Earlier this month, Square Enix confirmed the "offline" version of the MMO Dragon Quest X would be coming to the Nintendo Switch. I'll be arriving in Japan on 26th February 2022 and is officially titled, Dragon Quest X Offline.
If you've been eager to see more of this game in action since its initial reveal trailer, Square Enix and developer B.B. Studio have now shared a much closer look at the upcoming turn-based RPG during a recent PlayStation broadcast in Japan.
Check around the 10 minute mark in the video below to see the game in action. There's some footage of the field and battles.

There's still no word about a possible localisation, but if we hear anything - we'll be sure to let you know. Would you be interested in an offline version of Dragon Quest X for Nintendo Switch? Comment down below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 38
The PS4 cover of the game looks nice.
More than interested, I've been asking for this for years. Didn't expect the chibi look (and was not a present surprise tbh), but I'm expecting this to be localized and published by Nintendo some time next year, hopefully!
DraQue is looking pretty good! The DD scope artstyle change is growing on me. And the overworld looks sharp.
Interesting chibi style. World of Final Fantasy says hi.
Even there was a character looks like Yuna FF X, Laura.
English, please. Don't let this become another Mother 3. Bring it westward!
Oh, and if SquareEnix sees this, an offline Final Fantasy XI would be nice one day too, please.
Hopefully at least English language support so I can just import it.
It looks like both the visuals and combat were completely changed 😒 Nonetheless, playing DQX untranslated for several hours was still enjoyable (even though I couldn't read anything), so I'd still buy this for sure if it gets localized.
I would learn Japanese for this.
I always disliked that there was a numbered entry in the series that was an entirely online game. This is the realm of spinoffs, I would have thought!
Final Fantasy has the same problem too.
Stop promoting this game then if it ain't ever coming to this side of the planet. Getting tired of hearing about localaziness. Well what do you know even the spellcheck agree.
Why won’t they localize it?
I'll buy it if it is localized, for sure.
At last a chance to play DQX.
Reminds me of dragon quest 7 on 3ds
Not feeling the Chibi style (changed from the online style) for this particular game, but if the rest of the game stacks up, I will be happy. I am a fan of DQ after all. I want it over here in the West and I'd still probably day 1 it
Turn based?!
slaps credit card on table
Im Gonna need that slap slap I want that
i feel like they gotta translate this. Dragon Quest is as popular in the west as it's ever been
not bad, I like it a lot! but I do not like the spells/abilities animations
What’s with the horrible bobble head style and the Ariel views. X should look like 11?
When they say 'off-line', does that mean single-player only?
Or does it mean normal on-line with people and mostly single-player?
This makes me a sad panda bear, I’ve been wanting the MMO to be localized since I had my Wii U
Actual online game not an offline localization
I would love to play this in English!!!
Would love a translation. While they're at it, would love some ports of 4 through 8 as well.
I'd love for this to release outside of Japan as well, but I'm also fine with importing if there's an English translation.
@TDCinFL I have tried, and failed lol.
Saw this video a while back. Hopefully it comes to NA. I know I'd buy it. Or at least an English language Asian import.
Here I thought Square-Enix was done with the whole timed-exclusivity crap involving localization. I really hope this gets a simultaneous release worldwide.
When the presenters themselves spam the presentation! lmao!
@GamerDad66 Do you mean like Dragon Quest IX? That would be an interesting idea, but I’m pretty sure it’s single-player offline.
Stark reminder that they remade X before IX.
Chibi oh no, I thought it was going to use models from x directly .
How come X is like XI but with online……then they remove the online and it looks like a trashy mobile game.
I would have been interested if not for the chibi redesign.
@Thaswizz same here, bought a WiiU in 2014 specifically to get Dragon Quest X. Instead had to settle for Wind Waker HD. And no DQ X for what seems like forever. At least we got DQ 11 S for Switch. But still, make it 2 sad panda bears. 🐼
One my most anticipated games for old OG Xbox was an MMO called True Fantasy Online that never came out then this =(...... I almost bought the jap version, but i wanted to be able to read and enjoy the lore/quest without hassle so I declined to do so. Im not into hyper serious MMOs, and ive enjoyed some, but i feel like DQ X would have been a match made perfectly for me and you fellow sad panda bear =(
Greetings all. I am here to tell you about a game, still locked in Japan, but thanks to the IP Ban lift on NA/Canada Still need a VPN in other countries and now a new Fan-Translation Project, Dragon Quest X Online.
Dragon Quest X Online is a MMORPG by SE, released a little later than the failed FFXIV 1.0 launch before FFXIV became the greatest MMORPG in the world For now.
The game has a very generous Free Trial period which lasts forever, giving you access to a level cap of 80 out of the 120+ right now, and all of Base game and the first expansions content. Basically Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 up to the end leading to V3.0.
However keep in mind if you do a Free Trial and opt not to make a full account yet to login, the game will actually save your data locally on your computer, its only when you make a full actual account, that it will start saving everything on the server, so if you somehow lose your save file before then, your character will be gone.
Dragon Quest X Online uses elements from both FFXI and FFXIV, with slower paced gameplay, Vertical and Horizontal Progression systems, the longest storyline ever seen in a mmo Moreso than FFXIV giant lands, many, many quests, tons of mini-games and side content, even epic hidden questlines.
Thanks to a translation-teams efforts, the game is now fully playable and enjoyable by non JP reading/writing audiences.
What my friend has is a new Discord Community, made for DQX, created out of necessity due to the toxic issues the two major DQ communities have, Woodus Dragons Den and Dragon Quest Worldwide, tend to have, often alienating or removing good people, while protecting the bad ones. This discord community is brand new, and as of today just now opened up, and are hoping to find players interested in DQ as a whole or even new DQX players who want to join and, it even has a Team guild for players to join being lead by the Community creator.
The Community will be moderated based on complete fairness and equality. No sudden bans will happen unless someone comes in with the absolute intention of causing trouble. The leader and officers will speak with the troubled member in private to try and settle and resolve things, with Bans as a final measure.
The creator has also made some videos, posted into the proper channels in the discord, showing how certain gameplay systems work and how certain classes work, he is constantly making more for these channels, and has also provided a Channel with Important links that will take you to the translation tools, important websites, the Translation Mods discord, and even a 120+ Page Strategy Guide that he typed himself spending many hours on it, detailing everything he knows of the game so far to help new players out.
Here is a link to the discord for all those interested. https://discord.gg/NtFRctbWfy
We hope to see you Dragon Questers!
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