Another busy week has been and gone, this time bringing with it a new Animal Crossing datamine effort, a new (but minor) Switch update, and plenty of retailer listings that may well hint at some major unannounced Switch games.
Thankfully, then, it's finally time for us to catch a breather. Members of Team Nintendo Life have gathered together to discuss our weekend plans, and we'd love for you to join in via our poll and comment sections below. Enjoy!
Liam Doolan, news reporter
This weekend I'll be allocating most of my gaming time to Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. I had the original Wii version but never got to spend enough time with it - like most JRPGs in my life - so this is a nice excuse to soak it all in once again. When I'm not playing that, I'll probably be in Animal Crossing: New Horizons making some Bells or button pressing to the beat in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix. I was also looking forward to finally playing Shantae and the Seven Sirens, but now that it has been delayed in Europe and a few other regions, I guess I'll just have to wait until next weekend.

Austin Voigt, contributing writer
I'm a bit embarrassed by my weekend plans, to tell the truth... I may be starting Zelda: Breath of the Wild over again, people. Look, I live in Minneapolis and things are intense here right now. I think we're all just looking for a bit of an escape. I can't think of anywhere better than Hyrule. Plus, I'm dreaming about the sequel and we're likely not getting that for a while... so, there it is.
Ryan Craddock, news editor
For the last few weeks, I've been playing through Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on the Game Boy Advance, and I've made it all the way up to Bowser's Castle. Annoyingly - and I'd almost forgotten that this was a thing in older RPGs - I've reached a point right near the end where I simply cannot progress without doing an awful lot of grinding. There are far too many games to play these days, so sadly I'm going to have to give up even though I made it this far.
Interestingly, it's made me all the more grateful that other successful RPGs like Pokémon have since done away with this grinding and have become significantly easier to beat in recent years. I think I've finally reached an age where I'd rather games be easier so that I can actually complete the things, rather than have something that takes up 100 hours just for the sake of it.
To quote the inspirational words of Blink-182, 'Well I guess this is growing up'.
Gavin Lane, features editor
I’d like to sit down and finally blast through the last few stages of Streets of Rage 4 this weekend, but time has been tight when it comes to playing games over the last few weeks, especially with turnip trading taking up the small windows of opportunity I do get. I also picked up a bunch of free games yesterday, so rather than consigning them forever to the ‘purchased-but-not-downloaded’ pile, I’d like to open them up at least once. Then there’s Mario Maker 2…
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
Still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for some reason. Again the eShop offered great choices for the weekend: Minecraft Dungeons, Missile Command: Recharged, SEGA Ages Thunder Force AC (finally!), Synaptic Drive and the delightful Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling all getting some play time. Mortal Kombat 11 is back on the menu thanks to the huge amount of new DLC contents of Aftermath (sponsored by OCP). I did pick up the latest 2K offerings, but… I don’t have the microSD cards to download the necessary extra data required to play them so I will just glance at them from afar.
My game of the week is unsurprisingly Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. By now I’m sure you are all tired of hearing me talk about it, so… lets really feel it!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 144
This week I will be mostly playing
Kirby Tilt n Tumble (extra mode)
Mario All-Stars: Lost Levels (as Luigi)
Mario Advance (as Toad)
I'm trying to clear Bravely Second and Astral Chain before tackling Xenoblade. So a busy weekend in the garden for me! ☺️
I just got monster hunter gen u while it was on offer so i will be probably playing that all weekend
I played Dragon Quest Builders 2 PS4 this morning and afternoon (6 hours gameplay by total, 3 hours each session)

The journey to indulge my Free Build is still long. I still have to finish the tasks on Moonbroke Island. I will continue again tonight.
After 70 hours in Animal Crossing, I am already tired of this game. I think that's enough.
Jumping between a few things at the moment. Still a lot of Animal Crossing but played through To The Moon which was great, started Alien: Isolation for a little bit, did a few runs in One Step From Eden and played a few songs in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA. I'll probably pick another new game to start tomorrow but not sure what yet.
Minecraft Dungeons (mostly) and Animal Crossing (if I have time). Dungeons is my first ARPG, and I'm really enjoying it!
Doing a Pokémon Sacred Gold nuzlocke and hoping to crack on with it... But every time my daughter sees my DS she demands we play Peppa Pig.
Picked up the Borderlands Handsome Collection on Switch and decided to play Pre-sequel as it's the only game in the series I've not played. Loving it so far great pick up and play game
Xenoblade will keep me busy for the next few weeks
Pokémon Stadium - trying to see if I can beat the game with only rentals.
Bug Fables is on the wish list although I may wait for a sale and I'm sure a limited physical company will acquire it eventually for release.
I may try Flipping Death too as that's been sitting in the backlog for far too long
I finished Fire Emblem Three Houses last weekend. Great game. Now it's on to Xenoblade DE, specifically Future Connected. I suspect this will be my answer for many weeks!
Still ploughing through Pokemon X. Enjoying it, but already thinking about switching back to Fire Emblem Birthright and finishing that first.
XC, with a smattering of Animal Crossing, Picross, and Slay the Spire (natch).
Still got to download thunder ac. Tempted to get satazius as well. Think i will also try Xc 3ds version. Will take it slow and have an hour with it. Same with Luigi mansion 3. Happy gamin everyone x x
Totally engrossed in Skyrim, playing as morally bankrupt Thief (Guild Master titled). 100% Sneak and 100% Pickpocket creates some interesting strategies. Also City Skylines and it's non-traffic intricacies.
I’ll be outside enjoying the glorious sunshine we are fortunate to be having right now ☀️ 😊
Oh, I'm just going to answer the next couple of weeks threads in this one.
Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Xbox One — Minecraft Dungeons — Downloaded this through Gamepass and my son and I are quite enjoying this game it's not as deep as say Diablo III but it has its charm.
Analogue Mega SG — A variety of Genesis games.
Miitopia on 3ds. I beat the game in 2017, and loved it so much, even the post game stuff was fantastic, but I decided to erase my old game and dive in anew so actually this is my second weekend playing since I did that. I’ve been playing RPGs since 1988 and this one is still my all time favorite (tied with Secret of Mana & Suikoden).
Went balls deep on the new releases. Borderlands collection, Bioshock and XCOM2. Fixed for months
I’ll be playing Moonlighter’s expansion, it’s great!!
As I made it to back Poland, it's very appropriate that I’m still engrossed in the Witcher 3.
Xenoblade chronicles definitive edition for sure, some more persona 5 Royal and some doom eternal
After not playing my 3DS XL for about 4 months I picked up Toad Treasure Tracker for it absurdly cheap... I have it on Switch and Wii U already but enjoyed the game so much I've got it again.... I will likely play some Mario Kart 7 and Kirby Triple Deluxe inbetween..... A 3DS weekend for me 😀
I'm revisiting old consoles and many games I've missed out on. So I finished Panzer Dragoon Saga last night, it has a great story and interesting battle system and now I'm onto Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast and a fan re translation of Phantasy Star IV for the Megadrive. At some point I'll be starting Xenoblade Chronicles but on the Wii
Xenoblade mostly! Still doing my daily stuff in AC though.
Animal Crossing and Kotodama.
Bioshock and Xcom 😁
Xenoblade DE for sure, and Dragon ball budokai Tenkaichi 3 vs my cousin.
PD: Mario Kart Tour too.
I’m surprised the recent 2k releases weren’t an option in the poll.
ACNH, SoR4, and Rygar for me.
Since my copy of Xenoblade hasn't arrived yet, I'll be mainly playing Hatsune Miku and Etrian Odyssey Untold. I beat Untold's story mode earlier this week but there's still more stuff to do so I might as well continue while I'm waiting for Xenoblade. I also started playing Lydia yesterday.
A bit off the beaten path... but I downloaded "Willy Jetman: Astromonkey's Revenge" last weekend on a total whim (the screenshots gave me massive Exile vibes), and I am absolutely loving it! Really lovely little game to get lost in for a while. Have a great weekend, guys, and stay safe.
About 5 hours into Xenoblade, and I’m finding the quest system an addictive way to progress. I can see how you might burn out on them but then you can collect a few without really trying.
Approaching 5 hours in and I’m just leaving the opening area to go in the caves.
Turning up the soundtrack makes the game even better.
I'm playing Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 on my rg350m.
Really like the idea of starting Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - but I’m near the end of Act 2 in The Witcher III, and after 100hrs I’m ready to try to burn through the main story. Assuming I don’t get distracted by side quests, question marks and treasure hunts...
Xenoblade, Minecraft Dungeons, MK11 and i want to try Tekken 7 for the first time. Any advice for that?
Still continuing on Fantasy Life, as well as Fusion Mode in Samus Returns.
However, I just got a copy of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light in the mail, and I am really enjoying it. I love seeing all of the little ways that this game is the precursor to the Bravely Default games, which are 2 of my favorite RPGs of all time.
I'm playing the steam version of Final Fantasy 3 DS, I figured out the secret art of connecting my laptop to my TV and being able to play PC games on the big screen, it feels so good to play that game and not being confined to the tiny DS screen.
Looking to finish Hyper Light Drifter today and will play Bug Fables straight after. Also started Ni No Kuni (Wrath of the White Witch) a few days back, so will want to progress with that soon before it loses my interest.
Well, i had planned to spend some time in the sun but as i fell asleep outside on a lounger yesterday for 3 hours im a little sore and red to say the least. I will be indoors with a fan blowing on me playing some XC2 and trying to move as little as possibe today id have thought.
Please let me know what new game it wil be, we have the same interest in games.
Borderlands, bioshock and XCOM. I bought them all. Should be set for the coming weeks 😀
For me it will be my dailey AC play.
I will be grinding streets of rage 4 a lot, done with al characters in story mode on hard, now we go on hardest!
I went to start Persona 5 Royal the other day but decided on Ni No Kuni 2 instead which has been in my backlog forever.Despite hearing a LOT of disappointment about the game upon its release I am really enjoying it!Going to be putting alot of hours in to this one.
Also on Ps4 I'm clearing up collectables in Lego DC Villains..my fave part of all Lego games to be honest.
On the Switch I'll be doing my daily Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.
This weekend, I'll be checking in with my Animal Crossing island, and playing Asphalt 9 with a Joy-Con Wheel as I picked one up this past week. Love the arcade driving feel. On the PC side of things, the classic game Theme Park, and since it finally launched in the US, Phantasy Star Online 2.
I would like to say that I'm playing Shantae and the Seven Sirens this weekend, but I opted for the physical version on limitedrungames, so I'll most likely be waiting for months to play it.
I would also like to say that I'll be finishing up Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, but the Not So Impossible Lair is absolutely destroying me. Even with the update, I'm not sure I'll ever beat it.
My wife and I did finish Moving Out last weekend, and oh my God, that Final boss was brutal. I do not believe the reviews that said this game was too easy. They obviously did not finish the final boss in co-op, or beat those Guava Juice levels without resorting to single player. Anyway, after many attempts, my wife and I beat the final boss with less than 30 seconds to spare. There were so many phases and so little room for error that our nerves were completely shot.
So with Moving Out done, we're cracking into Good Job!, and it's very chill, charming and hilarious. It's so cathardic destroying everything in the workplace and being a bumbling idiot. So much fun.
For Single Player, I've been hooked on Lonely Mountains Downhill. Opening up new mountains and trails has been addictive, as well as besting my times by finding all those dangerous shortcuts.
I’ve recently decided I want to Git Gud at Smash as I’ve only been a casual player up until now. Going to spend this weekend practicing my main boy Pikachu.
I'll be playing Xenbolade Chronicles Remastered as it is one of my favourite games of all time. I'll also be playing Ring Fit Adventure, one of my favourite Switch games which has proven its value more than ever these past few weeks.
Bravely second, is the game good?
As what can i compare it to? (Gameplay)
Thinking about getting the game, but something holding me back haha.
Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 2, Zelda Link's Awakening.
Xenoblade Chronicles and Bioshock collection for me this weekend!
@The-Chosen-one I loved the first one and this is good so far. It recaps you if you've not played the first game so you won't be lost.
It's like old school final fantasy four characters, turn based and a detailed job set up. There's a lot of story but the main missions are clearly marked on your map and text is skipable.
Battle system is hard to explain but easy to get to grips with. The only thing against it is that it's a little grindy but you can customise random encounters to be as much or as little as you want.
@Crozzymodo Haha Peppa Pig. I love how there is a forbidden Peppa Pig episode for Australia.
Xenoblade for the first time ever. Let's just say I can finally understand the hype!
Just completed Bowser’s inside story now I’ve started Xenoblade on 3ds 😎
the bioshock collection and just amazed how good a port it is. after being worried about no review copies before release a great port. the extra dl is annoying but they are great ports
Was supposed to spend my weekend playing Xenoblade Chronicles. That was until I got an email from UPS saying my Best Buy order was delayed until Monday. So looks like I will dump a little more time into Trials of Mana and maybe some ACNH to start working my island to 4 stars.
The Bioshock Collection. Well worth the money if you have never played it before. Very unique games and the best of the 2K releases.
Zelda BOTW and Assassin Creed Odyssey for me. 2 of the most amazing open world games ever
Turbo Grafx 16 Mini- Castlevania Rondo of Blood, Bonks Revenge, and R Type.
Neo Geo Mini- King of Fighters 98, 00, 02
PS4- Samurai Shodown
Switch- Shantae and Animal Crossing
I’ve had Xenoblade Chronicles downloaded and pre-installed for weeks but I’m going to hold off on that for a while. I just finished The Outer Worlds on the PS4 and don’t want to undertake another RPG. Instead, I’m going to be playing River City Girls and possibly BioShock.
Still playing Eartbound, Persoan 4 Gold and Metroid Zero Mission
Pokemon Shield! Started it this week and really like it. Not sure why people give it bad ratings yet, as I've had a blast so far.
I finally finished Dragon Quest XI S on tuesday. It "only" took me 85 hours.
I'm now playing something simpler, Ys Origin on the Vita.
Currently playing South Park The Stick Of Truth, Other than that my daily dose of Animal Crossing of course..
Xenoblade and BioShock
I'm playing the "Waiting for my XC:DE copy I ordered from Best Buy but it's now delayed and sitting in Louiseville, KY which has riots and whatnot going on" game.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
I'm very satisfied as a gamer right now.
I’ve got a good mix. I want to get 100% in Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, so I’m doing a fresh run for all the collectibles this time.
Also want to beat Paper Mario TTYD before Origami King.
I picked up Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition yesterday (canceling my delayed Amazon preorder and opting to get it at Walmart instead), and while I was there I snagged their last copy of Astral Chain, as well, though I won’t be playing that anytime soon, since I plan on thoroughly playing through Xenoblade again (and actually finishing it this time!) before tackling any other big games. I didn’t quite finish Golden Sun in time before Xenoblade released, so I’m hoping to pick at that here and there so I don’t lose track of the story, plus I’m kind of re-obsessed with N64 Rare games at the moment, and I’m playing bits of Diddy Kong Racing and Banjo Tooie.
My intention was to be among the legions playing Xenoblade Chronicles this week, but the game's arrival has been delayed until Monday. I'm not exactly pleased with UPS right now. I'm debating about playing through GRIS to keep my Switch somewhat busy this weekend.
I also started playing through Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls on the 3DS this past week. It's just as charming as the first game; I just wish the localization team had kept the setting in Japan as some of the Westernization makes no sense. XD
As usual, some Pokemon Go will sneak in every now and again.
Have a great weekend!
Animal Crossing, the BioShock Collection, and (once it gets here later) Xenoblade Definitive 😄
@Guitar_bard How do you like Fantasy Life? I've been thinking about picking that one up.
I've been slowly playing Animal Crossing New Horizons and Pokemon Sword. I am having a great time with both.
Continuing my adventures as Geralt of Rivia on Switcher 3.
While waiting on my copy of xenoblade to arrive, I grabbed bioshock remastered. So I'll play a little of that, cadence of hyrule(4th time lol) and. NBA 2k playgrounds 2.
Just finished the first Spyro game in the Reignited Trilogy. My kids have watched me play much of it and I had to resist turning the air blue during the final chase with Gnasty Gnorc.
I'll be starting Borderlands tonight with the wife and I'll find time after that for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Thanks for the reply! That convinced.
Just waiting for Clubhouse Games.
Mainly Xenoblade. It's such an improvement on the previous versions. Well worth buying it for a third time! LOL!
@SigourneyBeaver Also my third time buying the game too!
Xenoblade Chronicles! And maybe some Mario Maker 2 or Animal Crossing, but mainly Xenoblade.
Streets of Rage 4, with my oldest daughter. Having a blast
Xenoblade Chronicles, and I will be playing for the next couple months
I really hope Xenoblade DE sold REALLY WELL! It's my all time favorite game and I'm hoping that they bring Xenoblade X to the Switch next year!
Still playing Hollow Knight, but my goodness, my gaming list has gotten crowded. Borderlands, Bioshock, XCOM 2, Xenoblade DE, Savage Planet, Shantae, Outer Worlds, Bug Fables... someone wire me some funds please.
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition (Switch) - Just starting out in Fyrestone.
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Might be a bad idea to play two open world games at the same time...
Monster Burner (Windows Phone) - Still plugging away at this.
So many new games to play over the weekend.
I started Bioshock Remastered last night, so I'll definitely be playing that. A little bit of Animal Crossing each day also as usual. Also I have been playing Zombie Army Trilogy online a lot this past week, so I'm sure I'll be on that some more. And I really need to get back on Trials of Mana to finish that up so I can start Xenoblade eventually.
Have a great weekend everyone😊
More Octopath Traveler. Also, I took advantage of the discount on Horizon Chase Turbo, and I’m enjoying it. I’ll probably run a race or two in that this weekend too.
Ittle Dew 2 which is one of the best games I have played in a long time. And of course Animal Crossing.
BioShock, Rocket League, watch spacex launch (if it isnt scrubbed)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons and back into Super Mario Odyssey collecting more power moons. Probably a little Splatoon 2 and possibly some Pokémon Shield as well.
Bug Fables!! Why the heck is it only 3%?
Diablo next then! As Switch (objectivity) is the best version.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
@Skalgrim It may well be!
Thunderforce Air Conditioning, Minecraft Dungeons and maybe some Animal Crossing.
About to start a 2nd playthrough of Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair but I can't peel myself from Dr. Mario on NES online. Have a lot of fan made traditional worlds I need to play through on Mario maker 2 also!
On my own, I'll be playing as much XC:DE as possible, having made it to Guar Plains yesterday after a nice 9 hour first session lol. It's one of my favorite games ever so I intend to thoroughly enjoy the original story all the way through and then get into Future Connected. My wife is still very much beasting on AC:NH, so I'll be looking into our island periodically and helping her with various island-related tasks. Right now she's moving a ton of hybrid flowers to a huge flower garden on our island's western side that runs almost the entire north-south length of the island. To quote Adam Savage from Mythbusters, "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing." 😂
Happy weekend everyone, and happy gaming!
@GetShulked WIth a name like that, what else?
Animal Crossing, MUA3, Yakuza 0 and VF5FS for me. I did just start Ryse Son of Rome...really gorgeous game.
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition!🙌🏼🔥💯
@Jslade I really recommend it. I call it a very relaxing Diablo meets Skyrim, meets Animal Crossing. I am about 75 hours in, and haven't even beaten the main game, because i am enjoying the side quests and pursuing the other lives you can try.
I heard the dlc that happens after the main game is great, but I jist haven't tried that out yet.
Xenoblade, XCOM 2 and Wonderful 101 Remastered. Definitely Xenoblade but maybe making progress on the other 2 as well.
Switch - More Animal Crossing
Xbox One - Red Dead Redemption in its tenth year anniversary month, some Contra Anniversary collection and Okami HD.
What no 2K games on the list? Mostly I am playing Minecraft Dungeons. I don't know why people say this is for kids it is hard as crap on the last level. I have completely died like 20 times and i have good items and armor.
I picked up Borderlands and played it for about 3 hours. It looks really nice and plays so smoothly. It is truly a good port for the switch.
Also I am doing my daily stuff in Animal Crossing because it takes my mind off of bad stuff and makes me happy.
And of course Dark Souls Remaster PVP when I get frustrated or really bored.
Am thinking about getting the handsome collection for the 3rd time. Hmm
I've gotten back into Shakedown: Hawaii and concurrently playing OG FFVII. Horizon Chase Turbo is on sale in the eShop for 70% at like $6-- It'd rather have the physical copy, but at that price I'm going to have to own it digitally... And play it this weekend
Cel Damage, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.
Wow...! No love for my girl, Shantae...?? ☹️
Playing Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time. Made it to chapter 4 last night, loving it so far.
I would play Xenoblade Chronicles, but I haven’t gotten it yet, so more Animal Crossing for me!
2K (and Virtuos) did a tremendous job on the Bioshock, Borderlands and XCOM 2 games for the Switch. I'm very impressed!
Putting off finishing Pokemon Shield (which I'm enjoying a lot, and considering FINALLY trying to get into online competitively) for finally 100%ing Mario + Rabbid's main campaign. Halfway through getting all of the bonus content from the fourth world, and I need to get a perfect on one or two locations, than I'll be dividing my time between the DK adventure and Pokemon.
@shonenjump86 the TurboGrafx 16 mini is awesome. I just got mine earlier this week.
The second Ninjala beta (If it works lol)
I picked up Borderlands and want to start that up but I should finish up Beat Cop first 😅.
I was a little peeved to find that the Borderlands collection includes only the first game on cart and includes download codes for the next 2 games. Maybe I missed this point before? Sucks for people who like to sell their games after. I thought it would be like Spyro where the other games are downloaded automatically ( no code needed). I had planned on buying Bioshock physical but I’m assuming this is the same case so I’ll be holding off for now.
Happy gaming everyone!
I'll continue playing Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition. Have reached the final story of Legend Mode where we have to find Cia. In Adventure Mode, I have finally unlocked all the characters of the Adventure map, plus two characters of the Wind Waker map (Tetra and King Daphnes). I'll continue leveling up some characters while I continue clearing the Adventure map.
BIOSHOCK INFINITE!!! Georgeous on Switch, seriously... Really impressive (the whole Bioshock collection is, and so is the Borderlands one, from what I hear).
I can´t believe any of the 2K collections are in the list... What´s wrong with those games? No reviews, no impressions, no mentions at all, nothing. They´re really important games in the Switch library, in my opinion. They should have more visibility...
@NookMiler Is Bug Fables that good?? I´ve heard pretty good things about that game, but I´m waiting to see more reviews. Do you reccomend it?
Bioshock and Borderlands for me. An hour into Bioshock and it’s just as good as I remember.
The Switch got 10 AAA games released this weekend. 10!
And next week, Outer Worlds!
@the_beaver Absolutely! If you played PM64 or TTYD, you are almost guaranteed to enjoy this game. Not sure if you saw Arlo's video review on YouTube of the game, but that sold it to me once I watched it.
@shonenjump86 I got the TG-16 mini a few weeks ago and love it. Pleasently surprised at how solid of a console it is. Really enjoy Bonk, R-Type, Ninja Spirit, Rondo of Blood, Soldier Blade, Alien Crush and Lords of Thunder in particular.
Playing animal Crossing this weekend. Waiting for my copy of Xenoblade and borderlands to show up.
Playing DQ11
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, highly recommended for fans of the first 2 Paper Mario games, as well as people who like RPGs.
Dragon Quest 11
Mother Russia Bleeds on Switch
Finished Uncharted 2 on PS4, about to start Uncharted 3
@NookMiler Yes hahah I heard about it from Arlo, but that caught me by surprise, and so I need more "evidence" now to sold me on that one XD. Good to know more people are enjoying it! As a huge fan of classic Paper Marios, I shall give it a chance one day.
Spiderman, thanks to PS Now
Animal crossing and Bioshock on Switch.
Decided to start Xenoblade DE and surprised how hooked I got into it despite having played and finished it already on the Wii years ago. Thought maybe I’d skip many of the side quests and unveiling the entire map but no such luck. On Chapter 3 and still in Colony 9 area.
Saying that, I am tempted to go back to Paper Mario on the Wii U VC.
I may have already burned 20+ hours on Xenoblade since it arrived on Friday. In my backyard, so no one is whining about my health, either!
Xenoblade and Asphalt 9
Persona 5 Royal and Final Fantasy XIV
Still some AC here and there and I've been really into the Zelda Twilight Princess Picross that was on offer a long time ago on my Nintendo... There's just something calming about a good old puzzle game
@Thewiseone82 @kingbk glad you are enjoying it as much as I am. A really awesome console.
Xenoblade, Borderlands 2 and Animal Crossing. It's a good weekend.
My son's 13th this weekend so I've busy setting up an escape room at home, bbq, pitching the tent in the garden etc. Had about half an hour of mario world though.
He got Mario Maker 2 from my dad so I'm looking forward to having a go on that at some point.
REALLY great work.
Switch ver stand comparison with PC ver. (I have PC version too.)
very good Graphic ,Loading time ,Stability!
but it includes character pool bug. I'm waiting for fixed it.
Gear Club 2
NL and metacritic underestimated this work.
A Great racing game.
I voted for Animal Crossing, but also I am playing my other island life sim Stranded Deep on Mac.
I finished SteamWorld: Heist (and loved the crap out of it, apparently... I feel like it didn't take very long to complete yet it's like #5 out of 37 on my list of games sorted by time played) several minutes before midnight last Friday morning when Xenoblade became available for me to play, and though I'd love to get all the rest of those hats... Xenoblade for the next billion hours or so it is for me. WHEEEEeeeee!!!!
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