
Don’t really care. The additions is pretty minimal. I mean I’m not gonna play this again for fishing
Yes you missed something. Skyrim has always been on a lot of people’s radar for how influential it is. Keep in mind that not everyone will agree anyway whenever “best” is thrown in the sentence
@BloodNinja Haha, completely forgot how much of a flustercuck the final fight is. I ended up having to try it around 10 times on the Switch until I finally managed to find the arcane mystical sequence and copious amounts of luck to pass it without him getting locked in incorporeal mode. I had to actually kill my own companion dragon myself, then kill his companion dragon, then finally kill him, and very carefully to avoid hurting him too much, otherwise he'd lock up again. It was just a mess.
They haven't even fixed the bug in the thieves' guild questline - of you don't have whirlwind sprint and you go back through the final dungeon again after having previously finished it, you get stuck after the final drop since the door is locked (the last room is flooded) and you can't go back up. You can whirlwind sprint back off a Falmer hut, but if you don't have that shout... Whoops.
I would be really happy if they just updated the game by bundling the unofficial patches as an upgrade, I wouldn't even mind missing the other mods since I doubt the Switch could run then well.
Never understood why Switch never got Creation Club. I can understand no mods with Nintendo maybe being iffy about that idea, but not even CC as an alternative?
It's disappointing it's not on Switch, but the difference between Switch and those other platforms is that the latter already supported mods (in one way or another) and the Creation Club stuff was basically official mods for the game.
Switch has never had mods or the Creation Club, so if the update did come to Switch it would take more work to implement it.
@Jeronan Skyrim Special Edition already had 4k support on the Pro and One X, which carried over to the PS5 and Series X
Switch is the odd one out, we will get it sometime, never. That's the trade off for buying a Switch.
But we do have Mario Party. 😄
@GreenDude I have the SE edition on XBox One X (and now XBox series X) and it was more like an upscale, not really true 4K. Simply since the SE edition released at least a year before the PS4 Pro/XBox One X came to market.
Either way it just makes this Aniversary Edition a total rip-off anyway for those that already own the SE edition on console at this point.
The Witcher 3 also upscales, but the true 4K next gen update will come at a later time and for free!
@Razzy Yeah, with the audio, I've noticed a frequent static noise that is quite jarring, but is not found in the other versions of Skyrim I've played; only the Switch version. Maybe an issue with the audio compression?
@Thaswizz Honestly, I'm not surprised that the Switch version didn't get the same content as Xbox One/Series S/X and PS4/PS5.
When it comes down to it, Nintendo's hardware just isn't powerful enough to run these AAA games smoothly compared to it's competitors.
And it may also come down to legal issues, as Nintendo can be quite strict with what they want on their platforms (although they have eased that position significantly in recent years with the Switch), but I think it mostly comes down to hardware limitations.
I mean, heck, look at FIFA. Nintendo constantly gets a "Legacy Edition," which is just FIFA '17 repackaged with new rosters and kits, whereas Xbox and PlayStation get all new games.
And don't get me started on Rockstar Games. We have yet to see GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2, or anything of the sort on the platform (although rumor has it it is coming). And as we have seen of the remastered GTA trilogy, the end result leaves something to be desired.
The same argument about hardware is made for Genshin Impact not being on the Switch yet, despite it being on mobile devices (although on my phone, the game frequently crashes). Although, if you ask me, I'd say it's because of legal issues, as I doubt Sony would be okay with Aloy (who is a special unlockable character as of last month) being on the Switch version of the game.
Ultimately, I think unless Nintendo can make a console that is on par with it's competitors in terms of graphics and power, we're constantly going to get the short end of the stick.
There are paid DLCs from Bethesda’s Creation club.
I’m fine without graphical increases, but games like Witcher 3 , doom eternal, war frame , Wolfe stein, and some other consistently show what talented teams can do with ports. I put war frame in there because you mention Gensjin impact which I’d love to see eventually come out on switch.
While switch may be underpowered it can still be pretty amazing when right dev is working on the title. Nintendo always makes underpowered consoles usually with something interesting such as it being a hybrid to make up for it in unique titles. Love my switch and have an Xbox so it’s not a big concern. As for fifa EA is just absolutely lazy and using them as easy cash.
@nessisonett I mean what about intellivision?
@Jeronan I have the special edition on One X and it’s native 4k30 there, and so is Witcher 3 in quality mode for the record since you brought it up. Both games were released before the One X but received updates after the One X launched to run at native 4k. If you’re running it on Series X with FPS boost on then it’ll be running base Xbox One settings (without the One X patch) at 1080p60 because of how FPS boost works, but that’s the benefit of updating it now for Series X so we can have 4k at 60 instead of 30 (without that fps unlock mod anyway).
I agree that the Anniversary edition is a rip off but at least it seems like the Series X|S and PS5 upgrade is free, the game updated on my Series S to a native X|S game today and the PS store lists Special Edition as a PS5 & PS4 game.
If they released AE for the Swtich I'd actually consider buying it again for the Switch. Playing AE (unmodded) on PC for the last few days and it's been great, it would add a lot on the Switch as well.
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