When Nintendo announced the new blue Switch Lite earlier this year, it triggered quite a bit of discussion online. Was it truly blue, or was it closer in hue to the purple GBA, or even the indigo GameCube? Perhaps it was 'Blurple' in your eyes; a halfway house between the two?
Well, now the machine is actually out, we're starting to see photos that directly compare the blue Switch Lite with the purple launch model GBA, and the difference in shade is quite striking, as you can see:

The Switch is noticeably more 'blue' and much brighter than we expected it to be, making the GBA look even more purple than it already is (if that's possible). However, some people still insist they see purple rather than blue, so it's clearly not as cut-and-dried as you'd think.
So, now you've seen the GBA and Switch Lite in the same room together, have you changed your mind?
[source twitter.com]
Comments 47
Imagine complaining that blue isn't purple.
Is this the one that has the improved screen?
Wait, is that serious?
The purple GBA was the best!
God, I really want a transparent model. They were cool back in the GBC/N64 era.
Ok, someone tell me how he got that.
Now I don't know what to think LOL.
now we have 3 shades of red joycons, a red lite that has 4th shade, one blue joycon witch has a different shade from the blue lite (that is not purple, but we have a purple joycon that is not GBA purple).
It’s out today in Europe
@RupeeClock I know, right?
Okay, that actually looks very different.
Still, kind of dumb to complain that this isn't the same color as the old purple GBA...
The blue system with white buttons looks better than I thought. I'm not really interested in the Switch Lite personally but I think that's the colour scheme I like the best (so far).
Anyone buying this?
❗I think the colour is purue.
I might get one to trade PokéMon with myself...
It’s blurple. Obviously.
I can’t see myself buying a Lite model since I play on my TV quite a bit, but my god that color makes it tempting.
Great. Now let's see when they compare it with the purple GameCube Controller.
@KateGray Can I add you on Switch?
@ModdedInkling there is a video right there on the bottom of the article comparing it with the OG gamecube controller.
@nessisonett Indigo
That's a more proper way to compare the colors, comparing them under the same light source, a good light source. Nice work.
@russell-marlow B L U R P L E
For me it's brighter, but the same color (yeah, I'm colorblind)
If blue is mixed with red at all - even 99% blue & 1% red - it's a variant of purple. It's really that simple. No red in it, it's blue - any red at all, it's purple. More red than blue is magenta, and more blue than red is indigo, exactly in the middle is a true purple.
People tend to disagree on the names of colors past the tertiary level (people obviously disagree about the tertiary level too, but overall it is basically standardized in English), and obviously color names are a free-for-all rabbit hole below that point, so if we are going to stick to primary, secondary, or tertiary color names, which I suggest we do in this case, this color is quite clearly closest to indigo. It's mostly blue, but there is some red in there, which is how to describe the color indigo (aka blue-blue-red, or I suppose "blurple" could also be an acceptable name lol, as blurple communicates the same thing: blue-blue-red). Furthermore, if it was truly blue or truly purple, we wouldn't even be debating it - which is exactly why it's indigo.
@chickenguy I just seen one an hour ago in a shop in the Netherlands, so it's available to buy.
@everynowandben Good to take a scientific approach, but, er, you’re wrong. Colour is a spectrum - there’s no 1% of this and 99% of that. Some points on the bandwidth have been given arbitrary names, but that’s it. Some languages, I believe, don’t even separate green and blue...
But what Pantone is blurple?
That's a nice burple
@Krull Nonsense.
@Slowdive You can't create that color without adding a little red to a lot of blue - that's where purple came into it. Blue+black and/or blue+white will not allow the creation of that color - some red must be added, and therefore it is no longer blue, but a variant of purple, more specifically indigo aka blue-blue-red. Perhaps it's even closer to blue-blue-blue-red, or 4 parts blue & 1 part red, but breaking it down to that level isn't very useful in my opinion - unless of course you're trying to match the color of the walls in your office to the color of your Switch, which might actually be not too bad of an idea now that I think about it 🤔
@nessisonett P U R L U E
People definitely have too much time on their hands right now.
I'm still baffled that people thought it looked purple. It always looked blue to me. 🤷🏾♂️
Images can look very different on different screens.
I’m convinced by the comment section.
It is blurple.
I like this one better than the turquoise, but no point on changing it. It's not like I'm make of gold or something...
So it’s advertised as blue and amazingly it turns out to be blue.
Shock horror!
@OorWullie Oh, it must just be avaliable in other places. I live in USA.
I have a launch Switch connecting to my TV, a Pokémon Switch Lite and a turquoise Switch Lite. I'm really struggling to stop myself from buying this because it's so ****ING gorgeous.
Close enough to fit the purple theme, but blue enough to set it apart. I'm a fan!
Being colour blind sucks sometimes
Speaking of colors in photos, I see Hard4Games had recently reviewed a somewhat infamous prototype GBA to reveal its buttons were actually brown, and not orange, as was commonly thought.
So sexy that color damnit I wish I had loose change for it.
@abdias : There are three shades of blue Joy-Con as well. Neon Blue, Blue, and Fortnite Blue (the Fortnite Blue ones are a little lighter than the Left Blue Joy-Con included in the Blue/Yellow bundle). I was a bit annoyed as I was expecting them to match too.
I don't see purple, it is purple.
This goes back a bit far. I’d have rather seen a comparison to the Nintendo 2DS system that has GameCube colors (the purple and silver one that came with Mario Kart in North America).
...also the proper color of this system as it appears on my screen is actually Cobalt Blue. But the GBA SP in “Cobalt” was not the same color as this.
I wouldn't mind a nice "GBA black" Switch to match my launch GBA. A Lite would be fine, but perhaps with a nice OLED screen and 15% more grunt CPU wise (so it nails 720p 90% of the library).
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