In frustratingly familiar news, EA has once again shown a depressing lack of commitment to its audience on Switch as the console misses out on a popular new FIFA 21 treat.
The company has unveiled that football legend David Beckham will be making a surprise appearance in the game's FIFA Ultimate Team mode; fans who play the game by 15th January 2021 will be treated to "an untradeable, one-of-a-kind David Beckham Item" to add to their squad for free.
It's a nice touch for footie fans looking to boost their squad, but as you've probably guessed by now, the offer doesn't apply to Switch. All other major consoles are good to go, but Nintendo fans – who are already having to deal with watered-down rehashes of games gone by – will miss out. Thanks to our very own football legend, Chris Scullion (well, reviews legend, at least) for spotting the news.
No official reasoning for the skip has been provided, although we wouldn't count on any truly legitimate reason being offered for anyone upset at missing out.
Oh dear.
Comments 59
And this is why I hate EA
Wasn't there a popular song a while back that described all this perfectly?
He (representing our side, perhaps):
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
She (in this case, EA):
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know
Anyone who was silly enough to give them money for this version of the game are just getting what they signed up for here so can't really complain. As long as people keep funding their poor practices, they have no reason to stop.
There needs to be some sort of alternative with these sports franchises.
Mario Strikers would help.
Whatever. Fifa is trash anyway
People who buy the Switch version of Fifa should recieve a "One of the dumbest person alive"-Badge
If we won't use F word now, then when? "F*** EA!"
I'll never buy anything from them. I stopped supporting them ever since they let Battlefield Heroes(their fps game) die. First by making it into p2p and once they had milked it enough the hackers took over. Never bothered to do anything about them... for years.
EA the worst thing ever
Not bothered about the actual player but they seem to be consciously insulting the audience of the platform
Par for the course
Pes should come to the switch rescue, the mobile version of pes is wonderful. I believe they can do more with the switch huge fan base.
@BCMT Challenge everything.
It hurts that that sentence makes me think of one of the best FPS games I ever played (Timesplitters Future Perfect)
I know almost nothing about football or "soccer"and have zero interest in it, but I know Beckham's legendary name, so how come he is not included in the standard game? I am aware that this may seem very ignorant to anyone who knows the slightest bit of the sport, the business, the game,...
And nothing of any value was lost...
And they don't even put Sims 4 on Switch when it's SUCH an obvious fit given Animal Crossing's success and younger userbase?!
I remember them snubbing the Dreamcast back in the day too. It's like they have a chip on their shoulder and think they're too serious for anyone other than Sony and Microsoft. I don't know, they've always had a funny mentality.
what cracks me up idiots buy this on the switch. seriously. EA better pray all the gods loot boxes dont get banned as they have hardly anything left to make games except update rosters in sports games etc
Who cares? “Football” both American and European is dumb.
Buy it on another system if you want it so much. EA is not keeping anyone from buying it.
Well I can promise you there's zero fans here (especially LA Galaxy fans) in Southern California that want him in the game
Nothing for me personally anyways...
sorry for those who actually wanted it
@mariomaster96 I agree that is a bad port, but as someone who loves football and doesn't have another console, I got FIFA 20 for sale ($15) and I don't regret it one bit, nor I feel dumb for purchasing it.
Now, at full price? Yeah, that's a bad deal.
EA is literally Lady Tremaine (Wicked Stepmother) that treats nicely Anastasia (PlayStation) and Drizella (Xbox) but being cruel to Cinderella (Nintendo).
@LUIGITORNADO Why is football dumb? Care to elaborate?
I will not buy another EA game then.
I will stick to PES 2012 on the 3DS as my go to footy game.
There was another Expansion again for The Sims 4. (Snowy Escape)
It was look really good but pricey.
My money....!!! 😭😭😭
The problem is EA have been allowed to get a monopoly on Football games. Theres a Wikipedia page for a list of football games and for PS4 13 out of 16 releases are PES or FIFA. They have a monopoly on the most popular sport on the most popular consoles. So when they decide its not worth supporting the Switch properly theres no path for anything else licensed to fill the void, which in turn empowers them to charge lots for minimal effort.
EA, when suits run a gaming company. A mere facsimile of their former self.
Kcuf EA! This is exactly why I don’t support them. They haven’t seen a dollar from my wallet in years & it will likely stay that way for some time.
That’s okay, because I’m ignoring EA, across all platforms.
You all make me so proud. sheds tear
Last EA game I bought was... ummm... I don't even remember. I think I recall it having a weird cartridge, though.
@Not-Geno Honestly what do yall still expect from those low-down theives -_-
@Moon Ooh ooh we playing the "recall the last EA purchase" game.
Mine unfortunately would be more recent. Dragon Age Inquisition for PS4. Would of been tempted with the ME Trilogy if EA didn't can the Switch ver. But even then at a deep discount or used. Shame they have things like the Star Wars license. Far better devs out there that could do the universe justice.
@Shambo He's not in the game because he hasn't played in seven years. He's become one of those legends of the game sorts, remembered for such feats as having such a devastating free kick that they named a movie after it, and getting sent off against Argentina. Including him is like including Charles Barkley in NBA 2K, or A Rod in MLB The Show, or a famous hockey player in a hockey game--which should give you some idea just how much of a 🍆 move it is to include him in most versions of the game, but not all.
So true.
EA: Our games don't sell on Switch so it's obviously Nintendo fan's fault.
This news baffles me. I don't get upset when businesses make business decisions, but I don't think that's what's going on here. I don't understand EA's continued dismissal of the Switch audience, and if I were a major stockholder you can be certain that the board would be providing answers to my questions. There wasn't money to be made on the Wii U, so when the unprecedented partnership never materialized, I was neither confused nor offended. There's money to be made on the Switch.
EA who?????what???they still around...
Ok, there needs to be something done to let EA know that Switch players aren't going take this. EA will continue doing this until something happens. And why is that? Because EA is no longer a company that is focused on making games but instead they're focused on making a product that will sell. I mean, they can make some cool games but they are all about profit now. If they, as a AAA gaming company, can release a much inferior product on Switch than other consoles, why not? I mean, I started playing EA games on the Commodore 64. Do you think that EA started out this way? No, because a lot of new developers are trying to make something that you will hopefully "like". You can tell the difference between EA and a good dev because if the game has problems, the devs put in a lot more work over trying to make the game better with patches and updates. Case in point, No Man's Sky and Imperator Rome. Both games came out and sucked BUT the people in these two companies listened to feedback, changed a lot of things and now the games are much better. They "care" and that is why I would rather support these two devs over EA. And also, EA will not change unless they start losing money or get hit with bad PR. To me, EA is just a dev or a company but they will never be a great or legendary dev in my eyes.
Stupid ***** sport anyway. Cricket is the greatest sport ever.
@ReikoMortis This is something any system owner should be doing. It amazes me people do not realise the potential of their franchises in the hands of other companies.
Switch owners don't need EA... we have Alpaca Ball!
that is why nba live sucks, i am glad we have nba 2k on the switch.
Is it going to be a walker? Oh wow a geriatric footballer, how exciting.
Ill ignore also, EA Who?
At this point its clearly just personal against Nintendo.
No Mass Effect
Need For Speed AFTER the other versions
They are only supporting Nintendo out of pressure from their stockholders. They are doing the absolute minimum and look forward to screwing the Switch users/Nintendo
To be honest, Nintendo fans should just skip EA.
And EA will continue to do this as long as people keep buying their games for the Switch. Of course if Nintendo customers don't buy EA's second rate offerings then EA will declare the Switch an unprofitable platform and stop selling Switch games altogether, but is that really such a loss?
Give us a proper Pro Evo (as if) and the fantasy is to sack FIFA after that
@Bizzyb : I can forgive Need For Speed coming out a little later. What I can't forgive is that the physical edition has a mandatory download.
EA offer no reason/insentive to buy on Switch, even taking features and perks away, then says trash like, "but it doesn't sell well on Switch..."
@Silly_G Like I said, it's personal at this point.
@JimmySpades Thanks for clarifying that for me. I know EA to be terrible, but that, after continuously giving Switch players and football / soccer fans a full priced half game... Using an eggplant to describe that kind of move is an insult to an eggplant. And then they'll use the low sales as an excuse to skip it entirely... Not that I'd miss them, but I know it's a popular series and Switch is a popular system, and it's bad business and bad attitude to constantly insult your consumers like that.
@Xylnox I've not heard of the other game but let's just talk about No Man's Sky and Hello Games in particular. They care? Were they caring when they were flat out lying through exaggeration about what No Man's Sky was going to be right up till launch? No they certainly weren't. Yes they've fixed the game and its apparently awesome now. Shame it wasn't awesome when it released or shame they had stickers covering the bit on the back of the box saying multiplayer. Companies care about money first. Consumers come a distant second.
Also for the folk banging the PES drum let's not kid ourselves there either. Konami are scum.
@Not-Geno There are actually several reasons.
@MarzipanD I 100% totally agree with you. No Man's Sky was a total failure at launch and should've been good. I was referring to after a game was out. Other examples are Diablo III, Destiny and Anthem (hopefully gets better). The devs didn't shake their hands off the game and instead worked and worked to make it better. That's what I meant.
Think I paid about £2 for FIFA 2014 on the PS4 from my local CEX a few months back. Paying more is pointless as the games hardly change from one year to the next and it keeps the dosh out of EA's hands.
@AndyC_MK Nah it's trash 😂 just my opinion though 😂
@AndyC_MK84 In terms of number of fans, cricket would be in the same realm as soccer. India, a country of 1.3 billion people, is mad for it.
@mariomaster96 There's absolutely nothing wrong with buying it, it's a perfectly reasonable football game. If you then buy any subsequent version, however...
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