With new updates for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Super Mario 3D All-Stars, as well as the revelation that you can feed squirrels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild – we know, right! – it's been another busy week in the world of Nintendo.
With the weekend now finally upon us, though, it's time to discuss our weekend gaming plans. Members of Nintendo Life have done just that, and we'd love for you to join in via our comment section below. Enjoy!
Gavin Lane, features editor
After spending many hours with Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity over the past week or two, I’ll be looking for something a touch calmer to soothe my raw hack-and-slashed finger joints. It’s been a while since I last tended to my Animal Crossing island, so the new winter update gives me a good excuse to go back in and see how things are going.
Otherwise, I’ve still got Horace, Control and A Short Hike calling me from my home menu screen, not to mention more Koroks to find and the spectre of GOTY 2020 creeping up. Plenty to do, then!
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’m gonna be busy digging into some classic real-time tactical action with Commandos 2 HD and getting my big daft Keanu Reeves on in John Wick Hex, both of which release at the start of December, so look out for those reviews coming soon. Elsewhere, I’ll be jumping right into the mix with Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, a game I’ve been hugely excited about since its announcement. Musou games may be a love/hate thing in general but I am 100% on the love side of the fence with this genre and, after pumping way too much of my time into the original 2014 Hyrule Warriors, I can see some late nights ahead with this one. Have a good weekend whatever you’re playing and stay safe out there!
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This weekend, I’ll be digging further into Pikmin 3 Deluxe, and also possibly… possibly… doing a bit of time-traveling to check out the new updates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Just possibly, not for sure. It’s just so tempting, all of the holiday items! Many people are putting their Christmas trees up already, because 2020… time-traveling to Toy Day in Animal Crossing is pretty much the same concept, right??
Ryan Craddock, news editor
Continuing my streak of playing old, slightly obscure Pokémon games, I've been getting stuck into PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure over the past few days. Who needs next-gen, huh?
Actually, saying that, I've also treated myself to Nintendo's next-gen Game & Watch and have been having a ball with it. I've never owned a Game & Watch system before, but I'm finding that there's something very satisfying about playing something so simple. Sitting down for a long session with an RPG or whatever can feel overwhelming, but loading up Ball for a 20-minute run is just what I needed.
Have a nice weekend, folks!
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
Wiiware fever continues with the spectacular LostWinds and the just as good sequel LostWinds: Winters of the Melodias. Still replaying Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces on Wii but was blindsided on the eShop with two incredible releases that I wish to further invest this weekend: To boldly go above and beyond in Mars Horizon and some great ‘sort of’ action RPG shenanigans of Battle Chasers: Nightwar.
My game of the week is unsurprisingly Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity that, at the time of writing, I do not have in my hands because my country is already deep into full Christmas, something that translates with “nothing is certain of arriving on schedule any more”… if it arrives at all!
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
This weekend, I plan on dipping back into Animal Crossing: New Horizons and seeing what's what (I've no doubt got a load of weeds to pull up!), although I have to say, it's definitely not pulling me in as much as it used to! Hopefully the new update will get its hooks into me.
Otherwise, I may jump back into Super Mario 3D All-Stars and box off Super Mario Galaxy; I've already rinsed the other two games, and I'm not too far off whacking Bowser into the infinite abyss of space. Just like the good old days... Have a great weekend, everyone!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 125
Robotics;Notes Elite has been getting really interesting so I’m spending most of my time continuing with that at the moment. A little bit of Touhou Spell Bubble, Kemono Friends Picross and PixelJunk Monsters 2 when I need breaks from reading.
Gonçalo Lopes, I feel your pain on Age of Calamity. In my country they didn't get their copies and now I have to wait at least a week for them to get them, so I'll just stick with Animal Crossing until then...
Risk of Rain 2
Age of Calamity on the Switch front meanwhile Gears Tactics and a few other games on the XB1 front. The XB1 Black Friday sale is very good, have a cheap backup plan in case DOOM Eternal Switch turns out to be either a cloud version or not a good native version.
I just bought this little indie game called Pokemon Sword, I'm about to give it a whirl.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. I'm loving it so far but I'm not sure yet if I like it better the the first Hyrule Warriors. Both are great games.
Still dreaming about a Golden Axe musou game.
Need for Speed(still need to get a hang of the drifting), Age of Calamity and Doom 2. Doom 2 was started but then got left for a while so will be finishing that.
I've been playing La-Mulana 2 for the whole week, got a good 20+ hours on it by now I believe, progress has been slow but so far I've managed to keep moving forward without any outside aid unlike with the first game. Just like the first game I'm having a really good time with it.
Also maybe going to get some Earth Defense Force 5 co-op action going if my friend is up to it.
I played :

1. Evoland: Legendary Edition PS4
2. Para Para Paradise PS2 😀
I have reached the part where my team has been evolved into 3D form on Evoland 2.
As usual, i played Para Para Paradise PS2 before bath time as i will get sweaty after playing.
I will continue my ACNH after dinnertime and i will make mushroom DIY as request for someone.
Spider-Man Remastered on PS5. So glad I didn't play it on PS4.
I'm slowly going a bit mad knowing I can't touch Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity until Christmas but other than that I'm playing the demo over and over to quench my thirst as well as more No More Heroes 1, Spider-Man PS4 and I'm getting back into Stardew in preparation for the new 1.5 update.
Age of Clams, To the Moonshiners, and possibly some Uncivilization.
Serious notes, Age of Calamity is a nice improvement over the original. And To the Moon is really good, matches NLs 9/10 review perfectly. A deep dramatic story.
My focus will be on these two but I may play some other games as well.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Black Eagle Route. Had a two week break from the game while my sister was visiting but now I'm back at it. Just finished the second to last battle. Went quite smoothly. I wonder how I'll do in the final battle.
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - Finally got around to buying this game. Played Hotel Dusk years ago and loved it. This game continues the story. So far it looks and plays exactly the same and that's a good thing.
I'm gonna play overcooked 2 and knights and bikes
My brother surprised me with a PS5 Yesterday so I will be playing some PS4 I have not played yet on it as I had the base PS4 and the performance on some of these games will be better on it.
Sakuna and Hyrule Warriors for me.
After finishing Chaos;Child and after a lot of long back to back RPGs and VNs in general I need something lighter.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is doing just the trick. What a classic.
@BenAV I’m looking forward to Robotic;Notes, I’ve bought it myself as a Christmas treat.
I’m glad to hear you are enjoying it.
This is gonna be a Zelda weekend for me. I'm getting to the end of Link's Awakening, then I'm gonna start Oracle of Seasons.
And there's gonna be some short bursts of Lumo too
Finally started Xenoblade Chronicles DE, so I think that'll be me covered at least till the new year....
Uncharted Collection on PS4. Currently on Drakes Fortune and will go onto Among Thieves next. Still playing New Super Mario Bros. DS too, finishing up.
Did play a little bit of Locoroco Remastered yesterday so might chip away at that game too, it's rather cute but I do remember getting bored further in when I played it a few years ago.
Going down hard at the Nazis!
SNIPER ELITE 4 great port even better in Handheld mode, kudos to you guys @REBELLION. Then i will head over to
HYrule for tragic flaw of the champions AGE OF CALAMITY.
Edit: RIVIERA is way too C O C k Y than i first thought in BOTW.. but i must admit he's a real warrior.
I guess another 2 hours of team fortress 2..I can't seem to not love that game lol
Yet another weekend without my Switch (fingers crossed for next week, at least), so it'll be the handheld backlogs including the progress I've spent the week gradually restoring in Diabolical Box. Likely more stuff on top, but the exact titles shall be decided on a whim as usual.
I bought the physical edition of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and boy... what an embarrassment. A pathetic joke of a release and every bit as pathetic an excuse for a game.
Ubisoft has done an infinitely better job with their game show tie-ins (though their day one patches still leave a bad taste in my mouth).
So now I'm back to Animal Crossing, Pokémon Shield, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, and the odd session with some of my more casual games.
Im playing Pure Pool with my dad:) also playing some minecraft, and getting ready for harvest festival for AC NH
After finally retiring Monster Hunter World, I'm working on clearing Bloodstained
On Switch: No More Heroes and some Sniper Elite. A little Serious Sam too.
On PC: Finishing all the Halo 4 Spartan Ops and playing my Spelunky 2 dailies, as well as practicing the temple. Gotten so close to the city of gold twice now. Pulled idiot moves both times. Also Prodeus shall be played, because its Doom but better.
This week I will be mostly futilely fighting the future
Age of Calamity
Hyrule warriors, story is just soo amazing man o man, i seriously cant wait for botw 2 with the way this story goes, loved it.
Probably some more Luigi's Mansion 3! Still snooping up the Gems and Boos. Not even played Floor 12 yet.
I've been obsessed with Lonely Mountains Downhill! Other than that, Call of Duty modern warfare on PC and whatever comes up.
Yesterday I finished Spiritfarer. Wow, what a game! While I love my ACNH, in some ways Spiritfarer is better. The artwork, the music, the gameplay and of course the story line all work together to make this game transcendent.
Spiritfarer is an experience I will not forget.
Happy gaming, everyone!
Before I get to my weekend stuff, this week I finished up Abzu, which was a nice, chill underwater experience, but I'm really glad that I only paid $2 for it as it was only an hour long. I also beat TMNT: The Arcade Game on my new Arcade 1up with my wife and daughter, as it marks the first game we've ever played through together as a family. Super fun time. We'll be playing Turtles in Time this weekend.
As for the weekend, I did manage to pick up Everybody's Golf on PS4 for $10, so it'll help fill in a golfing gap for me until hopefully Mario Golf gets announced someday. I imagine I'll play some Pure Pool on my Switch, as well as the new NBA Jam Arcade 1up that my wife and I built last night.
Age of Calamity all day! If i get to it i will finish ori and the will of wisps and there is always a bit of smash or iceborne(only pc) sprinkled in whenever the need arises
Smash, I’m aiming for all spirits. Fewer than 200 left but didn’t realise I’d need gold for shop specific spirits so I’ve hopped back on for this gold boosting spirit board event.
Warriors Orochi 4
Dragon Quest 11
and some Mega Drive
I’m playing godfall, sackboy: a big adventure and astro’s playroom on my ps5. Also maybe more shiny hunting in pokemon SWSH crown tundra dlc if I find the time.
I will try to complete Control and reduce my backlog for next weeks AoC purchase👍🏻
Today marks Yoshi's 30th Anniversary! So to celebrate I'll be playing some Yoshi themed games!
Xenoblade 2, no more heroes and valkyria chronicles
A love all of them <3
Divinity Original Sin 2, Stardew Valley, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.
@theWildLink Truly a mess, but there is little we can do, everything is out of our control nowadays.
Age of Calamity and maybe a bit of Pokemon Sword
Animal Crossing and various games on my new Series X.
Hyrule Warriors: age of Calamity plus this has made me decide to play once again Breath of the Wild. Will also be returning to Stardew Valley.
Finished XB2 today and will dive directly into Torna DLC. Also will play some DQ11S this weekend.
@Late I just bought Fire Emblem Three Houses on the sale last week and am going Black Eagle route, barely started - haven't played a Fire Emblem game since Shadow Dragon on the DS which was ... wow, nearly a dozen years ago!
I am closing in on the end of the post-game for Dragon Quest XI S — in Japanese! It has been a very rewarding experience advancing in the game and the language at the same time. Next will be 二ノ国 (Ni No Kuni). I am also hoping to squeeze in a little time with the New Horizons update, but I don't know if that will happen.
Well I am playing a Zelda game this weekend but it’s Links Awakening which I picked up last week on sale Halfway through so far and really enjoying this one. Some nice and relaxing light combat and puzzles , just great.
Would love to see more updates of GB(A) games , lets start with Advanced Wars ehhh Nintendo??
I would be playing Hyrule Warriors, but Royal Mail thought otherwise. I'll be playing Dead Cells mostly, instead.
Animal Crossing New Horizons every day. Also playing Ni no Kuni. Visually very beautiful, but I feel the gameplay is too many different jrpgs ideas thrown together.
Hopefully the first Hyrule Warriors, if I have time.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla, unfortunately there's nothing worth turning the Switch on for.
Age of Calamity is my life right now.. and will be for many weeks!
Still working on completing Pacman Championship Edition 2 Adventure Mode and might work towards unlocking the secret world in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. I want to complete all the levels in Mario 35 too but it's proving difficult as people keep selecting the same ones.
I also visited some random dream islands in Animal Crossing this morning but was disappointed by them...
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, Wargroove, and maybe some Xenoblade Chronicles: DE
@txa1265 Nice! It's a great game. I hope you have fun.
I bought it at launch and started with Golden Deer. I'm now on my second playthrough which I started near the game's one year anniversary. The first half went quite fast but I've slowed down since. Battles on Maddening mode take so much more time and I don't want to burn myself out.
Not Hyrule Warriors since a well known UK retailer failed to deliver it to me...
Even though I was going to wait a bit until I had less schoolwork, I couldn't help myself and bought Sakuna. What a gorgeous game, and the gameplay is extremely addicting. I enjoy every bit of the rice cultivation, I love how in depth it is.
Super Mario Maker 2 for some reason or another 🤔
I'm just waiting on a really old Fire Emblem game to land on Switch in 2 weeks. Maybe I should go back and play the DLC from 3 Houses......never did start that up
Switch is taking a backseat for me this weekend with the PS5 launch. But there’s always Picross on the go. Picross is life.
Definitely continue NSF Hot Pursuit Remastered. Such a fun game. I would be further into the career but I get stuck on some events because I want that gold!
As usual though once the beers start to pile up then I will kick back with Friday The 13th The Game and MH Generations Ultimate while blaring the amazing new AC/DC album PWR UP
Some Rune Factory 4 Special and ACNH.
I'm at work getting training this weekend on a new system and writing a semester paper, so gaming will be squeezed in there.
I'll be playing Rocket League tournaments. They're fun, and I really want that Righteous Gale boost, which can only be gotten with tournament rewards.
@Late I had to import that game a couple years back because I had replayed Hotel Dusk over and over. The sequel never came out stateside, but I managed to get an import copy pretty cheap. It’s a really good game. I felt like the localization was kind of bland (it was obviously someone who’s used to British English trying to write for Americans) but the storyline was good. I hope you enjoy, feel free to reach out if you want to chat about it. I’ve never met anyone else who’s played it.
I’ve got Trails of Cold Steel III queued up to play next on my Switch, but I’ve never played the first two games, so I dusted off my Vita to play those first. It’s definitely weird playing Vita after the past few years of playing on Switch. It’s so tiny!
Ocarina of Time Master Quest
Streets of Rage: Silent Hill
Sonic 2: Tails Unleashed
Super Princess Peach DX
Started on Secret of Mana on the Mana Collection. Love that game but not played it for soooo long, it's such a nostalgic treat. It's rare I get the Switch to myself these days, luckily my kids decided to play on their tablets this morning.
Also Darkest Dungeon on ipad, and probably resident evil revelations on 3ds if i don't get to go on the switch again this weekend.
I picked up Hyrule Warriors, so be getting some time in that. As well as the standard rotation of Fortnite and Witcher 3 on switch.
I've been taking a break from Mario, but I'm gonna try to continue my marathon with Paper Jam. Not particularly enjoying the game, but I want to finish it because the next game is Color Splash, and my brother and I were gonna try to play together it over Thanksgiving. Color Splash together with Origami King is kind of the reason I started this whole Mario Marathon in the first place.
Other than that, I'll probably take some breaks with Sniper Elite 4, Pure Pool, and Animal Crossing.
@SilentHunter382 what an awesome surprise from your brother
Today is F-zero's 30th anniversary so I will play some F-zero to celebrate it and remember that "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
Anyway, this year I wasn't interested in anything that came out on the Switch after Animal Crossing, so I will visit my island to check the new update and kill the final boss in Link's Awakening. Also will turn on my Gamecube and do some time attack at F-zero GX and speedrun Super Monkey Ball.
Started Animal Crossing about a week ago. I am hooked!
Super Mario 3D All-Stars, been playing Sunshine with the GameCube controller. Slightly annoying that the on-screen prompt to talk to characters is A when the button to press is B, but otherwise it plays how I remember it.
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered arrived yesterday. Got the PS4 version at launch and been having a blast, but now I can play local multiplayer thanks to cross-play. The kids have been having a great time.
Finally took the plunge and ordered the NES controllers for the NES app. Probably arrive early next week, so looking forward to playing NES games as I remember them for the first time in more than 25 years.
Got back into Witcher 3 on Switch, just in time too as I’m going home for a nice long holiday visit so it’s a perfect on-the-go time sink
No poll this week?
I’ll be playing mostly age of calamity this weekend but depending on progress within the game, I might swap back and forth with friends of ringo. Recently got back into it the other day and man am I mad at myself for even putting it down to start with.
Still waiting to have the funds to go buy AoC! So I ended up playing botw for a 3rd time and beat it last night. Tonight I'll play some AC Rogue and I can't decide to continue my playthrough of DQ11 or Ys VIII
This weekend is the bonus second community day event, in Pokemon Go for the month of November, so I'll be playing that and hopefully trying to get some shiny Magmar.
Outside of PoGo, I'll also be playing Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity as well, honestly it'll be the game I spend the most time with this weekend. I might also try and finish off Super Mario Sunshine while I'm at it, I started it a couple of week's ago, however, I never got around to finishing it.
Beyond that, I might play Super Mario Party at some point as well, though admittedly I only play that if the girlfriend wants to play a 15 turn game. I put in about five hours on my own (back when the game originally came out), since moving in with the girlfriend earlier this year, we've put in about another twenty-five(ish) hours.
Honestly, Super Mario Party is one of her favourite Switch games (along with Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, and Pokemon Sword). She's a very casual gamer, but I love that she's still at least into playing some games and has taken an interest in something I enjoy spending my time on.
Ingot the witcher 3 for pc for 11 bux so I'm gonna bust through that on my laptop. I got it on the ps4 and never played it. Wanted it for switch but not at more than 30 bux. So since that ain't happened. Laptop it is. On the switch a lil grid, a lil rayman
mainly Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Shogi in Clubhouse games.
Already have played some Pocket Card Jockey (3DS) and some Yoshi's Wooly World on the Wii U (playing co-op with my 5 year old) this morning. I started a new save file on Fantasy Life earlier this week, so I'll probably play some more of that as well. Will also check in on my island in ACNH at some point.
I’m very tempted to get Age Of Calamity with my remaining game voucher. The gameplay isn’t my favourite but I enjoyed FE Warriors even though I never finished it. The graphical style of BotW is so nice too.
The main thing stopping me is the fact the PS5 is here. Demon’s Souls is great fun, if that’s the right word. Just beat the first boss. Looks amazing and runs at a solid 60FPS. Astro’s is also brilliant. It almost feels like a Nintendo game!
Most of my gaming this weekend will be devoted to Secret of Mana on the Switch (Bopping around the Upper Land) and to a lesser extent Pokemon Go thanks to the Magmar Community Day today. Not sure how successful I'll be with the latter thanks to rain.
I'm still working in a few puzzles in Pushmo every now and again.
Have a great weekend! Stay safe, and happy gaming!
Started but not finished
FE3H (on second playthrough)
so plenty to keep me occupied today!
just got Paper Mario (Gamecube) - bought it from Ebay for 50€ plus 15€ shipping costs. Original PAL release in actually great condition (didn't expect that) and reproduction cover and case in Spanish (it was offered on Ebay France but came from Spain, Malaga ) - I am quite happy, cause here in Germany you have to pay at least 120€ to 150€ and above for a copy.
Can't wait to play it - I actually beat Origami King on Thurstday and liked it a lot (I didn't mind the battle system - kinda liked it actually.) So let me see, if Paper Mario - A Thousand Year Door is really that great.
Bit of super ghouls n ghosts for me xx
Not only am I not playing anything other than Hades, I don’t want to play anything other than Hades.
Sniper Elite 4 & newly updated Rush Rally 3 for me. Really enjoying both these.
Just finished The Messenger- fun little game!
I finished playing Pikmin 3 deluxe- I never played it on Wii U and found it to be meh. The Pikmin were cute and it was a decent idea but the story/characters were underwhelming for me and nothing was engaging enough. I thought I would like it more and I’m glad I rented it rather than spend $60.
I finally got around to Hyrule Warriors demo and it was very nice looking but I don’t like that style of fighting- it makes me want to play a proper entry with the dungeon and puzzle elements more than anything.
So I suppose I may give Pokémon Shield another shot or finally try Mario Sunshine in the next week.
I am still playing SMT: Strange Journey Redux. I am at 78+ hours, and will be taking a breather here and there with some of the Picross E games, as well as maybe some Ridge Racer 3d.
Primarily I will be playing Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, but I'll also be bouncing back and forth between Sniper Elite 4, Transformers: Battlegrounds, Cobra Kai, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Paper Mario Origami King, Torchlight 3, and back to some Hades again. So, my plate is full, but I'll definitely be having fun.
Super Mario Bros. 35! Finally made it to level 100, or 1* as they call it. Can one Luigi now? Or do I have to unlock all levels? I’ve two still to unlock. Also Super Mario Galaxy, just as joyous as I remember.
Hades and Ori 2. For all the people whining about 2020 being a down year for the Switch, two of the best third party games ever released for the console were released this year.
I'm currently playing Gears Tactics.
After a little over a month, I finally finished Ys Origin lmao. It was good overall (The final boss fight was so much fun) but it did drag sometimes. Now I'm currently 25 hours into Ni No Kuni, and I've started No More Heroes!
Still rocking GHOSTRUNNER. The new patch seems to have locked the frame rate and gotten rid of any hitches. Sure, the resolution is lower, but I playing just fine in handheld mode. Definitely the game I needed right now.
@baller98 Thanks.
I'll have to take a look into the game.
I'll be finishing up some back catalog since I can't afford any new games right now. Loving my revisit to Mario Galaxy, and find that the detached joycons work much better than the original imo.
Need For Speed on Switch, i muss win all Gold Medals !!!
@SlowPokemon I haven't heard much talk about the sequel either. According to my 3DS's activity log, I got Hotel Dusk in 2016. A good while after they'd already stopped selling new copies. Hotel Dusk was easy enough to obtain but Last Window was different. No one here was selling it. I knew I could get it from eBay but I never got around to it. Now I came across a used copy on a Finnish website so I decided it was finally time to grab it.
I haven't paid much attention to the localization. And since English isn't my first language, I doubt I'll notice anything. It's been so long since I played Hotel Dusk that I don't have anything to compare it with either.
There isn't really a good place to discuss about the game since I doubt a new thread would gain much attention but I'll share my thoughts in the Games You Recently Beat thread once I've finished it. I can tag you there once I do so you get a notification. If you want, that is.
Currently playing Poker Night at the Inventory, Poker Night 2, No More Heroes on Switch, and replaying Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Sonic the Fighters. might do some Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well.
@Late yeah that’d be great. I don’t check the community here.
Animal Crossing New Horizon, Zero Team, and Phantasy Star.
Need for Speed & Overwatch
Tried Divinity II again, bust just can't get into it. It's too much.
The switcher III
Prototype, xbo
Dark souls re, ps4
[T]/ praise the fun
I put Starlink down about 10 hours in around a year ago so I’m picking it back up. I’ll probably finish it this weekend.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity! It's my first push into digital games in the collection after the news about DOOM Eternal this week.
Finally obtained Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity! I would certainly play for at least 2-3 hours and probably would do the same every day!
I am playing Age of Calamity!
Finally I've defeated the Heart on A20 by Ironcrad,Silent,Defect.
Now I trying it with Witcher.
#SlayTheSpire #NintendoSwitch
I got into the Doom series around September and I just got Doom Eternal! It's been loads of fun.
I'm playing kasurasu world, the awesome math puzzle game that I never knew I could love so much (especially for like one dollar or whatever I paid for it). Also into Pikmin 3 deluxe, Super Mario Maker 2, Rocket League, Part Time UFO, Party Golf, Ring Fit Adventure, Fitness Boxing ( I wish Fitness Boxing 2 also ran at 60fps, but the demo is still fun...), Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Lonely Mountains Downhill.
@Varkster I haven't watched the Steins;Gate 0 anime and I really enjoyed the VN but even from that I think I understand what you're coming from there. The plot's pretty crazy and over the top right from the start rather than the slow build up that the first game has.
I can't comments on other games in the series as this is the first I've played outside the Steins;Gate games but Robotics;Notes Elite has felt much more like the first Steins;Gate. The pacing is fairly similar and most of what's happened so far feels at least somewhat plausible in real life. The plot and characters might not be quite as captivating as Steins;Gate (as that's a super high bar to meet) but it might be the type of thing you're looking for.
I have been playing Star Fox 2, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, and Pokemon Shield (which I am starting tonight!).
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Finally arrived at the Shadow Temple.
Halo: Spartan Assault (Windows Phone) - Halfway through the game now.
AlphaJax (Windows Phone) - This is broken now...
Spiderman Miles Morales ps5 and Demon Souls ps5.
Still at it with Dragon Quest 11. It's time to take down Mordegon, Lord of Shadows!
@PBNightmare I enjoyed Ni No Kuni - especially the story - but I did feel that the ending was a bit padded out.
This weekend I’ve dipped back into Golf Story on my Switch. However my main focus has been trying to finish Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros for the 3DS.
Finally playing the Outer Worlds here.
I beat What Remains of Edith Finch and am starting Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger iX now.
A little of AoC while preparing for a conference.
Finally got back into playing more of The Last Story last weekend. I'm enjoying it so far, but I've already had to google the first couple bosses because I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I'm still waiting for the moment when the battle system "clicks" for me.
Just the Zelda game thank you very much nintendo..
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