After already failing to release alongside other versions of the game in October last year, The Outer Worlds for Switch has now been delayed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Private Division, the publisher who is handling the release, explained on Twitter how Virtuos – the talented team working on the game's Nintendo port – needed more time to "finish" development. All of the team are safe and sound, but during this period certain Virtuos offices have been closed.
On a positive note, as you've probably read above, the Switch version will now be receiving a physical release on cartridge. This follows on from an announcement the game would be launching before the end of March, and that it would only include a digital download code.
Virtuos isn't the only video game company that's been impacted by the coronavirus so far. At the end of last month we heard how Nintendo Switch production had been affected, and just yesterday we found out shipments of the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch would be pushed back.
When we hear about the new launch date for this upcoming release, we'll be sure to let you know.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 66
Glad everyone is safe. But yeah this is becoming a serious issue.
I hope everyone stays safe as no game is worth dying for.
As for the delay I'm glad they had a change of heart about including the cart. I went from wanting this day one to waiting for a sale back to day one again.
'On a positive note, as you've probably read above, the Switch version will now be receiving the physical release.'
A bad news turns into good news! Yay! I'll get it now, whenever it arrives.
The delay probably means that more people will get this on other platforms. They probably know that people are not going to wait with anticipation for a download code. A physical release gives people more of a reason to wait.
By the time this comes out, it will probably be another example of a game that is 59.99 on switch and around 19.99 on other platforms.
At least it is still coming! I am looking forward to it!
This was my game of the year last for 2019. Probably the most I enjoyed a game in a long time. That said when it's over it's over and I have little desire to return this soon, but I am sure the day will come when I will want to revisit this game, it's a classic IMO.
I’ll probably double dip now that the game is going to be a physical cartridge.
I wonder what the people who got angry at others wanting a "useless" physical cartridge are going to think about this?
I am excited to try this out now that it has a cartridge.
But tbh I’ve been ignoring this news story. There is so much happening in the world that what’s happening in China just feels too far away to devote mental energy to. That community will be in my prayers.
Happy to see it's coming cartridge.
However, it was the right call to keep their team safe during the outbreak. I will gladly wait for this release.
Mixed feelings on this.... I still really want to play it (and have a PS4, so could any time), but also thankful for less stuff in March.... already buying ACNH x2, and Railway Empire (just noticed delay yesterday in eShop) in March, and probably Saints 4
Yes finally they listen. Never ever practice download code in a case ever again. Also glad they help out their team in this time of crisis. Second dip confirm, definitely buying the physical cart for sure now.
Like others have said, safety comes first. Let's hope this outbreak can be contained. Very good news regarding physical cartridge, never saw this coming.
Smart decision. There's no way the money they would have saved by making it download only would have made up for what they lost from people skipping it due to no physical release.
with all the serious pollution in china its weakening their immune system reason why were seeing so many people losing their lives to this disease hopefully they find a way to fight it.
Can't wait for this game, but I would have bought regardless, I buy digital to help the environment the best I can. China is already horrible and destroying the climate, I don't want to help them any more then I can.
Glad they are all good. Also glad I can get a cartridge. I’m glad I didn’t buy the Xbox One version after the news there wouldn’t be a cartridge version for Switch.
I'm going down the less games, pay more route now so will pick this one up physically day 1.
And back to day 1 instead of Eventually maybe when it’s discounted here.
Yay Cartridge
The delay is worth it if it means employee safety. Getting a physical version is preferable too.
Again, better to be safe than sorry. If they feel it's needed, I have no issue with the delay.
But I do very much still think that this coronavirus is more media fear-mongering than real danger. You're far more likely to get hit by a car and killed on your way to work than to catch this virus is particular. Or one of any of dozens of other possible ways to die.
The delay is worth it for both sides. The devs stay safe and we get the game on cartridge
Chill out dude, no need to be aggressive. Let's discuss this civilly.
What do you have a problem with in my previous comment? I'm glad that both digital and physical camps both get the game in their preferred format. I think it's nice to have options.
The only people who lose this are the ones who are zealously devoted to just physical or digital and say the other shouldn't exist at all.
Which I disagree heavily on. But, that's just my view, maybe I was a bit aggressive in my original comment towards the digital only side. I just think it's silly to not want physical games and only digital games to exist or vise versa.
The focus should be on the coronavirus and everyone's safety, not winning some battle to have the game on a cart or not.
That was my issue with your post.
No you muppet it is focusing on a pandemic rather than how a game is distributed.
So many idiots on this site....
Excuse for what?
A shame about the delay, but understandable. Safety first. Great with a physical cartridge release though!
@Bermanator tel that to the nearly 600 people who died from it and its no laughing matter or something to troll about it either.
Yeah and the people who focus on that rather than the important issue of people dying need to sort out their bloody priorities. They are pathetic.
HELL YES! It pisses me off when all of these no name games get physical releases (through limited run games or whatever) and yet these so called big AAA or AA games go digital only....Absolutely mind boggling
@Toy_Link I'm sure they won't care since they can still get it digitally. Options never hurt anyone.
@SBandy Exactly what do you want us to do on this Video Game website? Not talk about video games?
Pathetic. Companies starting to use this as an excuse if a delay comes up. ZTE, LG, Asus and now this....
This outbreak is bad, however in many situations people over react it in a way that it influent their lives more than it should.
These companies should not have issues continuing their work if their employees would be responsible adults. That business man in Thailand was an @sshole but not everyone is like that. (If you missed it, a thai businessman got infected in Vuhan however wanted to go home so he tricked goverment inspections by taking medicine for his fever. He traveled on a plane, then metro but even after that did not quarantine himself at home and even went out to party.
If this company was in Vuhan I would understand since it would be hard to work and dangerous however this is not the case here.
I live in a country where no cases have been registered yet but people are already panicking and buying surgical masks like if there is no tomorrow...little do they know that surgical masks are not designed to keep you safe, they are made for you to not infect others, it does not give full protection for the wearer.
This is like the cold war when many people boutht/built nuclear fallout shelters because they were sure that nuclear war is going to happen.
But now companies are using this outbreak as "acceptable" excuse to calm down fans and investors if a delay comes up...I wonder how long will they use this as an excuse and how long will they delay this project...1 month ? 3 month ? 1 year ?
Come to think of it it a brand New perfect excuse for companies, because if a fan would call them out they can turn other fans against him/her and call that fan "insensitive" and if an investor would terminate the contract then they could sue because "it is not their fault".
Most importantly it's good to hear that all of their staff are safe.
Also though it's good news that we're now getting the game physically too
@TIND You've obviously not heard how widespread the coronavirus is. Research the virus more before talking out of your ass.
No game is worth risking the health of folk over. This is good news.
And awesome a physical cart! HYPED! (unless it's an 8Gb one...)
I do wish they would have split this tweet up into separate ones. I find it a tad crass addressing both issues in a single tweet, not to mention how awkward it is to reply to it!
Great! I’m in! Lemme know where I can preorder.
And most importantly, stay safe Team Virtuos! It’s only a video game and I can wait
Physical?? Oh yes! Better not be just an install disc (day 1 update of the entire game and nothing actually on the cartridge)
I have zero issues waiting for the team to port it the right way. Right way being ALL content on the cart of course especially for the 60$ price tag.
Well, okay. I played it for an hour or so on Game Pass but really haven't had the time for it, so I was buying the Switch version regardless since I have a bit more time for portable games.
I dont mind digital copies. I have most of my Switch library digitally with the exception of exclusives (double dipped for those with multiplauer) but it's really going to depend on whether this really is a physical release. If any of the game still needs downloading, which is a possibility with a big game like this, theres no real point in me buying a physical copy...none of the benefits of physical or digital, all the annoyance of both. We dont know if that's the way they're doing it, but it's a possibility.
You'll be more comfortable if you remove the tin foil hat.
Amazing so many people will "double dip". Why not just play it again on the system you already own?
Yay! We're getting cartride version now! Thank you Corona Virus! Not so bad after all!
Well for me personally these are good news as I was about to boycott the game even on pc if they went ahead with no cartridge physical distribution
@HalBailman probably because the other system does not allow them to play handheld
@Balta666 So? You already own it on a dedicated home system, so you do play games at home, so play it again at home. Save portable play for other games.
@HalBailman Some people like to double dip on games they really like.
If a person has the funds why not support the developers of the game they like by double dipping? I mean it is their money and they choose how to spend it right?
@Zuljaras Better to just send them a cash donation so they get all the money instead of the small percentage of a retail sale. I don't care how people spend their money. I question the double dip process on a game recently out that they can simply go play again.
Glad the staff gets a mental break from the virus situation .
Glad they changed the cartridge situation as well.
Let's just hope it doesn't have a ton of patches later on that make the cart useless basically.
Okay, my attention has been reacquainted with the turnaround. Now is it all on the cartridge or do we have a half and half pizza case where the other half is covered in olives, anchovies, pineapple and artichokes? Of course this can wait until after the scare has calmed down.
@HalBailman Sometimes people want to experience a game again on different hardware, or maybe they’ve yet to finish it and would prefer to play it portable in this case as it suits their current lifestyle. I’ve quadruple-dipped on at least 1 occasion and that’s cos I like the game so much I wanted to play it again but experience it on different hardware to see what it’s like with a different controller or if there are differences out of interest.
@HalBailman I do not know what to tell you but I can give you an example.
I have played StarCraft on PC a lot! However I really want to buy the cartridge version on the Nintendo 64!
I know that it will be blurry, no voice acting on cut scenes, RTS with controller … but I want it!
Weird right?
Not double dipping. Buying for first time on switch cartridge. Glad they changed their mind. Don’t have on PlayStation or Xbox.
Was gonna skip completely glad they made the sensible decision
@FX102A Thanks for your answer. I've extra dipped too. Just not on something recently released and where you're paying full price again.
@Zuljaras Thanks for your answer. PC to console makes a little more sense because of the more convenient way to play. I did exactly with Azure Striker Gunvolt. Mind you, it was a cheap on Steam so it didn't feel like I was losing out.
@SBandy wow how are you such a loser
I will wait for the physical release, dont care how long it takes.
Very cool, that we're getting a physical edition anyway. Viruses and stuff go way over my head so I really dunno what to say about that.
@HalBailman well I wouldn't double dip just for that (instead I tend to wait for the switch version as I prefer to have the option)but it is undeniable that having the option for handheld of big games is the strongest point of switch and is therefore understandable that some will double dip
Well putting it on a 50$ piece of plastic will do that.
And I guess coupled with Nintendo's awful policies and boss hog greediness.
Even though it is "physical," I still wonder how much of a download it will require.
I have been fooled once. I bought MK 11 because it was on sale for next to nothing, not realizing it required a 20GB download even though it had a card. I will not be fooled again.
great just as i bought the PS4 version because the Switch version was not getting a physical cartridge
This game is only 20GB on the PS4 so it should easily fit on a 16 GB Switch cart with some texture downgrades. Well worth buying but a lot of long loading screens and sometimes it feels as if you are just running errands for everyone.
@GingerNinja I was just wondering the file size on other platforms. Although, has there been any confirmation the whole game will be on the cartridge?
Glad to hear about a physical release. Now I will buy it.
I want doom 64 physical
Finally here is what twitter says....
Pre-Order: The Outer Worlds (S) $59.99 via Best Buy. Box art updated to reflect how it includes a cartridge now. http://ow.ly/zeTD30qgeX5
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