Here we are at the end of another week, which this time brought us a seriously hot take on Nintendo's business practices, a Super Mario Bros. 35 bombshell, and the announcement of an iconic rerelease for Fire Emblem.
With the weekend now upon us, though, it's time to discuss our weekend gaming plans. Members of Nintendo Life have done just that below, and we'd love for you to join in via our poll and comment sections. Enjoy!
Jon Cartwright, video producer
I wish I got a little more invested in Pokémon Sword and Shield. I finished the main game, levelled up my party a little and just kinda moved on. Isle of Armor squeezed a few more hours out of me but this weekend I'll be returning to Galar once more and maybe this time the "post-game" will hook me.
The Crown Tundra just came out and this seems to be the real meat of the Expansion Pass. Not only is there an entirely new Wild Area to explore but Dynamax Adventures, which offers up legendary Pokémon from prior games, sounds like the time sink I've been waiting for.
I've also returned to my Persona 5 save which I for some reason abandoned around the 70-hour mark (we can pretend that's on Switch, right?) It probably is in an alternate universe.
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Hello. This weekend I’m going to be jumping into Green Hell, Creepy Jar’s brutal survival effort that so far has been absolutely hammering me with snake bites, parasites and all-manner of nasty, nasty ways to die so look out for that review shortly if I manage to make it out the other end of it all. Elsewhere I’ve finally reinstalled Valkyria Chronicles 4 and am adamant that I’m gonna get right the way through it this time without having my attention diverted by some other shiny new game...although I do quite fancy that Horace and Mario Tennis Aces is on sale right now...oh god, make it stop! Have a good weekend whatever you’re playing and stay safe out there.
Stuart Gipp, reviewer
Other than blitzing through Oddworld: New N' Tasty for review (keep an eye out for that one!), and some cheeky seshes on Shadow of Mordor (not Nintendo, shh, don't tell the lads!), I've been putting time into both G.I. Joe Operation Blackout and Transformers Battlegrounds, both for reviewing on here in the near future. Just call me "Mr Hasbro". Actually, please don't, that would be wretched.
As for my usual retro malarkey, I've been eyeing up Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, which remains conspicuously uncompleted by me. I'm just not sure if I can muster another playthrough of Mega Man 8. Jump, jump. Slide, slide...
Gavin Lane, features editor
I finally put Rogue Legacy to bed last week. Yes, I cheesed the final boss across the room with a constant barrage of throwing daggers from my Archmage – a totally legit strat! – and there’s now nothing standing between me and Hades. There was nothing standing between us before, apart from a mental barrier that didn’t want to have two rogue-likes on the go, but I'm sure you understand.
There’s tons of other stuff I might dip into. I went and bought Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit (or Luigi Kart Live, as my variant should be called), and I’d like to unlock the fastest 200cc mode and see how the cats cope with it. I’m also only a handful of hours into the excellent Horace, and I picked up Killer Queen Black for mere pennies on sale. And all that’s just the mere tip of the whopping-great iceberg which is my backlog. Whatever you do, don’t mention Game of the Year yet…
Ryan Craddock, news editor
Having wrapped up the first game in LEGO Harry Potter Collection this week, I've found myself diving right into the second, exploring the final few years of this bricky Hogwarts journey. It already feels like this game might be significantly bigger than the first, so it looks like I could be here for some time.
I've also picked up the physical version of Cadence of Hyrule this week – as I never played it the first time around – and also have Pokémon Sword and Shield's The Crown Tundra DLC to play. It's also my birthday today, so this is going to be a very busy weekend! Have a good one folks.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
I do believe this is some sort of record week for physical arrivals. My collection has increased by no less than eleven tiles, including game number #400(!)... and its not a “proper” Nintendo Switch game… or a game from 2020 even! At long last I have in my hands the physical Switch edition of Xeno Crisis! I can't believe I still haven’t been able to complete this game in single player.
It is also my game of the week despite some heavy hitters like Horace, Death Ray Manta, GoNNER2, Ys Origin, Transformers Battlegrounds, the dood with the attitude Prinny 1.2 Exploded and Reloaded and even Torchlight III all making into this weekend’s rotation.
Zion Grassl, video producer
At the moment, my slate is pretty clean! I do have a few games sitting on the sideline: The campaign of Pokémon Sword & Shield is staring at me as I write and I haven’t watered my Animal Crossing island in weeks…but I also don’t really feel any urgency to get back to them. I have a big stack of games in my room that I consider “my backlog” and I’m in debates about pulling something short and sweet out of it for the weekend!
Metroid Prime, the original Pikmin or even Super Metroid are all prime contenders, but I’m also picking up my physical copy of Cadence of Hyrule today! Why can’t I just be limited to what I have, like when I was a kid? Someone please, just pick for me!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 105
Perfect timing. I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy on Switch. I'm currently playing (and nearly completed) Untitled Goose Game. I popped online to find out where the chrysanthemum is for the final task. (edit: Oops! Not so final!)
I'll get around to the Pokémon expansions in a couple of weeks when the cartridge version becomes available.
I've also been getting back into Animal Crossing so that I can collect the halloween goodies, but I've only booted the game twice this month, so, I'm not terribly optimistic that I'll be able to collect all of the recipes/items. I'm frankly bored going through the same old routine day in and day out at this point, and far too much has been excluded from past games to maintain my interest.
I've also finally opened my Japanese Mega Man/Rockman 5 in 1 box and intend to gradually play through the original Mega Man games. Two Point Hospital has been a lot of fun too, though I wish the fast forward setting moved things on a little faster as the experience can become monotonous when there isn't much to do except to accumulate profits and stave off money-hungry staff.
Team sonic racing. And sonic mania. A sonic weekend
Probably The Red Lantern, Pokémon Sword, Paper Mario OK and G.I.Joe Operation Blackout.
I'll probably play some Super Mario 3D All Stars (Super Mario Sunshine), get that 5th star on my save file in New Super Luigi U, some Link Between Worlds and possibly Super Mario Maker 2.
@Ewaldus I recently 100%:ed Paper Mario OK. Kind of disappointed by the "secret ending" but it was still worth it. How far have you gotten?
Since the pokemon in the dynamax adventure appear to have a 1:100 chance to be shiny I'll be shiny hunting this whole weekend
@Gamerboy19 I’ve finished two streamers so far. I just entered the desert.
The game is funny so far but I’m definitely not going for 100%.
Still lots to do!
Since Hyrule Warriors will have to wait thanks to the PS5, I might go back to BOTW for a bit. Also trying to finish 13 Sentinels on PS4 soonish.
Yakuza kiwami 1 on ps4. Been really enjoying it. Already played 3 last year and loved that too. Can’t wait for 7!
PS - is anyone still playing Super Mario Bros. 35?
This week I will be mostly playing
Star Fox Adventures
Pokémon White
Crown Tundra and Kirby Clash for me.
This weekend I'll be mostly trying to Platinum 13 Sentinels..finished the game last night but I only have a few trophies left so I may as wel! go for it.Fantastic game even if the story did make my head hurt..
I'm also on the final chapter of the excellent Tokyo Exanadu Ex so I'll be busy with that one too.
Mad Max on Ps4 and Paper Mario on Switch will also get a look in.In Paper Marios case I'm after the final stream so can't be far off the end for that either.
Well, im still playing ACNH
Pretty much the same as last week. Dragon Quest 11S and Ghostbusters.
Continuing my dive into Atelier Ryza, about 20 hours in now and it is turning into a beautiful experience. It's an upgrade in every way from my last Atelier venture, Lydie and Suelle. Better engine, better combat, better alchemy system and much better protagonist.
There are a few things I could criticize, but overall this is a great game. I watched the fan-subbed Ryza 2 presentation yesterday and am feeling increasingly hyped about the next game, too.
I injured my leg at work and can't move around much, so no Ring Fit Adventure or any other exertion this weekend. At least I have a valid excuse for not doing yardwork.
The first Hyrule Warriors, for me! Waiting for my Cadence of Hyrule copy, and totally hyped for Age of Calamity! 🥰 A Zelda weekend and a Zelda month!!!
Hades and Crown Tundra for me.
Probably just focus on Mario Sunshine this weekend and might start Crypt of the NecroDancer (had it downloaded since it was in the sale but not played it yet)
Animal Crossing New Horizons! I think tonight will be my 28th K.K. Concert. There are so many design ideas for the island, when you put together all the items. I have a town area with restaurants, gym, arcade, library. I have a "wild" area as well as spots for my different fruit tree orchards. Like Mario Maker, this game really allows for a lot of creativity.
Also: I dived back into Grid, good racer. And continuing The Last Campfire. So far, it is a relatively easy puzzle adventure with a sweet story.
Happy gaming everyone!
I'm gonna start today with mario 64.
I think I’ve put 10 hours into The Crown Tundra already and still got a ways go to the end of story (I get easily distracted). Will be trying hard for shinys and getting into the new VGC meta also.
@skulltulips I'm gonna play it this weekend.
Continuing with Xenoblade Chronicles, just started Chapter 14. So good.
Also on the last tournament in Golf Story. Also so good.
The Crown Tundra release reminded me that I'd yet to start the Isle of Armour, which I'm now playing. I'll probably move straight on to second one when I'm done.
Final Fantasy IX, it has such a wistful atmosphere.
With my Switch still in repairs after this week's sudden hijinks (like I said, heavy suspicion is on the memory reader slot, although I'm not tech-literate enough to imagine what could happen to its ribbon cable or other parts in a flat immovable surface I've barely even removed the current card from - and no, never with the power on 🤔), the weekend's full focus is on my other portables. Mostly 3DS and Vita, including the oft-visited Spirit of Justice and Virtue's Last Reward respectively, also LCU The Chase Begins and potentially other backlog playthroughs like Strange Journey Redux, God Eater and/or Liberty City Stories.
I'm certainly in no position to complain about losing access to one portable game library out of at least five.😄 But you know my attitude to Switch as well, so there are sentiments I can't deny:
Either Alien Isolation or FFXV if I get the time but between making art and caring for a baby there’s so little time these days!
On Switch, on my third play through with Stardew Valley. The early game seems the most interesting. On PC I got my Pro Controller working with Arma 3! Though it's very slightly too slow in a firefight.
After rage-quitting, I did pick back up and beat Ys Origin a couple of days ago (it was pretty good, but stands as my least favorite Ys game right now). So yesterday I ended up starting my LRG copy of Shantae and the Seven Sirens. I'm enjoying it, but I have no idea where it will stand for me. I've got a hunch that Pirate's Curse will always be my favorite though.
Most excitingly, I picked up my first 1upArcade cabinet (Golden Tee) last night, and my wife and I got it put together by the end of the evening. I absolutely adore it, and the game is super fun. With 4 games containing 3 huge courses each, I can see this having infinite replay value. It'll certainly keep me busy until my TMNT and NBA JAM cabinets arrive next month. Even my wife was hooked on Golden Tee, which is a testament to how well it's designed, since she's never played a golf game before.
This weekend it will be smashbros, zelda and sniper elite 3.
Next month i will purchase pokemon sword, hyrule warriors and sniper elite 4.
Cant wait!! Christmas starts early hahah.
Bit of the daily Animal Crossing, and maybe finish Crown Tundra. Started it last night but the DLC for the game goes by so fast!
Still have to complete Okami on my PC but that would be too many games for one weekend, need to do some proper work...
Finished GI Joe yesterday. Gonna finish off the collectibles this week. Time to start Transformers. I'll throw some Hades in there and some PGA2K21 too.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Black Eagles. Just finished the battle where you need to defend the monastery after time skip. Making slow progress.
Maddening wasn't all that bad before time skip but now it's actually quite maddening. This story battle wasn't actually that difficult but the paralogues I finished before it were just awful. I'll go back to Hard next time even though that is bit too easy.
SAMURAI SHODOWN NEOGEO COLLECTION - Got my collector's edition earlier this week. Playing each game's arcade modes for now and then I'll wait until I have other people to play with before I touch it again.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Finished the second part of the story this morning. The Mega Man 2 reference at the end was funny. I should've gotten this game earlier. It's really good. I actually like it more than Castlevania 1-4.
Toki Tori - Finished the game earlier this week. Going through hard levels now.
Super Mario Sunshine (All-Stars) - Done with 64 so now it's time to play Sunshine. Not sure how far I'll go when it comes to completion. I want to at least beat the game since I've not done that before. I've played it before and got to Corona Mountain but stopped there. Everyone says going for the blue coins is not worth it but maybe I'll at least get all the shine sprites.
Happy Birthday!!!
Hoping to finish Wario The Shake Dimension on Wii. Great game with nice graphics and I really like the music too, for me it's better than New Super Mario Bros Wii. Not sure if I can complete the final boss without taking ANY damage though, that's going to be ridiculously hard so might leave out that challenge.
Also Isle of Armour as I need to catch up now The Crown Tundra has been released.
Trying to get 100% on HADES is taking a long time but I do so love the little snippets of story I get doing so. I know when I finally fully complete Hades I'll remember it always because it's a warm and moving experience with awesome Greek gods, a banging soundtrack, and lovely comic book graphics.
@Late In Sunshine 10 blue coins gets you a shine sprite, so you won't be able to get them all unless you get all blue coins. It's really hard to find them all but I used video guides, they have condensed ones on YouTube where you see all the blue coins in a level in 5-6 minutes so it's easy to find the missing ones. Just depends on whether you want to do that though, even with the guide it takes a while.
I want to be more active so this weekend I'll try get in some of the fantastic LET'S SING QUEEN that gives a surprisingly good bit of cardio via singing. Then I'll take things up a notch by returning to RING FIT ADVENTURE and FITNESS BOXING if I can! Happy gaming all!
Cadence of Hyrule for me as I was waiting on the physical version too arrive. (I would have been very surprised if you didn't add it to the list)
That's it really, I've been playing it exclusively since I started it up. My plan is to 100% it (complete all prophecies, max all weapons, keepsakes and item levels) but if I'm tired of playing I'll stop.
So far however, even after 75 runs I just can't stop playing and it's still incredibly fun. I'm not even a fan of roguelikes usually, in that genre only Binding of Isaac managed to grab me as much as this game.
For me this game came totally from left field and it's easily my game of the year at this point. I recommend anyone with even a remote interest in rogues or action games to buy this game.
The graphics, music, voice acting and overall writing is absolutely brilliant and top quality. The gameplay is just as good with enough precision and variety to keep every run interesting and fresh.
I'll be replaying Luigi's Mansion 3 this weekend, as I'm gonna try and get in the spirit of Halloween. Outside of that, I'll also be playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Pokemon Shield for a bit as well.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered on Xbox..
Last weekend I knocked out both Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and (for the first time ever) Super Luigi U. Luigi U was probably my favorite of all the NSMB games. I loved those quick fire levels. I'm on Dream Team now and just got to Dozing Sands. Gonna try to knock it out this weekend and then move on to 3D World. Since the Switch version is coming, I'll just be taking the quickest route to the credits that I can. Want to leave the majority of the game fresh for that version.
I'm also taking some breaks with Sniper Elite 4. You can imagine I'm feeling a bit of Mario fatigue by now. I have to say though, despite all the forced tutorials in Dream Team, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did Bowser's Inside Story. The visuals and soundtrack in Dream Team are absolutely fantastic, and I much prefer exploring Luigi's dreams over the inside of Bowser's body.
Oh, and my sister just gave her husband a Switch, Mario Kart 8, Animal Crossing, and Breath of the Wild for their first anniversary, so I may see if they want to do some online play!
Bold titles were skipped or are going to be skipped
PROLOGUE: Star Children
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's Island DS
PART I: Let's-a go!
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Wrecking Crew
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros 2 - The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2 USA
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Land
Super Mario World
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Donkey Kong 94
Super Mario RPG
PART II: Adventures Untold
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
Luigi's Mansion
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Princess Peach
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
PART III: A New Beginning
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
PART IV: The Stars Align
Super Mario 3D Land
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
New Super Mario Bros. U
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
New Super Luigi U
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team <---at Dozing Sands
Super Mario 3D World
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Paper Mario: Color Splash
Super Mario Run
PART V: Jump Up, Super Star!
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Super Mario Odyssey
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: The Origami King
I'm such a broken record every time with this topic. The beers will be flowing in higher amounts this weekend (got my lay off notice on Friday. You suck, COVID!) so I'll mostly be playing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate since I can still play that pretty good sauced. If I'm not too sauced I'll be playing Tetris 99, Smash Brothers Ultimate(I'm a glutton for punishment), and maybe Friday the 13th The Game. 3D All Stars maybe but I'm in no rush to finish Mario 64 since it's all I have left in that collection.
Picked up Alien Isolation from the US eshop (worked out about £15) so I'll be mainly scaring the bejesus out of myself.
I’ll be finishing Horizon Zero Dawn this weekend, continuing to explore the Foundation in Control...
And on my Switch I’m getting pretty far in Planescape Torment
I finally finished Xenoblade Cronicles! (Loved the main game, one of the finest RPG i had the pleasure to play, had to slog through future connected, that one is not torna i assure you) now cadence of hyrule to clean my palate before starting FFXII (for the tenth time)
Pokemon Crown and Armor. I also am trying to find a few Pokemon. I need to Hatch some eggs too. Pokemon Home makes it easy to find the Mons I need to complete the Dex. I'll be playing Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town, the Lake Mine has a lot of expensive jewels. I have been able to upgrade and buy so many farm animals because of the mine. You don't even have to go that deep to make thousands. I can't figure out what what the deal is with all these different types of cows. There's a normal cow, a coffee cow, and a fruit cow.
Pokemon (of some soft) with 40% of the vote! Nice. I know I’ll be playing it all weekend long (when I’m not watching football).
Going to (hopefully) beat Tokyo mirage this weekend and start up either xenoblade 2 or 3 houses. Tried playing xeno 2 a couple times and when I finally got into it some game that I had anticipated for a while came out can’t remember so it was abandoned. 3 houses I can’t tell u why I got distracted and I still am upset about the fact that I didn’t even finish the first house... yeah maybe 3 houses needs to be next
I'm finally starting the Pokemon Isle of Armor DLC. It's not so bad, the environment is cool and the characters are pretty lively.
I am fiddling with Ocarina of Time on 3DS, but the game that’s really got its hooks into me is Outer Wilds (PC). It’s an utterly compelling mystery, and it’s keeping me from starting DQXIS on Switch.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Arrived in Zora's Domain to begin the third dungeon.
The Walking Dead: Season Two (Vita) - Starting on Episode 4, Episode 3 was really messed up....
AlphaJax (Windows Phone) - Still playing here and there.
I've been playing Breath of the Wild again lately, just to run around and explore, so I may do more of that this weekend.
I was finally able to execute the glitch (using a metal crate plus the Stasis and Bomb runes) to leave the Dark Beast Ganon area, but I found that I was unable to reenter it when I was finished exploring Hyrule. Anyone got any ideas on how to reenter it?
Pokemon Sword/Shield, completing Crown Tundra DLC. Finished the story portion and on to getting the legendaries from Dynamax Adventures and the Galarian star tournament.
Once finished, I'll be returning to DQXIS where I'm at the final boss.
Just bought a used Eye camera and Move controller for my PS3, as I want to play the 2 Resident Evil on rails Chronicles games.
Am looking into buying a gun controller as well to attach the Move controller to, so I really can please my inner Dirty Harry, Charles Bronson etc.
Don’t ask me why, but I’ve been revisiting some Wii games lately. Just wrapped up DKCR this morning. Up next: Kirby’s Epic Yarn.
@Lionyone Thank you very much! 😊
Monster Hunter Generations, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate
As for the Nintendo Switch I'm reliving a bit of my childhood by playing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD (I had no idea there was a switch port), Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and Super Mario 64 and Sunshine from Super Mario 3D All-Stars. I'm also going to replay Amnesia the Dark Descent for Halloween.
Mostly Fez on Xbox 360 so far, but have several other games I’d like to get to if work permits....
I made it to the end credits in Super Mario Odyssey but am still collecting Moons and working my way through the post-game content at my leisure. It's an excellent 3D Mario game, arguably one of the best 3D platformers I've played in recent memory.
Shortly, I'll be starting Grim Fandango Remastered on the Switch. I've decided it'll be my Halloween game for this year. What better way to celebrate than to start with an old PC classic?
I've also recently started Untitled Goose Game (also on Switch). Who knew how enjoyable it is to play as a foul fowl trolling hapless villagers? Hit me with a broom, and it gets broken AND hidden....
As usual, I'll fit in a little Pokemon Go. The Halloween event has started, and I want that Galarian Yamask....
Have a great weekend! Happy gaming!
I'm playing Undead Darlings, and I have to say, it's a really fun game. The writing has some crude humor, but other than that, it's enjoyable.
And since it's double xp weekend, I'll be putting in some time into Rocket League.
Have a great weekend everyone!
@gaga64 NICE! I really want a port of Star Fox Adventures for the Switch. My Gamecube broke ages ago and I sold my Star Fox Adventures copy when I was younger and in desperate need of money. Boy, do I want to play that game again.
I will be playing Underhero myself! Been loving the story/gameplay so far!
Pokemon FIRE RED on GBAsp... ohhh yea!!
Pokken Wii U
Virtua Fighter 5 final XB360
Picross 3d 2 3DS
I have been playing Saints Row 4 for the last couple of weeks. Not as good as Saints Row 3. I am playing it in handheld mode. Really dislike how the whole game takes place at night. The screen is too dark. Having said that, I am having some fun with it. Will probably play Mario Galaxy after I complete this game.
Playing some Overcoocked 2 with my brother!
Cadence and Galaxy 2
Mmm Mario 64 for me again. Bit of tropical freeze. Layers of fear legacy got last nite so will try out. Luigi mansion 1 during the week. Take care everyone xxx
I like to keep it spooky this time of year so I'll be playing, Doom 2, Doom 3, Demons Crest, Super Ghost & Goblins(or is it ghouls & ghost?), Toki Tori(castle world only) and Resident Evil (GC remake).
Oooh, Luigi's Mansion 3!!!
I gave Xenon Racer another shot because it's around $2 in the EU eShop right now. But boy ... when Unreal Engine ports go wrong, they really do go wrong big time.
Apart from that, still never made #1 in Mario35.
And of course the usual 3-4(0) daily Overwatch matches.
I work the next seven days in a row so I don't have much time to play anything major - but I did buy Ikenfell yesterday and started it this morning before work. The game is fantastic, charming, and a blast to play. I'm trying to squeeze some time into that this weekend, if possible, and if I'm not too tired.
More New Horizons, as usual. Recently I started replaying A Link Between Worlds so I'll be playing that too!
Supraland! I've been keeping an eye on it for a while and now I'm downloading it. It's a first-person adventure with puzzle elements, the physics-based puzzles look fun
Also I've bought Mortal Kombat 11 on sale, I'll try it later, looking forward to it
For some reason I am in a racing mood this weekend so it will be
Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One) Just opened my third festival site, The Outback so interested in hitting those races.
Horizon Chase Turbo (Xbox One). Got back into this one again. Trying to get the Super Trophies for each race now.
I just beat Spyhunter (3ds) and Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology.
Spyhunter was much more fun than expected and Radiant Historia was absolutely amazing.
Now I am back to SMT: Strange Journey Redux (phenomenal game), and my Halloween game is Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys (DS). This is a funny, but overall ok game, but nothing special. Got a new copy for a screaming deal, though.
Aside from Cadence of Hyrule, I recently bought many games due to some great discounts. I've been playing Link's Awakening, Breath of the Wild (in VR), Starlink, Super Mario Party, and Let's Go Eevee.
I'm playing the Crown of Tundra
Wrapping up Borderlands 1 dlc, before moving on to Borderlands 2.
BOTW and Octopath Traveler.
Just picked up 3D All-Stars this past Wednesday, so I'll be playing that. Haven't played any of the games before, and I'm looking to 100% the collection, so this might take a while 😂.
DQXI. So good it'll probably end up making my all time top ten by the end.
Yet more Zelda BotW! 😂 I am taking my time and doing only the things that I want to do to evade monotony, which happened in my 3rd or 4th playthrough. So far it has been working. Not to mention that I have discovered many areas with luminous ores and new koroks.
For the first time, I have upgraded most of the Soldier's Armor to level 4 instead of focusing on the Ancient Armor. As you may expect, I left the middle part of the armor for last as I have the Champions Tunic in level 4 already, but will find the last 2 Lynel Guts to have the armor completely upgraded.
Oh, and I have only cleared 2 divine beast, so I still have like 60% of the story plus the DLC (only cleared the Beginning Trials of Trial of the Sword). The freedom of this game really make each playthrough different!
Mario Sunshine on GameCube. Stupid Mecha-Bowser... Also Star Wars Squadrons on PS4 and Secret of Mana on SNES Classic.
Happy birthday @ryancraddock hope you’re enjoying your day. I’ve been playing Super Mario Bros. 35 and having got all 120 Stars in SM64 during the week, I’ve moved on to Sunshine as I’m doing them chronologically... which means I’m saving the very BEST for last! Have a great weekend, stay safe everyone.
Seems real odd to me to treat the Pokemon DLCs as separate choices.
Anyway, Pokemon and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for me.
Been playing The Crown Tundra most of the day. Completed two of the main quests. Having a good time so far. This is definitely the meatier of the two parts of the DLC. I doubt I’ll pick up anything else until I finish it off and grab some legendaries.
Some Splatoon 2 (gotta get ready for next week's Splatfest)! Haven't decided what else yet.
Still trying to get through Conkers Bad Fur Day. I keep dying and the game doesn't tell you anything about what to do!! But somehow I believe I am 3/4 way done.
I’ll be playing Ark, and I’m really eyeballing Heart & Slash since it is on sale. I love Green Hell but I haven’t been able to tear myself away from Ark for about a week.
After 240 hours I finally finished Xenoblade Chronicles DE to 100% completion. Now I'm working through Ys Origin, and Tales of Vesperia! Might make Fire Emblem: Three Houses the next game I complete to 100%
Crown Tundra on Switch and the Halloween Overwatch event and Trials of Mana on PS4. I'm resisting the urge to do my second run of Three Houses so I can play through my backlog a bit.
Fire emblem 3 houses babyyyyy
crown tundra, and colors!live(pre-released to backers/pre-orders yesterday)
Ys origins 2nd play threw and I bought pumpkin Jack. Why its not in the list idk...
Playing Mario Odyssey, I've just collected enough moon to get to the darker side..
I always look forward to @Anti-Matter’s comments at the weekend, haven’t noticed him around lately though? Hope everything is alright!
@Slowdive ok, thank you.
@AmplifyMJ Thank you! 🙂
This weekend I've been really enjoying playing Under the Jolly Rodger (aka Tempest) for fun on the high seas. It was discounted recently, definitely worth picking up next time the discount comes about.
I don't list these cause I play them routinely, but they are the main things I've played-- Jump Rope Challenge, Fitness Boxing and Ring Fit Adventure. Other than that, I'll be literally contemplating which off these to play next this coming week (one from the first set and one from the second):
Horizon Chase Turbo, Framed 2, and Art of Balance will be sprinkled in.
Finished off Skyward Sword (all the hearts, cubes, crystals, etc.), and getting back on Octopath Traveler. And if the Switch is occupied, I'm going to start on The Last Story.
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