It's a very special day for the Nintendo 3DS. Today is the tenth anniversary of this legendary 3D handheld system.
Believe it or not, but the console was first released in Japan on 26th February 2011. This followed with the western release in Europe and North America in March of the same year.
When the system first launched, it was all about glasses-free 3D. In addition to this, the device was packed with AR functionality, StreetPass and SpotPass, cameras, and a number of online capabilities.
As time went on, Nintendo released revisions - going as far as a "2DS" design and also launching an XL line. Although many fans moved onto the Switch in 2017, the 3DS era didn't truly come to a close until last September, when Nintendo officially ended production.

In saying this, Nintendo isn't turning off the lights just yet. The system's online services are still up and running and the latest system update was released last November.
As of 31st December 2020, the 3DS has sold 75.94 million units worldwide and reached software sales of 385.85 million.
Happy anniversary, Nintendo 3DS!
Comments 71
No way! It can't be 10 years old already! 2011 was only (looks at calender) ¹⁰ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ ᵃᵍᵒ.
Aging intensifies
That’s pretty scary actually. I got mine after the first price drop with birthday money. I was still in primary school. Now I’m getting ready to move away for work 😂
WOW Feels like just 5 years ago at most.
I bought one at launch and then upgraded too many times. The only model I've never owned was the small New 3DS. It's a great little system.
I love the 3DS, but it is hard to revisit the small screen after playing the Switch.
Happy 10th Anniversary, Nintendo 3DS ! 😀
Nintendo 3DS was my first original video game machine i bought on 2 November 2013, my first time i became an Original gamer.
Currently i have four 3DS XL machines with 3 different regions.
1. Old 3DS XL USA Rose Pink x White
2. New 3DS XL USA Pearl White
3. New 3DS LL Japan Pearl White
4. New 3DS XL PAL Fire Emblem White & Black edition
I still use mine regularly.
I was only eight years old when the 3DS launched...I have very fond memories playing it in elementary, in jr. high, in high school, and even recently in college I'm still finding new things to play on it...such a fantastic system. It had and still has such a magical, whimsical feel to it and its games.
And I absolutely adore how it's kept my interest all these years! Games like Freakyforms and Mario Kart 7 when I was younger, Yo-Kai Watch and Shovel Knight a bit later, Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life throughout the entirety of it, and more recently I've discovered Kid Icarus Uprising, Miitopia, and Fire Emblem Awakening for the first time.
TL;DR - The 3DS is a wonderful device and I regret none of my time spent with it. Happy birthday, old friend.
It really was an awesome system. It will always carry the Nintendo charm and Nostalgia for me.
Samus Returns had some of the best 3D visuals.
Bought mine the day it released and am a Nintendo Ambassador. And I still can't believe that it took them almost 10 years to design one that didn't make the top screen dirty or scratched.
The 3D is cool, but the dual screen, stylus, clmashell design and the library are phenomenal. I love this device and the 10,000s of hours of gaming joy it still gives me.
The 3DS home screen leaves the Switch looking bland and steril in comparison. Not to mention that right out of the box there's so much you can do with the 3DS without even setting up an online account.
So far ahead, yet still so far behind.
l still use my consoles. Just wish to get some 3ds games that l still want.
I remember dreaming about it a few times before it launched
You will be remembered with us
I was a latecomer, got New 3DS XL in december 2016. I LOVE the 3D. My friend NAGGED me to get Mario Kart 7. I reluctantly bought it. It's amazing! haha.
I knew I had to get the Switch for MK8 when when the console released in March 2017. Thus ending my 8 year span of skipping game consoles.
Boy if that doesn't make us all feel old. It feels like it released just yesterday.
Damn. I got mine at launch day back then too. Still have all those GBA and NES games from the ambassador program on it still as well. I'm still real happy with it, great little device even if I always had a preference for gaming on television.
Got my original blue 3DS in the mail sometime after launch day and spent the entire day playing AR games. I was blown away. Since then upgraded to an XL and then a New XL which I even got a big ole Mugen battery for. I love the device so much it upsets me that glasses free 3D isn't really coming back, and these things are only gonna get harder to find and keep in good, working condition. Still, the 3DS was one heck of a train ride, and one I'm proud to have ridden.
Ya know what's really scary? Next year, the Wii U is ten years old. That one feels like it came out just a couple years ago.
10 years??? It doesn't feel like that long ago since it launched.
Anyway, the 3DS is an awesome handheld and I still play mine from time to time. And yeah, I was one of those guys who bought it at launch too, so I'm lucky to have those NES and GBA games. It may have had a bit of a rocky start, but it managed to have a plethora of awesome games! I had the aqua blue 3DS, then the red and black 3DS XL, and finally, the red New 3DS XL which is what I have now. As often as I play my Switch these days, I ain't getting rid of my 3DS (or any of my Nintendo consoles, for that matter), that's for sure.
Happy 10th anniversary, Nintendo 3DS!
I got mine when they brought out the Flare Red one in NA. It was a nice console that filled the void of Nintendo goodness during the Wii U era.
I use my 2ds xl at work to play pokemon crystal and have my new 3ds xl at home exclusively for mario 3d land since that's the only game I cannot have without 3d
That’s bonkers. Really does only feel like half that time. I guess time really does fly.
I got my first 3DS (a black one) for my birthday when I was in 7th grade (a month and a half after the initial release of the system). The next year I traded mine in for the purple one when that came out cause I’m a sucker for purple. Unfortunately, that system got stolen in a robbery and I eventually got a cobalt blue 3DS to replace it. Finally, I upgraded to a Galaxy themed New 3DS XL cause once again, I’m a sucker for purple. I still have the blue one but it’s in average condition due to roommates.
The 3DS is still one of my favorite systems. Still fire it up every now and then to replay a Pokémon game or play a round of Mario Golf World Tour. Whelp, happy birthday! Got me through a lot of tough time!
i-i cant believe it, it still feels not to long ago. imo the 3ds peaked with that nintendo system charm, so much was crammed into it even if you didnt have a game. cameras, music player, face raiders, ar cards, STREETPASS. even the internet settings had charm with its own tune and lil mascot. i got so much use out of all of it as a kid
i really wanna look into buying a new 3ds xl someday, and rebuying a bunch of games i missed out on. it has to be one of my favorite nintendo systems ever
oh and the 3d was cool too i guess lol
If only the games were as ambitious as the DS, we'd have another gem.
As it is, its just a handheld that has great games but just lacks a bit in the innovation.
Wow. I remember seeing my first 3ds in a FNAC in Avignon at the time. That doesn't feel like 10 years ago.
Happy birthday to the original 3DS. As an ambassador of the device I still got my 10 free NES and GBA games to this day on my New 2DS XL.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I miss the real rewards of the WiiU and 3ds too.
They grow up fast. Soon my 3DS will be going to its graduation before I know it
To me the last great sturdy nintendo machine, I love my switch but man, can't get over the joycons drift and how lame nintendo reacted on it. Long life to this great system
Going back to the 3DS these days, it does feel that old. A real relic from a bygone era, everything about it just feels very dated after playing Switch for so long. Still, first party games were strong and that 3D party trick is still neat.
Good times with this handheld. Took off with a rocky start, but it got sooo much better. Still have those 10 GBA games on there.
What a console. In my opinion, the 3DS has the best library of any Nintendo system, and it's easily my most played.
It has more screens and much better 3D than the Switch.
Love the 3DS, even though it breaks my hands playing it without a grip.
Boot it up and look at the graphics. Yeah... 10 years old. Fantastic library of games but it really does show its age after you've seen a Switch display.
Still playing Mario Kart 7 online with mine to this day
A truly great machine.
I hope another company takes up the mantle and developed a new 3d state of the art handheld console. Come on Sony.😱
Still got my Aqua Blue 3DS from launch day, one of the systems that received the Ambassador Library of games after the swift price drop.
On the hunt for a New 3DS XL but prices seem to be ludicrous at the moment.
Also, the 3D effect was insane and set the bar for platformers. It made it so much easier to judge distance and drops. I hope that the Switch 2 incorporates a 3D capable screen. Just give those that like it the option!
Well, looking back 10 years ago I was merely moving out on my own and into my first tiny apartment. Remember selling my old 3DS for the new 'new' 3DS and struck a deal in my second place, a loft. Nowadays my 3DS is collecting dust in a drawer in my third place, a bought duplex.
I miss my 3ds! Especially pocket football club.
Currently playing M&L: Dream Team Bros on new 3DS.
I have an o3DS, which lasts about an hour on a full charge with no 3D on, I kept aiming to upgrade to a flat 2DS or clamshell n3DS and never did it, now I'm sad I didn't and the consoles aren't being produced anymore.
Nintendo should just release a newer model with a GBA slot and TV Output and call it the Game Boy One, then they'll have a better reason to keep the eShop online.
Maybe it was just my 3DS but I always disliked how pressing on the touch screen seemed to bend it slightly, while my DSi is a solid screen, makes tapping in Rhythm Heaven more satisfying.
And I'm still playing it.
I want Nintendo to release a new Handheld which basically acts as a Virtual Console on the Go. Digital only and you can buy almost all their games up to the Wii/3DS era, with HD screens that fits in your pocket. The NintendoGo or NintendoGo or whatever.
Children have been born and shipped off to nursing homes in that time!
I still recall getting my first 3DS, the OoT 3D edition which I still have today. I now have many more models including the New 3DS variants which are easily the best ones with their head tracking stable 3D.
Getting the 3DS also opened up the DS library to me as I’d been away from games since the GC/GBA so missed out on that generation.
My only real gripe is the fact it’s not region free. Such a disappointing move by Nintendo. I still have US exclusive 3DS games I can’t play as waiting to get a US model. I’ve looked into hacking one of my 3DSes but I’m put off by the fact it’s not really reversible. I wish it was as simple and elegant to hack as the PSP was!
I recently got one of the new models second hand because the hinge of my old 3ds broke. It's the pokeball 2DS
I didn't play my 3DS a for a long time after getting a Switch but I've recently been picking it back up again. It's still a great handheld. Been trying out some of the games I missed out on.
My launch 3ds broke. Upgraded to the XL also have a 2ds which have put hours of MK7 and kids have the 2Ds XLs
Would like to see it creep past 76 million.
That New Nintendo 2DS XL in the image had me confused for a minute. Never realised they released a 2DS model with the clamshell design.
For some reason the 3DS is the only Nintendo console since the N64/Game Boy Color era that I never got round to owning. I was pretty skint when it came out, then later on I always had plenty of games to play on the Wii U. I never had much opportunity for gaming on the go anyway, so I just didn't feel the need for another handheld.
I would've liked to play Link Between Worlds, but other than that I'm not sure how much I missed out on.
It still is my favourite handheld.
Still love my 3DS. I got a New 2DS XL in 2018 so I was late to it. That was my return to gaming as a hobby after 10 years or so. At first I just got it to play SNES games and N64 ports, but I kept finding more to play and bought a switch a year later and have of course found tons to play on there.
SNES games look really good on the 3DS with the lower resolution screen. They look just the way I remember them.
Last year I didn’t act quickly enough when Nintendo was clearing out “refurbished” New 3DS XLs for $120 or $130 on their US store. However I was lucky enough to find someone on swappa selling a brand new one for $160. I’m glad I bought that. Playing Mario 3D Land and A Link Between Worlds in 3D was pretty cool.
Currently playing Link’s Awakening DX on the New 3DS XL
I hope they leave the eShop up for a while. I’ll probably at least buy a couple more Virtual Console games and probably will find more games to pick up on eBay for it.
I will never part with my LE Majora's Mask 3DS. Such a great console. Back in it's prime I used to host Street Pass meetups at my office, good people, good times.
i just started new leaf on mine i hope the online services stay online for a while till i get a switch (if i ever get a switch)
Bought a black one on launch day
Got a blue XL one next
Grabbed a mario black friday new 3ds
Got son a red 2ds
Bought a mario a luigi 3dsxl with 4 preloaded games and sold it for profit
Gave away my first 2 3ds's to kids who wanted one but could not get one
Bought a white and aqua 2ds online because it had a bunch of games on it
Still mainly play my mario new 3ds with all the ambassoder games and 10 years worth of downloads.... Great system!
Mine is a Professor Layton machine. No idea where that is on Switch..
I'll Look back on this system as my Grand leap into the modern gaming world. I Got my first one on Christmas of 2011, and i recall literally wanting nothing else. Before that, i was pretty much left behind in the modern gaming atmosphere, always left looking up at what the rich kids were able to play. But this was the start for me anyway of being up to date in the modern world of video games.
Man, Remember when 3D was supposed to be a thing that would stick around? I was always one for the flashy and new, so obviously i was (And still kind of am) a 3D Fan. I know for a fact though, that most of you got sick after the first year or so. I'm Not sure if 3D Videogames (Might as well lob in movies in too.) could even make a comeback nowadays. If someone found a way to get 3D TVs and 3D Videogames back into homes that would be impressive. Though i will say that VR Games could do a good job filling that niche. But I'll still cherish the games and by exstention movies that understood good 3D was about feeling like you could reach into the screen instead of everything flying out at you.
All that said... I can't help but feel like the system's games did their job, and nothing more. There's nothing i feel like i'm screaming out at you to run out and grab a 3DS to play anymore. A few sure, but there's a lot of content that i can't help but feel was done better elsewhere. I Think everyone was getting into the system because of it's cost of 3D Entry compared to other 3D Gaming options at the time (Have you looked up how much it would cost to have a 3D TV setup in your home recentlly? Don't awnser, you haven't.). But as time went on, it just became another handheld system.
I Suppose it comes down to what my expectations were at the time. I was expecting the thing to be on the level of a full on home system. Yeah, the equivalent of a Home system on a handheld in 2011. Shows you how much i understood game development back then.
And I Will never, ever forget nintendo video, an app that promised to keep showing stuff in 3D but eventually just resorted to putting in 2D stuff from youtube when everyone decided they had just about had enough of 3D.
As A leaving note, anyone else a bit down that Netflix never got around to putting 3D Movies on the 3DS Netflix app?
Happy 10th birthday, Nintendo 3DS, and thanks for the memories.
(Apologies for how long that post i just put up is, everyone. I guess I'm just that sentimental, and i didn't mean for it to get that long...)
got mine right after the price cut! can't believe its been so long
One of the best consoles ever made. I transferred my DSi data to mine on launch day here in the UK (March 25th 2011). Then got all the ambassador games and Four Swords Anniversary Edition. Now I have all that data in my Ambassador Edition New 3DS. It's a treasured belonging for sure!
When it comes to the 3DS, I still appreciate the amount of effort out into the games, ESPECIALLY when it comes to home console ports. Smash 4 was exciting, Hyrule Warriors Legends marked the beginning of a new era of the 3DS, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D was one of the most ambitious ports I have ever seen.
I still have my original 3DS, which is much smaller than the ‘New’ 3DS. I was only six at the time the OG was released. I have so many great memories with these two systems, and I also have so many games for this amazing family of handheld systems. Here’s to another decade full of amazing memories.
Wow I am old. I remember playing Luigis mansion and M&L dream team and taking stupid videos of me throwing plushies at my 3DS camera. Good times.
@Tandy255 The Castlevania game they made wasn't half bad either sure it was no Igavania but it wasn't a bad game.
Actually playing my 2ds as we speak. I'm close to finishing sticker star and I'll either start up super star saga or dream team after.
Happy Birthday 3DS! Been there since the start, hopefully get another 10 years out of my 3DS's!
damn I still play mine everyday to companion the switch.
My 3ds has been a dedicated dr Mario/Tetris machine for my wife for some time now. I picked it up for the first time in forever today and played Mario 3D land. My eyes were on fire about 5 min in. It was a fun little system and did have a good library, but I’m pretty sure I’ll never play it again after today.
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