Nintendo SKU
Image: Twitter

Normally when GameStop's internal database lists new SKU, it means some big announcements are on the way. For example, prior to E3 last year it added more than 20 Nintendo Switch placeholders.

Now, it's done it again, with Twitter user @YuYuKamii revealing a total of 12 SKU for Nintendo Switch have been recently uploaded to the company's system. Here's the tweet:

As noted, when this sort of thing happens, it's a sign of incoming announcements. Some of the other titles on this list include Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore and Level-5's Snack World: The Dungeon World Crawl - Gold.

Leading up to the end of last year, there was a lot of talk about a Nintendo Direct taking place, so it wouldn't be a surprise if a broadcast took place early on in 2020.

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