Nintendo has announced a new entry in the WarioWare mini-game (sorry, micro-game) series, WarioWare: Get It Together!, launching on Switch on 10th September. Check out the trailer above!
The game will feature two-player games, as revealed during Nintendo's E3 2021 Direct presentation. Here's some more details from the PR
Wario is back! But this time, his friends are also playable! In WarioWare: Get It Together!, play through a vast array of quick microgames as Wario or his friends. Each character has a distinct ability, changing the way you tackle each microgame. For the first time in the series, two players can also play microgames together on the same screen by sharing two Joy-Con controllers, or using wireless play with an additional system and game.
WarioWare: Get It Together! is up for pre-order now for $49.99 / £39.99 and launches on 10th September.
Looking forward to this one? Let us know below.
Comments 37
I was way less into this than I thought I would be
This is already Game of Show for me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
I'm sure that Wario's treatment of his workers will get him in legal trouble.
@HotGoomba LOL, Wario getting locked up for HR crimes.
If this sells well, will Nintendo be willing to make another Wario Land title?
Big hype for me. Love the warioware series.
its so beautiful. i love the new direction of controlling characters to beat the same microgames in diff ways, makes the microgames seem way more replayable. bummed by no online multiplayer as usual, nintendo is still so stingy with that
@Crockin same thing lol I'm not sold on the gameplay, i would have much prefer they'd use the joycons potential. I mean we don't know much yet so we'll see.
@boxyguy Yeah, definitely agree with the new character control too. Might give this game a shot, seeing I haven't played WarioWare since DIY.
@Gunit1099 it looks fine and all. Maybe I’m just over wario ware? Doesn’t look to shake much up
This and Cruisn and Advance Wars...BEST E3 EVER
hope it makes use of the exclusive joycon drift feature only avialable in Nintendo Switch
Brilliant news. Another long overdue resurrection.
Cool, this Game right here made the show for me.
@Crockin yes at least it's better than the one on wii U. I guess I'm just a sucker for Smooth Moves on Wii, that was the sh*t 👌👌
More WarioWare? Sign me up! The last entry I played was WarioWare: Gold on 3DS a couple years ago.
Pleased as I am, I'd also love to see another Wario Land entry.
I hope there will be some motion control or touch screen minigames.
Tackling the minigames with various characters and abilities frankly excites me even more than the multiplayer here, but it qualifies as a milestone for the franchise, too. Might become one of the best entries to date.
I loved the last one on the Wii U. I'll most likely think about this depending on my Joycon situation is in the fall.
Not getting the same excitement I did from the DS game tbh
Charles Martinet went HARD in this trailer, god damn what a legend.
@Shadeon_Koopa diy was probably the last time warioware had a gimmick to call its own, since WW gold was just a compilation
this one seems to focus more on character control than joycons gimmicks it seems. ill have to watch the treehouse gameplay later to learn more
So this doesn't use the unique joycon stuff like hd rumble, gyro, etc.? I hope it's fun anyway
No because that’s what people would expect due to the awesome first 3 games which Nintendo won’t allow.
Give me Wario Land or give me death!
Can not wait finally!
This, Advance Wars + Metroid sealed the direct for me.
Those screenshots' artsyle reminds me so much of Rhythm Heaven, and I am sad that we still havent' had a RH game on Switch. One of my favourite series ever.
This looks cool, though. Really excited!
Hope this will be fun to play single player, since I don't have people to play it with.
Big fan of the Warioware series so I am well happy with this. About time we had a Switch Warioware to be honest. Good news.
Wario, the most greedy openly bad guy ever: "get ready for some micro-"
He almost had me there. But even he isn't delving into micro-transactions.
Not Wario Land, but still it is Wario. I'll take it!
Definitely give it a shot, I've loved every Wario Ware game I've played (Which is all and except Snapped and DIY), and Game & Wario. So I'm sure I'll like this one too.
Nintendo could have shown this game, stood there in total silence for the next 37 minutes, said "thank you for watching", and I'd still be here screaming about how great this Direct was. My hype level for this game is infinite.
Loud and proud Wario fan, and I have been yearning for a fresh WarioWare game for over a decade, but this has been a crushing disappointment.
It seems as though they have opted for this control scheme so as to accommodate handheld play (especially Switch Lite users) while forcing pointer(?)/analogue controls in docked/tabletop play. Laaaame.
I wanted something in the spirit of Smooth Moves with the use of the Joy-Con's more intricate motion detection (WarioWare had never previously explored the potential of the Wii MotionPlus, which I have always been grumpy about) , the IR camera, and HD rumble, and if that meant that the game could only be played in docked/tabletop mode, then so be it.
I'll still give it the benefit of the doubt and grab it on day one (it is WarioWare, after all), but the awful looking control scheme has killed my enthusiasm for this. Already I'm fantasising about what the NEXT WarioWare game will look like...
This and Miitopia - best games are £39.99
Not too sure on this yet. I really loved the Wario game on Wii U (RIP), as some of the games were a bit more fleshed out. Also, I hope it has some worthwhile single player content. That said, im hopeful this is a bit of fun! Bring on WarioLand next please
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