Mushihimesama may be a name that some will struggle to even pronounce, but don't let that get in the way as it's also a fantastic shoot 'em up on Switch. Originally an acclaimed arcade in 2004 from the masters at Cave, we gave the rather nicely updated HD iteration on Switch a big thumbs up in our Mushihimesama review.
Limited Run Games has confirmed that it has various physical editions of the game opening for pre-orders later this week, with one in particular catching our eye. First of all you can see all of the details below:

No prizes for guessing that it was the third product there that got our attention, with a stylish 'mini arcade cabinet' that'll house your Switch playing the game in vertical TATE mode, using a Joy-Con as the stick and buttons. It's unbearably charming, and Limited Run Games has confirmed that it will fit the standard Switch and OLED model - no Lite, unsurprisingly.
Below is a bigger image so you can appreciate its awesomeness.

Yep, it's tempting...
Comments 22
I think this would sell as a standalone accessory, but with the game 👍
I doubt that miniature arcade cabinet is actually a comfortable way to play the game, but it's a really cool display piece.
Nice display piece but it looks too narrow to properly emulate the look of tate machines.
How do you setup Mushihimesama to use one joycon only instead of a pair? I tried doing right now but can't find the option, left is movement, right is shooting. I need 2nd pair of joycons forb2p as well. Also, how do you get Fullscreen in Tate? If it's the x y values, what's the optimal for full screen?
@RupeeClock It's more the use of a single JoyCon for me that would be uncomfortable. I'd rather sit the Switch in the mini cab and use a Pro Controller, or just stick to the TV...
But I'm glad it's seeing a physical release anyway. Hopefully Espgaluda 2 will follow.
'Fantastic' it looks like a barbie accessory.
Cool idea, but using a sideways joycon to play a bullet hell shmup?
Even masochists would consider this a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
That looks great, but my concern isn't how uncomfortable playing with one joycon is (because I won't lol), it's what looks like a lack of ventilation for the Switch's heat. Doesn't look like there's any opening.
Gosh darn it, I wish these releases would go retail. Getting tired of using LRG.
Nintendo are you watching? We would love to see a classic donkey version of this...
Great! I was looking to replace my Toki switch thing that is built using rubber bands!!
No new content = pass.
Loved the look of it. Tempted to buy….
Seee it’s LRG….
hard pass.
for as awesome as the mini arcade peripheral looks, I also have doubts of how uncomfortable it would feel attempting to play with it. also, $109.99 is a tad bit pricey
It looks great, but I have doubts about its durability and comfort level under actual play conditions. And since I already bought the game digitally and am trying to act like a responsible adult who understands about budgets and cash flow, I will pass on all of this.
A part of me wants this but this would totally be a frivolous purchase.
Not very hard if you'd just break it down it just means Beatle Princess
@BloodNinja don't see why retailers like gamestop dont order since there's no purchase limit
The mini cabinet is being sold on its own for around $40 Canadian and I all ready own the game. Honestly Im not a big fan of shelling out huge money and waiting a year for stuff to show up at my home but this does look cool. Still frikn waiting for LRG to ship out my NEOGEO POCKET COLOR SELECTION Vol.1 Classic Edition ordered in April I believe.
Nice I like it
why are there not MORE OF THESE THINGS
Niiiiice... will use it on the desk in the study or so with my Pro Controler. The JoyCon is just for display otherwise it would be a torture to use the thing.
I just fear we will have to wait until Christmas 2022 until we get it muahahahaha ... sill a purchase for me as I do not own the game and found my way back to SMUPS^^
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