To celebrate Spring, Capcom has reduced the price of select titles across the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS in North America. These super savings apply to 32 titles and the sale runs from now until 28th April.
As you can see below, pretty much every major Capcom franchise is covered. There are savings on Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Mega Man, Okami and even Street Fighter. Thanks to Nintendo Everything for the full sale round-up:
Nintendo Switch
Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Devil May Cry – $11.99 (was $19.99)
Devil May Cry 2 – $11.99 (was $19.99)
Devil May Cry 3 – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Mega Man Legacy Collection – $9.89 (was $14.99)
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Mega Man X Legacy Collection – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – $19.99 (was $49.99)
Okami HD – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Onimusha: Warlords – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil 0 – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil 4 – $19.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil 5 – $19.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil 6 – $19.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil Revelations – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection – $14.79 (was $39.99)
Nintendo 3DS
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Mega Man Legacy Collection – $5.99 (was $14.99)
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – $5.99 (was $19.99)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – $8.99 (was $29.99)
Monster Hunter Generations – $15.99 (was $39.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies – $8.99 (was $29.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice – $11.99 (was $29.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy – $11.99 (was $29.99)
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D – $4.99 (was $19.99)
Resident Evil Revelations – $7.99 (was $19.99)
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – $4.99 (was $19.99)
Will you be adding any of these games to your digital library? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 55
Not a bad sell, nothing I want or don't have though.
Could've swore I just saw Devil May Cry 1 and 2 for $9.99.
At this point, when are Capcom games NOT on sale?
...Guess I'll grab the first Mega Man X collection. o.o
I got the Capcom Beat Em Up bundle for some cooperative fun with my brother. Thinking about some others.
Once again, Okami and Ace Attorney are highly recommended.
I could be talked into buying Ultra Street Fighter II if Capcom knocks at least $20 off. I thought it was nice when I rented it, but it's just not worth $40.
Capcom Beat Em Up bundle is great, sometimes you can also play with random people online.
I wish Street Fighter 30th had better online. Compared to Third Strike Online Edition on Playstation 3, the version in 30th is not as nice feeling. I think it has something to do with the PS3 version having rollback netcode or somethhing, idk for sure. They should just port that version to Switch, it has some bonus goodies like playable Gill and more cosmetic options that aren't in 30th here.
Any thoughts in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate? I was just thinking about this game the other day and wondering how much it cost. Seeing it here for $20 is very tempting...
Oh no, I might get DMC3 and Dragon's Dogma. And I just got Atelier Ryza and Tales..........
And I only now got around to beating Link's Awakening.
They could had add Mega Man 11 and Mega Man Zero Collection up there too.
Picked up SF 30th. Been eyeing that for a while. Will RE4 ever drop below $20....
Might pick up resident evil 1. Been itching to play it on Switch.
I remember gaming in the early 90’s where Nintendo, Capcom and Konami were the Top 3 publishers.
Well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad I guess, but I wish Konami would just license out their franchises instead of holding them hostage to spite Kojima, Iga and us 90’s gamers.
Nice. I've been wanting to give the Devil May Cry games a try.
I still can’t figure why Capcom won’t release the GB Mega Man games as a collection.... the first game is not even available on the 3DS eshop for some odd reason.
Ok I need to pick up onimusha. I was waiting for Capcom to release the whole series but at this point I don’t expect it before 2021... so I’ll bite.
I might spring for a few of the 3DS titles (my Switch's memory is filled up).
Okami is well worth a play for fans of GameCube/Wii era 3D Zeldas. The graphics are uniquely impressive and the gameplay is comparable to Twilight Princess in some ways, but knocks that game's overworld into the mud and its dungeons do a much better job than Zelda usually does at consistently using dungeon items throughout the game in combination with each other, while Zelda tends to focus mostly on the item of that dungeon. If you want a game that takes the 3D Zelda formula and packs it to the brim with aesthetic and content, it's worth every penny.
That isn't to say I don't have complaints: Issun makes Navi look like she's taken a vow of silence and the paint mechanic can confuse some commands for others. But it's overall a uniquely stylish experience.
Just over here waiting for a new Switch Monster Hunter =(
Think I will be picking up both Mega Man Legacy Collections.
I wonder why Capcom never puts Ultra Street Fighter 2 on sale any more. Every time they have a sale it's never included. I think it's been on sale twice since it released (in North America).
Okami HD is a steal at that price. Get it. Yesterday.
@Dodger Thanks for the recommend. I've had Okami on my Switch for ages but haven't gotten around to playing it. Since you mentioned the GameCube/Wii Zeldas, that definitely interests me what with Twilight Princess being my favorite Zelda.
As others have said, it's weird that USFII never goes on sale. As far as I can tell, the last time it went on sale in the eShop was summer 2018. And it looks like it only went on sale twice ever!
Also, it doesn't appear that DMC 3 is actually on sale as the article states. Which is too bad because I might have picked it up.
I see Resident Evil games are "reduced" to the normal price on PS4... Ahhhh, they'll sell at a high price!
@Brumblescope Did you like the Wii and 3DS Monster Hunters? It's basically like those ones.
I wish theyd put Ultra SF on sale. My cart was stolen a couple years ago, and I'd love to have it back in my collection. The arcade compilation is great and all, but I really liked Ultra too.
The best deal is MH4U on 3DS. Resident Evil games reduced to what they should be normal price the most. UK eshop should see something similar soon too maybe
The more frequently Resident Evil 0, 1 and 4 are included in these Capcom sales the better. The price increase over the PS4 versions was completely unjustified.
Glad I didn’t but ace attorney the other day!
If only they included the PSP version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 on the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection...I would buy it. but I dont feel like buying an incomplete version of the game.
@Giygas_95 i second okami. Great little (big) game.
I’ll be buying a few titles when I get my pay cheque this Friday.
@NintendoWiiDS hopefully, if they keep going on sale, they'll eventually reduce them to the point that they are actually a good offer. At the moment, the sale price matches the maximum launch price of the the retail version of RE456 triple pack at 60usd
@Moistnado Let’s hope man. I love Resident Evil 4 to death and I feel they missed the perfect opportunity to create the definitive version of the game. They could’ve taken the updated visuals of the PS4 version, replace the Wii version’s fantastic pointer controls with gyro aiming and added portability to the mix. Instead they just slapped the PS4 version onto the Switch, aiming glitch and all, for an inflated price. It’s not awful, and it’s still RE4 at the end of the day, but there was so much untapped potential with this port. The price hike just felt like Capcom almost taking advantage of Switch owners a little bit.
Maybe Capcom should put on here how much data you would need if you were to buy all their games.
20 gigs for Res evil is ridiculous.
Lazy porting.
Nothing here interest's me. Best game here is a port from 2012 and even that isn't the best game in it's platform. Better off getting Skyrim or Dark Souls instead of Dragons Dogma.
Oh man the monthly Capcom sale is here if you missed their monthly sales in March February January December and November!
@Dodger How do the Switch controls compare to the Wii version? I thought the pointer controls on Wii were so good that they could have considered having paint mode in real time, and the combat with the Wiimote added a sense of timing and rhythm not present in the PS2 (and Okamiden on the DS).
I've been waiting on the Switch version to drop down to at least half price like it is now, but now I want to know how combat and painting feels before closing the deal.
@burninmylight I've beaten the Wii version and been slowly working through the Switch version. The Wii pointer was quick and snappy, but apt to freak out and didn't like making straight lines in my experience. It worked though.
The Switch gives you a choice between using the right stick or the joycon pointer. Since so few games use the joycon as a pointer, that will feel weird at first, but it works and I think is a little more accurate than the wii. Either works in my opinion. I like the pointer better, but since I usually play Switch in handheld mode, I often use the stick.
Guys, nothing to see here, just the same titles with the same discount as last time...and the time before that...and before that ...and before that...
For SF30, are folks jumping on it (or have bought it) or have any of you bought the physical format? I'm really going back & forth as I generally prefer physical (especially for large and/or 1st party or major titles) but I wonder if this more "retro" game would be better as a digital game. I appreciate people's input.
NA only? Will we see this sale in UK?
I already got all the games I wanted, but I double dipped on the SF collection just for the convenience of playing digitally, and also to do my part in letting them know we want classic Capcom fighters on Switch.
Has Capcom said if they will patch RE4 to fix the aiming?
@archangelg At this price I'd just go digital. It's cheap enough considering all games included, and the convenience of playing classic SF at any time without having to look for the cartridge is worth it. I already had it physical, and I double dipped on this sale for that reason.
@bngrybt i liked the 3DS one well enough but didnt get far into it. I have big hands a new3DS with the nub. Combat never felt good with the tiny system, but the Switch even in handheld feels much better and I love the pro controller. . . So maybe worth another shot.
@Brumblescope Probably worth it then. If you have the mindset of those games instead of MHW it's really good.
@Superzone13 My response every time there's an Ubisoft sale.
Devil May Cry 3 is not on sale in the US.
@BigLarry wasn't that last week?
And I just impulse bought DMC3 a week ago lol
@nab1 Thanks for the note. I think I'll jump. Cheers!
Just got the physical release of RE4+5+6 for 40usd. Part 5+6 are download codes. I can begrudgingly live with paying 13.33 each for these games. This is still significantly more expensive than the regular sale prices on ps4, which is about 7.99 each. No way was I going to pay 19.99 or 29.99!
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