It's almost hard to believe, but next week sees the arrival of the Grand Theft Auto trilogy on the Nintendo Switch.
If you are wondering what the Switch version of the game will look like compared to the rest, Rockstar has now made the first official screenshots available on its website. These screens show off the cityscape, character and car models.
So without further ado, here you are - enjoy!

You can see screenshots of the other versions of the game for PC, PS5, PS4 and Xbox over on Rockstar's GTA website. And in case you missed it, it seems the physical version for Nintendo Switch will require an internet download. Read more about this in our previous post.
So, what do you think of the first screenshots of the GTA trilogy on Switch? Comment down below.
[source store.rockstargames.com]
Comments 152
Looks like the PS4/XBO version without some of the more advanced lighting/reflections.
I'm impressed already.
Looks terrible. The switch somehow forced the game to be demastered.
So it doesnt look like them. The lighting and refections is kind of the point of this.
Looks good to me. Gonna wait for the physical version, but yeah, it'll nice to play these games again now with improved visuals.
Umm, no? The biggest upgrades are the completely new models + textures and the GTAV-styled gunplay, which the Switch version has. 60 FPS too, but that's only available for the PS5/XBS/PC versions.
Bummer about the download, but I’m quite happy that this is here. Yet another group of classic games for my favourite console ever.
The pictures look like a downgrade. All new textures and models is a stretch. You know that.
Have you played any of the PS2 GTA games?
These are objectively all new models and textures.
@Thatsalie Look at how the PS2 games looked and think again.
The image quality looks blurrier and worse than if they just had the actual original PS2 games running at 1080p or even 720p the plus side is that it hides a bit of the bizarre shiny plastic doll shading they have on the character models.
The real downgrade here is the joke of a physical release. Past physical releases were all complete on disc.
Rockstar have opted to not only delay the physical release, which is not a problem in and of itself, but to issue a substandard product, which is an utter travesty for such a renowned trilogy of games that I was otherwise anticipating. It’s even more insulting considering that the Switch version is AU$10 cheaper in Australia than the other platforms when we could have had an honest physical release at the same price as the other releases.
You set your expectations way too high for something as simple as this. It's not a remake or reimagining, which is where fancy graphics would truly matter.
What you're missing is that this is somewhat monumental for Nintendo consoles. Up until now, the most we've gotten were spin-offs, which while they were great, they didn't capture the same style of gameplay as the mainstream GTA games.
Doesn't look bad but I'll probably get the trilogy on my ps for the trophies
I love the switch, but If I am going to play gta 3, gta vice city, or gta San Andreas on the go, I can just play it with way better graphics on my iPhone 13 pro max.
I definitely am interested in the gta definitive edition but I'm probably going to get it on xbox, so I can take advantage of the graphical upgrades on my xbox series s.
What would be really cool, is if rockstar would also release the definitive edition upgrades for the phone, because modern phones can play these games as good as the latest consoles basically.
I have seen some people here were expecting the switch version to look like ps5 upgrade. What a dumb idea😒. It looks good and reasonably so for the switch hardware.
They changed the Engine, it is a Remake
The Graphic is better, but, the originals on modern PCs do not look as bad, as they're not as blurry as the PS2 Versions.
As i personally do not like the plastic look of the Remakes, i'll stay with my old Versions.
So the switch gets the mobile version, ugh.
@clianvXAi uhm no. You're wrong.
They're the same game across all the major platforms. Just that the switch don't have 60fps, advanced effects like the ps5, serie x and pc. Of which it's reasonable, considering the switch limitations.
@PunkyKayla by all means no need to sweat it. Wait for it then for your iPhone 13 pro max then.
@Rpg-lover it something called sarcasm, but go ahead preach it 😉
‘Switch version doesn’t look as good as PS5 game shocker’
It’s the same choice you always have to make. Get a fancy new Xbox, PS or PC for visual fidelity and excellent frame rate. Or get the Switch for accessible portable play.
If you’re fortunate to afford/own two devices, it comes down to whether you think you have the time to sit in front of your TV for that length of time. I don’t have that time, so I’ll get the Switch edition. But I do so knowing, as I always know, I’m playing the visually inferior option
@Rpg-lover I mean, I would like to see an upgrade on my iPhone but what Is already available in the App Store for the iPhone is miles ahead what is being released for switch.
The screenshots & realizations that the switch version is going to be pretty crappy is just going to convince me to buy the xbox version. I doubt rockstar will do anything further with the mobile phone versions as they cannot charge $60 for 3 mobile phone games, even if they are better. The only reason game developers even bother with creating switch releases like this is because they get to charge way more for an inferior product.
A lot of switch games are really good, I love the switch, don't get me wrong, but this kind of game is really pointless with the hardware that the switch has.
Actually, my bad, it appears that they will be releasing the new gta definitive edition on mobile. I'm really happy about that, considering that the latest iPhones have probably the best handheld gaming hardware, they just don't have the titles that the switch has because game developers don't release triple a games for phones.
@Thatsalie Go back and play the originals. This is not a demaster.
You’re talking as though graphics is the only thing that matters. I’ll take this on my Switch over my iPhone because the controls will be infinitely better with an actual controller (unless you carry one of those iPhone add-ons in your pocket). And how will this release be crappy? It’ll play better than the originals considering the hardware it’s being played on is more advanced than the hardware it was originally released on. Did you think they were crappy when you first played these games? Then they won’t be now. There’s nothing to be negative about with this release especially considering we’re actually getting these games on a Nintendo system which I consider a small miracle.
Looks good to me, but I’d still like to see a proper side-by-side comparison between this and the originals
Should be fun for us retro fanatics I think younger players need a good dose of GTA, too. I agree with @BaronMunchausen above. Nothing to be negative about when such a great series of games are coming to the Switch, a piece of gaming history, imho.
There is no shadows?
Just the dynamic shadows, ambient occlusion, texture quality, and reflections have been reduced, the rest is just fine.
More interested in what music makes it across from the originals
I don't know about this game yet..
I wish I could buy them individually, I only really want to play Vice City and perhaps GTA 3, I don't care for San Andreas
Those calling this a downgrade have a real rose tinted glasses thing going on. These look great i suggest re examination of your memory cause it’s definitely faulty if you think this is downgraded. Not as significant of a upgrade ill give you that but hell even without the visual being 100% equal to the other consoles the control upgrade and general polishing of the games makes this a upgrade in itself.
@Gerald really hoping all the music survives ill consider not getting it if it don’t. The music alone made vice city and San andreas. And the original soundtrack of 3 was fun too
Wow the PC version looks million times better, like a difference between 2 generations almost. I waited better from the Switch.
This game is already charting on the eShop on pre-orders alone, it’s gonna do great on Switch and that’s a GOOD thing.
Think I’ll wait for a discount as I’m only interested in vice city…
It looks pretty bad, there are no shadows at all! Seriously?
@chipia did you play the originals?
@carlos82 play or buy? I had similar concerns about downloading the whole bunch at once even in the mood for just one game, but it does seem to be no issue - the eShop page shows the collection as a bundle of three separate items.
Looks fine to me, in fact I'd say it looks even more like the original PS2 games, which is a good thing by the way!
@Thatsalie Well I mean the Switch is OLD. Like Grandma Old.
Hell the PS5/XBSX are slow trash too. PC is so faster it's crazy now.
Is it a comparison of ‚what others get and I don’t‘ or are you gonna be adults and compare the switch version to the originals? That is the only fair comparison, I believe.
@nhSnork buy, I've no issues with space but I'd much rather just buy the one game I really want to play, especially when they are seemingly treated as separate games on the eshop
Think some people on here need genuine help. If you think the PS2 versions look better or it will be a better game to play on iPhone, check in to your local doctors for an evaluation.
Some really weird takes in these comments.
Looks good to me. Just hoping for a solid Framerate to make it a Switch buy.
Picture 6 says "DAVID"
@PunkyKayla "I mean, I would like to see an upgrade on my iPhone but what Is already available in the App Store for the iPhone is miles ahead what is being released for switch."
I could agree on saying it is not a huge upgrade, but the Switch versions are noticeable better than the versions on the App Store. Why don't you compare first before posting incorrect information?
I just want to know if Tommy can swim now.
I think it looks fine. For me, despite the impressive scale of the environment, I've always found GTA games to be ugly. But there isn't anything to be disappointed with here. Looking forward to playing it.
@carlos82 well, then the more obvious solution is to wait for a sale in the 66% ballpark.😄 L.A. Noire hit 70% (although just once and long ago; all the recent sales have apparently been 50% off), so it seems like a matter of time.
These will blatantly come to ps+ eventuality. If it was all on the cart I would have gone for Switch, but I can wait to play them for free.
I don't get these comments. If your only interested in graphics, then by all means buy it on pc ps5 or xbox. No one cares. If you are happy to take a hit on graphics and sometimes performance, to play it anywhere, then you're in the right place. For those complaining about downloads, just buy a decent sd card and then you have the additional downloads forever. These companies are bringing these games out to make money, not as a favour to us. You've got the box for your collection if that's important. Most people who bought a switch knew what they were buying and if they thought it would look like a ps5 at this point or a 1000 quid gaming pc, they should've done some research
not too much of a remaster when it comes to the Switch version
Looks like they’ve turned the shadows off on the Switch version, so the bike looks like it’s hovering over the ground. Even the PS2 version had basic shadows under the vehicles, it’s a pity they couldn’t have retained that rather than just turning off the more advanced shadows of the Xbox/PS version.
I’ll probably still get it though as it has gyro aiming!
@Friendly I played them decades ago, so I don't have a clear memory how they originally looked, but seeing characters without shadows in 2021 is really awkward. This is supposed to be a remaster.
@chipia remaster is not a remake though.
But yeah, you don’t often see games without shadows anymore.
I've pre-ordered this, can't wait to replay them after all these years. But the lack of shadow under the motorbike is a bit disturbing!
Some of the comments on here really do just scream ‘Troll.’
I’m sure that some folks juts have noting better to do with their time.
@YusseiWarrior3000 that was my point really. I agree 100%, it looks perfectly acceptable. If it was a straight up port it would do me, never mind having the rough edges knocked off. Like a few others, I'm more concerned for things like the soundtrack
@nhSnork sounds like a good plan
@YusseiWarrior3000 no, definitely not to change. The soundtrack needs to be exactly as it was.
the graphics are not that demanding with the GTA Trilogy so that's not an issue its the preformance and bugs that people should worry about
Im waiting for a tech analysis on the PS4 and Switch version. I'd rather play handheld on my Lite, but I'd want decent resolution and framerate. Also want to see how the new controls work and whether the soundtrack is mostly intact.
I was never a fan of GTA games due to the sandbox nature. I like more structure in my life. I have shiny object syndrome. So are they still worth it if I just follow the story and not get sidetracked beating up whores?
I honestly think there's no cartridge with this game, my games rental place don't have the switch version available so I messaged them and they said they won't have it as it won't be possible to rent it, so why wouldn't it be possible? If it only requires an Internet download for the cartridge then it should still be fine to rent. So my guess is its a fully downlaod code in a box
@Thatsalie You have to be trolling.
I've been playing the crap out of Dying Light all over again. Damn the timing of this GTA trilogy. I must own it!
I’m more curious about performance and the new controls, although the images do beat my memory.
I’ve never played San Andreas and currently only game on a switch, so could be a good opportunity for me.
It looks fine. But yikes why the images have to be so low quality, it really makes it look worse!
So they obviously don’t look as good as the other consoles but anyone who moans about that is being ridiculous. These look great and what I do like is that they’re more in line with how I my memory recalls playing the original games where as the other consoles look a bit more shiny.
It’s for this kind of release that I bought a Xbox series s instead of a switch oled, I will
play GTA San Andreas for free with gamepass on November 11 and with much better graphics and surely better performance than this switch port.
Honestly, looks good. If I can handle the graphics on the PS2, I can handle this
Wow! This actually looks better than I thought it was going to!
Its got me actually thinking about grabbing it now.
@JRJalapeno all GTA games have had great stories so if you have never been a fan of GTA fan why bother with these?
I'll have to see a review or at least some video. The lighting and weather effects were the biggest thing to get me excited for this and if it's not there... I can't see being too interested.
@munstahunta you get game pass for free? I have to pay for it. And unlike my switch, my Xbox is at home while my switch is with me most of the time.
How can we be this far into the Switch lifecycle with next gen consoles out from both competitors and some people still complain and/or are confused by how a multi-platform game needs to make graphical sacrifices on the Switch? Gaming on the Switch is a different experience and it’s the one I prefer most despite the sacrfices.
That Picture Quality.
@BaronMunchausen frames per second is the gamer equivalent of gluten - people suspect it’s really important because they heard about it, without realizing if it was a real issue they’d DEFINITELY notice
@TOMAWOLF it's been a long time since I've tried them. Tastes change and I didn't know if they had great stories..hence my question... Just wanted to know if they were worth playing for the story alone.
@Donutman no gamepass is not free I pay 12 can$ for the service but considering it give access to around 100 games it’s around 0,12$ for each game which I consider is almost free to play GTA San Andreas at home .
Looks way better than the PS2 originals, which is the only criterium I really care about. But what I can’t help thinking is it’s a damn shame they couldn’t be kind enough to include the games on the cartridge. 😑
Does anyone know if the Japan physical release of LA Noir was intact on cart?
@Thatsalie agree! No Shadows? That looks terrible:/ not bad models, but the general aesthetics! Look how great Monster Hunter Rise looks! The system can do better, so I find this as a lazy bad port! We want better work done Rockstar!
@Thatsalie probably GTA V was your only experience with the series, not judging you tho, there are many young users on this platform.
Unlike the other comments I think this ironically looks preferable to the other versions since it looks a little closer to the originals.
@JRJalapeno Gotcha. Personally, I think they're a LOT of fun! I have such great memories of playing all of these games. Hard to say how they will play all these years later but my memory of them and the story is nothing but good.
Well said and I love the analogy.
@TOMAWOLF I think I'm going to give them another try 😊
I expected the graphics snobbery on the PS and even Xbox sites, but on the Nintendo side? Guys, really?
And as I said on the other sites, these games look great. They have upped the quality of the assets without destroying the art. This is the best outcome for a project like this.
Damn, I never even noticed.
Even so, the intent seemed to be more geared to a remaster than a full-blown remake. I would assume one reason why they did this was because the original source code was either too difficult to port or was lost in the same manner as something like the Kingdom Hearts games.
Whatever the reason is, I'm not setting my own expectations too high because even though this is technically a remake, it barely does anything to the extent of a modern remake.
@PunkyKayla - You’re in luck; they’re coming to mobile in the first half of 2022. Rockstar has stated so, themselves.
@JRJalapeno Nice!
Yep, but i am pretty sure they had some tools to Port much of the Stuff in.
Someone mentioned that the Reason could also be Licencing Costs.
I assume that the old one was also just too old to renew Stuff in a rational Way without spending to much Time, so it was more logical to change it all together.
As they now use the Unreal Engine and GTA 5 was on the Epic Store for free, i bet they had a nice Deal to use the Engine
(also got a bunch of new Players that will spend Money in GTA Online).
@YusseiWarrior3000 ya I acknowledge its a bit downgraded from the other ports but many on here are saying its a downgrade from the og games witch is ridiculous
I miss the fog in the mornings and sunsets, tbh. (from what I can tell in the pictures). It helped give the games some character and ties up the art direction. Gray for GTA3 (like it's always going to rain), Pink for VC, and Orange for SA. They wouldn't need to be super aggressive to mask the draw distance, like they did for PS2, but just a bit starting from just beyond the buildings in your immediate area would get some of that feel back.
I also miss shadows. Like when the sun is shining on you and you can see your shadow on the ground. Or when you're being chased by the cops on your bike and your shadow is on the ground in front of you.
The game doesnt look hd on switch XD
@YusseiWarrior3000 the newer ones are actually more powerful than the Switch
@YusseiWarrior3000 @anoyonmus
From a pure numbers standpoint, yes, modern phones are more powerful then the Switch. From a gameplay standpoint, phones have to handle WAY more with their hardware, where as game consoles can dedicate nearly all of their hardware to running games so they can usually get better performance.
When it comes to the Switch, I'm willing to bet that from a purely performance standpoint, a phone will run these "better" but play MUCH worse due to lack of proper controls and worse battery life. Have you ever played a game on a phone? Drains battery life WAY faster then playing on the Switch (and the Switch is not known for it's amazing battery life)
Yes, I am. But I'm also saying a Switch will play games better than a phone, so please read everything I wrote.
@BenRK thank you for clarifying that and agreeing with me
@YusseiWarrior3000 Yes, it is true. Google it. Also read what @BenRK wrote
@datamonkey allegedly you can buy them all separately when they launch. They are listed in the eShop individually.
@YusseiWarrior3000 looks like Rockstar hired a bunch of kids to defend a bad port! If your response was valid, you at least objectively judge the screen shots, you defend without any relation to direct screenshots! Are there shadows?! NO, there are not! Well, we can hope this was not their final work, but in this day- no shadows? Even low res ones? We don’t need ray tracing on Switch just a solid conversion because some games like MH Rise, Doom Eternal look gorgeous! I wanna play this trilogy too, but wanna protect the switch owners! So that even us get the best port possible! So if you own a switch, you should be on our side, otherwise this is not a web for you.
@Znake to be honest, apart from no shadows, the rest of the game on Switch from screenshots look alright. Doesn't look bad imo. Also the Switch version is getting some specific features like gyro-aiming which should make the port sort of acceptable.
Trust me, the people on PushSquare were complaining that Switch version gets gyro-aiming but PS4 and PS5 don't get it.
At best, I see this port getting an 8 at the very least.
And btw, I will be waiting on reviews for this game to see how it turns out. I don't pre order games after what happened with Cyberpunk 2077
@cammers1995 which eshop? Sadly the North American eshop doesn't
@BaronMunchausen thanks 😊
@YusseiWarrior3000 yeah exactly! It’s important to tell these companies that we want the best quality for the system! Mostly they just care for sales and do not perfectly optimize the game as long as it’s playable! That is why some games on Switch look like crap and some amazing! I even bought Doom Eternal for ps4 and then on Switch because it’s more fun with motion controls and it looks great! As I said, art style is more essential than resolution, and Switch is my main system! I want the trilogy to look and play flawlessly! At least the shadows should be corrected. Let’s all hope for the best and that this was just a mistake in photo editing on Rockstar’s end! I also wish it look less much better so I can buy it on Switch! Fingers crossed!!!!
@RandomNerds same reason people complain when they’re behind a red light. Some people need everything perfect for THEM.
@Znake I would really not hold your hopes too high if I were you. I don't think Rockstar would fix this.
I do hope I am wrong though
@anoyonmus yeah Gyro should be a great addition! But come on! Without shadows things look like they are floating in the air! I do not mind lower res than ps4/ps5 but a solid downscale of ps4 version.
@Znake that is true
@anoyonmus the question is if this was a video sequence or gameplay! Second question- if the shadows are missing-can they fix it?! Well if enough people demand better quality before they start selling they will fix it, because they want to sell, and it’s up to us to demand quality! If we buy ***** food, and nobody complained, why would some companies bother providing better quality if people keep buying ***** food! We need to notice things around us, that’s the impact we can have as a community! I am super hyped for GTA and also hope this was only an error!
Looks like I'm late to the party on the shadows discussion. Have they actually turned them off? Some of the earlier screenshots that I assumed were from more powerful hardware didn't seem to have them either.
If yes though, does anybody know why they always seem to do that with Switch ports? Is it the easiest way to save processing power or something or is the Switch not good at rendering them? Some games seem to handle them just fine, especially games designed for the system specifically so I assume it's an easy win from the developers or something.
Agree with the above post that without shadows it all looks a bit like it's floating on air. Even one of those PS1 era dark circles is better in my opinion.
Looks pretty good to me. This is one I want to buy for Switch partly for the novelty.
Damn no shadows. Get a grip people, get a grip. I’m pretty sure that shadows have never actually made a game less fun to play. I don’t recall ever playing a game and thinking , ‘damn if only there had been a shadow there.’ 🤦♂️🤦♂️ Seriously. If they all play well that’s what matters. Gaming is about quality gameplay. If you lose sight of that fact you may as well stop playing.
Well, it looks decent... Ish? I can live without advanced lighting effects, but the combination of good lighting and no shadows is throwing me off, as usual (looking at you flashlight in Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Switch!), and all this and no 60 fps? Kinda disappointing.
As for all the folks balking at people calling it a downgrade compared to previous releases... The ps2 games at least had shadow blobs simulating real shadows. San Andreas on PC, Xbox and all other releases had full shadows. What, the Switch can't compete with the OG Xbox?
I wish they either put some work into optimising it enough to get the shadows in, or left the original shadows and effects on. From what I've seen all versions of the remasters also remove the full screen filters the OG games used. They added a lot to the mood, like giving the appearance of shimmering heat in SA or beautiful sunsets in Vice City. Even the PSP Vice City spinoff had those.
Also, not keeping my hope up for the previously removed music tracks.
I have so much against Unreal Engine, but at least Rockstar used it properly.
@jarvismp I agree with you to a point on the shadows and certainly the gameplay is king. But (and it's been a long time since I've played these games) I remember there being a bit of verticality to them like jumps and helicopters/planes etc. Having a shadow blob at least makes it easier to judge the height in these instances. It's not a killer by any means, but as somebody else has said, I think the originals had a depth-indicating blob effect. I only really want these on Switch for portability and I honestly thought that the Switch could handle the look of the first screenshots we saw a few weeks ago at 30FPS so these new ones are a bit disappointing to me really. Still might bite eventually though.
It looks basically the same as the other versions. The new assets are present, the new lighting is present, everything looks the same barring not being 4k 60.
There may be small differences that can be picked apart by technical analysis but for any normal person, it's the same.
And I'm very happy to hear it'll run full 1080p when docked.
@JaxonH Yeah, I don't get the hoohah. The only thing I'm disgruntled with is a possible calamitous physical release which mars what is quite frankly a massive release for the Switch.
I won't state the obvious given other people have already made the comparisons, I'll just say it looks about what I expected which is good enough that I'll be double dipping. PS version digitally and next month I'll get the 'physical' version for Switch.
Ya I get that. Personally I've just moved beyond caring. All physical ever brought me was headaches and discontent. Digital has brought me peace and let me get back to being excited for the games themselves.
At least it's like 2 full games on cart which, that could have easily been the collection released and ppl wouldn't have been any wiser for it. As long as it's not 3 half games each incomplete, it seems like a fair compromise for multiple games. What I didn't like, back before letting go of the whole cart thing, was games where you wouldn't get any complete games on cart. Just half games. At least with this you get multiple full games and just one bonus that's digital only.
@JaxonH Yeah...I can live with that.
Even though the Nintendo Switch version looks solid, seeing these images kind of make me just want to get the collection on a different console. I want to have these remasters at their best since I hardly ever play the Nintendo Switch in handheld mode.
People keep jumping on the ones who say it doesnt look great, relax.. lot of people are deciding on what platform to get it on and yes the switch version looks noticably crappier than the other versions... For an old game thats still mostly the old game it shouldn't look that bad on switch when theres much bigger newer busier and more complex worlds that look better on switch.. yes ill pick this up on switch so i can play it anywhere but wondering if ill have to buy it twice (on pc or PlayStation) to really enjoy some of my favorite games of all time in it's new definite form
@Razzy This isn't using the original PS2 versions. They are using UE4 for this definitive edition.
So it makes sense for Switch to be at 30 FPS. ALSO, I believe the PS4 and Xbox One versions will also be at 30 FPS.
I get San Andreas for free woot.
@GrailUK “ calamitous physical release which mars what……….”
Mars? Don’t know why but reading that, I instantly thought………
It's a God-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling, "No"
And her daddy has told her to go………
@Thatsalie The textures are new. The PS2 originals look terrible.
I also, Games often seem very unpolished under the Hood.
As an Example, my PC really begins to sweat when playing Destroy all Humans, but with Doom Eternal you hear no Sound from it.
On the other End, Unreal Engine Games run pretty well on the Wii U.
It's particularly Unreal Engine 4 (and potentially 5) that I dislike. None of the games on the Wii U ran on Unreal Engine 4 specifically.
Unreal Engine 4 is so damn overrated. Sure, programming games is very easy and the games look really nice, but it lacks many optimization options.
Soo...... Sleeping Dogs next???
As long as it runs fine, I think it looks okay. I wonder if there's gonna be cross console save support. That'd be great!
@Thatsalie you just talking just to talk
@Gerald hahah
I actually dig these screenshots, if the reviews can claim the games run good then I might invest.
I really want the physical edition , but after having some amazing games without DL needed I hate the fact they wouldn’t just use a bigger SD card as they know it will sell like hot cakes . If it was a gamble I’d maybe understand , but they’re going make bank off this game and should have sprung for bigger cart
The reason why a lot of people care about framerates is because it improves the experience for them and makes the game more responsive. (i imagine there are others who could explain the difference it makes far better than i could)
its like i mentioned in the topic regarding input lag, Framerate issues are something which can be measured, How noticeable it is can depend on the player, so its fine for people to enjoy a game with these kinds of issues as long as they aren't dismissing those with criticism as "whining" "entitled" "liars" or things to that effect.
As long as people aren't resulting in personal attacks with said criticism and ideally can back their point up when asked.
These games are all such classics I'd have been happy enough with direct port just to be able to play them again on a Nintendo console. These updates look great, really looking forward to them.
@Mgalens I mean on a technical level, sure, but as somebody who 100%’d DOOM and Outer Worlds on the Switch, it’s hard for me to empathize with people who are saying “WHAT IS THIS A JOKE” in the comments
Looks better then the original. People who are saying it's worst or the same need their vision checked or their memory checked for Alzheimer's disease.
@YusseiWarrior3000 do you know your saying something thats five years old and was built with pretty much dated tech then is more powerful then pretty much state of the art chip sets? From pure power standpoint I guarantee most new phones are more powerful then the switch. But continue to make your fanboy arguments. Love my switch hell i got the oled but it’s honestly disingenuous and just kinda dumb to argue that its more powerful then the phones whose chipsets have advanced in the last five years the same chips that are used in tablets of witch the switch is a modified version of. The switch is literally built with a tablet chip set thats nearly 7 years old now one that has been advanced several times over since some of witch those very advanced sets are being used in modern phones
Well lets just wait and see what the final product looks/plays like. If you are concerned then don’t worry because DF will surely have deep dives and comparison vids. If the frame rate is solid that is the most important factor IMO. A lot of Switch ports have made sensible choices on what is cut and what is kept and turned out solid. They don’t always look pretty in stills because the cuts are so glaring but when in motion these cuts are less impactful for many gamers, especially on the portable screen. I love the hybrid concept but I too wish we could get more cross save support in compilations and other multiplats as there are only a few with PC.
As to the Switches hardware….last I knew Nvidia is still using TegraX1 for Shield though it is clocked up and has more ram. That is the problem ppl. There is really not a new chipset from Nvidia for N to use yet. The panicdemic has screwed so much up. I think we’ll get a new Switch but if they want to make a true successor they need a new SoC and not just an amped up X1.
As to these ‘iphone’ gamers….you go ahead and put lots of hours playing power intensive games on your phone. Your gonna kill your battery and shorten your phones life. The issue is thermals. Phones are passive cooled and not very well. When any mobile SOC gets hot it throttles making it hard to guarantee performance. They aren’t made to play high draw games for hours on end. Plus iPhones still using fixed memory so its hard to have everything you want and a games library. Last is phone users will never pay top price for games….meaning quality will vary greatly and largely suck.
I guess we are all ‘used’ to 3rd party skimping on Carts. They all use the 8GB cart and the rest is download. Its a price issue because the 8gb is cheap for them but again the scamdemic screwed the normal evolution of the media keeping prices for the larger carts higher than they should be. I guess we should be thankful it hasn’t prevented devs from publishing their games. Pretty much all the compilation ports have done this. Thankfully SD always cheap but even they have had prices mostly frozen since you guessed it the propagandemic.
Switch is having a great run. It will top Wii soon and if it stays around 2 more years without a major revision it could top DS. It could happen as next year is loaded and could be its best year yet release wise.
@YusseiWarrior3000 rock i am leaving? Dude you cant even get the saying right thats how Wrong you are
The iPhone has been way more powerful than the switch over 3 years ago. So I’m pretty sure my current iPhone 13 pro max would obliterate it. The only reason I love the switch so much is for the library of games on the go it has. However, if I can get a game on my phone instead I would & if a game is available with better graphics and I don’t really want that game on the go as much then I would get it on my Xbox series s.
@QuickSilver88 think its a modified x1 they list it as x1+ and its a updated smaller chipset with better power demand output and less heat output. Makes sense why nintendo is waiting when you explain it this way on a switch pro or 2. Think they had originally planned on it for this year and had arranged for the oled screen production alongside the new chip set coming around the same time then all hell broke loose last year. Now Nintendo was faced with all these new screens still coming on time but no new system ready for them so the adapted and just put them on the original system and released it as the oled. Doubt will see the next system until the chipset supply issues are settled and they reveal the next gen chipset. Probably no earlier then 2023
@masterLEON when you’re talking about the shadows and day effects, you’re talking about how the original PS2 games have them and not any of the newer versions, right?
As much as I wanted this landmark release on Switch, I'll be picking it up on PC. I won't even bother with the physical edition now either.
Big let down in my opinion, but at least Nintendo fans still get to play this time!
"Picture 6 says "DAVID" " @reporterdavid You're famous! 👍
@Magrane That’s right. This is for San Andreas but from what I remember, all the code for the lighting and shadow effects were in the earliest port of San Andreas for the 360. But for some reason or another, the game didn’t use the effects. Worse, now that a technically PC compatible version was available, Rockstar North could start porting it to PC and everything else (or it could have been the other way around, I forget). So they did, but somehow no one got around to fixing the lighting and shadows. Did they even notice it looked different? Or did they know but didn’t have time to track down the bugs (from pressure from Take Two to get things done). In any case, once the PC version became available, the modding community stepped in and patched everything back in. Which was great. However, all the official ports since then are still based off the original 360/PC ports.
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