Earlier this week, Nintendo rolled out a sizable update for the recent Switch release Mario Golf: Super Rush.
As you might have already seen in the full patch notes, Version 2.0.0 adds Toadette as a new character, New Donk City as a new level and Ranked Match mode. There are also a number of general changes and there's one in particular that some Daisy fans aren't happy with.
She no longer says "whatever" when getting a Bogey on a hole. It's now been changed to "booo". The following tweet highlighting this change has been liked more than 4,000 times:
@Lythero Nintendo removing Daisy saying "whatever " and changing it to "oooh booo " is so weird. Like did someone on the team get real mad over her showing a singular iota of sass? THAT was still too much personality?
And here's what this new line sounds like compared to the old one:
One response to the original tweet joked about how "Nintendo fears the power of Daisy's sass". While many other fans of Daisy also feel it's a step back for the character's personality.
Did you notice this change yourself? How do you feel about it? As always, leave your thoughts down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 114
The “whatever” voiceover is much better. The “booo” one barely has any personality. I wonder why Nintendo changed it. It seems like such a small thing so I don’t get what the point was.
Why would they change it? was there some sort of issue? well, I know this comment section will be fun.🍿
I prefer the "whatever", because it suits her personality better.
Shame they did that. Would be good for Daisy to have a more sassy personality to distinguish her from Peach as she's pretty much a brown haired Peach, let's be honest.
PS: Don't search for this topic on Twitter unless you're prepared to see some disgusting artwork of Daisy. Ditto the International Bowser Day hashtag. I do worry about these people who get off on uploading this stuff to a platform young people use. Especially as a lot of kids like these characters. I'm not against it if you go to a site for that but there's a time and a place?
Probably got removed because some Karen got upset at the original voice line for being “too rude”.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Technically, twitter is for adults, and not children. Plus most accounts who post nsfw stuff often have a filter for sensitive content, to prevent younger people from clicking on it.
@VoidofLight 13 year olds and over can use it, not just adults.
Lots of people don't hide it behind #nsfw hashtags. International Bowser's Day hashtag had lots and even just searching for a game series can bring it up. Then people reply with wtf etc and it goes up in the search results.
It's all part of the grand plan to replace everyone besides Mario with different colored Toads.
Let me see if I got this right, someone made a video to get clicks about her "sassy attitude". Nintendo which we know wants no drama whatsoever simply removed it... now the "content creator" is upset...
I hope those 10 mins of content for midroll ads was worth it.
@Snatcher @realityxaidan Sorry, going back to Daisy and why they removed it... Weirder still, "booo" is an old clip from other games and they removed the new ones recorded specifically for Mario Golf! I can only speculate that someone messed up and put back in clips from an earlier build?
Or it's a stunt to keep people talking about Mario Golf and the update on social media!
It's funny when they already made these hole sink celebratory animations so much worse to begin with, now it seems they're going out of their way to make them even worse than that.
The mouth animation is off now too. Still moves to "whatever"
@Clyde_Radcliffe Just BC they can doesn't mean they should, I think your search proved that.
The only reason I can think of for changing that voice line is "boo" shows more frustration and sadness. But the contempt and sassiness of "whatever" was much better, really.
Yes, it was. But instead of bringing it back, bring back "whatEVER!" from Mario Power Tennis.
When are some Nintendo fans ever happy.
Give me a "whatever" over a "boo" (not the boo characters in Mario and not majin buu) any day of the week!
Odd, but Daisy's sass has been part of her portrait for ages - to allege Nintendo would be suddenly uncomfortable with it now is much weirder than the situation itself is. Combined with the lost lipsync, the latter honestly feels like a goofup with a decent chance of reversal in a future update.
If I knew Daisy was going to get such a big nerf I would have considered to buy the game earlier maybe.
I mean, it is a very dumb small change, but she has being saying 'whatever' for a few games now. I did enough boogeys in the past games to consider it as iconic as her 'soft' iconic introduction ;w;
@Expa0 first paper Mario, then the world!! 👁️👄👁️
@Rika_Yoshitake So you're saying Nintendo goes out of their way changing the game because they didn't like a specific content creator? Seems like a d*ck move.
This was a straight-up 100% Nintendo move and I doubt anyone would complain about this. Someone up top probably got wind of it and said change it.
Could be a mistake, or maybe not. Doesn't really matter to me, I don't play these games for the characters, but for gameplay.
Plus I never liked Daisy anyway. Too bad for the fans though.
Saying Whatever, can be considered impolite, rude or offensive.
So all Nintendo is doing is removing what they consider might upset people who don't have a certain type of humour. They are being politically correct, as usual.
Next to go will be 'its a me Mario'. Surly this must offend some Italians.
I'm I bovverd, ...... Whatever
So they’re now taking away the little bit of character that Daisy had?
Daisy is no longer a character in my eyes, she’s roster filler. Nothing more.
(Seriously though, I think they are going for sassy but cute, and this could be a bit rude?... No idea, did the voice actress come back for this?! )
Yeah, "Whatever" was pretty awesome. I watched a youtube video of someone who played as Daisy and lost often. It made for some pretty funny video montages of Daisy saying Whatever over and over.
I'm gonna be honest.
I don't really care. They both sound fine.
Oh Boo hoo hoo
I’m sure they changed it for the international market. Take into account that it’s the same audio for every language, so it makes sense for lines to be easily understood regardless of your mother tongue. It’s even possible that “whatever” sounds like something rude in some other language, hence the need for a change. (Having said that… yeah, it sounded much nicer before!)
Looks like Daisy was showing too much femininity. We know how that's a no-no for girls these days.
If you truly care about this; please get help. It's not normal.
Nintendo are a disgrace.
"It's all part of the grand plan to replace everyone besides Mario with different colored Toads."
Please don't say this aloud T.T
You know full well that they listen to stuff like this...
you guys remember that time when nothing happened?
Can nintendo do anything without people whining about it?
I agree both sounds are fine. Though I think they should have changed the animation. The animation looks like she is saying whatever and making a who cares hand gesture. A boo should have had an animation of disappointment.
I'm not familiar with Twitter, but all social things seem to have this issue. I had to ban my young kids from youtube. They had watched alot of Nintendo type content, but the amount of adults dressing in Nintendo cosplay and behaving badly that got recommended was terrible. The straw that broke our back was we were on vacation with my inlaws and they were watching a Mario video where the commentator said the F word about 15 times in the 20 seconds it took me to get the device and turn it off. I don't know what it takes to get flagged for adults on youtube, but it's clearly not enough.
I might be taking aim at a sacred cow here and maybe I need to play more Mario games but honestly, I've never thought any of the Mario characters really had a personality. And this goes double for the female characters.
Mario: the fat brother, Italian, loves Peach and pasta.
Luigi: the skinny brother, also Italian, can jump high, is scared a lot.
Peach: um, is a princess?
Daisy: (really long "um") is also a princess? But is the sassy one, I guess?
Rosalina: the motherly one?
Toad: small and cheerful!
Toadette: small, cheerful and PINK!!
So, like, whatever!
Basically if anything offends anyone in this day and age it has to go. It’s a sad state of affairs that the world we live in is turning into a generation of snowflakes who pretend to be offended by the slightest thing.
Honestly, both "whatever" and "boo" are sassy. No idea why people see such a huge difference between the two.
@JasmineDragon i agree. Its about time nintendo (and others) started fully voicing their main stream characters and actually adding personality to them instead of grunts, nods, woo's, ahhhh's and sad and smiley faces etc. Look at bayonetta for instance. Ive thought this for a long time. Link defenately needs his own voice imo. A big beutiful world like BOTW's and a main with the personality of a brick. Same with fire Emblem, Dragon age etc. Just my oppinion tho so it doesnt really matter much.
Nintendo Life feeding on drama has usual.
@HamatoYoshi Agreed.
Please find a story about a community of gamers that is happy about something in gaming, instead of constantly spreading this bad news that we don’t need to know.
It sure would be great to wake up and open a website without having to know which group of people is upset about yet another inane topic.
@johnvboy there are a few of us that are usually happy.
That amounts to about a dozen people, by my estimates.
Daisy fans are a peculiar breed.
This is what nintendo does now. They remove all the personality that mario games have until there's no personality there.
Could've been worse...they could have changed it to "Hi, I'm Daisy!"
I miss 3DS celebrations for eagle, birdie etc for each character.. please bring them back
World Tour -> Super Rush for me
@Clyde_Radcliffe if Twitter lets people access this material so easy I question why they would allow 13 y/o to use it.
@Divinebovine Can anyone do anything without someone whining about it these days?
In all the games I've played that featured Daisy, her 'personality' is just "hi I'm Daisy" with a smile that shines eternally.
I prefer the change as it’s a less immature response to a bogey. 😅 I personally couldn’t play as Daisy before because her “whatever” was too salty when I’m just trying to have fun playing with my friends. It didn’t really fit the “fun” theme of Mario Golf either in my opinion.
Basically if there’s something you like, Nintendo will be sure to remove it. That’s been their thing lately. WHATEVER!
I can't remember, was it Luigi and Peach who said something like "Oh my god!" in the Japanese version of Mario Party 1 (and replaced in localizations)?
@BloodNinja "It sure would be great to wake up and open a website without having to know which group of people is upset about yet another inane topic"
AKA the Internet prior to the existence of Twitter and social media. ☹️
Why are people so mad sure whatever had more personality but its just one voice clip why it doesn’t Chan the game at all
I know the two of us are always upbeat in these discussions, and to be fair a lot of people on the site will not even comment.
Not a big deal
I can’t imagine getting up in arms over this, how deprived of human interaction would you have to be to publicly express distaste for something that doesn’t matter.
They need to swap out Falco's "cawk" reaction sound effect from Smash so teenage boys will stop already.
Even with Daisy as my main character, can't say I noticed. Trick is to not get bogeys.
I definitely prefer the whatever voice clip, but I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it wasn't for this article. Thanks now I'll never stop noticing it. xD
But in all honesty it's not going to bother me even if I'd prefer them to revert this change.
I definitely prefer the whatever than the boo. It’s not stopping me from playing the game and Daisy is my favorite character but I do find it odd.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Well, you’re somewhat correct, but news outlets have been making it a business to spread bad news for decades. Twitter is the next evolution of that, because people love talking about bad news.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Co-sign every word. It really irritates me in a game like Dragon Quest and BOTW. If you're not going to let me design my own character, give the MC a personality and a voice already. Being mute doesn't make the character a "blank slate", it just makes them mute, and it's just weird when every character they interact with is fully voiced.
Daisy is my most main in every Nintendo related game after Yoshi. Its not the first time this has happened. Nintendo destroyed completely Wario's personality and no one complained about it. Wario used to be a great villain, mean and a good antagonist to Mario. Nowdays its just a brute farting trucker lookalike. Its not really completely out of the blue that Nintendo do this kind of thing.
@JasmineDragon exactly. Couldnt agree more. Its about time these silent protagonists had some soul injected in to them. Its not like its never been done before. It adds absolutely nothing to allow the player to imagine the personality of a lead character. Infact it takes away far more than it adds.
Nintendo tryna cancel Daisy.
Seems like such a pointless thing for Nintendo to do.. Seems like even more of a pointless thing to get upset over
Lol. All of the crap Nintendo is doing (or not doing) and getting a pass for and THIS is the hill some people are willing to die on?
Sad and hilarious at the same time...
Or should I just say 'Whatever'.
It's a weird change but it's also weird to be so upset by something like this.
I never liked how they made her lighter and turned her into a chubby white girl. Her GCN look was perfect. Nintendo always making some weird changes to there characters.
I don't think any of this is driven by outrage so much as the bigger mystery of WHY.
@Clyde_Radcliffe isn’t Twitter 18+ on the apple store? But yeah lmao
@HamatoYoshi said: "Basically if anything offends anyone in this day and age it has to go. It’s a sad state of affairs that the world we live in is turning into a generation of snowflakes who pretend to be offended by the slightest thing."
Ah, but it becomes like Ouroborus ie people become offended by people taking offence. Are they snowflakes as well? Are they pretending offence? Is this a slight thing?
I find the concept interesting.
Nintendo removing all personality from the Mario series as usual. Nothing new here!
@k8sMum The people who complain the loudest about everyone always being offended these days and call people snowflakes, are oftentimes the people who get the most offended over the most ridiculous things.
It's the very definition of projection.
This reminds me of the bowdlerisation of the dialogue in more recent Animal Crossing games. Just compare the dialogue of the GameCube localisation (which was considered to be so good that Japan released a revised version that localised the Western dialogue!) and Wild World to the often eye-rollingly safe and bland dialogue of New Horizons, because God forbid that some sheltered, mollycoddled 30 year old is mildly discomforted by comic reproach in the form of a dialogue box from a cute little fictitious anthropomorphic animal (which, to me anyway, was among the funniest dialogue in the older games).
Such subtle changes may seem inconsequential (if not imperceptible) to most, but for those who do not fit into the perpetual victim demographic, this is merely the tip of the iceberg of the conditioning of a new generation of infantalised adults who express indignation over even the mildest criticism or misperception of a personal affront to one's dignity/humanity, but more troublingly, it also comes at the expense of creativity, fresh ideas, and constructive conversations.
Most people will find one thing or another offensive. That is human nature. But there is a world of difference between being offended while living by the principle of "live and let live" and expecting the rest of humanity to kowtow to one's worldview to the exclusion of all others.
@HamatoYoshi: Exactly. And sadly, we are no richer for it.
Feels like there's a Masuda in almost every Nintendo team.
Honestly, I hope this was made by mistake and Nintendo will fix it in a later update, because it's kinda really putting a huge dent on Daisy's charm in this game...
@Snatcher maybe someone got offended by her line and complain to nintendo cant please everyone these days.
Did Daisy just...just sass me? That's it...send her to her room and take away her electronics.
@Expa0 I chuckled at this harder than I should've, thank you for your great sense of humor
Nintendo:she has too much personality
Also Nintendo:
I'm pretty dissapointed. I normally don't like to play as Daisy. But as soon as I first heard her say "Whatever", it was such a silly surprise! It made me want to play with her more often now that she's got some sass and character!
So I have a fun fact for that topic! Link’s name is actually kind of a fourth wall breaking joke. He literally gets his name for being the “link” between the player and the game. He’s supposed to represent YOU in the Zelda game world. That’s why he never speaks and only shows the most basic of emotions. The Zelda series is mostly about exploring environments and solving OTHER characters personal dramas, not your own (Link’s).
As for the Mario cast not having full personalities… I just feel like that’s a can of worms. Tbh, Mario is already a little on the non-politically correct end of things. If he was given a heavy personality and full voice acting I doubt it would take long for people to just see him as an offensive Italian stereotype marketed towards kids.
@Clarice if you care this much about people having different opinions, then please, get some help
@Hooty Interesting fact and the Matio comment actually does make sense to be be fair.
I’m confused as to how a consensus has been reached that it’s seemingly snowflakes’ fault. There’s literally no reason given.
Probably got removed for the same reason the froggy set was
@nessisonett would be nice to have an accompanied reason. Suppose it would squash any speculation then.
PS. I still cant get used to your profile pic change 😂
I'm more sassy about the fact that if you hit a birdie, eagle or better, the characters victory is terribly basic compared to the celebration dance they did in World Tour. How about patching that?
I'm not mad they changed it (never played the game), but I am more confused on the why. Can any diehard Nintendo defenders here explain why this line was fine at launch but now it's suddenly offensive? I am assuming they bent the knee to a outside source since i doubt this is Nintendo changing it for the hell of it.
@Dethmunk Telling people to get a life and deal with this change, yet you are supporting censorship even if it's minute. Just stop.
@Dethmunk And yet you are supporting this censorship by dismissing it or waving it off like no big deal. But if you want to try and act smart, then why don't you explain why Nintendo changed something so insignificant? You think Nintendo would outright say why they changed something like this? Of course not so all we can do is speculate and just accepting it without even questioning it is just being plain ignorant if it doesn't make sense. So yes Nintendo can do whatever, but don't try and act like everyone has to sit down and shut up. That's what seriously wrong with society nowadays. They expect people to just take whatever is stuffed down their throat.
It’s their IP! They can do whatever they want with it. You the gamer should just feel privileged that Nintendo will sell you it.
@Clyde_Radcliffe This game has mouth animations?! First time I'm hearing about it. Maybe you're playing a different version, but on mine nobody has talking animations outside of the flapping mouths in cutscenes in the story mode. I don't know how you can even focus on a character long enough to see the animation with them teleporting all over the place.
Wow. This is descending into lunacy. Censorship? Daisy, a cartoon character, is being censored? WTF? "Whatever?" Whut eveeeerrr....
I had no idea she said that... Never bogeyed with Daisy.
@G_M there's the strawman. You have a godwin lined up next?
@Dethmunk And yet you have no proof this change occurred because Nintendo felt like it for no reason. Again you are pushing that they changed it for no reason and yet why would they go and change so thing that is been there since launch? Yes we can speculate, but at the same time there is reason to see a outside force was responsible. And it maybe minor to you, but even the smallest change is still considered censorship as something originally there is changed because someone got offended no matter how small it is (unless there is a GOOD reason for it)
But you are just proving my point as telling people to "get a life" is just being ignorant. "Give an inch and they will take a mile" as that saying goes right? So how about you take a step back and see the bigger picture here mate.
@sixrings I hope this is sarcasm because if not, I don't know what to say.
Boooo indeed!
@Dethmunk You're defending Nintendo and giving them the benefit of the doubt since like I know it's speculation, but at the same time you have no proof they changed this just for the hell of it, so until they come out to say the reason (which they won't) We can speculate as much as we want and considering how society is nowadays, them bending the knee to a sensitive group isn't too far from the truth. Like why go through the trouble of changing a line in a patch? Unless someone at Nintendo was bored or something
You shouldn't go around supporting this stuff, even if it's a small change and condemning those who hate a change like this. Call me a conspiracy theorist or a nut job all you want, but I simply don't support stuff like this. You can if you want but I won't.
As far as I'm concerned, git gud and don't shoot a bogey. Who's with me?!?!
I didnt know it was that offensive.
Sighs Come on, that line was so full of personality.
@ATaco Lol
dumb change but who cares, this game will be dead in a month anyway
@Anime64 ur insane
@Anime64 Honestly homie, I'm on your side here. I just wanna say that your and Dethmunk's argument was pretty interesting, to say the least. Thank you for spitting facts and entertaining me with your great argument, mate.
@naloncon They're not insane, they're just trying to prove a point.
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