After months and months of waiting, today is finally the day: yes, DOOM Eternal is now available on Nintendo Switch.
Those days of constant DOOM and Animal Crossing memes feel like an eternity ago now, so it's easy to forget that Eternal has been available on other platforms for more than eight months at this point. While Switch owners never got the tantalising double launch day they were dreaming of back in March, at least it's now ready and available to play on-the-go.
With the game being out for so long on other platforms, and at a considerably cheaper price point than the Switch edition thanks to post-release discounts, Nintendo's version isn't perhaps quite as appealing as it once was. Still, the Switch's portable nature will always be enough of a reason for some players to pick it up, and for those who don't own other platforms, today will be the first opportunity to dive into Hell once more.
So, we hand it over to you. Are you buying DOOM Eternal on Switch? Has the Switch version's delay caused it any harm? Cast your votes below:
We'll post our full review of DOOM Eternal on Switch as soon as we possibly can. Until then, feel free to check out our interview with port legends Panic Button and this handy DOOM Eternal Switch FAQ to learn more, and feel to expand upon your answers in the comments below.
Comments 159
the lack of a physical at this time is the main reason i'm not buying it at the moment, which is a bummer
I have my doubts about how well it will perform/control, and it has already been mega-discounted for PC, so unless there is a huge sale I am unlikely to buy it.
Where is the:
Did the Lack of physical effect your decision?
@Dragwhite THIS x100+ Price
Was waiting for it on switch...then it came to game pass.
Can't argue with £50 vs free with gamepass, though I do miss gyro aiming.
I have plenty of space and have a switch and switch lite .. all over this as soon as I get home from work . Would prefer a physical but ready to play this !
What is resolution of this docked and portable. I like paying full price for year old games to not go to roof top parties with karen because of corona.
Like I'm sure many will say the lack of physical made a massive difference on my decision. Will pass on it for now unless it gets one in the future or a massive discount down the line. Maybe when the DLC is ready they'll do a physical package.
The only way to play fps games imo is with mouse and keyboard.
I'll be picking it up at some point on steam when there's a big enough discount.
Never played Doom. Might never play it but I’ll still look up some gameplay footage
I got it on PC Game Pass last week, so i will play it there instead.
The lack of an Isabelle skin or crossover is infuriating and a missed opportunity.
I'd pay bells for that.
Although the game is pretty awesome, I might get it for a friend.
@Friendly haha, yeah, maybe some way to convert bells or something like a name “eternal horizons” would get me, even though I’ve never played the game
Physical and I'll buy.
I wanted to, having the 2016 game on the go was fantastic.
But I have a Series X and they put it on Gamepass.
Have it on PC, can't imagine to controle it proper on a Console.
This Game is really great.
DLC until now is not as good as the Main Game.
Gamepass on xbox as well for me. Spent that €50 for Hyrule Warriors instead.
I’d get it if it was on a cartridge
No physical rules out any purchase from me.
@WaveWitch you can't play it portable. So it's not the better version.
"I have it on GamePass"
I would have bought the Switch version if it was physical. But I'm not paying full price for a download game I can play for free* on PC and XBOX.
Sorry for those who needed one more box on their shelf.
For anybody who want the game, it's here. Let's enjoy it !!!
@Bunkerneath That's right since it's no physical I'll wait for the digital to go on a 80% discount before getting it.
@sixrings Remote Play?
I’ll get it, as soon as I get into and complete the first Doom. I’m old school and this new style of FPS where you’re rewarded for constantly being in the action is so alien to me. I was more used to going slowly and conserving ammo and life.
That and my kids, can’t slay demons from hell where they might see.
@shimarin are you suggesting that the switch is obsolete regarding third parties because of remote play?
Yes! Can’t wait
@sixrings I'm not suggesting anything. You wrote that the PS4 version can't be played portable, which is simply not true.
Yes I’m definitely getting it although I would prefer physical copy. Or even a definite answer rather than ‘not at this time` such bs
As a big fan of Doom 2016 (which surprised me-I’m not much of a shooter guy), I was pretty pumped to play this, and I was planning on getting it on Switch...but then I tried it on Gamepass. I stopped playing before I even beat the first level. I could already tell I wouldn’t like it. Oh well. Hope it’s a good port and that everybody who gets it has fun with it!
I'm playing it right now while I wait for my laptop to update before work. It's really solid so far on just the first mission. One weird exclusion is the absence of a motion blur option. I felt that option in Doom 2016 helped smooth out the 30 FPS, but wasn't necessary on other platforms with 60. I'm really enjoying it though.
No, but only because I’m broke.
It’s reviewed great on Switch Up on YouTube, looks like a must buy. I presume Nintendolife didn’t get an early review copy from Bethesda?
@Krambo42 what was the difference to 2016 that made you feel that way early on?
I'm still undecided. I'm not a shooter guy, but I love the original Doom. I'll probably get it. Switch is my only new console so the discounted prices of the other console doesn't really affect me even though I kind of wish the prices would match, I might wait a bit
I would be all over it, but seeing as it's digital only I'll have to pass, or just hope that it gets a physical release soon. Though seeing as I've been looking forward to this, and am getting an Xbox Series X for Christmas, I might just buy it for that as it's only £15 brand new in GAME at the moment.
I played Doom Eternal already via Xbox Game Pass but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did Doom 2016, so I don't intend to play it again on Switch I'm afraid.
There are ALREADY graphics comparison online, and it looks excellent - I'm purchasing right away
I was interested until the news of no physical.
It's sad that so many people consider a box on their shelf more important that the game itself. I bet most of those people accuse others of enjoying graphics over gameplay too.
I’ll definitely pick this up eventually but I have a backlog of Switch games I still need to get to plus a few other Switch releases thst are higher on my list. Add to that, I just got Spider-Man: MM, Avengers, & GoT for my PS4 - Doom just gets pushed further down my list. I guess it’s a nice problem ti have.
Im holding out for a physical or a sale but not day one.
@txa1265 runs better than 2016, solid 30fps
Switch delay didn't. My own (aka barely just getting and starting the very first game this year) very much does.😆
Nah, I'm pretty iffy on FPSs in general, I've only recently been able to get into the genre somewhat by playing the original Doom and a game from my childhood, Turok. If I was going to play another FPS it'd be something a bit more similar to those.
@Dragwhite Me too!
Got to be the most stupid thing they could have done not bringing it out physical , unreal really
Nope, got it on PS4 at launch. If they did a physical release I might of picked the Switch version up (infact had a pre-order until it was announced as digital only)
No physical = not for me. Could try it on game pass but would be irritating having incomplete achievements due to requiring multiplayer. Think I'll pass entirely on it.
@Peach64 @WaveWitch What exactly is wrong with wanting something physical? It isn't even really about the box to me so much as it is just having something tangible if I'm going to be paying that kinda price in particular(ie cart). Throw in the big delay and that's just asking people to lose interest(not even entirely blaming them since 2020 is a hot mess anyways).
That's why I'm not getting the game [right now]. I just don't feel that kinda price is justified if I don't feel a sense of security in 'owning' it.
Just speaking for myself but if the price drops to something that catches my eye, I'll definitely nab it then, so I haven't completely written it off frfr.
I got it for PC to play on my new gaming laptop and it runs beautifully there, but doesn't take advantage of RTX like I hoped. The game requires me to remember many more buttons on my keyboard than Doom 2016, and in a slower game that might be fine, but kept getting me killed in a game like this. I got Doom Eternal on Switch and, aside from one section that was blurrier than the rest of the first level for some reason in handheld mode, this is a really impressive port.
Also waiting for Switch, and then it came to gamepass. I will miss portability and gyro controls, but these month has lots of releases (I also have a gaming PC) and I do not have lots of money
I got it on my Series S but I find FPS damn near impossible without gyro aiming nowadays so I will get it on my Switch. Also I consider my Switch Lite my primary console, so even when it is on Game Pass, if it's good, I double dip.
I probably will buy it in the future but only when on sale. Had it been released physically I may have paid full price after Christmas but now probably £20 max. Unless it ends up on sale for £10 on PS4 or something.
I hope they'll do a physical version in the future. Originally, I was going to buy it on release day, but the delay (and other games I wanted) just had me holding off. During Thanksgiving week, I was able to grab all the DOOM games (including Eternal) on the Xbox One for $12.
Where’s the NL review? I’ve seen a few pop up on YouTube already this morning, though I wouldn’t mind seeing the NL verdict before making any decisions.
That second poll needs another option - I voted anyway, but I originally had the physical edition pre-ordered for Switch, but the delay and lack of a physical release has put me off. I don't have it on another platform, but the release hype has died down now and I realise I don't really want it all that much in this form.
Physical doesn't mean anything to me as you get 5% back in points for digital. Its the full price that bothers me. It should be on sale right from launch.
Had it released at the same time as the other versions i would have probably picked it up on Switch.
Unfortunately the hype has longed died, I stopped playing it months ago and I'm not Interested in paying full price to play it again handheld.
I think this will be the last AAA multiplatform port we see on switch (outside of cloud streaming) as the generational gap moves forward.
I'll buy it but I'm only doing it in support of Panic Button, not because of Bethesda or Microsoft.
I loved Doom 2016, and so naturally jumped on Doom Eternal when it came to Game Pass. It was good, but by around three quarters of the way through I was ready for it to be over.
If there was a physical release I would buy it, since there is not I will just play it on Game Pass.
I'm definitely picking this up. It looks like Panic Button did an amazing job on it and I want to support them.
I would, but I don't have enough SD card space for it. I'll probably get it for Xbox instead... if they ever come back in stock.
@ChaosBadger777 I wouldn't say the "last" one. Many AAA games are still going to come out for the PS4 and Xbox One for probably another year or two and those games could make it to the Switch. By mid-late 2022, when developers begin dropping support for PS4 and XBox One and make their games only for PS5 and Xbox X, then yes, you probably will see a significant drop off for games coming to the Switch.
I was really looking forward to the Switch version of Doom Eternal even though I already owned the game for my Xbox One X. Since a physical version isn't available for Switch then that makes it an easy pass for me. I ended up buying the PS4 version a few days ago for $20 just so I can play the game again on PS5 with my new favorite controller the Dualsense. I'll wait for the free next gen upgrade to start a new play through. Hopefully others that purchase Doom Eternal for Switch enjoy it and have a great experience. Digital only just isn't for me however.
yes but later after completed fenyx
It really looks worth supporting, but I bugged about the lack of physical.
I'll think it over once I've finished the previous Doom
Not frustrated with game delay at all, I have this new console theory, only upset about 3D- all stars getting a two week release and Bowsers fury getting a half-year release
Since the announcement of the physical version being cancelled, I lost almost all interest in it. It went from "one day, when I can get it for about 30 euros or less", to probably not, unless it somehow goes under 10 and is very good on Switch.
I'll get it this weekend, I bought Hyrule Warriors one day before the announcement of Doom Eternal's Switch release date. How I regret that. Playing it on the go, and on the TV with Gyro controllers and HD Rumble will be amazing!
I think your missing the point @Nintendolife people aren’t buying it because it’s not a hard copy release....nothing to do with the delay.
@Friendly If there are Doomguy dolls to collect like in the first one, then not having them be Isabelle dolls in the Switch version is a major missed opportunity. I know that Nintendo is wary of how their characters are used, but that seems like a way to put her in Doom while being true to her. Doomguy must protecc.
@WaveWitch "But to dismiss a game because it may only be digital is absurd."
I agree to a point but you also have to take in to account that some people(not including myself) only purchase a handful of games a year and physical also gives people the option to sell once completed or more importantly get something back if they genuinely dont click with it or like it. Id be gutted to spend 50 quid on a digital game and not like it at all knowing the funds could have gone elsewhere. Swings and roundabouts tho. Personally it would pee me off but id never 100% rule out a digital only game.
I had it preordered from BB the day it was announced for switch. I just want it physical that’s why I’m waiting
I almost snagged it late last night. I want it so bad, been purposely waiting for the Switch release. But $60.00 USD, download only, and 8 months late? This should have been $40.00 USD. Must... stay.... strong...
Not being a physical release is holding me back. I bought wolfenstein Youngblood besides not being a physical release too, and I was really happy with the game, put thousands of hours and I don’t get tired of it, BUT every time I remember I don’t have the card I get really sad ‘cause I don’t really own it. Doom Eternal looks fun, but I don’t think it’s worth the price they are asking.
I already own it or I would have bought it
@WaveWitch That's their choice then.
Half of the comments about no physical are simply that, or saying that they might consider it at a later point if a sale or physical pops up; not wishing the game to the pits of hell(no pun intended). Those kinda comments would be a dif matter.
@Kidfunkadelic83 This comment so much.
@JimmySpades Agreed
I pre-ordered my copy on switch as a physical copy of the deluxe edition before it was announced to be digital only. I haven't received any emails or anything about if I'll be sent a download code from my local gamestop though.
Having just received it on Game Pass PC, I doubt I'll play it on Switch. I could be wrong, but it seems like it would be difficult to play a fast fps like that without a mouse/keyboard.
@kingbk to be fair Doom Eternal is probably the only AAA third party port released on Switch this year.
We have had some lower tier games like Fenix Rising and ports of older games like Borderlands and indy hits but all of the big hitters missed the switch.
I'm not saying this is a bad thing either, because who really wants to play the big releases with downgrades? People buy the switch for Nintendo exclusives (as the charts reflect)
Gotta admit, if this had released on time with those Animal Crossing memes it would have sold very well on Switch, perfect lockdown combination to celebrate gaming as a hobby.
I’m out impressed it’s digital only, but I guess the 100+ hours of the first on switch and it only costing me like $15, I guess I’m going to suffer.
No option in the poll to say lack of physical is why I haven't gotten it? That's a surprise.
The delay killed the hype for me but my cousin is buying it today so I'll download it for free through the NSO family plan.
@FargusPelagius yeah they missed the boat on it so badly. It really was the perfect time back then.
It's already under £15 for a physical copy on PS4 / XBOX. I'm not stumping up £50 for a digital copy - even if I can play it on the toilet.
@WaveWitch I definitely see your side. On my end I'm all about physical because I like to trade them in towards other games once I know I'm done for the most part playing them. Paying full price for digital only just makes it a little harder to swallow. Unless its something I absolutely MUST play right now I can hold out. Monster Hunter Rise will be a digital purchase because that (like Generations Ultimate) will be my primary game. Case by case basis I guess.
@timp29 I'm totally with you on that. Playing games and getting rewarded for anything and even just turning it on bugs me. Unfortunately nowadays developers have to put a lot of focus on the dopamine release and reward system in the human brain to contribute to getting a higher score for their game. It can't just be about having fun anymore.
the only way im going to get it is that bethesda finally wises up and just give us a dam physical copy of this game because making it all digital which their going to wonder why their not making much money off the switch version maybe because they screwed over gamers who prefer physical copies
Heck yes. The game looks INSANELY good on Switch, and the framerate is rock solid! They upped their game. This port is one for the history books! Not even the forces of the universe could stop me from playing this game on Switch. This is one of the definitive handheld hybrid experiences of our generation. And the gyro... muah! Perfecto!
I already have on Steam, but didnt want to ruin the experience before the Switch version released, where I'll enjoy it 10x more.
@shimarin true. Nintendo sucks
Before microsoft this was a must buy for nintendo fans. Microsoft owns this and it's now a must skip for nintendo fans. Nintendo fans are real gamers.
Just me that thinks Eternal looks completely different to any other Doom game? Feels more like a death match game.
who really wants to play the big releases with downgrades?
Plenty of people. Portraying these games as just "releases with downgrades" is a simplification of the reality. They're upgrades for alot of people. Hybrid freedom, handheld play, portable console with detached controllers playing at work (me every weekend), gyro aiming, HD rumble... theres a lot of superior aspects to Switch versions of big games. Simply being downgraded RELATIVE TO another version means little. Virtually every PS/Xbox game is a downgraded version of the PC release. Nobody cares because it's still good enough and has convenience benefits. Same for Switch. The games look plenty good enough and have countless benefits, significant ones, over other versions.
People buy the switch for Nintendo exclusives
Some do. But that doesnt mean it's all they're interested in. The countless 3rd party games outselling other versions is proof enough of that. Be it Resident Evil Revelations 1/2 outselling both PS4/X1 combined, Okami HD outselling all other versions, Immortal Fenyx Rising crushing other versions on Amazon US (#65 best sellers versus #300+ for PS), theres countless examples that evidence the fact people DO indeed want big games on Switch.
Sniper Elite 4 just released and its magnificent. Easily the best looking AAA 8th gen game on Switch to date. Handheld mode looks insane. Full gyro aiming, HD rumble for your heartbeat... its the definitive version of the game. Immortals Fenyx Rising, it has been downgraded but still looks good, handheld mode included, has gyro for the bow, Apollos Arrows, throwing rocks and FarSight ability. DOOM Eternal now releasing which looks incredibly good on Switch, runs smoothly, offers gyro aiming and all of them can be played anywhere... ya. Theres definitely a market for big games on Switch, regardless of your own anecdotal preferences.
Doom Eternal
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Sniper Elite 4
The delay doesn’t affect my decision, but the lack of a physical version sure does!
Considering I still have to finish Doom 2016 that I got on sale a month or so ago not right now. I will add it to my wishlist and wait for it to go on sale and then possibly consider getting it. Switch is the only option I have for playing it. However ai will not pay full price for a digital copy of it.
Have it on PC. Fun game regardless.
Why isn't it on the eshop yet!?
Already played it months ago on PC... Cyberpunk is in 2 days for the same price. Easy skip.
Another example why I do not just have a Switch.
I don't like fpp games
I Love jrpg thats why switch is my fav console
@ChaosBadger777 the people that they to lecture others on how big games should be played on a TV on more powerful hardware etc etc are so damn annoying. Plenty of people choose how they play there video games. Don't need elitist trying to tell us how there way is the only way thanks
Would have but got it on gamepass for free
Ya, always the endless, "nope, I played a BETTER version already", comments are just ego stroking out of insecurity seeing how well the game turned out.
And my favorite, the "it's cheaper elsewhere, this new Switch release shouldn't cost what new releases cost because its 8 months old on this other platform", which completely ignores the COUNTLESS 8 month old, $60 PC ports like Monster Hunter World, Dragonball Fighter Z, etc. And also ignores the fact the game is literally $60 on Steam this very moment. Like lol, its $60 on Steam right now, and you're complaining it's the same price on Switch the day of its release? AND this ignores the countless people who didnt actually pay less, they paid full price on other platforms (as sales data statistically shows most sales are launch week) but like to pretend they paid less.
And of course, it ignores the fact that, if people only cared about price or graphics, they wouldn't consider Switch in the first place, no matter how many benefits it provides (gyro, portability, HD rumble). Just like you wouldn't consider Steam or PS or Xbox if you only care about gyro and portability, no matter how low the price is.
It's why you see so many people come to this site for Switch game articles only to post how they're NOT interested in the Switch version. Like, I'm not interested in 99% of non-Switch games (Cyberpunk is an exception, but it's more buggy than the original Skyrim release so I'll be sitting on my Steam version for a few months until it's fixed) but I dont go to every PushSquare article and announce how I'd rather play on Switch.
Wait for a sale
I might get it on digital sale but no physical, really??
When Limited Run can make physical carts but Bethesda can't something is very wrong
Probably gonna wait on reviews and word of mouth, I wanna be sure this game actually runs rather decently
Switch is not my only platform, so no way i will get this.
I had it pre-ordered and was fairly happy waiting for it, then it arrived on Xbox Gamepass where I can play it both on the TV and PC... The only benefit left for the Switch version of that point was portability, which in any other year might have been enough but along came Covid, lockdowns etc, then the physical version was cancelled. Thus so was my pre-order.
Doom is my jam, but will only buy physical release
@JaxonH I would assume that anyone apart from casual gamers are multi platform nowadays (I dont game as much as I used to and have all three consoles and a gaming laptop). Having the ability to play handheld is fantastic but it still doesn't detract that runs worse than every other system - Doom Eternal although looking great is locked to 30fps which isn't great for such a fast paced shooter.
Sniper Elite 4 is a 3 year old game and hardly a AAA title at launch, its a decent enough game and runs really well on switch but it lacks the punch and spectacle of the big releases.
Going back to my original comment, the switch has had hardly any multiplatform AAA games released this year, and I can see that dropping further next year and moving forward - especially when devs are trying to bridge the gap between last gen and new gen hardware.
The sales figure and charts also show that there is little interest in these games on switch (how long has Mario Kart been in the top sellers list) which is also a detergent to publishers spending extra to port.
@kobashi100 you can play games in whatever way you enjoy most. You can also watch movies on your phone, but aside from the convenience both are definitely better on a bigger screen with the soundbar turned up and the beer cold or bowl full (depending on preference 😉).
@ChaosBadger777 wait did you just use Mario kart sales as an example against 3rd parties. My god, it doesn't take a genius to work out that because the switch is selling very well, Mario kart also would reflect them sales in the charts. New switch buyers buy Mario Kart. I mean come on dude that's a pretty obvious fact and is not detrimental at all. People love to claim 3rd parties are not happy with software sales but have no actual evidence to back it up. Worst is they ignore publishers quoting they are pleased with switch sales or they claim it's all lies. They forget that in the Wii U era we had publishers publicly saying sales were not good enough.
You seem to be skirting the point. Sniper Elite 4 is a big game. Being "3 years old" on other platforms is completely irrelevant. In fact, it only emphasizes my point even further, that people want big games on Switch. Even if it takes longer, they want them.
And I'm not sure what Doom being 30fps has to do with anything. "Not great"? Its not bad either. It still feels smooth, it's still hella fun to play. Being 30 is such a small, minor aspect so few care about, provided there's good reason for it (and there is- handheld hybrid games must make compromises to be handheld and hybrid). Just because some people get hung up on framerate doesnt mean all people do. In fact most dont care. It's not a big deal when its literally the only way a game can release on a handheld. Incredibly small price to pay. If that's a dealbreaker for some, then they were never the target market for a hybrid console in the first place. And that's fine- to each their own. But it's not some objective truth that all people subscribe to. Many many many people couldnt care less, as long as it plays well.
And if support drops, then it drops. Oh well. What happens happens. Not sure how that's relevant. But the sales charts ABSOLUTELY do not prove what you're saying. They prove the opposite of what you're saying. Just because Nintendo titles sell most, and are evergreen, doesnt mean 3rd party titles don't also sell well. The two are not mutually exclusive. As I've already pointed out, 3rd party games have garnered a substantial market on Switch. There's absolutely plenty of people who want them, hence why they keep selling so well.
So to say nobody cares about these kinds of games on Switch is simply not true. And the data bears that out.
No cartridge. No sale
@JaxonH they sell so well because there are so few "big" games released and people just want something to play.
I've picked up all 3 sniper elite games on switch - would I have done so if I had other stuff to play on it - Not a chance.
@kobashi100 lack of third party support for bigger games show that publishers aren't happy. Do you think the likes of EA and Activision wouldn't be flooding the switch with games if they sold? How many big third party titles have we received in the last 2 years on switch that weren't ports of old games? Everyone raved about the handsome collection on switch for example but these were all last gen titles Where's BL3?
"nope, I played a BETTER version already"
Part of questions... so you know, people are expanding on their "choice" in question #2.
People mentioned they had played Dragon Quest S on Switch already (or waiting for GamePass) and were not getting it on PS4/Ps5 in the PushSquare review. Nobody made a fuss about it
"it's cheaper elsewhere, this new Switch release shouldn't cost what new releases cost because its 8 months old on this other platform"
Tons of people complain about old Console ports on PC for $60. Next time I see it on PCGamer I'll send you the link.
PushSquare article and announce how I'd rather play on Switch
Some are saying they playing Cyberpunk on PC not on PS4 at pushSqure right now on a survey just like this one.
I mentioned I had moved Yakuza like a Dragon to PC so I could play it on the GO via Shadow PC. In the "What are you playing this weekend" on PushSquare. Nobody attached me
Happens all the time. Switch has more delayed games (and compromises) so you will see more here.
"Sniper Elite 4 is a big game"
Yes and so was Horizon Zero Dawn. But people with a PS4 and a PC were not all that excited it was on PC because they had played it 3 years ago.
You somehow want people to act differently when the Switch is an option. Pc, PS4, Switch... people pick one over the other all the time and comment about it.
No no no. You dont get to use that excuse. That's been debunked. Numerous times. Most people dont just "buy games because they want something to play". Its why Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario Color Splash bombed so hard, and there was LITERALLY nothing else to play. People still didnt buy them.
People buy what they want to play. They buy games that interest them, on consoles that interest them. Nobody buys games they dont really want just to have "something to play". There are THOUSANDS of games on Switch. Literal thousands. I have 325 physical games on my shelf. Theres been more great games releasing on Switch than any other Nintendo console of the last 25 years. Countless big games. Plenty of competition.
So no, regardless of what you personally do, most people buy things they're actually interested in, they don't waste money on things they dont actually want. Most people would rather play nothing or play one of any hundreds of games from their backlog than waste $40-60 on something they dont really want.
So no, that's not the case. Not the case at all. The games are selling because theres demand. And if you carefully considered the evidence and form your conclusions based on what its saying, rather than forming preconceived notions and trying to shoehorn the evidence to fit your beliefs, you'd see that.
I quit going to PushSquare when Switch was announced and everyone started mocking it as the worst idea ever and the "final nail in the coffin" for Nintendo, that it would "flop worse than Wii U". So I wouldn't know.
But I imagine if it was casually mentioned in conversation, as opposed to a smug, gloating daily announcement for every game in every article, there probably wouldn't be an issue.
I'm sure some people complain about price on PC, but not to the extent people do here. I'm a member of all the reddits, and only the Switch communities see so many complaints.
Fair point about Horizon. I was excited though- more so than the PS4 version because it had gyro on PC (which is now working perfectly after the recent update btw). But I understand less people will be excited. Likewise, I understand less people will be excited for later Switch ports. Fair enough. I dont think the issue is mentioning that, but rather how its mentioned, with a gloating, "hahaha you plebs... I played a better version, AND for less, buying this is beneath me, it's for the beggars who have no other option" type of attitude. Not always what's being said, but how its said and how often its said. When it's literally every article, one has to wonder why even come to this site at all. I can already predict what they're gonna say. Let me guess... "I already played a better version of this ages ago for like $2.50".
I've got no issue with those who dont prefer the Switch option. Many dont. In fact what actually bothers me is the physical only ideologues who have become so stubbornly grounded in their beliefs they actually wont even make a single exception for a game only releasing on the eShop. And not because they like to sell games (that's understandable).
@JaxonH if there have been so many "big" cross platform games released on switch this year (that weren't ports from the 360/PS3 gen) list 10.
People also complain more about switch prices because they are often artificially inflated with many games launching at a higher price on Switch over other systems. If you are happy getting screwed over by greedy publishers then good on you, obviously a lot of people aren't.
@Dragwhite I feel the same way. No physical no buy!
I’m disappointed I can’t get physical with this puppy but I’m still buying and playing the s£&t out of it!
Lack of physical release is holding me back.
If they made it physical I would buy it the say it is out!
There are very few games releasing at higher prices than when other systems launched. Burnout Paradise was the exception, not the rule. In fact, most release for less than they launched for on other platforms. Borderlands Legendary Collection was #49.99 ($16.67 per game, when the first one ALONE was $30 on other platforms).
I've heard the "if you like to get screwed" argument too. What you're really saying is, "I cant rebut your argument, so I'll just insist you're getting screwed and I'm not". From my perspective, the ones buying Switch games are the only ones NOT getting screwed. No point buying a game that's stuck tethered to a TV unless theres absolutely no other option, and certainly no reason to buy a game without gyro (which only Switch and Steam offer). Its like paying for a game you have to play with an Atari 2600 arcade stick. Who cares how pretty it looks if you're forced to use archaic, dated control methods... And theres no difference between a person paying $60 for Doom Eternal on its PS4/X1/Steam launch day, and pocketing that cash, sitting tight until the Switch release, and paying $60 for it instead.
Which is exactly my point- people value different things. Subjectivity. You cant say people are getting screwed any more than I can say you're the one getting screwed.
But none of this changes the fact that plenty of people like bigger 3rd party games on Switch.
This date reminds me... isnt the ori physical games werent supposed to release today on retail?
@JaxonH I hear you.
I have an issue with Digital only trend not because I like physical. But because I need to Trade, Sell-back or Rent some of my Day 1 $60 games (well now $70 🤦♂️)
I rented Miles Morales, SackBoy and now Age of Calamity. That is money I saved to Pre-order CyberPunk (on PC because $42 on GOG and they get 100% of cash) and Bravely Default 2.
Digital only will blow my gaming budget out of the water.
@Tibob Don't worry in less than a decade you will be without the game just like those who wanted a cart.
Yup, definitely getting this on Switch. I have all other DOOM games on Switch, it'll be nice to finally have em all now. Switch is my only platform so the other versions are meaningless to me.
Don't care if its full price on Switch either. I bet at least half of the people mocking Switch owners for buying DOOM full price bought it full price on their platform of choice back in March. 🙃
If I had a couple of TB storage, I would have already downloaded it. My 512 GB SD card is already getting crowded, so I'll wait and see if there will be a cart version in a few months or so.
@JaxonH I cant be bothered searching because I'm in work but off of the top of my head:
Bendy and the ink machine
Final Fantasy 9
The world ends with you
Dragon Quest 11
Pretty much every Resident Evil
Street Fighter anniversary
Oddworld abe and munch
Witcher 3 (vs witcher GotY price not original release)
Theres loads more but im getting towards the end of a 15 hour shift and my head is a little muzzy.
Again, exception, not the rule. Over 4000 games. Naming 6 that had higher prices isnt saying much. And even of the ones you did mention, there are other factors to consider. Witcher 3 already sold to the other audiences so demand was reduced, necessitating a $10 price drop for GotY. Switch never had the base game so demand wasn't exhausted. Basically, they were asking people to buy the game twice on the same system. Switch version wasnt.
DQXIS was the Definitive version, and had twice the content with 2D mode, extra 2D areas for each prior game, over 200 additions, etc.
The World Ends With You was never on a full console before and thus never had console pricing.
So ya. But even if there's say, 50 games that had higher prices, on. That's still only 1% of all releases, often times including more content, gyro aiming, HD rumble, etc and not being sold for the second time on the same system. And, people can always wait for sales just like you boast about other platforms having sales. If someone chooses to buy a game, they do so by choice, not at gunpoint. Every Switch game I buy, I do so as a PS5/PC owner and still choose Switch over those versions when I can. If I value that game for that price on Switch more than on some other platform, and make a voluntarily transaction, I'm not "getting screwed", Im getting a valuable product I chose over every other version in a voluntary exchange.
@JaxonH keep licking Nintendo's boots and justifying bad practices.
DQ11S has since been ported to PS4 with all of the extras at a reduced price.
TWeWY is a port of the mobile version which makes the markup worse as its not even a console game
Capcom are just Capcom and are money grabbing on every system.
I genuinely don't care enough to keep this going - especially given it has deviated from my original point and now has nothing to do with article.
I’m lucky enough to also have a PS4 so as impressive as this port is, and it really is impressive from what I’ve seen so far, I was never going to wait for the Switch version. I hope it does well though and serves those without an alternative console well!
I'm gonna get it on PC
Only getting the standard to get the rip and tear pack. That's my only reason. Otherwise I would say wait til physical and then a sale.
Eventually I will. I'd say I'd wait for a sale. But considering doom 2016 is still a full $60 and rarely goes on sale, it would be pointless to wait.
Game Pass means game over on Switch if you have an Xbox or PC at least for Doom Eternal. GP is extraordinary.
Phil Spencer IS Santa.
hope the lack of sales teach bethesda a lesson not to screw over gamers that prefer physical copies over digital.
I can confirm the gyro in this game is easily the best of any game I’ve ever played, except perhaps Sniper Elite 4. It’s not only good, it’s downright perfection. The gold standard of gyro, using default settings. They’ve clearly learned from previous games.
As for HD rumble, I have a PS5, and it’s the same tech made by the same company. So it’s not actually old news, and even if it was it doesn’t diminish the experience. It’s just as good as it always was, and with PS5 now adopting the same tech, it just puts a focus back on how amazing it is and how the subtlety of nuanced rumble can add to the experience.
As for blurred visuals and low resolution, I’d say that only comparatively speaking. And even side-by-side comparisons show a remarkably similar visual quality. I was gobsmacked with how similar this game looks to other versions. It doesn’t look as lo-res and as blurry as the previous doom game. And after playing it all day on both the switch lite and then docked at home, I can confidently say it’s one of the best looking handheld games I’ve ever played and it looks part for the course on the TV. Whereas the 2016 reboot looked noticeably downgraded, this game does not. It doesn’t feel downgraded, it feels like this is what it’s supposed to look like if it were built for the system. I don’t know any other way to explain it. Basically, as long as you’re not playing two versions side-by-side I don’t notice anything off about it at all. It just feels like a normal game.
As for 30fps, I can’t argue with your subjective preferences about frame rate but I can’t say the frame rate is rocksolid and feels butter smooth and this comes from somebody who owns an RTX 080 TI with i9 9900k PC and a PS5. 30 FPS has never been a problem, as long as it’s stable and done right. The problem is people play games that drop frames into the low 20s and have frame pacing issues, and then equate that in their minds to what they think 30 FPS feels like. This game feels silky smooth.
But I would say if you can only stomach playing games at 60 FPS (which if that’s true, hey, you do you, I’m not judging), I’m not really sure why you’re on a switch thread in the first place, because 95% of games on the system are going to run sub-60 due to being a hybrid handheld system where compromises have to be made to achieve portability. Not to mention, half the games on other systems run sub-60 also. So your gaming diet must be extremely limited, unless you have a PC as strong as mine (and even THEN many modern games have to turn raytracing off or resolution down to 1440p to stay above 60), which maybe you do, but again, it doesn’t explain why you would be here talking about a system that normally has to see games running at 30 to be able to play in handheld mode.
[looks at how many comments there are complaining about digital]
And you think those people are suddenly going to be ok with rentals paid by annual subscription if they’re not even ok owning games digitally?
Not to mention, no gyro aiming is game over for any game on Xbox as most Switch gamers have moved on from that old, dated, archaic control scheme. They’ve also moved on from being artificially tethered to a single screen in their house.
So... I’d say Gamepass is mostly irrelevant for Switch gamers. It can’t do gyro. It can’t do portable handheld mode. It can’t do HD rumble, and it can’t do physical ownership (which I don’t care about but clearly most people here do).
I think it’s an awesome service (my brother loves it!) but only for a certain type of gamer... and most people here are not in that category.
Own it on the Xbox One X but want it to at at work and other on the go type situations.
@Koudai1979 Cool - thanks for sharing those!
“Of your collection”
Ya, when you’re only buying games that are 60fps because, in your own words, you can’t tolerate 30, of course most of your collection will be 60. If you want the greatest versions of games, “PC la la land” is where you should be. Because half the games on PS4 and Xbox are sub 60. Every Assassins Creed on PS4/X1, Monster Hunter World, etc. etc. They look prettier, but they don’t all hit 60, and if you’re that much of a frame rate snob I would be pushing for 144 anyways.
I’ll grant that you are correct that a lot of the Switch library isn’t new, but that’s really only a problem if you absolutely insist on playing every single game day one when it comes out. Cuphead today is just as fun as it was four years ago. I assure you, the people playing it when it released on Xbox did not have more fun with it then than I am on Switch now. The people playing Doom Eternal in April were not having more fun with it than I am now. And I haven’t seen many dumbed down ports. I’ve seen a lot of really excellent ports that don’t dumb anything down and offer the full fat experience, and the only difference at all really is the graphics/performance. And aside from Outer Worlds, most come very close to much stronger hardware, so you’re only giving up like 10% of the perceived visuals but gaining double the value with a handheld version, and priceless value with gyro aiming because, my goodness... I can’t even stand playing games that don’t have gyro. May as well be using an Atari joystick.
But, to each their own. If you are the type of person that has to have the absolute best frame rate and the absolute best visual fidelity then no, Switch isn’t going to be your platform for anything other than Nintendo games. Just bare in mind, that doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same. I, for one, can’t stand playing 3rd party games anywhere BUT the Switch (or PC, if it doesn’t come to Switch). I sold my PS4 Pro and X1X because I could literally play every single 3rd party game they had (and 1st party for Xbox, and even some 1st party for PS) with better graphics and better performance on the PC with gyro aiming and free online, or in some cases I could play hybrid versions of them with gyro aiming and $20 online if we’re fortunate enough to get a Switch port. There was no reason left to buy a game on PlayStation or Xbox at all.
I did, however, buy a PS5, because there are a few select permanent exclusives that I would like to keep in my collection and I’m sure there will be a few more this generation. But I can confirm the haptic feedback is exactly the same as the haptic feedback the Switch has, and it’s made by the exact same company. I think it feels better compared to the pro controller, but that’s because the haptic in the Switch was designed first and foremost for the joycon, and they didn’t make a separate design profile for the pro controller, so it kind of inherits the HD rumble from the joycon. Whereas the DualSense was made specifically for a pro controller design. But if you compare the Dualsense to the joycon, I would actually say the joycon are a little better because you can actually feel the difference between left and right, whereas you cannot feel the difference between left and right in the Dualsense to anywhere close the same degree.
Gyro is never utilized on PS (hoping that’ll change, but thus far, it hasn’t), but it’s used in practically every Switch game. Be it Alien Isolation, ARMS, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands Pre-Sequel, Captain Toad, Crysis, Daemon X Machina, Doom, Doom Eternal, Doom 64, Duke Nukem, Ion Fury, Grid Autosport, Hellblade, LA Noire, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, Pikmin 3, Overwatch, Panzer Dragoon, Pokémon Lets Go, Mario Tennis Aces, Resident Evil Revelations, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Saints Row 3, Saints Row 4, Assassins Creed 3, Assassins Creed IV, Assassins Creed Rogue, Sniper Elite v2, Sniper Elite 3, Sniper Elite 4, Splatoon 2, Star Wars Racer, Mario Galaxy, Skyrim, The Outer a worlds, Zelda BotW, The World Ends With You, Wolfenstein 2, Wolfenstein Youngblood, and more I’m forgetting I’m sure.
I really enjoyed VR. I have a PSVR and Occulus Rift. But it got old after about a month. Just never felt like putting on the headset and doing all the work just to play a game. That inconvenient barrier to entry actually matters quite a bit (it’s actually one of the reasons I like playing switch so much is because it’s so convenient to pick up and play as a handheld system, and even docked where it turns the TV on and switch is the input for you automatically and you’re right back in the game). But I’m glad I got to experience it. It’s definitely something I think everyone should experience at least once. But I don’t think I’ll be buying another one as I’ve got my two headsets listed on eBay.
@txa1265 you're welcome
Lake of physical copy is what is holding me back from getting it right away. I'm sure this is the same as for many other switch owners. I'm worried that if I get it I'll find out that the physical will come out months after like it has for a few others.
8 months later, heavily downgraded, no physical, and $60 . Hell no. I’ll pass
I still don't understand why people are canceling orders because of no physical happy that it even got released after the MS purchase. The release of a digital version is a miracle by itself and if people will not buy it it will just confirm the fact for MS that they need to stop Nintendo support.
£20 on PS4 you say? Sweet. Now who's going to give me £250 so I can buy a PS4 to play it on? Anybody? Hello?
@JaxonH "Ya, always the endless, "nope, I played a BETTER version already", comments are just ego stroking out of insecurity seeing how well the game turned out."
Yeah that stuff just is just cringeworthy. I read it and wonder if I'm still in a school playground. Is it any wonder gamers get such bad press when so many of them act like they're barely breaking into puberty.
@JaxonH That's wishful thinking. Maybe you're rich and can afford all the games you want how you want. Hard reality is a lot of people in these increasingly financially difficult times will pick 'free' game pass games over expensive nintendo games when they own both consoles.
I've hated gyro aiming on every game I tried it on Switch. Maybe I had the sensitivity set too high I don't know but it moved violently and made me feel dizzy and sick. So gyro isn't for me and I can't be alone in that.
Regarding rumble, I've noticed xbox really dramatically improving its use of impulse rumble in games recently. It's incredible on the amazing new Tetris game that's on Game Pass.
Let's not exaggerate how difficult these times are. You dont have to be rich to afford video games. In fact, on a median US salary of $53k/yr, it would only take a measly 10% to afford every single game a person wants. We're still at 90% employment so... ya. Not everyone is a minor without a job or living in a homeless shelter.
If gyro was moving all over the place, you did have the sensitivity too high. You have to learn the right sensitivity and learn how to harness it properly. It's an acquired skill. Just like when the right analog released, people werent very good with it. It took time and practice. Take a non PC gamer and give them a keyboard and mouse and they're gonna suck too. Cause they havent developed the muscle memory yet. Gyro is the same way. But writing it off without really giving it a fair shot only hampers your own potential fun. DOOM Eternal and Sniper Elite 4 both have perfect gyro at default settings. If you ever play one of those games on Switch, practice.
You have to use the right analog for turning the camera- dont use gyro to replace the analog, use it to supplement the analog. Fine tune aim with natural, small movements of the wrist which offers much more accuracy. Once you get it down, there's no going back.
No physical copy no purchase that's my rule. Only digital games I have are bought with points from registering the physical copies.
@TIND I get what you mean but at the same time I like to actually own my games and I love collecting.
Hm... I don’t actually think FPS has anything to do with input lag. Obviously it has other benefits, but input lag doesn’t actually relate to frames rendered on screen. The game still detects your input at the same time, and if it happens between frames, it simply updates on the next frame. So it may have the appearance of lag, but it’s not actually lag, because the game registers you input at the same time it would have with any other FPS. It’s a complex topic and I suppose in a more loose sense you could be correct because it has the appearance of lag, but only if you slow the video down into slow motion do I think you could actually notice it.
That’s because the difference between, even say 30fps and 60fps, is a frame every 4/120ths second vs every 2/120ths second. The average button press between the two would be at 3/120ths second, which would appear on screen just 1/120ths second later using 30fps than 60fps. And 1/120ths second is insanely fast. It’s only 0.008 seconds. The difference between 60fps and 120fps would be only fractions of that. I think the real benefit is just the improved illusion of fluidity.
I have a PSVR, and Occulus Rift. I’m glad I got to experience VR because it was something I’ll never forget. But after the first month I was pretty much done with it. I was super into it for a while, a short while, and built up a fairly sizable collection of games and even imported some physical copies of VR games like Hustle Kings VR. but ultimately I just didn’t like the barriers to entry every time I wanted to play. It doesn’t sound like much, but small hurdles have a huge impact. For example, iPads can connect to a TV. Yet nobody really does it. But with Switch, most people use it both ways, constantly back and forth. The simplicity of the dock breaks that barrier. Same for HDMI CEC which auto turns on your tv and switches the input. Switch does that and it makes it so convenient. But Xbox only toggles. Which means, if your TV is already on then it turns off lol. And my PS4 would never work correctly. Thankfully my PS5 does work correctly, and it has AMAZING gyro that’s been perfected via magnometer, but nobody uses it outside the token 1st party game. Immortals Fenyx Rising? Gyro on Switch, no gyro on PS5. Like wth? With cross platform save, I would have easily bought again on PS5 to play at home, but nope. They couldn’t add a simple feature that they had already designed for the switch version. Unbelievable. Normally I would buy on steam where I can map Gyro myself, but Ubisoft went with Epic Store instead, and by the time it comes to steam I’ll be done with the game. What a shame.
I love how OLED looks, but don’t like the burn in. I think mini LED is going to solve that by offering reasonably comparable contrast and dimming without the burn in risk. I’m happy with my LCD for now though. Looks great, good enough for me.
My brother has the Quest (the original) and I loved the bowling game with pineapples and foam fingers. Very Wii Sports like. But as you said it was very under powered and lacking the big games. Even the newer model.
I agree about Astro Bot. It does feel like a Nintendo game. Except for the lack of depth with regard to mechanics. No ground stomp, no double jump or mid air hop or ground roll, etc. Feels too basic. Aside from that it’s virtually flawless though. I absolutely love the zipper suit mechanics and how it uses the Gyro and all that, the spring suit is a lot of fun... definitely a great pack in title.
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