Nintendo has published yet another commercial for Metroid Dread, and things are getting real in this one.
This latest 50-second spot shows off gameplay, the new Switch OLED (which also launches alongside the game this Friday) and some CGI shots of the terrifying EMMI invading a poor woman's lounge. Nothing says 'Dread' like having a DNA-extracting machine creeping around behind your sofa – it's legitimately spooky.
As you may well have seen, Nintendo's been going all-out with the marketing for Metroid Dread over the past few weeks. A number of similar commercials have been spotted across the US, Japan and Europe, and the game's also been featured on giant billboards.
Only four days remain until the game's big launch. Make sure to stay tuned for our full review, which we'll be sharing with you later this week.
Comments 43
So we had Mario possessing innocent people in the ad for that game, now an E.M.M.I. wants to kill this random lady who's just enjoying herself playing her switch. What's next? Is Kirby gonna go on a killing spree to advertise the Forgotten Land?
@Jackpaza0508 Knowing Kirby, he could be.
A black Samus Aran would be nice.
@Jackpaza0508 "For the last time, officer, it wasn't a bigfoot that spooked me while playing my Switch at the campsite. Yes, a Rotbart. Yes, territorial - that's important"
You know they are trolling the fans by having ‘Metroid ‘ and ‘4’ in a Twitter post.
@nhSnork "Really, officer! A short Italian man in overalls jumped on my car, threw his hat at me and took control of my body! No, I haven't taken any substances in the last 24 hours. Why is this story so hard to believe?"
@Specter_of-the_OLED That would only ever work if Samus was like Doctor Who, Spider-Man or Link where they swap her out with a reincarnation or alternate universe self every other instalment - and even if was it'd still have the potential to horribly backfire good as the intentions are.
@Specter_of-the_OLED Instead of race swap shenanigans, I'll prefer an original black character instead, fighting along side her.
A new member of the Federation or a companion bounty hunter that is Black would be cool. We don’t want to replace existing characters, we just want to exist/be represented in media.
I consider Samus to be Japanese anyway. I grew up on Sailor Moon…blonde hair/blue eyes on a Japanese woman isn’t even weird anymore.
Cool commercial though.
@Shiro28 @Ryu_Niiyama
Going by the cold reception of one Anthony Higgs (remember him?) I doubt race representation is going to be a focus in the Metroid franchise going forward.
@PickledKong I mean you could even have it that Anthony Higgs had a sister. It would be likely that she would know of Samus and give her the opportunity to work with her if she’s a part of the GF.
Reminds me of an old Wii ad, that featured a girl playing Another Code: R, and I always thought, they got it wrong, that game wouldn't appeal at all to teenage girls.
I get similar vibes from this, it's more Nintendo pushing for older women to play these types of games but I don't think it'll make a significant difference.
I remember the hype with Other M, that cinematic commercial is a masterpiece.
Is anyone else having trouble accepting that these dinky little research robots are giving Samus more trouble than all the enemies she's fought before?!
@Specter_of-the_OLED as a black man, I can’t help but say, no.
@Realness As a black man, I can't help but agree with you. I'd prefer if there was an original black character instead of just changing Samus's race.
And why exactly?
@ObeseChihuahua2 thank you. What cop out. Swapping her race, would assassinate her character and cheapen her worth. Why can’t someone come up with a new black character, make her interesting and have her do cool stuff too..? Or is it just easier to stuff her in someone else’s Space Jump Boots?
@hypercoyote Given how the E.M.M.I. are meant to collect DNA they're probably built with extreme durability in mind since they'd probably at one point need to extract DNA from large and powerful life forms with thick skin or shells.
I'd also think near the end of the game Samus will get strong enough to destroy the E.M.M.I. with ease.
@Tourtus Right, I just hope that the EMMI are not like the 'main villains' of the game. The trailers show some other prospects, so I don't think it'll be the case.
If an E.M.M.I. came right behind my chair I'd s*** my pants and say I had an honorable death.
I think it'd be cool to see an original bounty hunter/playable character of a different (human) race show up on Metroid, but please leave Samus as she is.
As much as the internet seems to dislike Metroid: Other M (I recognize it has flaws, but I had fun with the game), I did like the character Anthony and wanted to know more about him. Unfortunately, with the exceptions of Samus and Adam, the other characters in the game felt underdeveloped.
@PickledKong Never understood race-swapping of characters, it just sounds too me like, "I'm jealous of this original character someone else created so I'm going to project another race unto them so that I can earn some easy Brownie points."
If that's the case, then I would like to see an original ethnically diverse character be race swapped as well so that people can understand what it's like.
People that encourage this are just jealous of the popularity of that character.
@Realness Assassinate her character and cheapen her worth?
I'm not gonna disagree that Nintendo could do better in creating original characters of color. But please tell me how making Samus a black woman is going to do what you claim?
The same day they announced Dread they said this will be the end of Samus's story, but that Metroid will continue on. So its not too far fetched to think that a new character could pop in a chozo suit for the next installment.
And since we're already on the topic of a black Samus, I highly recommend listening to the album 'Another M' by Sammus.
I got to see her perform live at MAGfest, and picked up a couple cds. Been in my music rotation ever since.
@Specter_of-the_OLED they could make a black sucessor. Samus Aran is blonde. People need to stop change ethnicity of stablish characters and make new ones.
@russell-marlow Umm, this is a bit OTT. I don't think anyone is jealous of a fictional character or his or her popularity. You think it was only white folks going to the theaters to see Captain America and Iron Man duke it out?
I also feel you fail to understand why some would like to see a main character from a fictional story interpreted in a different way. Not saying its the solution to representation. But, and this is just my observation, I feel a lot has to do with the half hearted attempts at creating, establishing and investing in characters of color.
The other is probably due to fatigue in the kind of characters constantly created and the umpteenth iterations of a particular character. I mean, we have another Batman movie on the horizon. And its fine. I like Batman and Bruce Wayne just as much as the next guy. But how many times are WB/DC gonna reboot this character with little to no variation to make it worthwhile? Same goes with Spiderman and Peter Parker (though as someone mentioned, the introduction and ascent of Miles Morales has sort of bucked the trend with him)
I also don't think any writer would have the need to make a Luke Cage or a Static Shock white only because there isn't a historical precedent of white characters being underrepresented.
But again, I absolutely agree it would be nice to see original characters of colors created, first and foremost.
@Yomerodes and "representation" is not to be "focus" of it anyway. I think they could have black characters (and new protagonists) but "focus" on that
@hypercoyote I'm not. These robots seems to be designed to do that, so they probably research ways to do that. I believe that maybe the federation is trying to kill her because she knows too much and they had access to her technology when she was infected. They could been researching for replicate the technology (which could be very difficult due the DNA binding), and a way to fight it (that they apply in these robots). Meaning: they sent her to a trap
@UmbreonsPapa because her 35 years story was made as a blonde woman. She is a ICON and ICONS' flags are they image. Whey you change the flag, you narrow how far they can go, as you change the way people remember her. Some people don't bother with Metroid in decades, it's easier to the remember the character and think "hey, I had fun with that before! Is it still worth it?" Then see a complete different character (at least the image of the character) and think "who is that?, Nah, forget it". There is zero benefits when change the ethnicity/gender of characters, they need new characters to do that. They can even kill the original and make the new a sucessor
@Specter_of-the_OLED as a person of color that's fed up with race/gender swapping of characters, I'd have to say no.
Leave Samus as she is, please and thank you.
@RCGamer killing off Samus for a replacement is an even more spit in the face for the fans.
Damn that lady is cuuuuute. I'm so getting this game!!!
@Arkay I was showing a exemple. They could kill, retire or even simple focus on the other character story. But change her image is changing the way people see her
I can't wait...
It looks awesome!!!
@Yomerodes see that's the thing, Race should never be a focus to anything. Tell a good story, with a good compelling character. If the character happens to be black, white or hispanic then that's ok as long as is a good character that people will love. I'm hispanic and I don't give a crap about being represented, all I care about is about good character creation/growth.
@Shiro28 I'm Latina and I would love rep. Yes ppl should just write a good character but problem in a lot of media is people have inherent bias on what qualifies as a character worthy of certain traits, roles, and depth. Getting ppl to write outside their comfort zone improves them and forces to them to think how will this character's perspective be different on this matter versus others. How are they the same as others? Also studies have shown that representation has a HUGE impact on better perception of marginalized groups ppl. There should both be good push to have ppl write more perspectives and more experiences AND just write good characters.
Get out…metroid edition
Oh, I liked that ad. That hit just right. It's funny though, I avert my eyes when they show in-game footage. I don't need to see anything, already bought it.
@UmbreonsPapa I remember playing the original Metroid back in the day and finishing it. I remember seeing the true identity of Samus and thought it was very cool. They need to stop recreating original characters to appeal to the woke culture and create new ones instead.
I heard they are making a new BLADE movie.......and the main character is white./s
@Specter_of-the_OLED Why would that make a difference? Honest question
@Specter_of-the_OLED An original powerful, sexy black female character would be amazing to see in the Metroid universe.
@UmbreonsPapa Race for a character doesn't matter, unless they were created with the intended purpose of some social commentary or something, I don't know.
But that's generally what I see with some characters nowadays being politicized, especially in comic books.
These are the best commercials, now it only needs the japanese song.
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