It's been an interesting week on the Nintendo front, with a Bloomberg report suggesting the rumoured "Switch Pro" will be revealed before E3 begins. According to the same source, it's expected to be in the hands of consumers by September or October.
If this wasn't already enough excitement, adding fuel to the fire is the discovery of a new retailer listing for the rumoured device, this time by Amazon Mexico on Friday. The website's page mentioned a "New Nintendo Switch Pro", but it wasn't long before it was taken down.
It's still unclear if this listing was legitimate or not, but the fact it was removed not long after its discovery also raised some questions. As highlighted on social media, Amazon Mexico has been responsible for past leaks such as the Spyro Reignited Trilogy ahead of schedule.
The name featured in this listing has led to speculation about the title of the rumoured system and also jokes like this:
A separate story following on from Bloomberg's report has suggested the Switch Pro will offer a "surface style" tabletop flap, USB 3.0, and ethernet connectivity. What do you make of this listing and all of the othe "Switch Pro" rumours circulating this week? What would you even call a new Nintendo Switch? Vote in our poll and leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com, via mynintendonews.com, nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 182
Just reveal it already!
I think this doesn’t hold much value due to New Nintendo Switch Pro most definitely not being the real name. Nintendo isn’t going to use pro in the name, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they announced a new switch at e3. Now all the nonsense about 4K resolution is kind of ridiculous. If it’s upscaled then maybe, but what would be really good would be 60fps breath of the wild.
... & Knuckles + Cats of the Wild 😂.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Get ready everyone for the Switch Pro first game exclusive announcements. You heard this here first: Death Stranding Switch Pro version. Not playable on regular Switch - but available on Pro.
Just give me a preorder options......
There’s a part of me that’s absolutely dreading having to buy a pro and sell my OG
I can almost taste it...
I feel like we’ve seen supposed “leaks” coming out of amazon before, and they ended up being nothing. Tell me if I’m wrong but wasn’t there one time where a guy made a listing just to fool people? And I feel like at this point “leakers” are taking shots in the dark just to try to get their name known, I mean hey what happened to the switch announcement that was supposed to happen the last 2 days? But yeah I don’t believe this
There has been far too much talk of a switch pro, of sorts the last few months, and especially in the last week for it to be fake. How anyone can seriously still think it's fake is being me.
Super Switch. Love that name.
Oh Amazon the site that has endless third party sellers that can seemingly list anything they want?
Didn't you guys cover this news - Mexico Amazon store posting - like 3 days ago when the rest of the world did?
I saw "New retailer" both in the tile and the article and thought new meant a new retailor in addition to Amazon Mexico. And if it isn't in addition to Amazon Mexico then who was the first retailer that makes this one "new"? Should have listed the first 1 in the article. 🤷♂️
Post as many rumours as you want. Don't care how convincing they seem, I'm not believing anything short of an official announcement from Nintendo themselves.
Whether the Switch Pro is real or not, I fully believe this specific listing is fake.
If Nintendo bring some of the N64 and GameCube catalogue to Switch Online with a spec bumped console they can take all of my money. I'd certainly spend a fair bit more on Switch Online if it carried more games, sat on something more like the Game Pass service in terms of quality/speed and the switch had proper internal SSD capacity.
The rumors are all wrong.
Nintendo is releasing a new system in September, and it will be called the SuperCube in honor of the GameCube's 20th anniversary.
It will be priced at $199.99, and be able to play all Switch games and 3DS games, as Nintendo has repurposed the GameCube memory card slots for Switch/3DS cartridges.
It will also have the NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube first party games available day one on the Virtual Console.
It won't have a screen, to help cut manufacturing cost down, but will be more powerful than the Switch and Switch Lite, and on par with the PS5 to help them get third party ports.
It will be portable, because the box will have a handle, like the OG GameCube.
*the proper way to write a rumor.....
The best thing about “Switch Pro” clickbait is the well actually gang that pops us to tell us how it’s totally not a bad thing that it would seemingly be coming on during a time when it will be near impossible for anyone to get, I’m sure people will be so happy playing whatever jank downgraded versions of upcoming games Nintendo puts out while flaunting these mythical “Switch Pro” upgrades that they won’t have a decent shot at actually experiencing themselves for another 1-2 years.
@DeclanS98 mine was too but my switch (that i used very carefully) has so many issues. Drifting joycon, disconnecting joycon, plastic creaking/breaking because of the heat. Slides getting worse over time.
I send my cons for repair and paid 50 euro’s but nothing got properly fixed. They want me to send my switch with me but if it’s my switch I also gotta pay for that and I don’t wanna risk losing it.
Does anybody know what game is running on the switch in the top picture?
@BrintaPap wow.
I experienced no joy con drift on my switch at all and I got it in 2019.
I really hope there are ZERO exclusive games for switch pro. Having some will alienate the audience
@BrintaPap At this point, Nintendo could probably release a lower powered Switch and just say, "The Joy-Cons won't drift." and sell another 80 million units.
But seriously, I do hope that is at least one thing fixed on the next system, and think it could be a big selling point to the "core" fans. Even if they don't announce a change, and the Joy-Cons just look slightly different, that might be a silent signal of, "Hey, ugh, we attempted to fix the problem...see?"
id love a 1080p 60hz in handheld and then maybe upscale 4k on the big screen ... I wonder what they could do with the device's design though ? i wonder if they will add any new features beyond squeezing out a little more juice ..... E3 is my favourite time of year ! and the only way to watch the coverage is with the guys over at Dropped Frames @itmejp
@Orangetabbylover Bloodstained. I actually clicked on the article because of it.
I strongly believe it's just a jerk working in Amazon with the power to make these listings and taking them down. Just stoking the flames
At this point, Nintendo could probably release a lower powered Switch and just say, "The Joy-Cons won't drift." and sell another 80 million units ................Owwwww its true haha
Yeah everyone get ready for the most requested games only being on the Switch Pro.
The new Switch is almost assured to happen, however there's a lot of exaggeration involved, like it being in 4k. It'll get a nice upgrade, but Nintendo won't push the hardware. They don't need to waste money on console hardware to rake the dough in.
I don't get how EVERY electronics manufacturer is complaining of chip shortages across the board, to the point that some of them are 1-2 yrs behind on orders and you expect us to believe that some how Nintendo has found a magical secret supply of chips. Not to mention that if they are going to "phaze out" the current model of the switch then why you and other media outlets keep reporting that Nintendo is "ramping up" production in order to keep up with the unforeseen pandemic rush on video games. Nintendo has had one of the best fiscal years in 2020 and is going to do nothing to mess that up. As for Bloomberg, they have "reported" that they have info on a new Switch for the last few years. I will admit that if (and when ) it comes out I will wait through the first year before I buy it ( just as I do with EVERY system. It gives them time to get the "bugs" out).
Yeah, this is real at this point. Either everyone is piggy backing on each other in a never ending circle of click-manure, or or different folk have the same info.
Reckon something considered grandiose will be revealed with it (like GTA5 or Cyberpunk 2077)
I'm honestly sick of NSP rumors
I'm long past these rumours. Announce it or don't announce it, whatever — just do something to help us move on from these articles.
It’s missing Dante from the Devil May Cry series, no purchase from me.
It’s happening, it’s just a matter of when. Nintendo has been refreshing hardware forever, especially anything that’s handheld.
It’s either going to be called ‘Nintendo Switch Premium’ or ‘Nintendo Switch +’
To @redpanda0310, I was fed up with these rumors circa 2018.
Definitely happening, I just don’t think the specs are going to end up being as big a jump as some would have liked. I’m expecting more functional/mechanical upgrades a la the Wii MotionPlus gyros or the New 3DS XL’s shoulder buttons than some huge jump to 4K@60 or something of that nature.
@smithyo I wonder if it will have a tiny misplaced "analog button/joystick thingy" that only one game will use. bahahaha "new" Nintendo Switch. lol
Super nintendo switch has a ring to it
@Torn "It'll get a nice upgrade, but Nintendo won't push the hardware."
Exactly. "New" Nintendo upgrades to existing systems have never changed the user base. The New 3DS had some exclusive titles... and they had no audience.
Keep the existing userbase while fixing some irritating issues with the current switch. It will NOT be a fundamentally New console.
@Slowdive I do hope it's real. I can contain myself lol, but if Nintendo announce it I will explo-
I wonder how games will be approached. Will they go the series x/s route? 2 options, with one playing better. Or will it be an entirely new format, that won't be compatible with the switch/lite.
I guess I would like better games to be exclusive to the switch pro, but I can't say I'd be too happy about purchasing another Nintendo console, so soon.
Do I put much stock in the rumors? No. Switch Pro rumors have been circulating ever since the console launched. Remember a couple years back when the v2 Switch was supposed to be the Pro? Or when the Switch Lite was supposed to be the Pro? It will for sure happen at some point, but I'll believe it when Nintendo reveals it. I believe Nintendo tends to save upgraded versions for mid-late cycle to boost sales numbers, so we are about at the right spot for it, but the original Switch is still selling like crazy so it's also not exactly needed yet. The only thing I se that could force Nintendo's hand is Nvidia stopping production on the chip the Switch uses. Nintendo could try to move all the existing Switch hardware before introducing a revision. We just don't know. This feels like the "NX tomorrow" thing all over again.
Do we think our existing Switch libraries will be available to play on whatever the next Switch version is? I have such a huge backlog that I wouldn’t want to upgrade if I can’t access all my existing titles on the new console.
It's not that I doubt that it exists (it may very well), but I'll believe it when I see it. I've got excited for Nintendo rumors before, only for them to not come to pass (Star Fox/Metroid crossover, anyone?).
This is a bussiness strategy, they leak this stuff on purpose, its free advertising.
As long as they keep the word spreading like this, they only have to reveal it, no explenation needed lol.
I understand the concept of placeholder names, but ANOTHER site grabbing the "New" and "Pro" parts for the same title? Talk about lack of self-awareness. At this rate, the joke logo (brilliant, btw) will show up in a listing, too.
And this is what we are [acting] desperate enough to discuss and vote in polls about? A couple weeks before a friggin' E3 to boot? The poll still lacks the sane option: "any kind of revision, satellite model or successor to Switch will only be something to believe and discuss once Nintendo themselves unveil one". But perhaps, to dare and borrow some words from @Damo earlier, this would be a "boring" website if it included options like these.😆
Sounds like it's pretty much a forgone conclusion. And it's not that surprising considering Nintendo's history with console refreshes.
It's obviously not going to be an entirely new console. That would be a not so smart move. The only real debate is the specs and what does this truly mean for playing certain games that aren't possible on the OG Switch. Like, is Resident Evil Village, running natively on it, a realistic proposition?
I kinda want some kind of pro, just so I have an upgrade when my current Switch needs replacing in a year ot three, but I'm starting to have a sneaking suspicion that it's not going to be an upgrade like the PS4 Pro, but more like the upgraded Switch we've already gotten with improved battery life
@DeclanS98 Keep your OG, especilly if it's a launch switch, and buy an RCM jig for modding.
They forgot “featuring Dante from Devil May Cry”
Put me down for two of those 😅
Of course this isn't the first time we've seen a "Switch Pro" product listing on one retailer or other over the past few years. And seriously, does anybody really believe the next iteration of the Switch going to be called "Switch Pro"?
@gaga64 and 'Sponsored by Mountain Dew'.
Yeah there's no chance in hell that Nintendo will abandon the massive (and still growing!) Switch owner base. A hardware revision of some kind is inevitable. My guess is all will be compatible back and forth between the OG Switch and "new" Switch but for the OG Switch it will use the "new" rumored dock to be up to par with anything "new" Switch experience. That to me makes the most sense so everything is still technically (including Switch Lite) all one "family" with no segregation. It would just be the "new" Switch is a sorta 1.5 version but still the same generation. With the exception of being able to play certain game(s) with a more current generation experience if desired.
Itll be called Switch U
I wonder if they will just keep calling it “Nintendo Switch,” actually, seeing as the old model will be phase out.
At this point people are going to end up disappointed once a switch "pro" is officially announced.
Most of the features people are asking for would need a new console (switch 2 ?) and not a mid cycle upgrade - especially when it would put it closer to the PS5 & XsX price bracket, whilst delivering last gen specs.
If the Switch Pro is real, then it most likely WON'T be announced at E3. History has shown that Nintendo doesn't unveil revisions at E3, the only exception being the Game Boy Micro.
I don’t believe it’s real. However, even if it is I won’t get it. I didn’t get the ps4 pro because the upgrades just didn’t justify the price.
@Mr-Fuggles777 Exactly. Many really need to get their expectations back from the moon. A hardware revision is inevitable but this is not going to be anything remotely close to a "Switch 2". That is about 3-5 years out in my opinion.
@BloodNinja Are iphones still called iphones?
"According to the same source, it's expected to be in the hands of consumers by September or October."
Don't you mean in the hands of scalper bots and a few lucky people?
As long that it is called Super Nintendo Switch, I’ll be happy
I mean, at this point it seems pretty clear that it's happening.
Also, if it's given the name shown in the image in the article? Day one purchase, no question, lol.
I wish Nintendo would just reveal it, not because I want a Switch Pro but so the damn rumors will stop. I believe that this is a case of people rumoring a product into existence.
What should they call it though, the Switch Heavy?
New Nintendo Switch
Can’t wait to get a P-Switch
New Switch Pro BBQ XL
@Mr-Fuggles777 I’ll be happy with base xbox one specs.
@GrailUK No, they get their specific names. The reason I’m wondering is because whenever they revised the hardware for the SNES they never changed the name of the console. From what I’m hearing, it makes me wonder if the hardware revision of the Switch will be significant enough to warrant a name change. If it’s a very significant hardware upgrade then a new name would help differentiate.
@Itsacardgame It’s a missed opportunity if they don’t called it the P-Switch. (The P is for POWER)
It's gotta be happening, but it won't meet every expectation set for it!
It might have upscaled 4K output, put it will not be able to render games in 4K resolutions in general. I dearly hope it would have DLSS tech, because that would simply be the best route for low powered mobile gaming, but I'm not sure if it's even possible on a mobile chipset. On the worst scenario it's just a minor revision with a bigger screen.
I just really hope it is called the SUPER Nintendo Switch. No matter what it is, I'll buy it, but even bringing back the tagline, "Now you're playing with power, SUPER Power" would flood me with the nostalgia of my youth and getting a Super Nintendo.
Well I got my Switch Pro controller already, but I couldn't care less about this. My Switch still runs just fine, if a little loud sometimes. Unless it completely dies, which is pretty rare for Nintendo consoles in my experience, I'd rather save my money for the Switch 2 or whatever they call it.
@BloodNinja I just thought they were called iphone 1, 2 3 etc etc. It's a tad dull, but if Nintendo are going to have another 15 years of Switch iterations, they need long term thinking because different names will get rather confusing eventually. I'm not convinced anyone should be thinking in terms of generations for Switch. It's going to span accross multiple in one form or another. SONY want to be Hollywood, Microsoft want to be Netflix and Nintendo want's to be a mobile phone lol.
@GrailUK Definitely!
@sixrings that's not going to happen handheld and if it requires being docked to hit that performance benchmark then just buy a base Xbox1 for a fraction of the price.
@SwitchForce Granted. Scalpers get them first.
I’d love to get excited but I just know it’ll be near impossible to find one.😞
All this stuff about specs, DLSS and exclusive games makes no sense, as this device won't have a long shelf life before being superceded by the actual Switch 2 in about 2 years. All this needs to be is a slight refresh, that adds 4K output and better screen, etc.
Finally. My OG Switch will become the kids’ system and I’ll have a new one on my TV that can maybe pump out more frames per second.
One thing I don't get is the instance it will be called Switch Pro? That's Apple's branding. The handheld switch wasn't called the Switch Air. Far more likely to be called Switch Plus.
I'll be happy when it's announced just to stop idiots calling it the Switch Pro (which it'll never be called).
'Super Switch' is quite likely however.
@Mr-Fuggles777 I can’t play first party Nintendo games on a Xbox. But yes I was referring to docked.
@Moonlessky PSA: Do not lick or eat your consoles, controllers, or cartridges. They taste horrible.
Rumors are that the docked mode will get most of the improvements, any word on rumors for handheld mode improvements graphics wise? I ask because I only play Switch in handheld.
It's called Codename NX the Virtual Console.
@The-Chosen-one there’s truth in what you say. However , for me with a broken OG , I’d get a lite but I’m now holding off to see if these rumors will intensify .
@MH17 it’s likely not going to be called “pro” but we are all calling it that as a stand in name until the official name is dropped.
@Bearzilla823 dunno if this has been mentioned in the comments yet but I've heard that the new chips going into the pro don't have the shortage issue because they're brand new tech, a proprietary chip only for Nintendo means they bypass the shortage apparently. I'm not hugely knowledgeable about the semiconductor industry so I can't speak with authority, but it sounds plausible to me!
@DonSerrot the Nvidia thing you mentioned was part of one of the rumours I've seen recently, the chipset in Switch is at the end of its lifecycle so is being phased out and Nintendo need something new in order to keep the Switch in production. This also feeds into the "new chip tech avoids semiconductor shortage" part of the rumours I mentioned above 😁
@bobzbulder Super Switch
Can I just enjoy my current OG Switch? The relentless internet obsession over some hardware revision is unbearable. I don't have any interest in throwing down $400 bucks or whatever for some Switch revision. Money doesn't grow on trees.
@vio why does others having better or wanting better things make you somehow not able to enjoy your own switch?
@sixrings Because it makes me feel like I have to own a "Switch Pro"(assuming it is even real) even though I don't really have the money for one. Watch, after this damn thing comes out, half the people you see going nuts on message boards, social media etc. won't even buy it. Only 20% of the PS4's ever sold were the Pro iteration.
It’s happening but due to bots you won’t be able to buy one until late 2023.
@vio well you are in for one discontent life if you feel you need to purchase goods that are better than the ones you were once content with.
For the record I’ll buy four.
ladies and gentleman... the switch U
Meh. Needs to be a big improvement to part with my hard earned money in a covid or even a post covid economy. We shall see.
Skeptical as to the authenticity anyway
Alsong as the pro version doesn't get exclusive games then I'm happy with my current switch, but if they do then that's the most anti consumer move they could pull
@Krysus can I have buffalo wings with that?
If Nintendo are phasing out the regular switch then this will be called the ‘new’ switch
@Lord I’m good with that as I don’t think this upgrade is going to be that big a jump. Just enough to make people feel they need one.
@Papichulo k. why are you here?
@Otoemetry the shortage issue is due to fab capacity at certain nodes, rather than the design of CPUs themselves. So all the bleeding edge 5nn and 7nm capacity is being fought for by Apple, AMD, Nvidia and even Intel. Meanwhile old tech components made in the 2*nm fabs are also in short supply thanks to the auto industry shooting itself in the foot. I wouldn't be surprised if this is feeding into the next nodes down, i.e. 16nm where the current Switches Tegra X1s are currently produced at. So there may be an economic sense for Nintendo and Nvidia to go to 12nm where there's less extreme competition for fab capacity. Also Nintendo have buying power now, and can commit to ordering 20-30 million units in a year. And it wouldn't surprise me if Nvidia did produce a customised SoC for Nintendo, rather than just an off the shelf design (e.g. Xavier)
@Slowdive I get where you're getting the 'New Nintendo Switch' name from the product number (tho' I still prefer Switch Plus as a name myself), but where are you seeing two models?
I like the name Super Switch. The Switch kinda feels to me like the reboot of nintendo and meant to be a modern analog to the og nes. Even the premier game for it breath of the wild is basically similar to it a modern retelling of the og original zelda. This should be the Super Switch and breath of the wild 2 is basically the modern link to the past
I told you all ages ago, a mild revision called the Switch plus.
That title. Makes sense. Will buy.
A little late to the story there bud.
Switch Pro is a figment of your imagination.
If it is real I hope they've improved the kickstand. I've been using it this weekend for the first time and it needs to be adjustable. The current version makes the Switch far too vertical when used on something like a coffee table.
not going to happen folks ive been saying this for months these sources are not credible especially since nintendo would of sue these sites for leaking it out which would of confirm but so far nintendo hasnt said anything about it kind of proves pro is not coming.
@Richnj i did taste a switch cartridge after the news of how horrible they taste spread. They are indeed awful lol
Quite sure at this point that it’s coming this year.
And number me among those who think Super Switch is the best name. I’m sick of Pro because very few of us really care to think of ourselves as pro gamers. I’m even more sick of Plus because I don’t like how it sounds (plus what?) and mostly because of way too man recent Plus streaming services. Sadly, odds are that it will be one of those and not Super Switch.
Also like others, I almost certainly will not upgrade, as I’m satisfied with my current Switch, and my dearest hope (and it seems a good likelihood) is that OG Switch has at least 3 more years of new games ahead of it.
@westmeadow ok, Switch Max it is
Of course it's happening. Miyamoto once said that Nintendo is always working on new hardware.
It's only a matter of when it'll be officially revealed.
I think there is no Switch "Pro", we will see a new model of the base Switch (with better screen and 4K upscaling) but this will replace the current Swicth model and will not have ANY exclusive games. So no "Pro". Just Switch revision 3.
@Koudai1979 wen he says new hardware that means the new successor not a mid upgrade system so basically switch 2 will be out around 2023 or 2024 time frame.
Here's the thing, what good is 4k when the games are designed for 1080p?
iTs jUst aNoTHer baSeLess RUmar!!!111 derp
Damn. Guess I was wrong.
@BrintaPap I’ve been in the same boat- launch day switch encountered many annoying problems just like you described.
From faulty joycons to failing cartridge reader! - which I had to diy as my Switch is now out of warranty and Nintendo wanted to charge £130 to fix!!
Needless to say, I bought a new reader and full housing as mine was cracked up near the heat vent, fixed it and sold it last week.
Me and the kids are having withdrawal symptoms lol but it’s for the best, I was actually planning to replace it with the V2 switch but with all the recent switch pro rumours, I’m waiting to see what happens in the run up to E3.
I am not letting hype ge to me here.
C'mon, guys, we've been over this literally since the Switch was first released. We've seen rumors of a "Switch Pro" circulate every year, leading up to E3, then they die down for a while, then come back around in November as Nintendo is prepping to enter into Q4 of their fiscal year. The only time SOMETHING was right was when Bloomberg reported BOTH a Switch Pro and a Switch Mini, but that was literally playing both cards so they COULDN'T be wrong except for maybe timing.
With these rumors, we need to also be aware of where they are coming from. Emily Rogers has been wrong 8/10 times, Tim Grubbin has been right 8/10 times, yet we all listen to Emily, not Tim. Tim hasn't said a word about this, so I'm inclined to call BS till Nintendo officially confirms anything.
Just to correct my earlier comment slightly, Jeff Grubb is the guys name. No idea where Tim Grubbin came from...
@tseliot Honestly I would be so happy if that were the name of it. Much better than the names people keep coming up with.
@smithyo Imagine the rage if BOTW2 is Switch Pro exclusive
I answer "No, It's Fake" because the speculation and Nintendo's history say it will replace the current mode, not be a "Pro" concept - which is a seriously enhanced model for allegedly "Pro" or elite games that will sell at a premium price alongside the base mode (like PS4 Pro did). In keeping with the New 3DS - the last major upgrade of a Nintendo system - it wouldn't surprise me if part of the title listing is correct and it is the "New Switch", or perhaps "Switch New". It won't be anything like "Super Switch" because that will diminish the existing model and the Lite as obsolete. Nintendo will want to ensure this is simple upgrade and everything is compatible both now and the future, including accessories. Hopefully, the core system itself will be sold separately for a cheap and easy upgrade if anyone wants to do that.
@bradtronix The last "Switch Pro" rumour proved correct in that it was the red box updated Switch. That the rumour was reported as a "Pro" is what confused and misled people, and the same has happened for this second cycle. Except, the last update to the rumour, Bloomberg did say the new model will be a replacement, which is keeping in tradition with Nintendo's history of upgrading the hardware to extend the life of the generation. We saw it with New 3DS, not to forget Gameboy Color.
People want this really badly, and I will GUARANTEE you that when the next Nintendo console comes out, the exact same thing will happen.
Nintendo seems to have a bad habit of always overstepping from their hardware. The Switch wasn't a huge jump from the Wii U, but some Wii U games got brought up to 60fps. It really feels like Nintendo isn't trying their best to hit that frame rate. Remember Bowser's Fury? With some more development time, I'm sure that would've gotten the same frame rate as Odyssey. I'm almost certain that many Switch games have graphical potential, but Nintendo isn't working as hard as players want then to be, and I hate to be the one making assumptions, but that's how Nintendo's sucking you in to buy their mid-gen improvement; by making their current games run at meh quality.
What people aren't realizing is that Nintendo seems to want to go quantity over quality. They'd rather bring more stuff in to make games fun than work harder on less stuff to make it look better.
@HalBailman Let me be crystal clear here, I haven't said anything but "be careful who you trust."
I'm sure there will be an upgraded model, at some point, but I doubt it will be this year. Nintendo's president has iterated on numerous occasions, particularly recently, that there aren't any plans for a "Switch Pro" anytime soon, which, reading between the lines, tells me we're looking at another year out at the earliest.
But, like any other human, I could be wrong. I'm just as fallible as the next guy.
@bradtronix Timing is where the rumors are stretching their knowledge.
Leaks from legitimate manufacturers are more believable, like Samsung receiving orders for a 7-inch OLED screen, or accessory providers leaking new dimensions.
I would love to see a Switch revision announced at E3, and a surprise Nintendo Direct would be just as good honestly.
And as far as Furukawa's official statements, it wouldn't be the first time they made obtuse "at this time" brush-offs only to make said announcement mere months later. Sometimes official statements made for the sake of shareholder meetings and etc. unfortunately can be both technically precise and general simultaneously.
I think next week will reveal the truth!
Que sera, sera.
@bradtronix I get you, and I've always come with the attitude of using rumours as a small part of a puzzle, not to take them seriously. My personal speculation for about a year was early next year or late this year for a replacement. I've rubbished the idea of a "Pro" version all along. Of course, I could be wrong too.
I normally wouldn't be saying all this had it not been for all the ridiculous requests for a "Switch Pro" especially when it comes to people blaming the Switch hardware for stuff like Pokémon Legends and Age of Calamity, the former being an unfinished game and the latter suffering through COVID restrictions during development.
@Orangetabbylover I think it's bloodstained
I wouldnt be excited considering how scalping been going lately
Nintendo Switch U
The perfect name
Oh sure, since thus means something. How many time was this a hoax? I only believe it when I see it.
As long as I can be first to preorder... I don't wanna wait 3 moths to get one in the chip shortage market...
@bobzbulder People definitely need to forget native 4K for this new Switch. It's nuts and never gonna happen.
Remember, the PS4 Pro was already struggling with stable native 4K for most titles and often ended up being more of a 2K console than real 4K. That console also ran really hot quickly.
So how people think a handheld console is going to do 4K, without melting the console in your hands to rubble.... are out of their minds.
All that might be possible is an updated Tegra SoC with support for upscaling via NVidia DLSS. That's it really. Don't expect anything more.
I'm not going to vote in that poll, for while a new model is likely to come out, it's rather un-likely to be what people seem to expect when the suffix "pro" is attached.
@Orangetabbylover Bloodstained ritual of the night
I actually don't like the idea of a switch pro. The result could be that most new games will be optimized for the new switch and run poorly on the original one. I would prefer if they just release a new console at the end of the generation.
@bobzbulder just like Nintendo doesn’t call their controller a “pro controller.”
Wait a minute…
“ Can I just enjoy my current OG Switch?”
Yes. The presence or otherwise of an upgraded Switch has no bearing on that. Don’t want to buy the upgrade, don’t buy it.
@BlackenedHalo XD XD XD
@TSR3 That's really interesting info, thanks for sharing! Does sort of corroborate that rumour about Nintendo avoiding the semiconductor shortage with their new Switch, at least I hope that's what happens! Out of interest which are the ones Sony and Microsoft are going after for their new consoles?
I like Switch EVO for a name
@Orangetabbylover That's Bloodstained
Also, I think Nintendo will definitely announce something at this point.
Lol this is from last week, and anyone could have put that up there
IF this is real, that name is totally fake.
Plus, I still don't believe they are going to release a switch pro like a PS4Pro or XBOX. They will release the switch successor instead.
Of course they can release a third revision with some extra features, but nothing too much higher (hardware-wise). Otherwise, they would be sabotaging the current switches out there.
Companies would change their focus to the "more powerful" unit and leave the original one aside. It wouldn't turn out a good thing for Nintendo.
If the new "pro" is compatible with existing joycons Nintendo should offer an SKU of just the Switch Pro and Dock so we can use our existing joycons.
but honestly with the USB3 and networking built in I am hoping for a Switch model which is only for connecting to the TV with no hand held version.
@Otoemetry as far as I know, the AMD chips that both PS5 and Xbox Series use are 7nm. AMD were ahead of Nvidia in placing orders with TSMC for 7nm parts. That's also why Nvidia's RTX 30 series GPUs are manufactured by Samsung at 8nm. And I wouldn't be surprised if Samsung are also manufacturing the SoC for the New Nintendo Switch (as well as the OLED displays).
@rjejr Yeah I also thought it was another retailer, and not Amazon Mexico again! The title of the article is misleading
@electrolite77 The question is, if we will be able to play NEW games on the OG Switch in an enjoyable way.
If this doesn't get announced before E3, we can just discount the entire rumour. Right? RIGHT?!
@Zacattack99 Yeah...
Somebody should make a counter for every time the "NSP" was leaked.
Might overload their computer tho 😉
@chipia I think (and hope) it will be in essence like a Switch v.2 with full backwards compatibility. Just like the new XBOX Series X/S is doing and in essence the PS5.
It becomes tiresome having to buy a new console, that has a different OS that is not compatible with previous gen games.
This has luckily become an outdated philosophy.
It's just fantastic having the new XBOX One X (for example) and being able to play all previous gens games on it still. Freeing up precious space, not to mention not having to fight for limited HDMI inputs towards my TV/Receiver.
So I hope the new Switch Console will stick to the current Switch OS with full backwards compatibility.
@DeclanS98 why would you sell your old one? I’m keeping mine!
@Torn couldn’t have said it better myself!
@Jeronan But then it would be way too early to release the next switch this year. It's not even 5 years on the market. For comparison, PS4 and xbone were 7 years on the market, before the successor was released.
It doesn't make sense to me, to release the next switch so early, especially if the OG Switch is still in such high demand.
@chipia It's all just rumored. This Switch Pro has been said to release since the first year of the OG Switch launch lol.
It's just rumors. Rumors that have been going on for 5 years.
So there is no certainty that a new Switch will release this year at all. Can be next year or the year after that. Or... not at all and Nintendo does what Nintendo has always done so far and releases a completely different console in two years. /shrug
I think I'm the only one that doesn't want a Switch pro >.<
I don't have that sorta cash and if I did, well I'm rather attached to this one despite it's shortcomings. OOF
@Nintendo_Pone You clearly missed my comments. You are definitely not the only one.
@chipia If you're talking about the PS4 and Xbox not getting upgrades/new systems, the 7 years is off. The PS4 and Xbox both had "Pro" type models released.
The PS4 released in 2013 OG, and then PS4 Pro released in 2016.
This is what most people are assuming/stating the next Switch will be from what I'm gathering (and think as well), not an entirely new PS4 to PS5 system, or Wii U to Switch type system update. More along the 3DS to New 3DS system type update.
@johnvboy That's exactly what it will be, a revision. QOL and general efficiency improvements. Battery/screen/joycons/storage. It'll never be "pro" enough for some of the commenters on this site. People expecting a PS4/Xbox One handheld will have to cry more.
How many times does this make it that the "switch pro" was leaked now? It's starting to rival smash bros. for the amount of fake leaks and rumours we've had lol
I was expecting PS5 power at the very least, with a 48 hour battery, although I would have been happy with only 40 hours, while playing breath of the wild.
If they did announce a Switch pro, I would have been less surprised if I woke up one morning, with my head sewn to my carpet.
Admittedly, it was a bit of a mindless rant. I just feel like every Nintendo revision was what they should've had at launch, but I suppose they have to keep manufacturing costs as low as possible.
If "Switch Pro" is a HUGE upgrade (which I'm not expecting), I'll go bold and predict that such a system will not only be "backwards compatible" but also "forwards compatible".
And by that I mean that if the new iteration of Switch does end up delivering a relatively large boost in power, Nintendo could establish a policy that all developers would have to make certain that their games can still be capable playable on a vanilla Switch - this would include games that might be developed primarily with Switch Pro's much improved specs in mind.
All they would have to do is make certain that any game developed for Switch Pro can be optimized to play on either system. Maybe make it do that games can detect which kind of Switch it's running on and if necessry, automatically scale back certain effects and resolutions if if that's what would be required for the game to run on the older hardware.
I think if Nintendo would do it this way, they could actually put forward a more powerful system WITHOUT alienating all of the people who have already bought a Switch and are not in the market to buy a new one, while also giving developers the freedom to take advantage of the improved specs if they would want to WITHOUT losing out on potential sales.
Pre-order canceled!!
@johnvboy lol
@WiltonRoots and don't forget a CPU/ram upgrade that allows the eShop to run at least as well as on a Palm Tungsten . That was the official point of N3DS as well .
Yeah I did. I only skimmed the comments before commenting and all I saw were ravenous people wanting it. Really nice to see someone else that realises it will be a stupid amount of money that we don't have for something that is slightly better, not to mention not all games have cloud saves, but yet somehow feel like we are missing out because we don't have money coming out of our sweat. I could tolerate the handheld console revisions but not this, such a middle finger to all that bought one last year with the state of the world as well.
@Lugazz "The title of the article is misleading"
Your dog can probably do better. 😂
@NEStalgia #notmynx
Does feel like we've reached that point, 2 years of nonsense. Difference of course being we have the Switch and Lite now, back then we had a dead Wii U and a slowing 3DS, so it mattered more then, now it's just been going on for way too long.
@rjejr I think the main differences are that Nintendo has become even more cagey and quiet about everything than then. I thought it was bad when Kimishima was running interim Nintendo post-Iwata and they clearly had no idea what direction they were trying to go at all and we had a year of radio silence. Then Switch launched. Then Furukawa moved in and they changed to permanent radio silence as an actual strategy.
And then the community changed with Switch success and went from "we love Nintendo and want a console that's not ignored" to...well....this? It's like when the PS3 community was chill and fun, and then MatriXbox blew up and 94% of the entire X360 toxic community moved to PS4 and wet the community bed, and it's still that way.
@NEStalgia "changed to permanent radio silence as an actual strategy."
As much as it kills me, it does seem to be working for them. Announce a game then release it 2 months later. Well after all of the unreleased games from years ago - BotW2, MP4 and Bayonetta 3. I'm not sure what they've released since then besides Miitopia but that seems to be their plan, don't announce it until it's "gone gold". Also Paper Mario and Mario Golf.
Guess we'll see what this month brings. They did announce Splatoon 3 well in advance but that's about it. Maybe New Switch Pro, though it's only a "mid gen refresh", will exclusively be getting all of the new games. I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to try and pull it off, worked for New 3DS.
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