Update: In the light of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe selling an incredible 10.6 million copies in 2020 alone, we've decided to resurrect this piece, which was originally published in July of 2018. Back then, we asked if you wanted to see Nintendo support the game with more DLC, and almost three years on, we're going to ask the same questions again.
In case you were wondering, here are the poll results from 2018. We've asked the same questions at the bottom of the page, so don't forget to recast your vote for 2021!
Original Story [Fri 20th Jul, 2018 17:00 BST]: We shouldn't really have been all that shocked about new DLC content arriving in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – after all, Nintendo told us it would happen a week ago. As one of the company's biggest-selling recent hits, it's understandable that Nintendo wants to extend the longevity of Mario Kart 8 with fresh content – but it's still remarkable to think that technically, this is a four-year-old game that any other company would have forgotten about by now.
Nintendo's games traditionally have much longer legs than those released by other companies, and it's fair to assume that Switch owners are just as likely to invest in 'classic' games as they are to snap up new releases; keeping Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in the spotlight is, therefore, a sound business strategy. But how far should Nintendo take this approach? Should the company release even more DLC for the game, or should it eventually draw the line and create an all-new Mario Kart for Switch?
Both approaches have merit, at least on paper. Mario Kart 8 is perhaps the pinnacle of the franchise; it's hard to see how the core racing-and-combat mechanics could be improved in a sequel, unless something truly drastic is introduced – such as the (arguably divisive) dual-rider setup in Mario Kart: Double Dash – then a follow-up game would merely be covering old ground. Therefore, you could argue that by far the most sensible course of action is the one Nintendo is taking now; the best idea is to augment the existing game with new content, which in the future could even feature paid DLC (which happened on the Wii U) containing new drivers, karts, courses and cups.
On the other hand, nothing generates hype like entirely new software, so Mario Kart 9 (or whatever it is eventually called) would surely create a massive spike of interest that even a massive helping of DLC couldn't manage; Nintendo has previously said that it's happy to iterate rather than pump out needless yearly sequels, but the impending arrival of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate suggests that a shift in this approach could happen. There obviously comes a point where it's simply not financially viable to keep loading DLC into a years-old game, although Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's status as a recent re-release on Switch does rather exclude it from this scenario; given the small user base of the Wii U, a great many people playing the Switch version will see it as a title from 2017, not 2014.
So, what do you think Nintendo's approach should be here? Are you happy to see more content get added to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, or are you itching to see the next stage of the franchise's evolution, given that this eighth entry is now almost half a decade old? As ever, we want to know, so vote in the poll below and don't forget to share your views by posting a comment.
Comments 398
Yes. Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought!
I want more DLC, but I'm not sure a new game is necessary. Just keep adding to what's already here and I'm happy.
I would love more tracks. Mute City and Big Blue are in so I'd love to see Port Town next. Also I think there needs to be a Splatoon racing track rather than just a battle arena.
Once again, it’s a double edged sword. I’d love a brand new Mario Kart on the Switch but I’m also glad Nintendo is still providing new content to 8. And speaking of the content, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mario, Peach and Bowser received their wedding outfits as well as Octolings making it in
Honestly, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a near perfect kart racing game. Why throw out the system completely & rehaul development when you can get your audience buying whatever DLC you throw at them for this fully developed game?
I want Kirby characters and courses. Imagine how great Kirby driving a warpstar would be!
As I said in the last MK8 article, I hope they make the next game include lots of various Nintendo characters and tracks. I mean, there is so much potential there. Call it Super Kart Bros. I was wondering what they’d do with the number 9 anyway. Give it an adventure racing mode.
I’d also be more than happy to pay for any DLC for MK8. Gimme.
I understand the appeal of a new title but I guess in the end I can't help asking myself what a new Mario Kart title could do that couldn't be done equally well with DLC for the one that's already out?
To everyone who skipped the Wii U, this is a new Mario Kart game. I am sure they are expecting dlc with new tracks and racers.
I would say.... go release Mario Kart 9 already. So no
I don’t know why anyone would want a new game over free dlc expansion or even paid dlc to a game.
A sequel would as usual feature much of the same content and characters and even play very similar so why double down and pay for a whole new game to only then want DLC.
They could easily stack content to this game and give us as much fresh content that any sequel would give us.
Especially in paid DLC
I’d love more retro tracks - and even a simpler retro mode with some old school straight forward dashing round tracks
A double dash mode...
I could list loads and I’d be happy with any.
Yeah I can't imagine what they could do to make the game better at this point, just add more tracks, maybe more guest riders and vehicles, play modes I suppose... perhaps even more items like the return of the feather. But a new game seems unnecessary.
@Stocksy Yes to double dash mode! Loved that game.
1. Remaster every track from every entry.
2. ?
3. Profit!
These are cosmetic changes and dont take much time. I'm sure Nintendo is working on the next Mario Kart and will be out in the next 2 years or so. The Switch needs it's own kart just like it needs it's own Zelda.
If we did get dlc would Metroid be up for some big things? After all Nintendo would want to promote Prime 4 soon enough and Metroid dlc dare I say a stage from the new game just to wet our appetites.
New game would be better. Add new modes, new items, new tracks, bigger roster, maybe a story mode... It's Nintendo we're talking about, it's not like they ever run out of ideas.
The fact that they are still releasing dlc for this game has me thinking we won't be getting a new game until maybe 2020, plus I feel like they always allow for a fairly big buildup on a game as popular as Mario Kart. If they are going to keep releasing dlc I wouldn't complain about getting one more solid pack.
i feel like mario kart 9 should be a year 1 release for the switch 2, not a second mario kart game later in the lifespan of the switch
atleast if nintendo wants to make the switch 2 succesfull ofcourse
If they release a new MK game, everyone will want to have all previous tracks and modes included so why not keep what we have and add new tracks, characters etc instead? There is not a whole lot of improvement possible so i prefer paid DLC with new modes/tracks/characters over a new game that gives us all we have now plus that what we could see in paid DLC. I mean, what can a new MK9 give us what added DLC can’t? Improved graphics? I don’t see the need for it really.
MK8 is a really fun game, but there isn't a single track on there I love. Every game in the series has at least one like that, but this one. Sure I have a favorite in the game, but I still feel 'med' about it.
I'd rather get a new game in a year/year and a half. I'm sure they can build on what they already have. MK8 feels great, but I'd rather not just get complacent with it.
"The Switch needs it's own kart just like it needs it's own Zelda."
And it's own Smash, it's own Donkey Kong, it's own Bayonetta, it's own Hyrule Warriors etc...etc...
About DLCs, Nintendo need to STOP with that !
Keep your ideas, your tracks, your whatever to create a surprising NEW MARIOKART !
Nintendo tends to release their major multiplayer franchises (Mario Kart, Smash Bros.) once per console generation, and Mario Kart 8 showed what could be possible if they supported such a title with DLC. While I would be absolutely fine with more DLC courses, characters, karts, etc. for MK8, to be frank it was a stopgap release made to bolster the Switch's early lineup. I've played it far less than I did the Wii U version. not because it isn't (still) a fantastic game, but because I'd seen and done everything in it already
MK8 is linked far more to the Wii U and therefore is kind of already out of mind for most gamers; it would be very difficult for Nintendo to release anything major in terms of DLC for it at this point and be able to reasonably promote it enough to make it profitable. Selling new copies of MK8 based upon the promise of new content by this point would be absurd from a business standpoint.
On that note, I believe it's time for Nintendo to release Mario Kart 9 (or "Nintendo Kart", or whatever they may call it now that the franchise appears to be taking a Smash Bros. approach). They could then easily release DLC and expansions across the Switch's entire lifespan if they want to, making it indeed a "generational" title and business model.
But I have little doubt that Nintendo are already working on it on some level anyway; it's just a matter of when, not if it will surface (probably after the hype from Smash Bros. Ultimate has dissipated a bit, maybe as soon as next year's E3).
Just keep releasing DLC for MK8 Deluxe, infact use DLC to do something similar to what Smash Ultimate did (instead of "everyone is here", have "everyone and everywhere from Mario Kart is here".
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is fine. Leave Mario Kart 9 for Switch 2 for Holidays 2023.
I would say yes as long as it doesn't detract from a MK9 being made. But that also comes with the criteria of 9 bringing something interesting that can't be done with DLC for 8 Deluxe (ie not just more tracks, perhaps double dash mechanics as Switch rocks the local play and far better online play over Wii / Wii U).
I would say at this point pull out some remix levels. I don't really want new levels so much as I want old levels done MK8 style.
Yes, they should definitely keep updating MK8 Deluxe, but also develop Mario Kart 9 in the near future. Release a DLC pack or two in 2019, and release MK9 in 2020/2021.
@Dualmask Captain Falcon please, he deserves it.
More tracks maybe some new modes or challenges of some sort it really is a great game I bought a Wii u just for Mario kart 8 and bought deluxe as soon as it was released and I still have a go almost everyday so more content would be welcomed by me I’m even prepared to pay for dlc
@Ryu_Niiyama I remember how giddy me and my family got seeing some of the retro tracks remade in the MK8 engine back when it was revealed. I would love to see some more come.
Though I'm down with the odd themed track appear also. I enjoyed my Zelda and F Zero additions (albeit an F Zero game would be more preffered).
I’d love an “Everyone is Here!” approach to DLC, bringing back every character (Petey Piranha, Honey Queen, Funky Kong, etc.).
I think it’s too early for MK9. Later in the Switch’s life cycle, of course! But right now? No.
In fact, I wouldn’t be disappointed in the slightest if Mario Kart 9 skips the Switch and Nintendo focuses on MK8D DLC.
Unless a 9 does something drastic that wouldn’t fit in 8 (and there’s heaps of room for change), then I’d rather DLC for 8. I like the idea that the one release has this massive lot of content rather than jumping back and forth between 8 and 9 seperatly. I think there’s advantages to having content in one title.
Please not a new one. This one is fantastic and we don't need a new one. How about MORE TRACKS! More MODES. This sort of thing makes more sense. Adding a whole new game with the exact same characters and exact same tracks seems pointless.
@Tingle_The_Great Have you never heard of Kirby Air Ride?
A free motorcycle skin will get some gamers dusting off the Mario Kart card and playing the game again, of course that wouldn't be advisable if there were enough good games to purchase.
That said, DLC would benefit Nintendo if gamers traded in their Mario Kart game.
If Nintendo offered two new tracks tomorrow I would not buy them, unless the price was very low, say £4. Which it wouldn't be.
The idea of a new game is to play a new game. A completely new set of tracks, better than the existing ones. Not to play the old ones yet again just to play two new add-on tracks.
Although very good, there is plenty of improvements that could be implemented in a new game. This version is a little to 'rigid'; by that I mean that there could be a lot more interaction between the karts and the scenery. Water splash, and mud, sand and other scenery, maybe a boat instead of a Kart, like in Sonic's previous racer. Or a plane, remember Diddy Kong.
@ChompyMage yeah, it's weird that MK8 has the car but not the driver...
88% "More DLC" at this moment. That's not my world anymore.
I would be fine with DLC for MK8D. I would love to see Mario Kart 9 sometime, though. Perhaps Nintendo's gonna do something drastically different that sets it apart from the rest of the Mario Kart series (or maybe they'll expand on the double dash mechanic), which I wouldn't mind as long as it's still fantastic.
I prefer MK9 to be honest
@Tisteg80 Nintendo does DLC right and prices it fairly that is the world you are living in . I want more tracks from the past that they are missing, there are tons of GBA and SNES levels that they can add as well as more from Double Dash.
I'm split on the issue. 1)I don't think the graphics haven't aged horribly, so I dont believe a new game isn't warranted. 2) I would buy a new Mario kart game if it brought some new mechanics to the game.
I never expected MK9 on Switch to begin with. And if there are plans for one, they should scrap it and fund a non-Mario title instead.
Even though I like the free updates for MK8 Deluxe, if we got paid DLC Nintendo could pump out better quality additions to the game as opposed to Labo compatibility and a different skin for Link, obvious choices would probably be a Star Fox and F Zero pack
I don't know anyone who wouldn't want more content for MK8D to be released. I mean, it would be nice to have MK9. But only if you are providing a truly unique experience from MK8. If Nintendo revealed MK9 and it was a real next step in the series, I'd be all for it. If not, keep adding to MK8D
Yes and for the WIIU too!
More DLC will eventually lead to more paid DLC. Something I won't do, cause I dont like the idea of "renting" content. Which then punishes me in a way by letting some games become incompatible with newer versions of said game with the content bought.
Releasing a later version of a game as a "complete collection" has a higher chance of me double dipping than it is me directly buying DLC. It's why I hardly own many fighting games nowadays (that and new character balancing issues).
@Deku-Scrub it's not going to be free mate just like it wasn't free on the WIIU
I voted to add dlc to Mario Kart 8, but I think they should do one or the other at least. Otherwise, Switch gets the battle mode but no new tracks.
I never had a Wii U and I wasn’t able to find a switch till last July so MK8 is less than a year old game to me so I’d gladly take more dlc in the form of tracks,new characters,etc.
Unless it goes the Smash Ultimate route or changes up the formula in a substantive way like DD did, I'd say they're better off just adding to the game in the form of DLC.
They better not make a new one...I just bought Deluxe, I’m late I know
I'm not sure there's any real reason to do MK9. Just add a couple new cups with a mix of new and remade tracks. It's a near-perfect game.
"Nooo I hate DLC and continued support of a game. If it is released, I definitely want to pay for it" - said no one ever ... lmao!
I double dipped on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the new battle modes and maps. I don’t really play it much now. Would love mario kart 9.
Mario Kart 9 can includes a new mechanic: riding on water. MK7 introduced gliding which was extended with MK8, now they can combined the gameplay of WaveRace with the new MarioKart.
They should start making DLC for Mario Kart 8 deluxe as in new tracks and perhaps brand new characters, not skins for existing ones and a bike. I don't mind paying and frankly can't really see the point in releasing things like this so far after launch
@Hikingguy Switch doesn't have the technical clout to make a Mario Kart 9. which would make MK 9 essentially a MOD of MK8.
Mario Kart 8 with more DLC is the way to go.
No thanks, more dlc would delay the development of a new game which could be better.
@Nincompoop The longwinded path to making finally making Mario Kart DKR, it would be fab.
I want a hand drawn SNES inspired Yoshi’s Island track plz and thank you.
I want a new game because they shouldn't be charging full price for a game released in 2014 just because its on the Switch.
If anyone else coasted off a game that old people would be p****ed off as it seems lazy. I bought it on Wii U for full price and if I'm going to buy it again i want it to be a whole new experience not just a small addition.
More tracks, is all this game needs. It’s borderline perfect
Like MK7 on 3DS and the MK Wii on the Wii before it, MK8 Deluxe will be a consistent seller throughout the Switches life and beyond. Nintendo will continue to support it into the foreseeable future. What would the next Mario Kart really do better on Switch anyway? Not a significant leap ahead enough compared to previous entries. MK8 Deluxe is in a great spot right now so a new entry would make more sense on the next interation of Switch
I've had this game since 2014. Please make a sequel already.
Nintendo kart with a hub world track and boss fights. They began with the crossover characters and tracks in mk8. I think there is a lott of potential with this concept.
@N64SNESU I am perfectly aware of that, I did say I would prefer paid DLC in my original comment as well.
I'm a bit conflicted here. On one hand, a new game is almost always more preferable. New items, new tracks, new gameplay mechanic that can't be introduced to Mario Kart 8 as DLC (like how gliders and underwater sections were core aspects to Mario Kart 7).
On the other hand, I can't think of what a new game can offer that can't be done with paid DLC to Mario Kart 8. We already have antigravity, underwater, and gliding sections. What next aside from that?
So really my answer can go two ways: if a Mario Kart 9 wants to introduce something new to mix up the formula, then go for it. If it's just another refinement of Mario Kart 8, then I'll prefer DLC.
New Game!!! I have all these games on Wii U, not interested unless it's new cups.
Switch era DLC characters I’d be happy to see: Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, Rabbid Luigi, Spike, Captain Toad,
dlc, keep the new game far off as possible.
Still waiting on my Wario Colosseum DLC.
I said this with the Wii game. It's madness they don't just release dlc every 4 or 6 months. Just a pack of 4 tracks would work and people would lap it up (pun not intended!)
Not fussed with character. Just more tracks please. Retro ones are fine too!
The only reason I personally give MK8D a pass and am not in the "Release MK9 already!!" camp is because, with the exception of the few of us who had Wii U's and played it already, this is a game that failed to truly capture the audience and money it should have got in the first place on Wii U. So it's gonna divide the base no matter what. Those that already played MK8 and are satisfied are starved of a new MK, while those that never experienced it are going through their prime on it. shrugs
I was such a fiend for it's production, as well as ready to retire my Wii U, that I did a RARE double dip and bought MK8D. My mental looks at it as I'm just continuing on on my current gen Nintendo system. It still would have been nice to get a discount for Wii U adopters, but no one put a gun to my head either, so it is what it is.
Whenever MK9 finally does come, I'll be ready and will just keep enjoying the MK8D love in the meantime.
@Damo The first part of the poll is missing a crucial option like this one:
'I still play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and I want neither a DLC nor a sequel'
If you had asked me ~6 months ago, I would have said that Mario Kart 9 is coming in 2020. But now, I'm starting to think that Mario Kart 9 will be an early release for the Switch 2.
Mario Kart being an evergreen franchise is no surprise. What is a surprise is that Mario Kart 8 DX is selling faster than all prior Mario Kart entries outside of the Wii iteration. With numbers like that, there isn't too much benefit to releasing Mario Kart 9 other than segmenting the current Mario Kart fanbase.
Mario Kart is the perfect "games as a service" title (but without all the micro-transaction garbage). Nintendo will likely constantly update Mario Kart 8 DX with new characters, karts, tracks, and other stuff like Labo support rather than make Mario Kart 9 for the Switch.
More contents for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe = Ultimate Edition release in the future (Including All Additional contents & updates).
@liveswired I'm not sure how we can make that determination at this point. And if there is anyone who can figure out how to make a more technically advanced version of their game within their console's limitations, its Nintendo.
I own Mario kart 8 and all the dlc on the Wii U. Great game, just not sure I want to pay full price for it again if they are going to update it with new tracks and characters...
Mk8 deluxe is perfect how it is. Just new Dlc and its gonna be the cream of the cream (Hope this expression exist in English. )
I'd like a new Mario Kart that changes the formula a bit, and does something more experimental. But I'd settle for MK8D DLC as well.
In an ideal world, we'd get DLC for now and a new game later in the console's life.
@0muros Not as common as Cream of the crop, but I get what you're saying. Lol
Funnily enough, I think I've heard your saying in French more than in English, from English speakers.
@Deku-Scrub my bad
I just want another Kirby Air Ride.
A new Mario Kart is essential for all the Wii U owners who stuck with Nintendo when it wasn't trendy.
No matter how you cut it, a new game or paid DLC will split the online playerbase, which is bound see its numbers dip already as Online becomes paid.
However, I do see MK8D as THE Switch iteration of Mario Kart. Because, really, why would they even want to develop a new game when MK8D is already a massive, massive system seller. I don't see the investment VS ROI as being worth it at this point, especially when people are already conditioned to buy 1 Mario Kart game per system (Unlike Pokémon and Call of Duty)
I want a new entry. But the next one should basically be Nintendo Kart, which MK8/DX brought us closer to anyway.
I think this is just showing us what they can do to prepare us for more
Switch cannot be the only Nintendo console without an original MK. That would be wrong.
It’s easy to think that there isn’t much more that can be done with this series but there may be a new take on the formula which could justify MK 9. If not then I’m fine with DLC for 8 in the form of new tracks.
If MK 9 isn’t possible then they could always make Super Nintendo Kart. I think this idear may have been mentioned on this site before, regarding the inclusion of Link in 8. There would be lots of course possibilities from different IPs. Kirby, Metroid etc.
Do a heavy expansion called Mario Kart 8 Ultimate. I think Smash fans would know what that would mean....
The graphics engine is fine, the gameplay is great, what need is there for a whole new game?
Mario kart is just the sort of game where DLC works well instead of releasing a new game, where the big new things are pretty much just new tracks and characters, better to add those as DLC than have us pay $60 for a not-really-new sequel.
I'd say a new Mario Kart, perhaps with an adventure mode like Diddy Kong Racing and Crash Team racing for single player. Missions like the DS version would be good too.
@777dan777 NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Virtual Boy have got you covered.
Mmm i don't know with this one. Im not ready for another mariokart. I want something different. Give us an all new FZero for a change.
I'd like a new Mario Kart. Since I already have MK8 on Wii U, I haven't bought this one. With the new Sonic racing game on the way as an alternative, I really can't see any DLC that would convince me it's worth buying 8 a second time.
@TheFox I agree 100% with your statement.
@Cobalt It is getting it's own Bayonetta. They announced 3 at the exact same time as the ports you're complaining about.
Honestly there are good reasons to make dlc and/or make a new game, but in the end I want Super Mario Odyssey content. Give me stages, give me the broodals, give me Cappy. Just give me Odyssey content and I'll be happy.
They should port all Arcade GP games into a nice combined release, that would be cool as they are really fun games even if they tend to stray away from Mario kart mainstays, sense of speed at 150cc in GP2 is absolutely mad.
@Orin41 Well the Zelda Bike DLC was free. But I was saying that in regards to the pointless poll.
@Kimyonaakuma That’s exactly why it would be so great! Heck, they could even recreate city trial!
Mario Kart 8 is honestly kinda boring. The tracks are too wide (unless you're playing on 200C and trying to make turns), and while the concept of the tracks is awesome, while you're racing you barely notice the anti-grav aspect. I'd rather have an all-new game than more DLC.
I know lol but if announcement is good, TO SHOW something is better...
E3 was the perfect moment for that... They didn't...
Virtualy, Nintendo can announce Wave Race +, 1080 Snowboarding prime turbo, WarioLand 38 or Starfox Delta, that doesn't change anything !
Reggie announced Bayonetta 3 in 2017, we are in 2018 there is nothing shown yet except a teaser... yayyyy !
@Giygas_95 agreed! I personally would also love to see other worlds in the Nintendo realm! Breath of the wild track, super mario odyssey track, octopath traveler track, and a Metroid Prime track!
I can't see MK8 as anything other than the Wii U iteration of Mario Kart. Because... It is.
I've played it for so many hours on Wii U that I'm not gonna bother buying it again for the Switch. I just want an all new actual Switch iteration. It's fine if that's gonna take another three years, especially with MK8D still getting DLC. Though this is the point where I'd like them to stop with working on that to focus on the next game.
I doubt it will happen though. Graphics wise it would just be too similar to MK8D...
Can say that for both questions my answer would be down the middle.
This far into MK8D's I think smaller DLC like the one we just got where it's a themed character/vehicle set is good. Things I'd expect in paid DLC like new cups/tracks I'd rather them save for a new Mario Kart, and I'd prefer not to be left waiting too long for that.
Mario Kart has always been a one-game-per-system type of deal, with an exception being the half-baked Mario Kart 8 on the half-baked Wii U. I would rather have 4 more cups, 4 more battle tracks, and 7 new characters (including Diddy, Birdo, Funky, Pauline, and some characters from other franchises, like Kirby, Samus, and Captain Falcon), and alternate skins for Toad (including Captain Toad). I'd pay $15 for such an expansion.
I think they should keep adding DLC, but release a Nintendo Kart in the near future. With all these cross-overs I think it’s obvious that Mario Kart could and should evolve into a Super Smash kind of mash-up game.
Defenately new DLC for mrio kart 8. I dont know why they stopped at 2 packs to be fair and especially as they were already released on the Wii u.
@iammikegaines Odyssey is a must. Don't know why I forgot about that. A New Donk City course is painfully obvious, but other courses would be good too like the moon or the luncheon kingdom. Metroid I can't really see happening, but then Link DID get in. Octopath is a Square property though, and I wouldn't be surprised if it goes multiplatform at some point.
Definitely keep up the DLC. Now that Nintendo has made clear they are not giving up on MK8D, I see no reason for 9 to release in the foreseeable future.
Why is this even a question? The game was released just a year and few months ago.... It should be standard practice the support of the game with DLC for at least three years.
What point would making a new game be? Same system. I find it funny so many people say they want 9. You guys like rebuying the same game eh?
A MK9 wouldn't sell well. I would rather see Nintendo make more games than turn MK into racing Madden.
I'd like free DLC, but new tracks as well. Maybe a double dash mod? I still wouldn't pay for anything as I don't play it enough as is. I'll only pay for dlc in great games; like Xenoblade and BOTW.
@LordGalaximus support? You buy the game and that's it. Either you like it an play it, or don't. Nintendo's focus is always on the next game coming out.
MK9 should be saved for Switch 2, which a lot of people are already asking for for some reason. Just donate money to Nintendo I guess.
I enjoy Mario Kart, but I never bothered with 8 because I don't have anyone to play it with. I hope Nintendo isn't working on a new one already. I would much rather see them devoting those resources to a new IP.
I don’t mind small updates that only add a little bit of new stuff like the recent update. But I’d much rather them work on a new game if they are going to take the effort to start adding things like new tracks
@Cobalt They announced Bayonetta 3 for the exact same reason they announced Metroid Prime 4: To let fans know that a game that they thought wouldn't happen was in the works so there wouldn't be kickback to a less wanted project. Games take time to make, and Platinum will show Bayonetta 3 when it's ready. The other option would have been to hold off until they were ready, and then people would be complaining that they were relying on Bayo 2 port sales to judge a sequel, while the games were more likely ported to use as a base for the starting the third one.
I can go with DLC for Mario Kart 8. I said this before in another Mario Kart 8 article but Diddy Kong and Pauline would be great as playable characters. Throw in some new tracks too.
Wow the majority of you would rather pay than get it free. Dlc anymore costs more if not the same as the base game! Why in the world would you rather pay than get it as a free content? Don't you know the best things in life are free?!
I'd say keep updating it with DLC for the next couple of years and release Mario kart 9 in like 2021-2022 ish. I'd love to see a few new DLC packs with characters like Dry Bones, Diddy Kong, Birdo, Honey Queen and some remaster tracks return. Some new tracks inspired by BotW and Odyssey would be cool too.
You have Nintendo shares or what ?
I always thought that gamers are sometimes incredible.
They have that thing inside which push them to excuse everything even when it goes against them. Fascinating.
Look, Nintendo explain not long ago, that if E3 was like it was it's because they think it's better to talk about games we're gonna get in the next months.
So, why the hell Reggie talked about Bayonetta 3 in 2017 ?
It's ridiculous. The same for Metroid Prime 4, a nonsense if their logic is to talk about closer releases?
They did it with Travis too...
I can clearly understand that a big company like Nintendo has a guideline for the business but in that case, you cannot do the opposite of what you pretend...
A new Mario Kart doesn't really make that much sense on Switch. Same goes for Smash.
The Switch is only a bit more powerful than Wii U, and they perform on a similar graphical level. So how would Nintendo improve on games that are almost perfect for the current hardware capabilities?
The best Nintendo could do, was to make these Deluxe versions of Kart and Smash for Switch, and add more content to them. And that is fine.
If Nintendo were going to release a new Mario Kart for Switch, it had to be some crazy spin-off title with another play style. I can't see how else they could improve on Deluxe with the current hardware.
Stating from scratch with a new Mario Kart on Switch doesn't make much sense. Just make some more great content, and then we can get Mario kart 9 on the next Nintendo console, that comes after Switch.
Splatoon 2 could also just have been re-branded as Splatoon Deluxe. It's almost the same game, with more content added, and some special Switch functions. How could it be any different, when Switch and Wii U are so similar when it comes to performance and graphical capabilities?
I don' t think we need a Mario kart 9 till about 2021. Just give us more dlc. Mario kart 8 has so many track already that i think what's mario kart 9 going to be about anyway lol. Nintendo think about F Zero,Pikmin 4, new zelda and metroid, Mario kart 9 should be last on this list keep supporting the old one with dlc and make Mario kart 9 a switch 2 launch title or something lol.
Honestly, by this point, I'd rather have more DLC than a new game.
I sold my wii u version to fund getting mk8d. It is already the ultimate version of the original 2014 release. I only have 25 hours played on Switch as did too many hours on Wii U.
I can see them potentially adding some dlc in the form of characters or linking in with the mobile game later. But not new tracks.
Mk9 is what I'd prefer. But I don't expect it til at least Xmas 2019/Summer 2020.
Mario kart 8 deluxe is still selling around the world. More new switch users are still buying the game. Nintendo should wait until sales die down, because right now mk8dx is still selling.
I want a mk9 because in mk8 deluxe everything was unlocked, giving little reason for a casual player like me to keep returning to the game.
I'm happy with what we have for now. The Switch doesn't need two Mario Karts.
Just make a new game! Switch not had a Mario kart game yet (8 doesn't count as it came out for WiiU) either MK9 or Nintendo Kart...
@0muros We say crem dela crem still, just like French. Or a similar, more widely used, expression is cream of the crop.
MK8 Wii U was the only paid dlc I have and I'm happy I got it. $12 or something for around 50% more characters and tracks. Compared to smash that was $7 it $8 for a single stage and character.
That being said I have the game on Wii U so I didn't want to pay another $60 for something I already own. Unfortunately I'm not rich. Because of that I want a new Mario Kart.
On a related note. So far the only new multiplayer games for switch made by Nintendo that I'm aware of are Snipperclips, which was great, and 1 2 switch, which looked horrible. Thankfully smash will come out soon, hopefully it's not just smash Wii U with some bonus characters. And of course Mario party, hopefully you don't need multiple switches to have fun. I'm looking forward to when there's even more new couch multiplayer games for the switch!
Since in rambling, I'm really thankful that there is a great catalog of single player games like BotW, Odyssey, Xenoblade, Octopath etc.
I really really want them to bring the handling and weight back from MK Wii. MK8Dx just feels poor to control in comparison tbh!
I JUST bought MK8 Deluxe because of that BOTW dlc so I HOPE Nintendo stick with this game longer,it's so good.They should wait for next gen to make the next one and keep updating Deluxe with new stage and the few characters that are missing like Diddy Kong,Birdo and Captain Falcon,not too many characters though they should focus more on new stages,balancing and new features,I will GLADLY pay for good DLC and I'm sure I'm not the only one,Nintendo is sitting on a gold mine with this game
Just add Waluigi pinball and I’ll be happy
I would love for Nintendo to keep adding things to Mk8D. Why make a new game when you can just add more things to the game that already exists.
Would love some Mario Odyssey tracks, breath of the wild? Splatoon? More classic maps... More characters like Diddy, Birdo, Pauline, and maybe another guest character, like Kirby, Olimar, and/ or
Captin Falco.
Would be cool to see new outfits for characters
Wedding outfits for Peach, Bowser, Mario,
Squids have different hairstyles with octolings..... Or just octolings variation with colors as Yoshi.
Pretty excited for what they will do.... As you can tell
More tracks would be nice, i bought the DLC on the Wii U when it came out, and that was DLC done the right way, paying a reduced rate for 2 packs up front that were great quality.
That said, whilst he Switch is fantastic in its own right, as someone who supported the game on Wii U, there wasn't much of an upgrade for me, give us 8 or 16 new tracks based on various other nintendo games, and maybe have more online events, they need to make online a bit more exciting.
If I was Nintendo I would create 16 more tracks (4 new cups) FOR FREE.
Here's the catch: The new tracks would launch the same day the Online service goes live and they will only be unlocked for offline play once you go online.
Crème de la crème, to be exact !
New game but honestly i rather get more games from other franchises during the Switch lifetime. Like more FE, Metroid and Pokemon games.
I'd rather get more DLC, and then in some time a new Diddy Kong Racing.
I don’t think Nintendo do should release Mario Kart 9 on Switch, but instead take a slightly different approach by reshaping the series as Nintendo Kart with a release on Switch. They’ve already explored the concept with non-Mario kart characters in 8. Migjt as well go all in!
Umm guys are you guys okay? It is called DELUXE FOR A REASON! Adding DLC is pointless. So they should add an all new Mario Kart game. IMHO
(Edit: Of course not right away, maybe 2020?)
I almost think it could get away with just releasing new content for all its big already-released Switch games without new versions at all: Splatoon 2, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey. And, so long as that extra DLC is actually really good, instead of releasing new games in franchises that are already on Switch, it could just focus on releasing all new games in those other franchises that aren't on the system yet: Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, F-Zero, Advance Wars, Punch-Out!!, Star Fox, etc.
I really would like Mario Kart and Smash Bros. to be a platform in and of themselves. I would gladly pay for new tracks and characters if they would just keep adding on to the existing game. As it stands now, I still haven't purchased MK on the Switch. I have the DLC, and I am not paying full price just for the Battle Modes.
I'm in the camp that I would like a lot more content in the way of new levels and battle arenas. And the only way I see that happening is for Nintendo to release a new Mario Kart entry (ala Mario Kart 9). I can see why they won't do this or at least do it right away. Mainly a new entry would split the online multiplayer scene and pull players away from MK8D. If they simply release more content for the current MK8D more players will have reason to play it and new players will have reason to purchase it with a large player base. But I just don't see them adding that much in worthwhile content. At best maybe one new cup and one new retro cup along with a new or returning battle stage. If we do get new courses I am totally fine with paying for them. But if we do get a new battle course I want the return of Block Fort from the N64 redone similar to others. But again, why settle for some $20-$30 DLC when we can just buy into a new game with many more new and retro cups and battle courses? Nintendo should just use the current engine they have developed and simply develop new content. But whatever happens, the more Mario Kart the better.
Honestly, I would normally love a new game, but the overall physics and mechanics of 8 are so dang perfect imo that I would absolutely be down with more dlc, so long as it is along the lines of tracks, which are easily the most interesting content in the series.
Mario kart 8 is mostly perfect, so Mario Kart 9 is not needed.Mario Kart 8 just needs some balancing updates like, reduce the chances of getting coins in 1st place and remove the chance of getting a stinkin' red shell at 8th place and lower:/
Mario Kart 9 should release just on the next Nintendo console(which would be on next handheld console).
@AtlanteanMan Yeah I would really love to see Nintendo take Mario Kart in the same direction as Smas Bros, and have characters and courses from all across Nintendo's IP's .
@Jokerwolf Waluigi Pinball. Nintendo better have it's priorities straight.
@Regpuppy I think one Mario Kart per console is good, MK9 can be a launch title for the Switch 2 or whatever it's gonna be. Also couldn't Mario Kart Tour, coming next year, technically be Mario Kart 9.
Also if it's the same dev team working on Tour, we definitely won't be getting another Mario Kart on console for a long while. Which I'm fine with. But if Nintendo over prices the DLC, I'm going to be super ticked. But they're good with DLC so I don't think that's going to happen.
I honestly would not be surprised at all if Nintendo did something like that. I could easily see them introducing "free" content in their current online multiplayer games and locking that content behind the online paywall.
In terms of where they could go next with MK9, would be really keen for them to retain the core MK setup but how about a Burn Out Paradise type mode of the Mushroom Kingdom? Open world Mushroom Kingdom to explore and find events, races, stunts, jumps etc.
Mario Kart World!
A huge open world with cup arenas dotted around. Drive up to Peaches Castle to start the Mushroom Cup or cruise along New Donk City straights to enter the Star Cup. Start a 1 on 1 street race at various locations to unlock characters. Pull in at Toads Garage for all of your kart mods. Pull off crazy stunts at dedicated stunt locations and unlock new kart parts. Anything unlocked in world mode gets added to a quick start menu for traditional MK start up and play.
The DLC in general has been excellent for this title. Free DLC updates are always welcome, but paid DLC for this title, now on its second iteration, shouldn't be a thing. Take those resources and pour them into a new entry in the franchise.
When MK8 came out on Wii U and I realised the new anti gravity ability, I drew this:
Unfortunately we won't ever see anything like it in the game because of copyright or something like this.
Also MK8 looks so nice, I can't even imagine how an MK9 would look, because MK8 looks ridiculously nice. I think MK8 is all true MK fans need, and Big N needs to push it to the limits by creating more DLC content on and on. How cool would that be one day having all retro tracks in MK8?
@ChompyMage Honestly, I'm not too miffed whether or not we get another Mario Kart. But I still think it would be nice, especially if it switched up the formula.
Also, I wouldn't expect THAT much from Mario Kart Tour, judging by Nintendo's other mobile games. I wouldn't even expect it to be a traditional Mario Kart from it, to be honest. Not to say it'll be bad. Just that we probably shouldn't expect it to be our MK9.
@Regpuppy I completely agree about Mario Kart Tour. My hopes for it are not high at all.
MK8 pretty much nails the karting genre, so there's no rush for a sequel IMO. Just keep adding DLC, paid or free.
I want a totally new Mariokart. Nuff said!!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is perfect. New tracks won't make it any better (new tracks will only feel fresh and cool for the first few weeks).
Nintendo should rather invest the money in other games franchises or develop Mario Kart 9 with brand new game mechanics.
It seems that most voters are happy to have DLC in the short term, breathing a little more life into the game, while at the same time delaying any chance of a new version.
Switch has never had a Switch Mario Kart game like most if not all other Nintendo consoles have had.
If you owned the Wii u you will have purchased the game and then paid for the extra content at the time and purchased it again for the Switch. While those Switch owners who did not bother with the Wii U get Mario Kart with the DLC as a brand new game.
Some of us loyal gamers have been taken for a ride by Nintendo, and it's not in a Kart.
Nintendo need to reward those who did purchase a Wii u and who are now ultimately second class gaming Switch citizen's.
They would have a record of DLC purchased which suggests that the physical game was also purchased.
I'd love to see Mario Kart 8 Deluxe pull a Smash Bros Ultimate and bring back every single past character. Believe it or not, there's only 8 characters missing (9 if you count Donkey Kong Jr from the original Mario Kart) so it's not like they have a huge backlog to work through. Besides, I really miss Diddy Kong, ROB, and Funky Kong.
Just want more single player. Mission Mode.
Yes. As long as it’s good and useful. Absolutely
This is tough for me. I already own MK8 on Wii U, so I can’t really justify purchasing Deluxe. For that reason, I wouldn’t mind a new game.
More new and old Tracks would be nice.
A new Mario Kart is not necessary imo, cause there's a new Sonic Racing Game on its way.
You could ask this same question to Rockstar. Should they continuously update GTAV Online, or should they be working on a brand new GTAVI for PS4/XBO/PC.
It appears they chose the former. And it seems like Nintendo is doing the same with Mario Kart 8 DX and the Switch.
MK8D is the only kart racer I need.
So many of Nintendo's IPs should be laid to rest and replaced with new exciting IPs, like Splatoon. But not before an Ultimate Edition. Smash Bros is a great example of this - there really is nowhere to go after the next release!
Mario Kart Ultimate with new mechanics, racers and tracks - plus every single track and racer from the past in both original form and updated. I know I'd buy it!
Maybe even throw in the ROMs from all the classic SNES, DS and N64 as a bonus.
No DLC, please, if it makes the wait for a new Mario Kart longer! After all, I am an early adopter of Mario Kart 8 and thus didn't feel the need to upgrade just to a Deluxe version for a full game price. Games are not cheap, so I'd rather buy a new game than something I already own that has the same name without the Deluxe moniker. Thus, I would also feel left out if new non-cosmetic DLC did arrive for Deluxe - the story would be different if it arrives also on the original game, of course!
@Cobalt Oh Nintendo's done tons of things I hate them for. I just think that the way they handled Bayonetta is okay, and it's ridiculous that people are going after them for not showing it just yet.
I wouldn't mind something new altogether. Change the formula of Mario Kart. Somehow open-world it more. Not just the same ol' track and trophy kart game.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a 10 in my book. It's nirvana karting...lol. But I still want Mario Kart 9 to release on Switch. Besides, they will include all the fantastic favorites from Mario Kart 8 anyway with the classic courses returning but with NEW ones. I understand DLC would be attractive but DLC for Mario Kart 9 eventually would be better...lol. I want to see if the Double Dash mechanic (two racers in a kart will return).
@EmberTune I love every track, this game is in my top 10 Nintendo games ever released. It's a 10. It's classic already!
Whilst I love this game to death, I prefer Mario kart 7 which sold over 17 million copies and didn't get any DLC at all. Cheers Nintendo!
@LordVal Sonic racing has always been a pale imitation of the real thing. It's like supermarket cola vs Classic Coke!
@UmbreonsPapa I have to say I think we can make that determination, but if another Mario Kart is released there will be no major technical advancement, it'll be more of a mod of Mario Kart 8. I'd love to see an option to see the return of the Double Dash chaos.
Some new tracks would be rad
@N64SNESU here in Germany Coke is the cheapest way to drink a Cola, so this comparison is hard to understand for me.
But to have it right: I like Mario Kart more too, but I have some real hardcore Sega fans in my friend zone and Sonic Racing was always fun on my 360 back then. Imo it's the best funracer after MK.
@LordVal That's weird, but the price of coke wasn't my point. Classic Coke and Mario kart are iconic, a quality product just like Heisenberg's blue meth! Sonic racing is ok but its just not the real thing....
@N64SNESU I meant quality with cheap. But yes, that's not the point.
Classic Coke is junk compared to a Fritz Kola, Miomio Kola or Premium Kola here.
But just to understand you: Mario Kart is a Classic Coke (the extra deluxe Cherry Version) and Sonic Racing is a Pepsi?
@LordVal I thought classic Coke was no1 around the world, I'm shocked it's considered garbage in germany
@N64SNESU It changed in the last ten years because we got better alternatives. Another example is Japan. Just foreigners drink Coke there.
It's the same with mountain dew or Dr pepper, but that depends on the difference in the recipes. In France or Britain Coke tastes absolutely different from the German version (less sugar).
Cool, you should start the colalife website
@N64SNESU I'm absolute addicted to Kola!
Yes please release paid DLC Mr Nintendo, more tracks, more players ent
Well yeah, more tracks aren't necessary but very welcome. I rather look forward to more battle arena's. Of course as always I love new characters (Kirby, Pauline) and kart parts. A New Donk City track/arena would be reeaally cool, oh and block fort from Mario kart 64. My favorite track is rainbow road from the ds (I know, I'm a sadistic jerk) so it would be cool if that one shows up
Yes, next question....
We obviously won’t be getting any more DLC for MK8D anytime soon, so our next best hope is Mario Kart 9.
Yes, I know that Nintendo has never released two Mario Kart games on the same system before, but they also haven’t ever released two 3D platformers on the same system either... aside from Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 on the Wii, so a new Mario Kart on the Switch is entirely possible.
No way Nintendo will release any more DLC for MK8DX or a sequel to it within the next three years; it just makes too much sense. Can't wait for this article to be reposted again in 2024.
I would like more updates for 8dx, but the EXACT SECOND that the next nintendo console in revealed, I want a new mario kart trailer.
At this point I would just like Mario Kart 9 and for it to look like a proper full sequel. Things have moved on in the years since.
I just want 2 or 3 more cups and a couple new characters and maybe tweak the game options and add a new battle mode and I'll pay like 25$
Mario Kart 8 has been out for 7 years at this point.
It's time for a new game...
It's about time we got a new entry
After seeing the MK8 Zelda,AC,and F-zero tracks, i straight up Smash Bros Kart(reminder that Pacman is a driver in arcade Mario Kart games).
Every mario kart is the same anyway so yeah just release some yearly dlc
I skipped out on DX since I already had it on Wii U with all the DLC. I really would have expected a 9 by now or even a general Nintendo racer.
There are alot of people on here that seem ok with DLC for a 7 year old game and its super weird.
9 please.
I know Wii U sadly bombed and 8 was amazing so I'm glad it got a second chance on Switch. But the Switch deserves it's own, brand new Mario Kart, and it's been ages.
I want mk9. a new game with some fresh concepts would be the best. that said, mk8 is still really, really good. Like top 5-10 best nintendo games ever good. I can't believe how often i still actually play it. I would absolutely be on top of some dlc packs.
Mario kart 9.
Biggest feature I want is a story mode, or a reason to keep playing tracks, etc.
Yeah i would get either to be honest. The quality of the original DLC tracks was great compared to the price, about £7 for four well made tracks. They could do new tracks, new racers and perhaps a full set of "retro" tracks with a renewed twist to suit MK8s gameplay.
I feel DLC would be positive for the massive player base. An all new game would have to really "Wow" people and that is a harder ask, especially as MK8 is already a strong entry.
At this point they should just move on. But... Has there ever been paid DLC for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? I think it hasn't.
So, after all these years, it makes no sense. Would've made sense in 2019 tops, but is there really anyone hoping for a DLC after years without any addition now in 2021?
I've loved MK8. I've bought the game (and the DLC) for the Wii U and the Switch, and I've played the game to death on both systems. But seriously, it's time for the next game in the series.
I'm willing to wait for new hardware before getting a new Mario Kart, especially since that will keep the vitally important online community of 8DX healthy for years to come. However, I think that Mario Kart 9 is a necessary part of the early lineup for whatever Nintendo releases after the Switch. That shouldn't be too much to ask for, since MK 64, Super Circuit, DS, and 7 all came out less than a year after the launch of their respective platforms.
In the meantime, I'd appreciate if the Mario Kart team worked on another project for the Switch. Who knows, maybe we'll get Nintendogs 3 (MK and Ndogs share a lot of key developers). Or maybe they could work on a new IP, or make a sequel to Arms (again, this appears to have heavily been an MK team project).
They need seven DLC packs, each one containing all of the tracks from one of the earlier entries. I would pay more than the price of a new entry for them.
I can't remember exactly, but I suspect in 2018 I voted for DLC but really would prefer a new game already.
Now, I think MK8 has reached enough people, Nintendo should be pleased with the game's ROI, and it is high time for MK9! If not that, then something like Super Smash Kart 1, that opens up the fun to more of Nintendo's franchises or even 3rd parties.
I would definitely be on-board with that.
Either way, I hope the next installment is on the way, and that it will be amazing!
Depends entirely on what new Mario Kart content would be. If it all just resembles Mario Kart 8 but with new courses, racers, and karts, then that content should be MK8D DLC, if they genuinely change up the gameplay somehow (maybe make the Double Dash formula the playstyle again), then that should be a brand new Mario Kart game.
Apart from New tracks and new characters what would change by slapping an 9 on there.
I love mario kart but like 7 and 8 are almost same.
(Apart from graphics, Double dash divided people and Wii one was way way too chaotic)
Until something truly new happens (which is usually hardware) I'm happy with dlc throwing in like 4 cups and some new faces and it being like 8.5.
3 years laters and still not real DLC. It wont happen now, Nintendo is not the best company to support its games for many years like Minecraft. I would like a new Mario Kart game but i feel that Switch is near its limits. Cant get much better than MK8 cause of hardware limitations.
So i would prefer to save the new game for when we have some hardware upgrade as well. Also i would like to see some real DLC for many years in MK9. We're not in 2000 anymore
9Please. Pretty please
Mario Kart 8 is looking tyred.
From a momentum perspective 8DX is doing fine. It still sells well and likely gets a boost from Tour. 7 lasted forever on 3ds, I don’t see how this will be different. The focus should remain on Tour as that is a live service game that will sunset eventually.
9 can come out on the Switch successor.
@Dethmunk maybe the double dash formula could return or they could steal from Sega and do the Sonic Racing Transformed thing where for parts of the race, your Kart turns into a plane or boat.
Or maybe a new entry would further shift focus from the Mario franchise and it will become more of a Super Smash Kart. Even if the formula is otherwise the same as MK8, the shift to Nintendo as a whole would probably feel like enough to justify a separate title.
But I'm with you, if new Mario Kart content just looks like more Mario Kart 8, then there is no logical reason for more Mario Kart content on Switch to be a separate game and not just DLC. But if they find a way to further change how Mario Kart plays, then that totally can be a new game.
Mario Kart 9 would be best saved for the Switch successor at this point. I know 8 is technically a Wii U port, but so many people have only played it on Switch and keeping the series to one per generation helps it's longevity and keeps it fresher.
How was this posted 28 minutes ago and has 222 comments?! 😂 Damn
With the huge install base for MK8D, I think a full sequel only makes sense when we get a true Switch console successor.
@Clyde_Radcliffe it is an article from 2018 and updated to do a new poll! So most comments are from then lol
I really think we need a Mario Kart 9. The switch is the only home console not to get his own MK, considering 8D is just a port.
So yes, they can feed us with a DLC (I'm really surprised they haven't already), but I wish we get eventually a full new game.
Well, we all know Switch is a smash hit. So much so that whatever comes next is gonna have REALLY big shoes to fill. Nintendo is probably sitting on Mario Kart 9 so that when the time comes, people will put down their Switches and buy the Next Big Thing. If I was Nintendo, I'd be doing everything and anything to prevent my next endeavor from being another WiiU.
@luxoricious well technically, there is Mario Kart Live Home Circuit.
Mario kart 8 came out in 2014. A new game would be great. The problem is MK8 is still selling well. I am tired of the game now.
Evergreen titles are a double edged sword. Releasing an all-new entry diminishes its value.
Perhaps that is even why BOTW2 has been delayed to such an extent. Nintendo saw the sales numbers stay strong for BOTW, so they saw no reason to voluntarily diminish its evergreen value so quickly.
Mario kart 7 ran from 2011 to 3ds discounted in late 2020. So 9 years
Mario kart 8 first appeared on wii u in 2014 and then to the vast amount of its players 2017 with switch. (8.4m vs 35.4m and growing)
So I don't think sequels on cards atm.
Add more reimaged/remade courses from past games ( like MK8 already did )
I play the snes mario kart every week but I didn't really take to the last one so please can I have a new version.
@Ulysses my gut says that BOTW 2 is gonna launch alongside the Switch Pro and will be one of the first titles that can truly take advantage of the new specs of the system. They'll definitely want a big 4K capable (assuming the device can do that) game to launch alongside that unit to help push more of that device.
I'd still say MK8 Deluxe DLC would be better but it would need to be a large expansion which for example essentially makes MK8 Deluxe become MK Ultimate.
DLC tracks could be nice. I don't want Nintendo to milk the franchise too much and cause an oversaturation. Apart from 8DX, they've already released the toys to life game and have the mobile game up and running.
MK9 for the next generation is what I'd like to see.
I’d like Petey Piranha to be included.
@premko1 yeah, give us a Mario Kart Ultimate with every course from the series history, every racer and Kart couldn't hurt too lol.
I'll take dlc for mario kart 8 seen as I only bought it a few months ago
I would love a mario kart 9.
But to fill the gap i would love mario kart 8 having some dlc.
I’m still happy with Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64, though 😅
I'm not picky. I'd love a new game, but just want new content. I'm tired of seeing Mario Kart Tour getting content. It seems insane.
Track based on Universal Studios park...
Bring the Smash Bros. Ultimate model to Mario Kart. Let's have Mario Kart Ultimate. Every course/character ever, redesigned MK8 style. And then move forward with season pass style DLC that introduces a new character, track and music selection every so often.
@KirbyTheVampire In my opinion.
I don't think we need a new Mario Kart on switch and I don't think it will happen for a while.
Now before you all start talking about Splatoon 3 on switch and Splatoon 2 as well, note that Splatoon is not as successful as MK 8 deluxe hence that is why I feel like Nintendo will make a new Splatoon game but not a Mario Kart game
@Clammy story mode would be cool , I remember having missions on mario kart ds enjoyed that
Personally I would like MK 9
But in Nintendo's best interests, the install base is huge and people would lap up a content rich DLC.
I don't see MK9 releasing until the next console because it sells so darn well.
It would be nice but it makes no business sense as long as MK8 is still selling so well.
More DLC. Significant DLC. New tracks, racers and items. Maybe a new mode.
Any totally new MK9 on Switch is just gonna feel like a DLC anyway.
The game should get more DLC or at least give us some info on a new Mario Kart 9 or something.
@Inc more MK8D DLC might still make business sense though, as super delayed as it may be.
I kinda wanna see Nintendo randomly start adding DLC to MK8D 4 years after it released for the Switch. Just because it would really further highlight how we really can't assume anything with the company as they'll surprise you again and again.
For the last two years (since I got a Switch) I've been holding off on buying MK8 because I thought surely 9 was coming soon. Now I am not so sure, but I've waited so long that I know if I do buy MK8, 9 will be announced the next day!! But if I don't buy it, 9 will never come out!! Ugh.
I know the Wii U was such a failure, it doesn't make a lot of business sense to give the owners of that machine much consideration. That said, adding DLC would be yet another slap in the face. If they added 16 tracks (same number that got added to the Wii U game), I'd have to shell out the $60 plus whatever they charge for the DLC, and in the end, all that is to get half a game. And playing online, since the DLC would only be a fraction of the total tracks, most of the races would be on tracks I've been playing for six years. So for the love of God, just make a new game!
My Wii U is still hooked up next to my switch, and I would so pay for some more DLC and get back on MK8.
@Arbor dont buy it, so the game will stop selling well and nintendo will be forced to make a new one.
@duffmmann Oh I agree. I was talking more about launching MK9 on the same platform as MK8. All they would be doing is replacing one currently selling well game, with another, at great developmental and publishing expense.
And Nintendo will do neither of them and Mk8d is going to be the best selling game in the series by a huge margin (really close to Wii by this point)
@TheFox at some point we gotta be able to let go of the Wii U, I'm a man that loves the system, but I'm well past the point of acceptance and moving on. It doesn't upset me that Deluxe already has some content that 8 on Wii U doesn't, like all of the Battle content, Inkling, BOTW Link, 2 held items, the boo item, etc. And I'd be plenty understanding if they went further for more exclusive content too Deluxe including DLC courses, racers, and karts, with a nearly 40 million player install base, they'd be fools not to capitalize on that.
I voted for a new game. I haven't bought Deluxe for Switch since I already played it on Wii U and had the DLC. At this point, I'd rather take a new game since that would probably mean more new content than what we'd get if they'd just update 8 Deluxe. I doubt they'd add 4 new cups as DLC out of the blue.
Who Votes for Paid DLC against Free? Yeah it seems almost 80% of people but why? Good FREE DLC are possible and if you can get more for less.... Anyways, I want MK9 now!
@Inc Yes, but the people that already own MK8D aren't spending more money on the game. If they added paid DLC, they're spending a lot of money on development (of course not nearly as much as a full, new game, but still a lot), and they can only charge a fraction of the price. Replacing one game with another doesn't cancel out profits from the first game, it allows them to charge $60 again, not just from new buyers, but most of they ones that have MK8 would come back. This is the whole business model of COD. Obviously, I don't want MK to be annualized like COD, but it's now been more than four years.
@duffmmann I am willing to move on from the Wii U. In fact, I'm so ready to move on from the Wii U, I don't buy Wii U ports.
I would be happy with either:
a) a substantial paid DLC pack for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
b) Mario Kart Ultimate; every character and every track from previous entries
Been saying this for a while.... make the Switch’s proper Mario Kart open world or add a team dynamic like in other Sonic
@Arbor buy it already, so I can enjoy MK9!
Knowing Nintendo... whatever requires the least amount of work.
@NicolausCamp over saturation? It’s a seven year old game? And for most people at least four years old.
I've never bought MK8 because I have a Switch Lite and MK on the go just isn't that appealing. With that said, I just don't see myself shelling out $60 for an upgraded WiiU game that is what, 6 or 7 years old now? Maybe if they put out a new game I would feel a little differently, but probably not. Having a Switch Lite is kind of weird because you have a handheld but are buying games largely designed to be played on a TV.
A sequel with all the cool stuff locked away in Mario Kart Tour added.
Oh, and Smash Kart.
8 years since mario kart 8 released!
Give us an update that removes the bloody coin as an item, then will I be happy.
@rockodoodle how would open world mario kart work? I can see it having an open world in the game but what would there be to do?
More DLC IMO. I would also accept courses reusing the graphics of existing courses like Donut Plains 1 and 2 reusing the graphics of Donut Plains 3.
@BrintaPap Racing and open world are a bad combination. I've always loved skiing and snowboarding games, which are kind of like racing. And then I bought Steep. Skiing and snow boarding in a huge and beautiful open world to explore. <Say this in Bubsy's voice> What could possible go wrong? Well, without carefully crafted tracks, it was painfully boring. I supposed it would be fine battle mode, but since matches only last a few minutes, there's not much point in having a huge world.
DLC and release 9 with the "switch pro"
@C-Daddy the Switch doesn’t have its own unique MK. I don’t understand those who all but don’t want one for the Switch. If you don’t want MK9, don’t buy it!
No to Mario Kart 9, it's time to just make it "Nintendo Kart"
@rockodoodle Yes, I'm talking about the franchise as a whole. As far as I know, Switch is the only Nintendo console that has TWO Mario Kart games, and like I said, the mobile game is out and about as well. Mario Kart 9 for a Switch 2 would be in Nintendo's best interest to sell that console, considering it really is their biggest system seller, and they really don't NEED another one for the Switch.
I say save Mario Kart X (If you include the smartphone one) for the next generation.
You'd just end up fragmenting the user base if you released a sequel now.
Some more of the classic tracks like in MK7 would make great DLC to keep 8 fresh for a few more years.
@BrintaPap they could make it like Forza Horizons....maybe include mini games, side missions....
@NicolausCamp MK8D is 90 percent recycled content from the previous console. It has zero MKs.
@Skid I love the temple one, you should too
I want to play diddy kong racing on the switch, make it happen or else I will be sad
@6thHorizon Fragmenting a absolutely massive user base into two would hardly be an issue. I hate to keep bringing up Activision and COD, but they "fragment" their user base every single year. Yet if you log into COD online, it's not like you can't find tons of people to play with even on the older games.
@NicolausCamp 8 is a wii u game. Switch has zero original mario karts. Where did you get 2???
@USWITCH64 yeah I love that n all
@USWITCH64 Me too. That game was great on N64 but Shoite on ds
Guys can you imagine, that the next MK would follow a more extensive expansion of gameplay as following. You race on a track as in MK8, then you could quit your kart and fight like in Mario 3D World-all player could gain advantages and powerups on the way to their next Kart(Spaceship) and fly to another planet- fighting like in Starfox while avoiding asteroids, other players, then landing on another planet/ quit your ship, platform to another kart/submarine, and continue the race. So some coarses would be long and have deeper gameplay and strategies- including warping like in Star Fox and 1racetrack could have vastly different routes. MK could also not only include the fastest player, but winner could be determined based on Time/Score:) How does that sound?
Taking the business side out of it and just stating what I'd like to get, it's Mario Kart 9 and not even close. I like 8 Deluxe but it's time to move on.
can you imagine, that the next MK would follow a more extensive expansion of gameplay as following. You race on a track as in MK8, then you could quit your kart and fight like in Mario 3D World-all player could gain advantages and powerups on the way to their next Kart(Spaceship) and fly to another planet- fighting like in Starfox while avoiding asteroids, other players, then landing on another planet/ quit your ship, platform to another kart/submarine, and continue the race. So some coarses would be long and have deeper gameplay and strategies- including warping like in Star Fox and 1racetrack could have vastly different routes. MK could also not only include the fastest player, but winner could be determined based on Time/Score:) How does that sound?@Donald_M
I think I voted back then for more DLC. But now, let’s move on to 9.
It kills me how often the phone Mario kart gets updates. I think they kinda messed up calling the game Deluxe. It seems wrong to add to a “deluxe” version of a game. I think being Nintendo this stopped them from adding to it. It would have made more sense to call it Mario Kart 8 Switch and then added as time went on. I would love more dlc but at this point I would hope they are almost ready with a new entry in the series.
Mariokart 9 of course, this time with lots of different Nintendo characters, stages, vehicles etc. Mariokart given the "Smash" treatment. Chances of a new Mariokart soon: very unlikely, unless they release a Switch2 this year (might be a launch-title, who knows).
I don't see Mario Kart getting any better than the latest entry in the franchise, so I am for DLC.
I still haven't purchased Mario Kart 8 on Switch, already have it on Wii U and additional content is not enough for me to double dip. However, if they announce a new DLC exclusively for Switch (primarily new stages), I will buy it immediately.
I really expected Deluxe to just be routinely supported with DLC over the Switch’s life in lieu of a proper sequel. Crying shame that’s not the case- I don’t expect we’ll see MK9 until the Switch 2. At this point considering how Deluxe keeps selling so well it’d make sense to save 9 as a Switch 2 launch title, much as it sucks for people like me who’ve been playing these tracks since the Wii U version.
More single player modes such as mission mode please. And new tracks, isn't really adding much to the game at this stage - it needs new MODES. And more characters adds nothing to the actual gameplay. More characters is a cheap and lazy DLC.
Deja vu? <_<
Anyway, it's time for 9. Too late for DLC now.
Let's get another F-Zero or Wave Race before yet another Mario Kart.
@Znake Sorry that sounds hideous. These innovations are nice and all but what I want for Kart is more tracks, nice graphics, great handling, tonnes of online options. Let's not mess around with fancy gimmicks - look what happened with Star Fox.
Well, it’ll be 7 years later this month that MK8 was released on the WiiU. I think it’s high time they move forward with MK9.
I personally don’t care about iPhone versions or remote controlled toys.
I wish Nintendo would stop looking at the past with re-releases on the Switch and give us proper Switch exclusive sequels.
As for DLC, I’d prefer a brand new title but if I have to settle for DLC in order to get NEW content, then so be it.
At this point, I feel like Mario Kart 8 deluxe has been out for so long it would feel weird for them to add DLC for the first time after 4 years. I mean then again...Mario party did get its online update years later...
9 can wait on the Switch Pro.
I mean, what exactly are folk wanting from Mario Kart. If it's more tracks (and lord knows I would love Block Fort to come back!) then dlc is fine. Maybe release a Game of the Year type edition with all the content. That strategy seems to be popular on other systems.
If it's a new game idea (tag team racing like Double Dash, or maybe a more frantic mash up of Smash Bros and karting - with all the guest stars etc) then it probably makes more sense to release that with a new console. Traditionally, their games tend to be one entry per system (don't be an obtuse nerd and spout exceptions to me lol). But with Splatoon 3 announced, I can't help wonder if that will be for the new Switch (and compatible with the existing) and maybe pave the way for a similar approach with Mario Kart.
Afterall, it's quite possible the Switch does away with the idea of generations and so we do get multiple games.
No idea.
@rockodoodle @RhiannonRune Mario Kart Live Home Circuit
Give us 9 already. The time for 8DX DLC has long passed, it's time for a new entry. This is the longest drought of Mario Kart we've ever had and there's MUCH more they can do with Mario Kart on the Switch, and we know it'll sell bucketloads, so just go ahead and release it. Worst case scenario, if they're worried about cannibalization they can do something new for Mario Kart such as a Mario Kart World (which is what I would call an open world Mario Kart racing subseries in the vein of Diddy Kong Racing or Forza Horizons), but a new, original $60 AAA Mario Kart game of some kind is sorely needed on the Switch regardless of MK8D.
@NicolausCamp I forgot about home circuit. Idk that's a spinoff at best. So the switch has half a new mario kart lol
I predicted back in July 2018 that Mario Kart 9 would be an early Switch 2 game given how successful Mario Kart 8 DX was back then, when the game had just surpassed 10 million copies sold.
The game has now sold over 35 million copies and it continues to sell even better than it ever has before. I'm more convinced than ever that Nintendo will save Mario Kart 9 as a Switch 2 launch title and keep Mario Kart 8 DX as the Switch's premiere Mario Kart experience.
Whether Nintendo ever provides more DLC for Mario Kart 8 DX is unknown - that big Super Mario Party online update at least shows that they are indeed willing to provide major content support for an old game after a long period of absence.
@NicolausCamp I don’t see how live counts as a proper Mario Kart when there are a lot of people who don’t have the space to play or cannot afford to buy for multiplayer,. It’s almost like saying that Labo counts as VR for the Switch. Quite laughable!
I say, Nintendo should take their time with a new entry for Mario Kart. Don't rush it and polish it with some good track and new drivers. What I wish to see, though, would be the mechanic from Double Dash to return. That game was amazing!
Mario kart 9 to the switch pro confirmed
Not sure I have a preference, only if either approach adds significant freshness to whichever direction. If it's DLC, it has to be more than characters and cosmetic. New courses and modes.
If it's 9, then it has to bring something completely new and fresh to formula, along with the changes mentioned above
I'm guessing MK10 is next console game for Switch 2 with 9 being the mobile game.
They might go down the ultimate route though with all tracks included from the past.
They should give us a port of the Arcade version to keep us going.
@Ulanda it's been 7 years!
Seriously this is a silly question in 2021. It’s seven years since the last one. We’ve all bought it twice already - give us a new one! Every who’s bought 8 is going to buy 9 as well.
The question is moot. More DLC for MK8 isn't coming, as if three years and counting since that article was published wasn't enough of a hint.
I had this conversation with some other posters here just yesterday, and while Nintendo may not seem to have any incentive to release another Mario Kart with MK8 still selling so well, I think the reality of the situation is that it's selling so well because A) families who purchase a Switch typically want an easily accessible multiplayer game, and B) MK8 isn't just that, it's the only Mario Kart currently available on the system.
As for the argument that MK9 might cannibalize MK8's sales, first it's important to remember that we're talking about a SEVEN YEAR-OLD GAME here; most players, especially those who also had it for the Wii U, have seen and done pretty much everything it has to offer, and as with my own copy, it may get pulled out occasionally for get-togethers if it gets played anymore at all. Nintendo may be enjoying the passive income it's still generating, but it's clear they moved on from it years ago; they can't realistically expect for their consumers not to do the same, or sales to eventually reach a point of saturation.
And of course it's entirely possible that MK9 wouldn't eat into MK8's sales that much in the first place, if at all, because fans historically have no problem buying multiple games from the same franchises on the same system, such as Mario and Zelda. And, as I said earlier, Mario Kart is hands down their most pick-up-and-play accessible multiplayer franchise. It's not exactly a stretch to imagine most people's libraries including both MK8 and MK9.
Ultimately when/whether we will get another Mario Kart on the Switch is up to Nintendo. With heavy hitters like BotW 2 and Metroid Prime 4 already on the way, the biggest question is where such an entry would best be released so as not to cannibalize the sales of THOSE games. Because at the end of the day, Mario Kart is arguably their biggest and bestselling franchise that isn't either a mainline Mario title or Zelda. It's definitely a franchise that can carry them through the critical Christmas buying season.
Me personally, I've been ready for MK9 for years now. And with Nintendo's recent practice of extending the lives of Switch games with DLC and season passes, I believe it will be the most epic entry in the series we've ever seen.
Considering, technically, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was originally a Wii U game with all it's DLC I think it is time for a MK9. There is going to be 2 Splatoon iterations on Switch after all.
Both please! Give us something to hold us over, but start working on that sequel! I'm sure it's already in the works anyways.
I bought Mario Kart 8 at launch for the Wii U, and all the dlc when they came out. Love the game, wouldn't be apposed to new dlc, but I've been dying for a Mario Kart 9 for so long. Really bummed when it seemed like theyre just gonnq stick with 8 on the Switch, but it makes sense.
I feel like Mario Kart 9 will just have another boring and forgettable gimmick that no one will care about 10 minutes in.
Its how I feel about driving on walls with the special tracks.
Also in general I don't get why people are always so quick to ask for a sequel of something when it can be easily fixed with dlc or even an update. We don't need a whole new game just for some extra maps or characters imo.
Please, please, please... NO DLC. Not without a complete physical option anyway (similar to the Sword/Shield expansion pass retail releases). If Nintendo would at least give us a physical option, then they can release all the bloody DLC they please, but I am completely burned out and put off by games with DLC as more games than ever have them, and I don't buy physical releases to serve merely as glorified boot disks.
I just want a full package like the days of old.
I fully expect Mario Kart 9 to be a launch title for the Switch successor to REALLY get the ball rolling, or at least within the first few months after launch (but they've had enough time to work on it that I fully expect it to be a launch title).
@GrailUK Thing is that with 8D being a port, we already have a new console that can host new ideas never before done with the series in the Switch. A game made from the ground up around the Switch will offer much more potential than one that is a Wii U port. Sure, they could wait for the Switch 2, but by then they might have so many ideas for 9 that it would be overwhelming and the game might not end up that well. If they implement some of them now, they have more time to polish them by the Switch 2 entry. I myself can think of like... 5-10 different things Mario Kart 9 could do better already which would be more than they can include in 1 game, and that's even before we've seen any Switch 2 that could do even more for the series.
More DLC. Tracks, new modes on online, characters, items that can be unlocked etc.
At this point, all i want is Mario Kart 11. I mean, probably Nintendo sees Mario kart tour as 9, and home circuit as 10.
But wouldn’t mind dlc for 8 either.
While DLC would be great and the most logical step from Nintendo's perspective, given how well MK8D is selling, I think if we were asked this question by Nintendo
DLC, new tracks, characters etc... on the Eshop later today
Mario Kart 9, releases later this year
We would all answer Mario Kart 9. Of course we would.
At this point, they would have to release something new with a normal strange nintendo twist for the switch.
I haven't played the game in many moons, but of course I would preorder a new one without question.
How about some DLC for Double Dash? Is it too late for that?
At this point I think it needs to be a sequel with fresh new ideas.
@TheFox that's fine, but then you should also be able to accept when those ports you don't buy get extra content you wish you had.
I just need a new game! I've been waiting since the Wiiu days for something new guys!!
Not to mention all the new stuff we've been getting on a bi-weekly rate in tour! (which I really like BTW, totally playable and winnable without paying. ) But seriously it's time!
Releasing DLC now would practically be insulting. There needs to be a new game.
It's been seven years since the original release. SEVEN YEARS 🤨 That's basically an entire gaming childhood if you started playing games when you were 6.
Would be nice if it were complimented by another popular Nintendo fan favourite racer. No need for MK9 right now. But would be nice to see a bit more variety.
@Bolt_Strike i get you, and for us 12 Wii U owners, it makes sense. But to the other 70 million Switch owners, 8 is it's own thing. The WiiU got dropped man. Switch was a hard reset. I wouldn't be surprised if they see 8D as the Switch's game. That said, Splatoon 3 has to give hope to more games from the same franchise. Gah, I want a more powerful Switch
To be honest, I'd be pretty happy either way. I'd just like some new tracks to race on. I think I'd probably rather see Mario Kart 9 at this point, but I still very much enjoy Mario Kart 8, so even some more DLC there would be fine with me.
Neither. Instead Nintendo can revive another one of their kart racing games like Diddy Long Racing developed exclusively by the Mario Kart team.
They can make DKR their arena battle kart racer. Imagine racing through levels inspired by the donkey Kong series with music composed by David Wise.
Plus the Nintendo fandom will be excited to get a game with the Kongs and maybe Kremlins
@quinnyboy58 and F-Zero fans are still waiting for a new game since 2004.
If they release a new game now they'll just re release it on the next home console. Gimme dlc for 8 and then next gen gimme a whole new game.
Add Double Dash Mode to cup, vs. and battle with 8-player in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Also, more race tracks. 😁
Mario Kart 9.
Sorry to all the folks that just want more MK8 DLC, but I didn't skip on the WiiU and I don't wanna keep playing the same Mario Kart entry forever, even if MK9 isn't going to be all that different from 8 as you're all saying.
Isn't it possible that Nintendo can't currently release an MK9 that would be significantly better than MK8? I mean, the Wii U was significant because it was the first HD Nintendo console. And because of HD, many Wii U games represented a significant leap, at least in terms of graphics. The Switch isn't a very significant leap over the Wii U. Maybe with a next generation?
Now, what else contributes to a game's quality other than graphics? Content? Content wise, MK8 is a pretty well rounded out game already, especially with all the DLC and the improvements for the Switch release. An MK9 that trumps it in the content department might not be realistic.
Then there's polish and gameplay. Again, I just don't see how Nintendo could make an MK9 that would clearly top MK8 in these aspects.
And that could be the reason of not pushing it? Simply not being able to raise the bar to the extent they would prefer to for a new entry in the series. Same for Pikmin 4 vs 3, and probably others. (Also, everybody is super happy to pay full price for ports, remakes, etc., so why bother with new major games at all?)
Another option could be to stop playing safe, i.e. come out with an MK9 (or Pikmin 4, etc.), that is not just a new entry that is bigger, better, and more polished, but actually a change of directions with some risk taking. If you think of it, that is what they are doing with Zelda, i.e. each Zelda game brought new ideas, new art styles, new elements, etc. MK is mostly "evolving" with each new entry, while the Zelda franchise takes more risks, maybe.
Splatoon 2 and 3 might be an antithesis of this though, because I felt that Splatoon 2 was released despite not improving enough on the first, and the same is likely to happen with Splatoon 3. Now Splatoon 2 could have been another Switch re-release and DLC instead, as far as I'm concerned. Splatoon 2 is just the same thing again, but a few percent better than the first.
IMO it is kind of sad, Splatoon was a very significant new Nintendo franchise: bold, fresh, and successful I guess. And they are not treating it accordingly to how valuable the franchise is, they milk it too much without investing enough.
I think that Mario Kart 8 is so good that it would be great to have MK8 versions of all the tracks from previous games.
I feel like they should wait for a new game until Mario Kart 8 stops selling well because like right now at the point of writing this it is the racing game that has sold the most copy's.
@Milton_Burle I understand that some people prefer classic kart-but why not have both?! If let’s say 5% of them bring a new challenge. Yeah I agree, the worst that happened to Star Fox was Battle for Atlas-stupid fetch quests and abandonment of the arcade concept. Too bad that a game like Star Fox Zero is bashed, just because some people can’t handle new control scheme, because the game felt great after learning it( except the glider stages. I just felt inheriting classic Star Fox gameplay into just a part of the track would keep it fresh, not leaving any old concepts behind- like they added the hovering in MK8, and gliding before that. Now they could just add direct flight too. If they wanted to keep it safe-I would still appreciate to bring back some gameplay options from Double Dash-Picking your characters with different special made things more interesting.
@gergelyv I think they should bring a story to Splatoon. Nintendo (with Rare)starred this genre with Jet Force Gemini, which then Sony reinvented into Jak and Ratchet& Clank. Nintendo lacks so much on 3rd person shooters- No MGS, no Mass Effect, no super polished games like Rachet either, except Splatoon, which is sadly only multiplayer.
@GrailUK Nintendo tends not to work that way, if they have a good idea they think can sell, they'll go for it. It doesn't matter if they already have a game, we've seen this before with games like Galaxy where they have so many ideas they just package them into a sequel. The same can happen here. They probably know what they would want to do with a built-from-the-ground up Switch game and they probably think it would sell extremely well (as MK games tend to do), so I don't think 8D is going to stop them.
I remember saying before, Mario Kart 8 is considered new as far as Nintendo is concerned and you probably shouldn't expect Mario Kart 9 anytime soon. I still don't own MK8D after having a Switch since 2018. I've got the original and I'm not really motivated to rebuy it at full price.
Who are these weirdos that picked anything other than "I want a sequel"???
The last MK games were very dull and dont have a very interesting gimmick that keeps me invested. Anti gravity and transformations barely did anything and the abandonment of individual unique powerups and something fun to do in singleplayer is a big downer. New game please
I want to see them do SOMETHING with a mainline entry, whether it's 8 or 9. RC cars and smartphone games aren't the same as elbow-to-elbow action with family and friends in the same living room. For many, that's what Mario Kart has been about since the early 90s.
@rockodoodle I'd buy it, but I'd rather have free updates and DLC packs for an already existing game rather than a whole new $60 game that'll remove half the content already in MK8DX.
Why not just make MK8DX the "Ultimate" Mario Kart using free updates and DLC like Smash?
Mario Kart 9 Ultimate Bring every back from previous Mario Kart games make it 30th anniversary (1992-2022)
What exactly would be in Mario Kart 9 that isn’t already in 8? Different tracks? Different characters? Different play modes?
I’m not sure how they would improve upon it with a whole new game. But I could see more tracks and characters available as DLC. Or, more online modes.
At this point, I just want SOMETHING. I'd take DLC, but it looks like Nintendo has ZERO interest in making more DLC for the game
New DLC sounds great. Can we finally get to play local lan without being connected to online? That would be nice too.
I feel like with the fact that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still selling there isn't too much need for Mario Kart 9 on the Switch. It would be great to see some new DLC cups for 8 Deluxe though. Maybe when we get that half generation boost from whatever Switch Pro we eventually get they can take the opportunity to update the game to take advantage of new hardware features if available (kinda like how Breath of the Wild was updated to support the video capture function) and add some more DLC at the same time.
@C-Daddy At this point I just want something. Nintendo is breaking my heart
I'd like a new game mainly in hopes they update the social features for it. I love Nintendo's single player experiences and the gameplay of their online in theory is great, but without trying to beat a dead horse I'm really tired of the inconveniences they throw at you for a full online experience
I really feel strongly that the next Mario Kart will be released with the next gen console and there will be no more DLC for MK8D at this stage as Nintendo want fans to save their hype for the next full entry.
So enjoy MK8D for a few more years!
Get away from Mario Kart sequels at all and turn it into a platform that constantly evolves. New tracks for race and battle mode would be great for the first paid dlc. Also the DLC should release along side the Switch Pro and have Pro specific graphical enhancements like a higher resolutions and better textures.
Nintendo should take their time to make Mario Kart 9 the best and most robust entry yet. As long as it takes (within reasonable reason).
In the meantime, there are other neglected racing IP's they could tend to or outsource to trusted 3rd party developers...
... heck wasn't there rumoured to be a Star Fox aerial space racing game a while back? Any of those would do in lieu.
... Wun can only hope.
@Alucard83 I agree. Do you want DLC for Pikmin 3 or would you rather have Pikmin 4? DLC for GTA 5 or do you want GTA 6? After 7 years I’m ready for MK9
Nintendo needs to keep milking Mario Kart 8 deluxe for all its worth and have more free content. Nintendo is getting too expensive anyways.
I wouldn't mind just getting more DLC, and a new entry in the series would be awesome, too.
It would be cool if they could do a career or campaign mode. I just don't see them being able to add much more, gameplay, beyond that.
A new game is definitely preferable. I want a completely fresh experience! I've already played MK8 to death on Wii U.
A DLC pack would need to be extremely substantial to make me buy the game again on Switch.
@gergelyv - "Isn't it possible that Nintendo can't currently release an MK9 that would be significantly better than MK8?"
People could've said the same thing about Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Metroid. "Who needs a sequel when this is perfect?"
How could they improve on MK8? Gee I dunno, how about different tracks?
Here's an idea: a Mario Kart anthology of sorts. The best tracks from across the series, with all the veteran racers, but not the "filler" characters.
Do we really need four different Marios and Peaches? The alts as skins, like they did with Link and the Inklings, and the babies away. The Koopalings can be used as Bowser, Jr skins, like in Smash.
And how about some tracks and power-ups from the arcade and mobile Mario Kart games? Get Pac-Man in the roster while they're at it.
I think they should make Mario Kart 9 since Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a rerelease of a game and it would be good to have something different.
Hmz just do as almost all the games does give a paid dlc with more racing tracks maybe new characters that's it
Not that unpopular would love to see Diddy Kong Racing game on switch Even more than MK9 or whatever it will be called.
I'd prefer a brand new game instead of adding DLC to MK8D. That's mainly due to me not owning MK8D (I have the Wii U game, and can't justify double dipping on it).
New tracks would be great to have in MK9, but I'd also like to see them evolve the series somehow. Not sure what the next big advancement of the series could be though. A story mode or other gameplay modes like what Crash Team Racing had would be great.
The ideal would be Mario Kart Ultimate similar sized roster with a broad church of characters, tracks and power ups. This could have been achieved in MK8 through DLC but I think too much time has passed at this point.
***Pretty sure Im officially the only person to say and post this on the internet*** BUT...
>>>Why not bring MARIO KART further into the future, and kinda merge it into a spiritual F-ZERO sequel...?!!!?<<<
THROW IN some BURNOUT-esque crash sequences!!
MK8 is 7 years old. And many fans want to keep playing the same game because they can’t imagine another game offering anything more.
This is why Nintendo has no incentive to do much besides charge full price for ports.
If you don’t think Mario Kart can be taken to another level as a series, PLEASE do not go into game development. Don’t make movies or tv shows.
MK8 Deluxe doesn't need any more DLC, but neither does the Switch need another Mario Kart game. There's no reason that everyone can't keep playing MK8 until Nintendo releases a new system. Their incredible replayability is why franchises like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. are strictly one per system releases.
@BulbasaurusRex "Their incredible replayability is why franchises like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. are strictly one per system releases."
Right now Mario Kart is going on zero games for the Switch, so I would love a Mario Kart 9.
Neither, release 9 on the next console.
I just want to let everyone know that you have nothing to worry about. Nintendo will announce the release of Mario Kart 9 at E3.
I resisted buying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because I did not want to purchase a game I already had on the Wii U. Well, the Wii U but the dust last month. I received a 20 percent off coupon from GameStop and thought why not?
Now, that I have done the very thing I said I wouldn’t, you can probably expect the gaming gods will make me pay for my mistake.😁
Be great to get some DLC but would rather it be some interesting single player content like the missions in Mario kart DS instead of just 16 new tracks and Baby Link and Flying Cap Mario
@BulbasaurusRex had it on Wii U, didnt buy it on switch, so for the few of us left who don't care for redundancy, I'd like an MK9, but seeing that I don't have a switch anymore, I suppose I'm not holding my breath.
@WOLF13 bless you for saying what you said, the lack of imagination, people have, represents the decay that all the arts inevitably go through.
@Malcrash you're right in the past, I was always vexed when Nintendo made sequels to their top tier franchises. The fact that commenters here show greater reticence to purchasing a sequel than they do a port, tells me that Nintendo as a creative force is DEAD; and people like you killed it (I sound angrier than I actually am, I'm not actually personally offended).
Super Kart Bros., Switch+ exclusive.
Next-gen graphics, bring gameplay much more in line with Mario Kart Wii.
No paid DLC. Any and all DLC free. Net-play free, too.
we just need a new MK already because I'm bored of 8 for such a while. And I played the other older MK games and so far just boring, must have a new game.
Why should Nintendo do either when MK8 is the single best selling game on the console, and shows no sign of stopping? The game continues to sell even 4 years later, at full price, and you want Nintendo to release more DLC or MK9? Are you new to Nintendo? Preposterous.
Mario Kart 9 in 3 years time.
No more DLC for 8, would have happened already.
No new Didy Kong, it just isn't happening.
No new F Zero, it just isn't happening.
Best we can hope for in the interim is Diddy Kong Racing N64 getting released onto Switch like Turok and Doom 64.
@WOLF13 Nintendo have not released mario kart 9 as the current title is selling millions of copies.
Mario kart is a system seller. Nintendo waiting till there next hardware release for MK9 is what any sane business would do.
MK8 on switch is making Nintendo so much paper! I know it hurts seeing so much success for Nintendo but hey. Haters gonna hate!!
@kobashi100 That was my point. Many Nintendo fans are content in paying full price for ports. There’s no hate for Nintendo being like most other companies. If victims knock on a vampire’s door and say suck my blood, you don’t blame the vampire.
But if you think Nintendo is a company that cares about its fans more than Sony or MS, you are delusional.
@WOLF13 I don't think Nintendo just like MS or Sony care much about the fans. Difference between Nintendo and the other two is Nintendo do not devalue there important IP's by reducing RRP. It's remarkable how Nintendo games years later are sold full price.
Nintendo makes incredible games. Some of the best ever. But that doesn’t mean Captain Toad is a better game than God of War because Sony marked it down to 19.99. Nintendo uses that strategy because it makes some consumers believe their games are worth more. Psychologically they can play some like a fiddle. There are plenty of non game companies who do that. But it only works in the gaming industry with Nintendo. There’s way too much competition on Sony and MS systems.
All DLC should be free and the only way I’ll pick up MK9 is if they bring back Diddy and Funky and add Dixie like the did for MKT!
@PanurgeJr I'm in for a new game, but you raise an interesting point of just going for Mario Kart 8 Ultimate. If Nintendo just released every racer, every course, every battlecourse as paid DLC, maybe even in seasons, I'd be on board.
I think that MK8 up to today had an amazing run and its replay value is somewhere infinte, especially if you think about it as a mainly multiplayer game. that being said, i voted for a new entry because I think it lacks a certain modding depth and I am not talking about the car - tyres - wings combos which are a lot but about something more, like experience points to spend on several fields of your player which enhance boost, grip, drift, speed, luck or to each ? box item and so on, special abilities for each character, the possibility to add a second guy on your veichle, or a speedometer like in mario kart DD. what is missing in MK8 is exactly a character build process where the biuld actually affects performance. some RPG elements are necessary imho, if you think about the mario sports games they all have something like that. and a track builder would be awesome and the possibility to buy as DLC ALL MK tracks since MK. Nintendo please feel free to reach out if you need counseling.
Imagine Nintendo releasing new games for Switch and not just Wii U games
I would love to see a 'Mario cart ultimate' release, including all tracks, characters, vehicles and game modes through the ages + a stand alone story mode (maybe a cops and robbers story?). Like they did with Super smash ultimate.
But maybe that's just me.
I really think we're due for a Mario Kart 9 by now. It's been seven years since the original Mario Kart 8 came out on the Wii U and now four since 8 Deluxe.
As great as 8 Deluxe is, there's plenty of material for both more new and more retro tracks (not to mention, tracks based on other franchises).
Not to mention what a new Mario Kart could do to bolster the Switch's success. Popular racing series + massive install base + sequel to the best-performing installment of popular racing series? 😇🤑
@ChaoticIgnorance Obviously, there's "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe," which is one of the best Mario Kart games yet. There's no reason you can't keep playing it until the next system comes out.
@NintendoArchive If you don't want to double dip, then just keep playing the Wii U version like I do. It's almost as replayable in local multiplayer (which is where Mario Kart truly shines, anyway) as the Switch version save for having a terrible Battle Mode (in which case, switch off to "Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed").
While online play on the Wii U version is probably mostly dead at this point, that's just too bad. Nintendo's not going to make an extra Mario Kart game just to pacify Wii U owners after how they've treated us in regard to other Wii U games. While it's not currently an option for either of us anyway, if online play is that important to someone, then he/she can either get the Deluxe version after all or get some other Switch online racer to play.
There isn't really an answer for the first poll that fits me.
I do not want more DLC. Of ANY kind.
I also don't want a new game anytime soon.
They can make one when they feel it's time for one.
@BulbasaurusRex double dash is where its at anyway, Mario kart 8 while looking pretty & feeling nice is short on substance comparatively. I don't have a switch anymore, didn't play it in the last 2-3 years. Ive given up on future Nintendo, their past catalogue is vast & rich. I have no faith that metroid Prime 4 will capture the brilliance of the 1st, it will probably remind me of three, unless its an entirely new direction, I dont think BotW 2 will fix the problems of the first (I'm the one guy who thinks that game is good, but not much beyond that). The Mario franchise might actually be doing something interesting admittedly, but everything else, (smash was a compilation of the familiar, with some weird rough edges& poor single player, pokemon....please), I'm not interested anymore, but I also realize that Nintendo cant make me interested with ports of games I do or can own, for much cheaper than they are selling them. Nintendo is dead, at least for this gen.
@BulbasaurusRex also, ive played MK8 for 300 or so hrs, I don't need to play it anymore, a new MK would've caught my interest potentially. Too bad the switch doesn't have enough power to top the visuals of the wii U, so they'd have to make it interesting on a gameplay lvl, which I doubt that they would. Really, its disappointing either way
@TheFox racing and open world go good together (NFS Most wanted 2005, burnout) but I truly dont think it will benefit MK. But im very open to be probed wrong
@BulbasaurusRex You're right that I can keep enjoying my Wii U copy of Mario Kart 8, but I would like to enjoy a copy on my Switch and not have to buy it again. Hence wanting something new to purchase.
Frankly, I’d be happy with one or the other.
Just something would be nice
My comment hasn't aged well with Prime 4 having started development over again lol.
I don't really care, but if I had to choose I would do a Mario Kart 9
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