Earlier this week, Michael Wikan - the former lead designer of all three Metroid Prime games - revealed on Facebook why he didn't think a Switch port of the Metroid Prime Trilogy was likely to happen.
In short, he doubts it will be released, as Retro Studios no longer has "functional editor tools to work with the Prime code base" and as a result, everything would have to be "brute-force" hard coded. Metroid Prime 3 alone would apparently be a "herculean effort".
Sadly, Wikan's comments appear to have upset some people within the Metroid community, and the former Retro Studios developer is now apparently being targeted with abusive messages. This information was shared by the Metroid fan website Shinesparkers:
"We have been informed that the developer mentioned has been targeted with abusive messages directed at his personal account on social media. The Metroid community is better than this, please be kind."
As highlighted by much more reasonable fans online, Wikan never actually said a trilogy release wouldn't happen, he just said he was "pretty skeptical" and believes it would likely require a lot of hard work to make it happen - especially the third game.
These latest comments about the Metroid Prime Trilogy follow on from years of rumours, Switch listings on retailer websites and insider predictions. Back in 2019, Imran Khan - who was with Game Informer at the time - said the trilogy collection for Switch had been "long done" and Nintendo was just waiting for the right moment.
The fact Michael Wikan was a former lead designer on all three Metroid Prime games - no matter how long ago it was, means his comments are definitely worth taking into consideration.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 187
Considering some of the attitudes shown by even people on here, this doesn’t surprise me. The guy has feelings, he’s a real person.
@nessisonett facts. This is not right. Yes he may have said something upsetting but in the end I he is still a person
@nessisonett I agree. While I don't agree with everything that game companies do and am harsh at times with my criticisms, that doesn't I'm going to attack the people working there. It's just uncalled for.
@nessisonett "the metroid community is better than this" no its not. As you mentioned, even this very site has bad apples. And let's not kid ourselves, the attitudes displayed on any online community are a microcosm of the bigger problems present in all walks of internet culture.
What can you expect when you have fake "insiders" on twitter pretending they know more than actual game creators... They're fanning the flames of ignorance and riling up all these dunces that follow them. None of this surprises me in the least.
Such stupid behavior acting like this over a video game!
Can't wait for people to use this as a strawman argument against any Metroid-related requests or wishes.
Just a reminder that Nintendo/Metroid's fanbase consists of plenty of adults and teens.
People who take video games that seriously are sad and pathetic.
People need to grow the hell up, for some reason a guy can't say he doesn't think your favorite game is going to come back and you feel the need to threaten him? sure ok, they can keep acting that way and see if we will one then.
Come on people. I want Prime HD as much as anyone could. But harassing a dude who isn't even involved in the series anymore is beyond moronic. Grow up. If you want to productively use your time then try and make your voice heard to Nintendo. And do it in a polite and respectful manor. Cuz you're never going to make anyone want to give you what you want if you're totally disrespectful to them. It's that simple.
That is just sad if you truly love a game you show appreciation or try to understand that a port of your favorite may not Come. I love metriod and it's sad that our community is abusing real people with lives
@nessisonett Couldn't agree more. People get displeased with some bad news or simply an opinion that differs from their own and suddenly they feel that warrants verbal abuse or worse, death threats. Absolutely disgusting. Go out and smell some grass you buffoons.
Someone should go to these people's houses and clog their toilets
No surprise here at all 🙄
Honestly, this is why I distaste rumor culture so much. People see these "credible leakers", and assume everything's right because of a few things they ended up getting right, so they attack anyone that tells them differently.
I wish people would just stop paying attention to these "industry insiders", and would actually wait for announcements coming from the mouth of the company themselves. It much better than spoiling potential surprises for yourself, and blindly believing in rumors that have little to no actual backing.
So do we know how many are targeting him with messages, or are we going to blanket an entire community as savages like the Waluigi one?
Its like a child that didnt get the toy they wanted having a tantrum. Boo hoo. Grow the F up entitled babies! Now wheres my Metroid collection.
@Chowdaire I don't blame them for feeling neglected because of how long it's been since Nintendo acknowledged Metroid's existence. But obviously harassing someone gets you nowhere and someone needs to remind them of that.
Did people send disgusting messages and the like when the supposed Wii U versions of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Kid Icarus: Uprising didn't become a reality?
This is one instance that makes me feel ashamed I'm part of a particular community.
That's so weird because video game fanatics are usually so mild mannered and reasonable when they hear things they don't like or don't agree with
You can download all the Metroid games (except the 3ds remake of II) on the Wii U virtual console. I'm desperate for a brand new 2D Metroid. It's been over 20 years!
No, they really aren’t, this reaction from them is not surprising at all.
I love the games/franchises, but these “fan communities” are always the worst part of any media franchise.
Especially the ones that claim ”their franchise” has been neglected, the fact that they believe they are owed something, just because they are a fan.
In the case of Metroid, it’s been less than 4 years the last Metroid game, came out. Yeah it’s a remake, but shouldn’t lessen it at all considering that’s more or more so, less what they’re asking for with having the Prime games on Switch.
They should be considered lucky the series gets anything at all considering how poorly it tends to perform. Plus there’s a new game in development as we speak.
And don’t even get started on the Smash community, those guys even managed to bring out the worst in other “communities”, namely Splatoon.
"the metroid community is better than this" no its not. ...
the attitudes displayed on any online community are a microcosm of the bigger problems present in all walks of internet culture.
No surprise here at all 🙄
@Chowdaire @westman98 And your attitudes, quite frankly, are part of the problem. I'm sick of comments like this that condemn all of us, whatever we may have done. Can you show me a single comment I've made in which I even spoke ill of any developers? Any at all? No? Then don't speak that way of the Metroid community. The kind of generalization you're engaging in belongs on Kotaku, not here.
I have no reason to be anything but respectful and even grateful to Mr. Wikan. I've read the reports of the insane crunch that MP1 and MP2 entailed, and I am in awe of the job he and the team did. This is how actual Metroid fans feel.
These games are ultimately the brainchild of the pioneer and engineer Gunpei Yokoi, and tell the story of a woman who goes to hostile and unexplored alien planets alone and, rather than fearfully or ragefully blasting everything in sight, uses her mind to solve puzzles, explore mazes (she, at least, doesn't fear backtracking and dead ends!), makes peaceful contact with alien cultures, and spares the life of innocents, even if they are inherently dangerous. Anyone engaging in this kind of childish behaviour has failed to understand what Metroid is about, and cannot be called a Metroid fan. Keep your blanket condemnations to yourself!
I'm sure he also got supportive messages. Not to give any excuse to the abusive crybaby bullies, but you never really hear about trains that arrive on time in the news.
Now we are not entitled to receive anything from Nintendo. We have to get used to the idea that games from a certain era will never be remastered or remade, while other franchises will be milked forever.
@COVIDberry as a "true" metroid fan I have to respectfully disagree with you - all I want is to blast space jellyfish into extinction and ogle clean fully clothed pictures of Samus. I'm also willing to harass any and all game executives until I get my way!!
When something is out on the internet, it reaches an enormous amount of people. While it's true that a very small percentage of people are *****, you will reach a pretty large number of them. So, yeah, these things happen all the time and when they hit you, just remember this is just the way things are on the internet.
This is just disgusting. I'm ashamed to be excited for this game, and therefore being part of a community that threatens and scares people who speak their minds.
Oh no - this developer received "abusive messages" - on the internet?? No way. What is this world coming to?!
In all seriousness, tho - what a wuss 😂
@Mr-Fuggles777 Are you making a confession here, Mr. Fuggles?
The sad truth that when someone comes on the internet and tells people why it won't happen, people take it personally.
He wasn't even saying it couldn't happen just explains why it wouldn't be the top priority and how difficult it may be
I'm shocked. Getting abused online in this day and age. Whatever next.
He said nothing upsetting. If people get upset by what he said then they need to grow up. I'm disappointed but I'm sure I'll survive
And to think you can still get the game legally on Wii U, there are so many unique games that simply don't get a second chance like that.
Any true fan that doesn't have the MPT can just play the GC versions and standalone MP3 on Wii. No HD but you get to experience the games like everyone else did back in the day.
@COVIDberry I don't have anything to confess.
It's been well established that I'm a Troll, shouting at random people online about stuff they have no control over is par for the course.
I don't get it, what does harassing some ex-dev accomplish? Some people are pathetic for getting butthurt over the opinions of some guy and for getting satisfaction over being mean to people without any reason.
@TheJGG You can be a fan of something without being part of a "community". You're an individual. No need to take on collective guilt over the actions of few!
I read some insulting and rude comments even in Nintendo Life only cause he said his opinion. I don't know if we're better than this but we should try to be
@Moshugan Correct! I want to get into this series, and inevitably that means sharing the hype. I'd rather believe the intuition of a former dev, than a rumour at this point. I'd rather be real! But that doesn't mean hurting someone for their views!
What was the "abuse" though? Hard to have an opinion when I don't know what was said. That said, it is pretty pathetic to get nasty at people for expressing an opinion.
What is a Metroid community.
Is that where geeks sit around talking about all things Metroid.
Like Dungeons and Dragons kids did in the 90s.
Just play the games.
Oh and your attack on those two was a bit out of order
"The Metroid community is better than this"
No, they are not. No gaming community is. Anyone who's been in the industry for any amount of time understand that without question gamers in any area other then JP and SEA are among the most privileged, ignorant, obnoxious and toxic people on the planet.
It's like golf and polo. The barrier of entire in terms of needing a lot of free time and disposable income is much higher then most people ever consider (re: privileged, ignorant). While there are obviously exceptions, it's mostly spoiled members of the privileged class that can devote enough to gaming to care about it, so you end up with a community that thinks the world revolves around them and them alone.
This isn't new, we were getting death threats back in the 80s. The 3 that stick out to me the most were someone sending us a 22 point list of features we MUST include in the sequel to a game (which I should note ... we weren't even going to make) or they were going to shoot up a school and frame "us" ... somehow, someone who found out we had a female coder telling us we had 5 days to fire her or they would burn the building down (based on the postmark, we were already a few days late when we got it), and someone who said they would hurt the COE's children if we made games for console and "betrayed" the PC community.
I mean it's crazy and unforgivable, but it's honestly something your prepped for. It's like choosing a career working with the criminally insane ... you know what you're getting into, and you know you can never change it.
This amazes me. A GameCube is cheap. Metroid Prime goes for around $20. Why not just buy and play it that way, instead of flaming a developer? I simply don’t understand.
@korosanbo Yep, I was going to say the exact same thing. I also think Nintendo and Retro Studios have some responsibility here too. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze was Retro's last release... 7 years ago. Radio silence from the studio ever since, I'm not surprised people feel the need to speak on their behalf.
@BloodNinja To be fair, Gamecube runs terribly on modern TV's - getting it playable requires a lot more effort and cost than a $20 investment!
You just have to see the "community" after a Nintendo direct to see how venomous people can be over things so petty. "They didn't announce (insert game here) doesn't Nintendo know there user base? That's it (insert game, developer, console or Nintendo) is dead to me."
Every. Single. Time.
Not much to say here really.
If you can't manage to disagree with someone without insulting or verbally attacking them, you're a waste of oxygen, plain and simple.
But as some already mentioned, generalizations aren't helping either, it's just poisoning the well.
If he is being harassed online, he shouldn't be. There also shouldn't be any coverage on what's happening with Metroid until Nintendo officially releases new information. I'm not even sure why he was asked about a rumored Switch release that he clearly wouldn't be a part of. I also do not know why every new hire at Retro Studios needs to be addressed. Metroid's coverage has been and is terrible without Nintendo. The former lead designer doesn't deserve any abuse and if it has been occurring, hopefully it comes to a stop soon. The media and coverage too should be silent while Nintendo is silent.
It’s nothing to do with that, nor is that a justification for Online abuse. Stop making excuses for these people.
Totally agree. Pretty much every ‘fan community’ of any kid has its bad apples, some more than others.
I wonder if video game communities are so toxic because they think the world is devided into enemy factions and they are obligated to hate anyone who doesn't say/do what they want.
Classical, basement, cowardly abuse on on social media eh? What a surprise. Besides the point, but over video games as well. Embarassing. They need to get a life and spend much less time on the internet or even on gaming itself.
look at what so called pokemon fans who did this over sword and shield. it is hard to believe that grown adults are acting like this. people need to grow up . Nintendo owes you nothing. if nintendo and Retro can not do it then grow up put your adult pants on and get over it. it is a game people.
I totally agree that this level of online abuse is wrong, but you do have a very passionate Metroid community that have had rumor after rumor of a HD prime release, from both credible and unreliable sources, it would make an awful lot of sense to release these titles to build even more anticipation for Metroid prime 4, and some fans will be just expecting this to be announced at some point as a given.
So then you get a guy linked with the original games suggesting it won't happen, why he needs to get into this is unclear as I understand he is no longer linked to the series, so apart from some obvious attention seeking reason, which is my own personal take on all this, I fail to see why he needed to post it in the first place, but let's be honest here, we all know there will be small portion of people in these communities that take these things too personally, so a negative response was guaranteed.
Not saying in any way it's justified, but he must have expected a negative response to his comments.
This could easily led to cancellation of the project
Totally agree, a very small vocal minority that have grown up with the series, then failed to actually grow up and realize the series is not made for them anymore, it will be the same with all future Pokemon projects as well.
Isn't the Trilogy on the Wii U?
Didn't these people "review-bomb" Prime: Federation Force?
Acknowledging toxicity in gaming (or any fandom for that matter) isn't being part of the problem. No one is calling you out personally.
Just a more knowledgeable man who shared his theory based on his knowledge
Attacking him is really stupid and meaningless
@screechums i know you can. Ive got almost all of them for my WiiU. It would be nice to get the prime trilogy on switch and id buy it day 1 but the threats and moaning is a little childish. Thats where i was heading.
@VanishStampede it sure is buddy.
@Chowdaire Yeah I think a rotten mindset has thrived.
Where a fanbase is so set in their ways that even a series a creator in anyway questioning or straying from what they think is purely on bad faith.
I think Tanabe gets it the most for Paper Mario.
It's so bad that I posted a positive review of Origami King on GameFAQs and got this message:
"Delusional, tries justifying paying for this piece of garbage. Please do the world a favor and never play another video game.'
So who knows what the guy himself gets on social media.
@Kidfunkadelic83 People just really don't want to buy a Wii U, I conclude.
@VanishStampede and i agree. Not much worth buying one for now. Most of the good stuff has been ported. Makes an awsome retro machine ones hacked tho.
Any sort of abuse online is unwarranted. I can understand some things about gaming that will upset people (failing to deliver on promises, charging for extras etc) but the way to deal with that is to vote with your wallet.
I cannot understand how anybody can be angry that a set of games which are between. 14-20 years old are not being released again. If you feel that passionately about them then you can always buy a Wii for next to nothing and the GameCube games and Prime 3 themselves are pretty cheap. Even better, track down a Wii U and get the trilogy digitally for £18, a fraction of a Switch release. You’d also then have access to Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Other M all on one system!
@nessisonett Yeah, NintendoLife users can be pretty psychotic. I've seen some people go waaaay off the deep end who really need help. They're just games guys. Calm the hell down.
How did it even come to that? The guy didn't say anything remotely bad per say. Its not up to him whether it's released.
All he did was recount his own experience and knowledge of the game and (essentially) stated why he felt it unlikely. He didnt say he didnt want it released or that it shouldn't. Just that he felt such a project would require a lot of work and that this would likely work against such a release 🤷♂️. Hardly deserving of crap like that.
@HeadPirate You make good points. Another privelaged group are teens who have nothing to worry about except their hair, what they're going to wear the next day, and dating. I remember going from a teen to an adult to a father and my gaming time shrinks every few years. I can buy all the games in the world now, I have a massive collection, but I don't have time to play much of anything. Then there are those adults who have all the time or money or both with 100% disposable income and sit at their computer foaming at the mouth for the next major game release because they have nothing better to do and also stalk developer's social media accounts. It's creepy and sad.
Mmmmm Grass.
Smells like summer.
@Andy_Witmyer You're part of the problem. The fact that you're just okay with this because it didn't happen to you or you might handle it differently.
@Dr_Lugae Happened to me on Amazon for my review of King's Bounty: Armored Princess. I will never forget this guy! Back in 2013 you couldn't block people on Amazon and he kept leaving comments on my review saying how I was a puny mortal, I didn't understand strategy games, I'm a cheater, and all the basement dwelling pseudointellectual screaming of a complete moron. I had to keep deleting my review and reposting it, I contacted Amazon support for the harassment, and it didn't stop! I had to wait a couple of months before reposting it. His comments were paragraphs long. I only gave the game a 7/10! He said it's a perfect 10/10 and that's fine, but Jesus some people.
i am Metroid fan since Metroid Prime 1, i want to play Metroid Prime Trilogy in my extended battery Switch(even having Metroid Prime Trilogy on my Wii), but i don't aprove this kinda of behavior toward any people who worked in the Metroid franchise, please let have civilazied behavior toward them.
It's because there are a large portion of gamers that act like gossip queens and conspiracy theorists. They believe the rumors, then act "accordingly".
@Slowdive Condemning an entire community is toxic, friend. You read your own messages, right?
@PoliticallyIncorrect I want to think these are just teenagers because the behavior is something you would expect an adult to not do, but that's an alternate universe. These people doing this are walking amongst us, voting, sitting next to us at restaurants, and are possibly our neighbors. You forget sometimes that these people are real and not just made up.
Good thing he didnt upset ResetEra, then his personal life would be on the line.
These day's giving out your opinion online is a dangerous risk especially if it isn't in line with what the loud vocal minority want to hear.
While this is unfortunately no longer surprising when it happens, it's still upsetting to hear.
That said, demonizing entire groups of people because of the actions of a few is just as concerning. Way too much of that going on nowadays.
Some idiots out there need to get a life. Metroid will come eventually get over it.
What did he even say lol? Like seriously. Some people need help if theyr gonna fret over something like that. This is kinda silly, but I got reminded of Overwtach, for some reason. Ever since I started playing that game, Ive been seing gamers in different light. It showed me how far people take it. I feel like there are so many troubled, abusive and narrow-minded individuals in gamimg community. Anyway, I hope he will recover and continue giving his opinions.
Mr Wikan makes valid points. But also, he isn't privvy to what Nintendo are doing these days and much like Skyward Sword which probably had the same challenges, they have reworked with traditional controls. So at the very least, if we do get a port, for the love of God, don't just write it off as a port / cash grab etc. Sounds like a lot of work would be needed. And if we don't get one, then at least this goes someway to explaining why. But the man has said nothing to warrant any form of abuse.
@Slowdive You quoted Shinesparkers ("The Metroid community is better than this"), then stated unequivocally that the community is not better than this. Your following paragraph contradicts the first: "Of course I'm not referring to all Metroid fans".
But that's just the thing - you condemned the community. Full stop. No qualification. So which side are you arguing? Whatever your answer, I consider myself part of the Metroid fan community, and there is no way you can exclude me from your statements. (For once, lingustics and set theory are in perfect agreement!)
Not saying that he deserve it, but let's face it he did get the response coming to him.
You can be a big fan and not part of a community.
@Slowdive Respectfully — I think you're side-stepping. So, for the record: I am going to stop here, with this reply.
I find the condemnation of entire communities of people (and Nintendo Life considers itself one, as I've read many times) to be completely unacceptable. The mods call the shots here, so I'll say no more about that. Logically and otherwise, though, I know what I'm reading here. Your messages are eloquent, so I think you are capable of condemning the imbeciles on social media without implicating the broader fanbase. I'll leave it at that.
@nessisonett Yup, humans have a very despicable tendency to forget that whenever the bullying mob mentality kicks in. Which I have experienced since childhood, and now adults are just the bullies from then that aged badly and have even less empathy.
This behaviour makes me ashamed to be a Nintendo fan. These "raging Nintendo fanboys", as I refer to them are so pathetic and toxic it is unreal. You only need to be on any social media Nintendo fansites and other pages like Pokemon groups etc to see this. If anyone points out anything not great about Nintendo e.g. the pricing on e-Shop, relentless re-releases and lack of new franchises, Joycon drift etc, you are bombarded with pathetic abuse. I am a Nintendo fan, but I can honestly say out of all gaming communities that the raging Nintendo fans are the most toxic out of them all, and that is saying something if you read the comments in X-Box pages. Poor guy just giving a helpful opinion.
He didn’t deserve any such response, nor anything that ‘was coming to him.’
Think the smash community is the most toxic tbh, remember some kid harassing me because I didn't know who some dude was that played it professionally XD
So people are mad metriod prime collection ain't coming to switch lol just to funny and if your butthurt about it that's why you don't believe everything you read lol when Nintendo announces it then it is until them maybe just maybe stop believing people who know nothing lol
@Ghost_of_Hasashi why ?? Because he told the truth about metriod?this is what people get for believing everything they read.i believe things when Nintendo announces them
I'll attack companies all day long, I'll even criticise individuals all day long. But targeted harrasment, of anybody, is not acceptable.
It's not even helpful to your side of the argument. You aren't proving this guy wrong, and you aren't proving yourself right. You're just trying to bully your world view in to existence. And this guy doesn't even have the power to give you want you want any more. It's not helping anything. It's just hate for hate's sake.
But this is a major problem with the gaming community. There's far too many people who have their emotional happiness tied to a product, and they will defend the product, the company and anyone that provides them as long as they help maintain that world. Regardless of whether that person or company really deserves it.
And the second someone threatens that world view, whether it be a fellow gamer or even a dev, that person will get attacked endlessly.
Nintendo fans are so dumb that Nintendo can announce a mini-direct, say exactly what's going to be in it, and people will still rage that the direct didn't have Smash/Metroid/whatever news. This behavior doesn't surprise me. It completely disgusts me, but it doesn't surprise me.
@Richnj You are in the right here. Focusing on people like Michael gives a pass to the corporate executives that actually cause problems in the industry. Those are the people that should be receiving the (moderated and not friggin' criminal) ire of the community, not some random designer who probably gets paid barely more than I do for the soul-destroying labor that is working on modern games.
In an ideal world we would have an internet with no feedback loop. Comments sections , tweet replies and Facebook groups across the internet would be closed down on all but private websites and blogs and we’d have a lot more peace.
Forums used to be nice enclosed communities that policed themselves and rid themselves of trolls pretty quickly. That self moderation doesn’t happen on huge public forums.
Really uncalled for. Unfortunately I think any fan base to anything is gonna be toxic.
“Brute force” ... so unless it’s a copy and paste port, they can’t be bothered. Too much work basically.
Online bullying is unacceptable but devs should approach projects with more ambition.
Aye, no need to personally abuse the guy. Feel free to doubt him and hope Nintendo did do a "herculean" effort for the series (afterall MP 4 "is" on the table), like i actually believe is the case. His comments make the initial failures of both Nintendo and Retro Studios, completely understandable, doing MP justice new or old is "work".
This is why I never participate in any sort of protests that the Nintendo communities do. Remember how the Splatoon community got involved in that whole Smash fiasco? I'm a Splatoon fan, but I sure as heck did NOT support that protest. Look what it costed them!
It would never have occurred to me do something like that, (I don't have Twitter)
taking the time to write directly to someone I don't even know (I have engaged on little conversation here but it is as far as it has go)
I have been playing games since 1986 and Metroid has always been in my top 3 franchises, I guess I am not passionate enough...
There's been an overt, almost coordinated movement to weaponize cultures of fandom into becoming hostile (and even dangerous) groups. The online space has been gasoline on a fire.
@CupidStunt The Nintendo subs on reddit are borderline intolerable
I use to think that wrestling had the worst section of fans, but I honestly think it might be video games now. If he was the developer and in charge of the studio NOW, and was saying "It is too difficult, so I don't want to and it is my decision", then the venom would at least be logical. Utterly disgusting, sad and unacceptable, but with a point. Him saying "You know...I think" about something he has no control over is not a reason to hate. Him saying this makes it no less likely! People are so entitled.
This is a good example of why I tend to avoid "fandom". A person says something and groups form to execute full blown chimpanzee warfare.
What a laugh, "The Metroid community is better than this...." NO, NO they are not. It is not just the Metroid community though, it's every where, movies, music, EVERYTHING. This kind of action by keyboard warriors does not surprise any one, not a single soul. All you have to do is read the nasty comments and you will see the common trend. The Fanboy base is unhappy with "Product X" so they take to the internet and slam designers, producers, directors. It's always the same. You cannot expect better out of people without teaching them that what they do is wrong.
I really hate stupid nerds that do this when they hear something about their toys that they don't like.
People getting salty at someone stating facts. Nothing new there.
As someone who thoroughly enjoyed Federation Force, the Metroid community is one of the worst.
Oh ok I was just letting you know in case. It's got the NES and SNES and GBA ones, too. But you said you know that so nevermind. Oh and Samus Returns is on 3ds shop. I would love the Prime trilogy on Switch cause I hate the motion controls on the Wii trilogy and I don't have the money to get 1 and 2 and a Gamecube again. Welcome to regretting trading my old games and systems in as a kid.
Ah, internet culture at its "finest". 🙄 Online abuse is NEVER warranted, even if the opinion is an unpopular one. It's not worth threatening someone's family or worse only because someone speaks their mind. There are MUCH MORE constructive ways to deal with opinions we disagree with.
In this guy's case, I'd consider him a decent authority. Though keep in mind that he left Retro in 2011, a decade ago. He also didn't say this was an impossible endeavor, only a difficult one.
Some actual children and man/woman-children out there need to grow up.
And there you have it, folks, that is why Twitter is toxic.
gamers absolutely hate it when the people who make their slop talk about anything at all, unless what they're saying lines up with their delusions of grandeur. lol that thread here from a few days ago was totally absurd. the number of people who were like "yeah this means nothing, mp trilogy definitely still coming, where's my game mommy"
@LunarLunatone concordo plenamente com você.
Mental health is a crisis that is out of control in the is US specifically and nobody wants to talk about how to address it. To abuse a guy because you don’t like what he said about a video game? 🤦♂️
Also, as much as I love metroid prime, let's talk about the fact that it's just a game. No reason to hate an individual for it. Especially one whi has done ex9work o. Games we all love.
@GTHOLLAND to some people, it is upsetting
@nocdaes Oh, I understand that! But my $20 CRT loves my old consoles
@BloodNinja Haha nice! Wish I had the space for one...!
So even giving an informed (and actually more or less insider!) opinion on why a port of a video game you worked on isn't easy and hence doesn't sound probable is a sin now.
Sometimes I wonder if we're "evolving" at the rate where fanship might become an officially recognized mental issue in 10-15 years. Or less. Even the addiction-boosted lowest depths of native human jerkassery no longer do a consistent job of explaining the sheer amount and content of these logic leaps, mood swings and self-control deterioration we cultivate here. /)_-)
It sucks to hear about that. And it sucks that anything Metroid Prime is in limbo. But I’m thankful for the old systems, and what I have, and what we are at least able to get.
@nocdaes Honestly, they are a little on the huge side, but I ended up downsizing to a Sony Trinitron 23” if I remember right. Works perfect for my space. Either way Metroid Prime is accessible on other consoles and emulates flawlessly, so why these morons choose to harass people is beyond me!
@nocdaes I have my Gamecube and N64 connected to my 40" Samsung smart TV. They don't look as bad as people make it seem they look. Maybe it's the TV that was optimized for such purpose, though I doubt it.
Then again, I'm one who doesn't care about how an old game looks on a modern TV as long as it is playable, which both consoles are.
Now, the SNES? That's a flickering mess at the top that makes me feel sick and I avoid connecting to that TV.
On topic: For all the ports we've been getting and people getting sick of them, I'm surprised people are actually asking for this one. (Yes, I understand the circumstances of the series)
Poor guy. He didn't even do anything.
Customers: Support the developers! Crunch time is bad.
Developer: Game will be delayed or features reduced.
Same Customers: Are you wasting your nights and weekends by not working?
I don't underatand these dumb criminals. He don't even the reaponsable for it happend original not, he online give his opnion a about the possibility
That's just class privilege again. Nothing against you, I grew up quite privileged myself and I'm a white male, but turns out a lot ... probably most teens spend a lot of time worrying about if they are going to get murdered at school, how they are going to get though a day of school given they haven't eaten in 2 days, how long their parents are going to be able to keep working 2 jobs 80+ hours a week without just breaking down, and what excuse they are going to come up with as to why they can't go on the class trip so they don't have to tell people they can't afford it.
His comments came off rather obnoxiously. Especially for someone 10 years removed from Retro. Along the lines of 'They couldn't possibly handle the complexity of the game! MWUAHAHA!' Hard to feel bad for someone pulling that kinda crap.
The rumor mill is every bit as bad as those toxic fans. It’s a big reason why I roll my eyes at all rumors, and believe nothing until it is officially announced. Sites like Nintendo Life spent months, or longer, pushing this narrative that it was pretty much all but guaranteed. It’s ridiculous. File Metroid Prime Trilogy in the same drawer as games like Grand Theft Auto 5. Simply put, they’re not coming to Switch.
Go cry to mama!! Why do people take abusive massages so seriously? Idiots are going to be idiots. As long as threats are not part of the “abusive” massages, people should just not give a shi@&$&@
To the people sending these hate messages GO GET A LIFE!
This is why I hate fandoms.
@LunarLunatone Many people are very passionate when it comes to the games and franchises they like, obviously some fandoms are worse than others and it's inexcusable, while most of the Metroid fanbase is quite polite, it's clear you can't control the psychos out there, for many its more than a game, but i find it stupid that they would actually get angry over such a small comment
Sick and disgusting , but not surprising.
I remember that when the anger of the fans for Pokemon Sword and Shield was the peak, when there was the note/news that Junichi Masuda received attacks even on his birthday that he published on twitter, some people (dialed fans) hypocritically said that "He deserved it" and why was he on social networks knowing that "that was going to happen to him because ""yes"""; seriously, is that correct?, they are fans?
At the end of the day, it is not worth it, will be games / franchises that many of us love and here, "here", we talk about games, but seriously, they are no longer worth it when we treat the people behind those games badly for "issues" that , I repeat it again, THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT; Being aggressive and rude is not worth it, and excuse me for saying it, someone who reaches that point does not deserve to be called a fan.
"The Metroid community is better than this"
lol no its not its just full of children that have nothing better to do with their time.
@korosanbo agreed and I think he should’ve kept his mouth shut about it. Sure it’s not easy making it but it’s not that hard either and then I remembered Super Mario 3D All Stars exists. Besides I don’t blame the Metroid fanbase for being so pissed and alienated by Nintendo since it’s been a while since we had a Metroid game (Samus Returns) for me I’d rather have a new 2D Metroid game cuz for lord’s sake I want to know what happened to Samus. And this is coming from someone that played Fusion as a beginner fan from the community.
@anoyonmus even worse, what he said that upset people, wasn't his fault or his choice. Not that anyone ever does, but he doesn't deserve any of that negativity.
Metroid - 1987
Metroid prime - 2002
Yup. Definitely some grown-ups acting like children in this "fan base".
i agree this guy shouldnt be getting this much disrespecful behavior towards him but at the same time since he left retro in 2011 he cant say jack about prime trilogy not coming to switch wen some reports the switch version is alrdy done but wont release till we get more concrete info on prime 4.
@IcarusUnwinged i agree but at the same time i think he could of not said anything since its been 10 years since he was with retro and he has no evidence to back up his statement about no prime trilogy for switch.
Not so many discussions that freedom of expression is the "freedom" to give an opinion (of course with responsibility and with respect to others) without receiving aggression, censorship and insults?
He gave an opinion, a point of view, something that you simply may or may not agree to, and if you do not agree, you simply talk to him or you end the discussion (ignore him).
Is this attitude really necessary?
@CactusMan i agree people should treat each other with respect instead of resorting to hateful comments to one person but at the same i think this former retro lead designer should of not said anything since he left retro in 2011.
@SakuraHaruka i never said he wasnt entitled to his opinion but im just saying he shouldnt have said the current retro team cant handle the prime trilogy which is not true since their working on prime 4 and some of the veterans from the original team are still there.
Let’s say 15 people sent him abusive messages. Would you really consider that the Metroid Community? Give me a break. That does not represent the majority of people. Most people hear his response and think, yup, that sounds reasonable. There are millions of people that love Metroid, so a handful of internet trolls isn’t really reflective of the “community”. If he said thousands of people were doing this, I’d be floored.
@COVIDberry to be fair, I think you misunderstood his original comment, while I agree with you saying that people who are harassing the dev don't understand the meaning of the game, this is still gamers and media we are discussing. For instance, he isn't claiming anything about your involvement in the toxicity (which I'll take as to be minimal) the use of the word "microcosm" is only pointing out the problem with internet culture as a whole, not any individuals roll in it. That being said, I disagree with him, the metroid fan base aren't the worst out there, at the moment, I'd say Pokémon are because they are constantly having a civil war, but that's of course subjective, the metroid fan base however is a strange case because they are weirdly always at every announcement complaining about the lack of metroid content but also, their games sell like trash. Gaming fans in general are a bit entitled, in this business unlike any other, they will keep on making games until they don't. We've seen so many Mario's and Zelda's and Lego games and Pokémons and FF and SMT and FNAF and COD, running the entire gambit and for some reason, us as consumers never go "that's enough now, I'm full!" We keep asking for more and more and more and more and it never ends, I genuinely wish Pokémon stopped in gen 5 because everything afterwards hasn't been brilliant, if Pikmin 4 never gets made, we've had 3 really good pikmin games! And why is that a bad thing? Really, metroid, Pokémon, mario and all games are art and what's the point if it only gets made to make money?
As you can tell, I'm not a metroid fan, to be honest, I'm barely a Nintendo fan (of their first party stuff) so I don't see the appeal behind long spanning series, even games like fire emblem, which I love, I only play 3H and binding blade. So maybe I am missing something, but regardless internet culture and gaming culture will keep on cannibalising and cannibalising beloved series' over and over again and these situations will only continue until we realise (this goes for companies too) that their is value in old media and some series dont necessarily need new entries
Lame response from some bozos, but honestly, wouldn't they just use some upscaled emulation just like with the Mario 3D All-Stars trio? Same thing, similar principle. I've already got the Prime Trilogy on my Wii U, and with Wii remote controls, so I'm not really interested in a Switch port of the trilogy. Maybe if they're 1080p 60FPS and it's $40, and on one cartridge, but that's not how Nintendo rolls these days.
Why is he even being attacked, he doesn't work for Retro Studios anyone so his opinion does not mean much. That is like going after Reggie for not localizing Mother 3, it's stupid.
Now I feel even worse about abducting him from his home in the middle of the night and violently dangling him over a tub full of piranhas. 😰
@MortalKombat2007 If Reggie has nothing to do with it, he should probably keep his mouth shut.
Like I said before, I have no interest in localizing Mother 3, but it's not fair to the fans for anyone even remotely involved to be a jerk about it.
This is an unfortunate example of the insane cancel culture in which we live. All the guy said is that he thinks it would be prohibitive to recreate MPT. He didn't say the games were awful. He didn't criticize those who play the games. He didn't harm any animals. Attacked for expressing a harmless opinion. Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/bDe9msExUK8
Doesn't shock me as Nintendo and its games have some of the most toxic fanbases in gaming, only need to look at Pokemon and Smash.
@Rika_Yoshitake Its also the rabid dunces fault for thinking that companies are their personal wish granting genies. There's always spoiled, entitled little turds that always ruin it for everyone.
@TheBigK you'd think their toilets would be plenty clogged, considering how full of **** these people are.
@HeadPirate I lived like that too. At one point we were homeless in the mid-90's in bum-***** Wyoming living out of my dad's truck in the mountains. Every day he'd drive down and work to save up for an apartment and we'd just hang out in town until he got off work. We also motel hopped for years. I only had my own bedroom one time growing up for a couple of years and after that I slept under the staircase because I was too old to share a room with my sisters. So yeah, I get it.
It's unfortunate that ppl don't have the knowledge of what is required to port game or to make an HD port. It's not cut and paste. The difference of how games were run in Wii Metroid prime 3, GameCubes first two Metroid primes are extreme in difference compared to switch. Imo I think it WILL still happen, I think someone will cleverly find a way....as life often does....but it's not going to be like switching on the kitchen light. Idk where these Jurassic Park references came from but it's late...I'm tired.
Lol. Half of the people on the internet who comment abusive messages or threats are fat cheeto finger living in mom's basement 20 year olds anyways. There's no need to take it seriously.
I scrolled down and read quite a few comments and couldn't find anyone talking about the fact that people these days get too upset over mean comments and messages. The people who send said messages are dumb and immature as are the ones who take them seriously.
as if other Nintendo communities were better 😁
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Metroid has the absolute worst fan base in gaming.
@BlackenedHalo Who’s worse?
@Northwind You forget that people who spout abuse to others online as entertainment don't bother with mental gymnastics and logic - "this person said something I hate - now I hate this person and I'm gonna try to ruin their life".
That's the thought process for those people. There's nothing else to it.
It's a shame, but that's just how it is :/
@Spiders These people exist in every single fanbase on the planet.
@Facelord The dev went into detail about how Prime 3 is hard coded with Wii remote interactions, so porting it to stick controls would basically mean a re-write of the entire game from camera to AI to scene graph rendering. Your basically in full-on remake territory. Prime 1 & 2 could probably be done from the as easily as the Mario Sunshine updates (I have no idea how ‘easy’ that would be), 1 & 2 does not a Trilogy make.
There’s more as well, plus he mentioned that they no longer have access to the tools they used so it would be a reverse-engineer hack job to boot.
It’s a shame - and a little bizarre - it went the way it did. What could have been an interesting behind the scenes look into a revered series devolved into an embarrassing denial of reality.
@ivory_soul Haha. Ok! Whatever you say, boss! XD
@Kevember You didn't see any comments of that nature? None at all? Perhaps my sarcasm wasn't strong enough...? No, in all seriousness tho, I completely agree with observation.
@nessisonett fans are not a monolith. they are people with different personalities, and ***** people can comment ***** things as well
Looking back at the venomous reception Federation Force got, this kind of petty, immature behavior is precisely what I would expect from a certain very vocal segment of the Metroid community.
Obviously the Metroid community is not better than this.
Come on what does anybody expect, the internet has been a toxic place every since they actually let real people use it. I remember how bad chat rooms used to be and this is the exact reason that I don't have twitter/ facebook or any of them, and this is the only place I actually write anything.
Come over to the darkside people, it's a great place!
Thing is, it's probably a few people that have done this and then the whole community gets labelled.
I'm sure they're are some annoyed people in that community, but I grantee most of them wouldn't stoop this low.
It's interesting how so many players consider video games to be a hobby for the intelligent, yet in spite of this, shooting the messenger appears to be a very popular pastime for some of us. :V
@eltomo I think these kind of attitudes happen when a community doesn't call them out as they start to appear.
It reminds me a bit of Star Wars in how George Lucas had managed to be squeezed/pressured out of his own franchise by fan hatred.
Really if you're part of a community and are in contact/discussion with people who demonise other parts of the community or the creators. You should always call them out.
Not calling it out leads to stuff like this. The guys sending abusive messages think they're right and they think they represent the community.
The “Metroid community” is comprised of hundreds of thousands of people who don’t know each other, are from all over the world, have completely different values, and at one point have enjoyed at least one Metroid game. Let’s not go putting people into boxes and stereotyping them based on a actions of complete strangers who don’t magically represent hundreds of thousands of people who, at one point, enjoyed the same video game.
So, there's three things here that are worth mentioning, I think.
Firstly, yes, harassment of any individual is stupid and childish and absolutely uncalled for, and it happens everywhere. Do not, for any reason, make the mistake of thinking this is limited to the Metroid Community, or that all communities are mostly comprised of these people. It's not that fans suck, it's that PEOPLE suck, and that's true everywhere.
Secondly, while I highly respect Mr. Wikan's opinion, I'm not sure where his opinion fits into the Prime 4 timeline. Whoever made the articles talking about his Facebook comment, whether they asked him directly or not, just wanted something to stir the pot and get clicks, and that's exactly what happened.
Thirdly, do y'all not remember when we were told it would be impossible to get a Skyward Sword HD because it was impossible to play the game without motion control input from the motion + add-on? And now look, we're getting a port.
People, cool down, chill out, stop bickering at each other over stupid articles, and leave Mr. Wikan alone.
No idea why I thought it said he was the abuser. It only takes one a-hole for this to get out of hand and it's wrong to harass people.
@electrolite77 Who's making excuses for them? Literally pointing out how toxic fake insiders are also part of the problem....
learn so basic context.
You’re making excuses for them by making a terrible comparison. The presence of “toxic” “fake leakers” does not in any way even slightly excuse what happened here. They aren’t part of this problem.
Wow the person sending abusive messages over video games is garbage.
@Noid yah that's the biggest take away from this. 😒
Sigh, gamers adding to the stereotype of being gamers…. Kinda depressing
But as for game itself..
.. personally I think it does exist, but it’s just the wii version running under emulation.
It’s not very Nintendo to actually redo visuals.
@TCF I understand what your saying but I think for a lot of games and franchises the term community is appropriate. Multiplayer games for sure, and I think where there’s a lot going on outside of the playing itself it’s appropriate. I wouldn’t say there’s a Luigi’s Mansion community, but Smash for sure. There’s no Mario community, but there’s definitely a Mario Maker community and various Mario speedrun communities.
Another day, another internet lynch mob.
I blame Elon Musk. And scalpers.
Maybe it’s time to pull the plug on social media! 😝
Stories like this are why I try to have as little interaction with fanbases as possible, I loved all the Metroid games that came out when the primes were around (Metroid fusion being the one I liked the most), but I'd never harass somebody for saying I may not get to play them again any time soon, this serves no purpose.
@Andy_Witmyer Funnily enough,I stopped at the 30th comment and yours was the 31st. Good to see there are still some people around here who don't get completely broken by mean words.
I bought the 8 bit original and every Metriod game after that. This franchise wants to take thier sweet time and I'm not really sure what they are waiting for. How many Zeldas have they made in comparison? Just play RETURNAL on PS5 and you will forget all about Samus. I did.
Hardcore gamers lacking maturity isn’t exactly surprising. Wholly unacceptable in this instance but all too predictable.
Ha....this could have only gone worse if the guy presently worked for EA..........this is what we get living in a world full of cancel culture and snowflakes. People get offended way too easily, then feel their grievance is real, then want to lash out at those that offended them, then want them gone, as to never offend them again. Its stupid, and the spoiled zombies perpetuating it are stupid, but it isn't new and if you haven't toughened up your skin yet then best to just lay low and say nothing. I got tired of waiting and after modding my WiiU replayed the first two on my gamepad (which looked awesome). The one I have never played MP3 I am still resisting because of motion control. I hope they just announce an HD remake of Other M (sarc) as that will surely please everyone and shut them up until 2025 when MP4 get released on Super Switch Pro 2.5. Hey good news though is at least this isn't Konami and we will eventually see more of Samus, not sure we can say the same for Snake or the Belmonts.
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