One of the standout releases on the Nintendo Switch this year has been the enhanced version of the original Quake title, celebrating 25 years of id Software's first-person arena shooter.
The game got its "first major update" for the Switch and multiple other platforms last week, but one thing you might have missed is that mouse and keyboard are now fully supported on Nintendo's hybrid platform - allowing you to play the game as you would on a computer nowadays.
When Quake arrived on the Nintendo Switch in August - we praised it as a "feature-rich remaster", awarding it an outstanding 10 out of 10 stars. It includes a wealth of online and co-op options, a new expansion from MachineGames and much more.
So, who's ready to LAN like it's 1996? Tell us down below.
[source, via]
Comments 37
I wish every FPS supported keyboard and mouse on consoles. I know people will be all "why not play them on PC then" but I like having physical copies which is a dead market for PC these days.
I have a digital copy but also pre-ordered physical through Limited Run. Played it a bunch on PC when it first came out.
What sorcery is this??
Nice option....can there be more???
Next add gyro control so Wii first person players could also enjoy their style as well.
@Specter_of-the_OLED It already has gyro.
@JoeSooper : GOG is the next best thing as their games are DRM-free and you can choose from client-based and offline installers. Offline installers seem to be made so that one can split them up across multiple DVDs (in 4GB chunks), but they can just as easily be burned to Blu-rays for larger games and compilations. Members of the forums sometimes produce custom covers for certain games too.
I feel DRM-free gaming is far more important than owning them physically per se as you can easily back them up for prosperity in any manner you wish. I ultimately passed on DOOM Eternal’s “physical” edition on PC as it didn’t include the game on disc(s) AND it imposed the use of the Bethesda client (and I would much rather have had it on Steam like the last game), so that was a missed AU$370 (?) sale from me.
While I had bought the more recent Wolfenstein games physically, I doubled-dipped on GOG as they do not require an always-online connection to Steam like the physical releases. And since Bethesda have been releasing some of their older acquisitions on GOG, I’m hoping that it’s only a matter of time before the newer DOOM games wind up on there as well.
@VIIIAxel Different gyro, I think.
@Specter_of-the_OLED Like Metroid Prime Trilogy? Wii Remote/right Joy-con to point and turn, nunchuck/left Joy-con to move?
When it's so absurd it's good.
Calling mouse and keyboard controls “OG” for Quake is a little misleading, isn’t it? I don’t know a single person who played with freelook mouse control when this game was new. It was technically possible to set it up that way, but you had to enter a cheat code to enable it. Most of us didn’t experience mouse-and-keyboard as we know it today until Quake 2 baked it in as the default.
Yep, if i can i buy them on Gog.
You can spread and backup your Files everywhere.
No worries about losing your Data.
Gog will become the Remaster of Quake, as they sell the original one, you could buy it now and get the Remaster for free afterwards, as happend on Steam.
The original Version on Gog has uncompressed Audio.
To the Topic, tested it on the beginning, as it was mentioned on other Forums.
Sadly the Switch doesn't recognize my Mouse.
Can this count as me being a PC master race gamer, now?
OG way was keyboard only. And it was ***** lol
Mouse and keyboard became standard years after Quake's release. Some people played it with the mouse and keyboard setup in multilayer LAN party, but it took years to become a standard.
I used to play FPS on PC back then, and the first major one that had mouse control as a standard was Half-Life.
Great news by the way.
Nintendo, take note of this for your supposed Metroid Prime remaster!
Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy sorely need this-
The Switch versions are clearly based on the PC versions and not on console versions.
The aiming system for Outcast on Gamecube was sooooo much better than it is on Switch, it is nearly unplayable on Switch.
Ahahaha hahahahaha ahahahahhaahahahhaahah!
Yeah, that's your death kiddos!!
@Silly_G That's not quite the same as having a real copy. It has a more bootleg feel to it since it wasn't officially manufactured.
@BloodNinja unless we're talking Prime Hunters, I don't really see Nintendo needing this given the Prime series' preference for Zelda style combat. The prime games aren't conventional for a game where you shoot.
This is nice, and all, but a Timesplitters Trilogy would be epic!!!
My only argument against FPS on console (=I prefer M+K) has been brutally slain.
I'm buying this.
Praising an almost 3 decade old game for being a perfect console port? I like the game but practically everything can run it perfectly nowadays.
@Jayenkai This timeline can't handle that amount of GROOVINESS. It's time to split
Keyboard and mouse nice, now bring world of warcraft classic on Switch. Using mouse and keyboard on Switch is kinda oxymoron though
@JoeSooper Yup very rare to see physical for pc that isn't just a code inside the box
I ended up buying the LRG for switch even though its expensive, been playing the remaster on my pc while I wait for my physical
It's cool as all hell that console version now has kb/m support especially since it has crossplay with pc
@mikegamer This is actually the second game on Switch to support keyboard and mouse: HypnoSpace Outlaw (non-FPS). It’s been possible just nearly an extinct feature.
Nice! I will be trying this in a few mins.
Devs, THIS is how you resurrect a classic game. This top to bottom first class. Take notes.
I did the same thing. Two digital copies (so my 9 year old and I can play) plus physical.
@chefgon I made an account to say just how accurate your post was.
That is 100% correct. Nobody played with a Mouse and Keyboard when we all had Software Quake. Quake 2 made M&K the go to, and I can vouch for this as it's when I switched over.
A lot of players then went back to Quake 1 and played with M&K. Especially with the arrival of GLQuake.
Ahhh, great memories eh brother?
@VIIIAxel @masterLEON It finally has it thanks to me.
Whoops! Apologies for any confusion! When I mentioned 'OG' it was more in reference to PC being a classic platform for the game. I will say though that I've been playing this latest release with a mouse and keyboard.
an earthQUAKE is my wallet. Gotta get this.
Well, it is a good Thing if a Company treats a IP right official.
Models and Graphics redone, but true to the Original.
Multiplayer Servers with cross play.
Mouse and Keyboard for Consoles.
At Steam (and in the Future for Gog) the Remaster was a free Update for Owners!
You can still play the original Dos Version on Steam/Gog and use Source Ports, Mods et cetera.
Curated Mod Support for Consoles.
A really good Price without Discount!
Besides of that, we've seen bad Ports in the Past, especially for the Switch.
And we have so many good Source Ports of Quake because ID Software gave out the Source Code in the Past (well ok, the old ID Software)
Friendly reminder, keyboard and mouse was the recommended controls for Doom.
"Debunking the Myth that Doom was Keyboard-Only"
Fix the damned motion controls instead of this crap!
@VIIIAxel Have you TRIED the gyro controls? They might as well be non-existent with how bad they are, doesn't count.
@chefgon People played using mouse back in Doom. Quake you could look around by holding a hotkey, not a cheat. Granted, keyboard only was more popular , especially in Doom. But as soon as I realized I could move forward/back with mouse, in addition to aiming, I never went back to keyboard only.
@Roz1281 You could technically play Doom using a mouse as your input device (which wasn't even new then, you could do the same in Wolfenstein) but that experience isn't remotely the same thing as what people consider to be mouse-and-keyboard FPS controls today.
Of course the whole point appears to be moot, as somewhere in the last year the article was updated to remove the sentence I was even replying to in the first place, lol.
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