In recent weeks, rumours have resurfaced about a more powerful variant of the Nintendo Switch launching in 2021.
With this in mind, development studio Fractured Byte recently posted a job listing seeking a C++ game developer (familiar with Switch) to work on an Unreal Engine project. The genre is a "shooter" and one of the tasks is to "aid shipping games like Borderlands and Borderlands 2 for Nintendo Switch". Attached is a link to Digital Foundry's Borderlands Switch analysis.
YouTuber Doctre81 - who discovered this listing - speculates the "shooter" this studio might be working on, which is still supposedly in the early "planning stages", is a port of Borderlands 3 for Switch.
According to Fractured Byte's official website, the company offers "game porting" services. Upon further investigation, it's the same studio that collaborated with Turn Me Up Games to help bring Borderlands: The Legendary Collection to Switch. In addition to this, the studio assisted Turn Me Up with the Switch version of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.
It's worth noting the Borderlands games already available on Switch are powered by Unreal Engine 3.
Given the history of Fractured Byte, its ties with Turn Me Up, the mention of this game being a shooter, and the job specifically requiring an individual who can work with Switch and ship games like Borderlands, well...maybe the Doc is onto something.
In saying this, Borderlands 3 was only released last year - could the Switch handle it? While it was released on UE4, who knows what magic a developer could work. This is also where the rumours about a more powerful version of Nintendo's hardware come into play - potentially providing a much-needed boost to run certain current-gen releases available on other platforms.
Doctre81 previously uncovered evidence of The Witcher 3 on Switch well before its announcement, and in more recent times found a Killer7 Switch listing on a LinkedIn profile, which was later on confirmed as not being "in the works".
Do you think a game like Borderlands 3 could possibly be on its way to the Switch? What other "shooters" do you this development studio could perhaps be working on? Share your thoughts down below.
Comments 37
The source of this news is a Gaviscon ad? Damn xD
@Alexzan Borderlands' humour gives me indigestion, so it's apt.
BL3 would be welcomed on Switch, but a physical release would surely require a mandatory download, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
@Alexzan That's called a YouTube ad, I believe.
Then it turns out to be the long awaited port of Shadowgun Legends. Lawl.
Destiny 1 would also be a welcomed addition, though
Yawn! More rumours no facts
@Alexzan The source is the YouTube channel Doctre81.
@Liam_Doolan Yeah I know, but I thought it was funny (probably only for me tho)
@Alexzan Oh right - got it.
@Magician Yeah, I'm guessing it would.
Rumor: Someone is possibly working on something.
Find it unlikely considering Borderlands 3 apparently doesn't run great on the base PS4 but would be happy if they manage to pull it off and it runs well.
the other ports are great
I don’t have much confidence with UE4 games on switch with my experiences, the most recent being Outer Worlds. That’s a great game but am holding out for a patch to hopefully clear up those visuals abit
The Twins are cringy as hell but the game itself is a blast. I would consider double dipping if it was done well.
I would love Borderlands 3 on the Switch. The Calypso twins and Ada are the most annoying video game characters in existence but to have this game on my favourite hybrid console would be amazing. Who knows, all these rumours about a more powerful console in the works may allow for easy porting of current gen titles.
No, I think that it's really for a 3DS version.
There is nothing special BL3 does that the Switch could not.
“Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies!”
More Borderlands? Yes please!
How many times has Doctre been wrong by now? i don't have enough fingers to count
I'd actually really like BL3 on Switch. The other three games are better as far as I'm concerned, but I'd like the full series on the system.
This is one of those franchises, like Bioshock and Elder Scrolls, where I actually enjoy playing through them again every few years, and playing on different hardware is a good way to mix it up a little.
With recent announcements about continued support for the game, and potentially cross play, if Gearbox go full out and add crossplay across all titles, then I'd be a happy man.
@Jokerwolf exactly! I was so curious as to why they did the collection and NOT borderlands3 right off the hop. The game isn’t that technically advanced and you can make some changes to let it run and nobody would be the wiser due to the cell shaded look....
It’s the only borderlands game I haven’t played so would love this to be true.
But if i can't play with friends online, without a horrific lag, then no thanks Ninten... No thanks
@jcboyer515 seen a lot on Reddit about it running poorly but maybe it's been updated since. Fingers crossed cause I'm playing through the collection now and would love to play Borderlands 3 on Switch.
Once upon a time we had something called "conversions" where rather than porting a game, a developer would build a game to a system from the ground up but still using some assets from the original. A lot of home computers had these and the NES thrived from this being done (Contra was so much better on the NES than the arcade one, then there was Ninja Gaiden which ended up being its own game) were and the last one I remember was Capcom doing Dead Rising to the Wii but using the Resident Evil 4 didn't do well and not the best example of this but I'd like to see developers try this however I dont see publishers forking out for extra developer time.
Thank you RumorLife
"...rumours have resurfaced about a more powerful variant of the Nintendo Switch launching in 2021."
Yeah, we've been hearing rumors that a more powerful Switch is "just around the corner" since the day the original Switch was released.
And it will be on an 8gb cart with a 50gb download.
Borderlands 3 isn't exactly the most hardware-intensive game out there, so a Switch port is very much possible.
I heard a rumour that all rumours are made up.
Disclaimer: I may have just made up this rumour.
What do you people have against reporting on rumors? If it's tagged "Rumour", just don't click.
I was really scared of Unreal Engine ports for the longest time. They usually have some really ugly elements to it (Spellbreak, Steel Titans, Hunting Simulator), or are borderline horrible (Outer Worlds, Vigor).
But after seeing games like Hellblade and the Bioshock ports - which are downright amazing - I learned it is possible if you want to.
I thought it was already on switch
@CerberusAzdin When people complained about the 'woke' stuff people talked a bout in Borderlands 3 I was worried a bit (on the nose pandering is annoying) All I could find was 2 gay men in love presented in a way that was neither preachy nor stereotypical but by god did the characters you mention get on my nerve. but I guess atleast the two badguy are a mockery of fake social media personas you see so often on youtube and the like so I gave em that but Ada... was that SUPPOSED to be a parody of the so called golden child archetype? god she was terrible. even 2000's angsty nu-metal was not a cringe.
Would be cool if this is true. Still need to pick up the collection in Switch and it would be great to have the entire series on Switch too.
Taken as a whole this rumored DLSS AI 4K Switch coming in Q1 next year is starting to come from multiple sources, and with that as the great Jeff said it best "starting to get too long of legs for it not to have some element of truth..."
this is what gets on my nerves with the switch. it's either, the games skip the platform entirely and never make it, or they release so late, it's better to get them somewhere else because by the time it reaches the switch, the same game is like 30 bucks everywhere else.
And, i'm sorry but if i'm given the choice to buy a game at 30 bucks, i know will run decently on playstation or xbox OR get the same game, super downgraded, with possibly way more performance issues for 60$, i'll pick up the one that's 30 because it's less likely to be a waste of time and money.
I'm all in for more third party support on switch, for one condition: day and date release
Yes more Borderlands for Switch would be great.
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