As regular visitors will know, every weekend, we share our gaming plans for the next couple of days and read through all of your entries in the comments. This time, though, we're switching things up a bit, getting together to chat about our plans over the holidays instead.
That's right, Christmas is (nearly) here! The lucky ones amongst us will no doubt find a spare hour or two over the holidays to catch up on some gaming, and our team plans to do that in style. Feel free to read through our entries, share your own in the poll and comments below, and have yourselves a lovely, wonderful time!
Gavin Lane, staff writer
For anyone who reads this, you’ve probably had more than enough of me banging on about the backlog, but it’s never been quite so chock-full of games as at the end of 2019. Not only do I have a whole bunch of unfinished games, but I’ve also managed to accumulate unstarted games thanks to sales and impulse purchases.
Whether I finish them or not, I’m looking forward to sitting down with Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Link’s Awakening, Donut County, What Remains of Edith Finch, SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, Astral Chain and Cuphead over the holidays. More likely I’ll be pulling out the perennial multiplayer family favourites Overcooked 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I also picked up 1-2-Switch on sale recently, so what better time for that game to shine? I’ve always wanted to test out the HD rumble with that ice cube trick.
Getting to play any of the above would be a fabulous Brucie-bonus, but the only thing I can definitively say I’ll be playing is Banjo-Kazooie - gotta head to Freezeezy Peak for my annual visit! Have a fantastic holiday break everyone (if you’re lucky enough to be breaking for the holidays, of course). Be excellent to each other.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
This weekend, I'll be mostly taking a bit of a break from gaming... Emphasis on the word 'mostly'. What I do want to do, though, is go through my back catalogue of the past year or so and pick out something that hasn't quite gotten the attention it probably deserved. Off the top of my head, games like Astral Chain and Blasphemous come to mind, but I'm sure there are a few others I've neglected!
Otherwise, I'll be watching terrible movies, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and spending quality time with my wonderful family. Have a fantastic Christmas, everyone!
PJ O’Reilly, reviewer
Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. A time for sharing, caring and, most importantly, squeezing in your annual drunken playthrough of the original Dark Souls. I’ll be jumping in for what’ll be my 8th time through Fromsoftware’s classic, glass of sherry in hand, dying far more than usual to almost every single enemy in the game as a heady mixture of alcohol and various smelly cheeses work their way through my body severely affecting my ability to dodge or parry properly.
Apart from that, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that Santa brings the copy of Pokémon Sword and Nintendo Labo kits my son has asked for so I can play with them all late at night when he’s in his bed. Honestly, what would we do without Santa? I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, stay safe and see you in the New Year!
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
Ah, it's that time again where family Christmas commitments and feeling rough after eating too much food get in the way of all that free time I could have been spending playing games. Woe is me, huh?
As is the case for many, most of my gaming time this Christmas will probably end up being spent on family-friendly, multiplayer fun. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is always a winner, no matter who you're playing with, so that'll probably be on the table, and maybe even some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - although older members of the family don't seem as keen on rapidly smashing a load of buttons to thwack a little yellow mouse and a pink smiley blob into oblivion for hours on end. Not sure why.
I also picked up the Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit thanks to those crazy UK sales. Once all the craziness has calmed down a bit, maybe I'll crack that out and feel like a kid again, actually building toys with my hands and being blown away by something I don't understand. Whatever you're doing this year and whoever you spend it with, I wish you and yours a wonderful time.
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
Although it’s not unique, playing video games is one of the top things my family members and I have always enjoyed doing together. Even my grandma will get in on a little Mario Kart action now and then. It’s because of this that the holiday season is one of my absolute favorites - it’s the time of year when my entire family gets back together again, and we can all actually sit down and couch co-op with each other for hours.
First on the list will definitely be whipping out the library of SNES games on the Switch - this is the first Nintendo console I’d ever played growing up, and the original belonged to my uncle, who was very close in age to me and is really more of a brother. We’d spend hours playing Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart - ahh, the nostalgia.
After that, I got one of my younger brothers Pokémon Sword for his Christmas present - growing up, we’d each get one or the other of every generation of Pokémon games, so that we could catch ’em all. I’ve already played through Shield, so I’m excited to see him experience Sword now. After that, I’ll probably get bored and whip out all of my old games, maybe some Animal Crossing: New Leaf in anticipation of New Horizons (IN JUST THREE MONTHS, PEOPLE). To top it all off, I’ll be getting started on plans to build a home theater/gaming room in my basement in the new year - so I’m sure I’ll have plenty to keep me busy.
Zion Grassl, video producer
It’s Christmas already, ehh? What happened to the time? I swear, it feels like just yesterday that I was one-hundred percent comfortable with never receiving a Link’s Awakening remake (if only I knew what the future held).
This Christmas will probably involve a lot of Mario Kart with the family, Smash Bros. with my bandmates, and since my girlfriend’s nephew doesn’t own a Switch of his own, I’ll be playing whatever he decides we’re going to play! I myself have slowly been getting back into Animal Crossing: New Leaf and will probably spend an unhealthy amount of time with it these next few weeks to sort of say goodbye before New Horizons takes over my life in March.
I’m also a little over halfway through Earthbound on my 3DS, so I might try to wrap that up before the year’s over so I can get back to Pokémon Shield (which I really haven’t put enough time into either.) 2019 was a great year for games and there are still so, so many I have yet to play. Can I hit the snooze button on 2020? Regardless of what gaming I’ll manage to squeak in this holiday, this year has been absolutely wonderful and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Thank you all for reading, watching and supporting our work and I hope you all have a Happy Holiday and a wonderful new year!
Liam Doolan, news reporter
Like everyone else here, my Christmas will be a very merry Nintendo one. For once, though, I probably won't be receiving a brand-new game, as I've already got my hands on most of the major Switch releases this year.
Instead, I plan to spend some time playing the ones I didn't get around to and enjoying the extra content that was recently added to a few games. One of these titles includes Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer. As you might have heard, earlier this week Octavo was added as a playable character, so I'm very eager to jump back into this musical-take on The Legend of Zelda series.
Apart from this, I also plan to revisit the recently released Shovel Knight: King of Cards expansion. I played a lot of this in the first week of its release, but am yet to return. With any luck, I can knock it over before the New Year. That's it for me – I hope everyone here on Nintendo Life has a happy and safe holiday period and we'll see you all in 2020.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
It is once again “The Season”! That’s right, the season of Star Wars! Rogue Leader is once again spinning daily on my Wii because it remains a class act of video game design and a bittersweet reminder that the Switch is in need of much, much more Star Wars love.
Elsewhere I will try to make the most of the few days off work to actually finish both DAEMON X MACHINA and Astral Chain because it is quite embarrassing to have both on my “to do” list for all these months. I am still pleasantly glued to the screen with SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays - there's lots of content to explore in this latest entry of the series and I must admit to finding it hard to put it down.
To think that one year ago I was hoping for a new F-Zero and Metroid Prime 4 and here we stand now with neither. But I remain a dreamer so I will keep holding on to that very same hope for 2020. Wishing you all a Merry Calrissian and that the Force be with you, always (...but mostly with me).
Alex Olney, senior video producer
As standard this year I'll no doubt be sinking some serious hours into Stardew Valley. My partner and I love to run our farm together, and with the new update there's even more to sink our teeth into, like diamond-demanding sturgeons.
I also recently received The Outer Worlds on PS4 for my birthday and have been really enjoying that, not to mention the customary games of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that my brother and I always have. Aside from that I'll likely be pining for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and eating pigs in blankets (that's sausages wrapped in bacon, not sausages wrapped in pastry you crazy Americans).
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the holidays. Whatever you end up doing, have a wonderful time!
Comments 107
The game of life. I'll be spending time with my family.
I'm enjoying the Netflix Witcher show and that's pushing me to finish Witcher 3. I'll also be working through Pokemon Sword. Then depending on what others want to do there may be some Mortal Kombat 11, Street Fighter 2, Mario Kart or Smash Bros in there too.
Still playing Pokemon and hoping to 100% hyrule warriors. May try the free cubic games I've downloaded too.
I will be playing games with family: Just Dance, Mario Partt and whatever they get for christmas
Doubt anyone will feed my gaming habit this Christmas, so I secretly bought myself Link's Awakening thanks to a very tasty discount. John Lewis - who knew? I'll probably be ploughing further into Astral Chain first, though, as well as beating my head against Baba Is You.
Aside from that, I got my eldest a 3DS with Pokémon Sun and Yokai Watch, so I'm really looking forward to playing those vicariously!
I guess it depends what I get for Christmas, but I'm hoping for Luigi's Mansion 3 and Ring Fit Adventure.
I'll also introduce my brother to some games since he got himself a Switch Lite.
The Waiting Game!
Definitely: Stardew Valley, Celeste & Lego Harry Potter.
Possibly: Smash Ultimate, Shovel Knight, Puyo Puyo Tetris & Spyro 3.
I’m not really a Christmassy person but looking forward to having the time off to catch up on gaming!
Alien Isolation and Monopoly (physical, traditional version).
I'm just now getting back into splatoon 2 so I'll be playing that and who knows what eise my backlog is massive and I keep buying lol merry Christmas all and happy new year
In addition to King of Cards, I’ve been playing HD classics I missed due to only owning a Wii: Dragon’s Dogma and Ghostbusters.
I've been distracted with Event Horizon which though simple has some epic battles and upgrade systems. That and looking to try out Stardew 1.4. Merry Xmas everyone!
Cuphead, Mario Kart, Hyper Light Drifter and Super Mega Baseball 2. Have a great Christmas everyone!
Monster Hunter 4 on my 3DS...
But now as I’m getting a Switch for Xmas (the wife has agreed), my first games on that system will be Bayonetta (1 then 2) and Ni No Kuni.
New super luckys tale.
I was hoping to say Luigi's Mansion, but my motivation to finish the game has waned recently. I've gotten back into Smash and have been playing Rekt with my daughter quite a bit. I'm also hoping to work on No More Heroes:Travis Strikes Again, as I grabbed it on sale after Thanksgiving. Happy gaming everyone!
@KingBowser86 The Waiting Game sucks, let’s play Hungry Hippos...
I need to finish up a bunch of games... Well actually a lot of games. Some I will and some I won't. But some I do want to sit down and play these holidays are Astral Chain, Pokemon Sword, Death Stranding, Yakuza Zero, Persona 4 Golden, ect... I won't get to them all but if I can finish two of them I'll count it a win.
This week I will be mostly playing
Pokémon Platinum/Diamond/Pearl
Sonic Gems Collection (just Vectorman 1&2 left)
Civ VI with the DLC packs will take a good chunk of my time. In addition some local co-op.
I will probably play Zelda Twilight Princess or Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Later I'll see which one I choose to play.
This weekend, going to try to play the Christmas event in Paladins as this weekend is the last few days for that, and want to try to play the Christmas event in Dawn of the Breakers. My friend and I exchanged gifts a bit early, and he gave me Crash Team Racing, so I'll also be playing that.
I want to try to play Sonic Mega Collection, this one brings back a Christmas memory where my brother and I exchanged gifts early, and he gave me this. Hopefully on Christmas day, Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and New Super Lucky Tale if I get them for Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone in the Nintendo Life staff and community!
Single player-wise, I'll be trying to wrap up the original Yooka Laylee by the end of the year. I'm sitting at 80 pagies, so only 20 more to go before I can take on the final boss. Still really loving it, and I cant see what all the fuss was about it all those years ago.
In terms of multiplayer, my wife and I started Full Metal Furies last night. She picked Erin the Engineer since she shares the same name, and is really enjoying how versatile she is. I tried Alex the Fighter, but couldn't get the hang of her dodges and counters. Then I tried Meg the Sniper and failed miserably since her attacks leave her like a sitting duck, and her rifle is hard to aim accurately with. I finally settled with Triss the Tank, and I love her playstyle, getting to be offensive and defensive at the exact same time. It's a good thing that worked out for me, because I didnt have any choices left. It's a really difficult game, but missions are bite sized, and really satisfying to pull off successfully.
Really enjoying King of Cards so going to try and finish that this weekend. Also started playing New Super Luigi U on Switch again after a little break, loving those shorter tougher levels.
Finished up Super Mario Galaxy yesterday and now playing through Twilight Princess. If there’s time before returning to work, going to play Spider-Man on PS4.
Steins;Gate 0, River City Girls, Groove Coaster, Risk of Rain 2 and Tetris 99.
It'll be more Ultra Sun post game, Xenoblade 3D, and after Christmas Day, Dragon Quest XI and Pokemon Omega Ruby. Also tempted to pick up Collection of Mana or Witcher 3 in the sale.
Witcher 3, Mario+Rabbids, Sonic Team Racing, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Sonic Adventure.
UNO & Friends (Android) - Still working on here and there.
Uno (Android) - Just started working on this one.
3D Brick Breaker Revolution (Android) - Still my go to time killer game.
Rocket League, just got back into it after a long break. With 375 hours logged, it's by far my most played game on Switch.
Gunbird 2, I'll be flipping my TV on its side and trying to beat my own score.
Amnesia Collection, I'll be pumping up the volume and turning off the lights, hoping to get some chills and frights.
1. Continuing with 2nd run of Resident Evil 2 Remake! BEST game of 2019!!!
2. I bought Resident Evil Origins Collection for PS4 and I can't wait to play that too!!!
3. I will play some Turok on my Switch
Resident evil 5 online co op with a friend, and the Witcher 3. Great games on switch 👍
I'm going to spend most of the day with the family and probably will play some online games with the friends at night. The days outside of christmas will be spend on replaying Okami HD and playing through Disgaea 5 for the first time.
I’ll be playing Ni No Kuni, not normally a JRPG person but this seems to have hit the mark. Possibly some Smash Bros with the kids. Otherwise my backlog is huge and waiting to start, Saints Row, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Dragonball Fighters, World of Final Fantasy, Lego Harry Potter Collection to name a few games
I’m getting a switch with Pokemon Sword and Super Mario Odyssey so I’m going to be playing those. I’m probably going to also buy Smash Ultimate, Luigi's mansion 3 and The Switcher 3, so I think my Christmas is going to be pretty busy
Witcher 3 then back to Xenoblade 2 after I got annoyed with it
Playing through the Witcher right now. I also wanna finish Fire Emblem, the game is incredible. Two long games lol
Playing through Assassin's Creed 3 / Liberation, Earthknight, and Neo Cab on Switch. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order on PS4. Been a great year for gaming.
Probably some Dauntless and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.
If I finish the latter I’m itching to get back to Astral Chain, really should finish it.
I'm playing Witcher 4: Boob Filled Bore Fest. NOT! haha...
I'm playing Ni no Kuni I got during the sale and loving it.
I've just got all the Moons, Purple Coins and Costumes in Mario Odyssey (dressed in his snazzy white suit and Santa hat of course!) and now I'm moving onto Shovel Knight to finish the final campaign. Shout out to Yacht Club Games, what a developer
Gonna be playing lots of Smash Bros with my brother this christmas!
Xbox One X: Destiny 2 and TC Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Switch: Luigi's Mansion 3, Zelda Links Awakening, Star Wars Pinball and others.
Just finishing 3rd route on FE3H and then ofc Mario Kart with husband and once either one ragequits (husband) then can go on with holiday spirit XD
Also FF8 that I bought from sale. And ofc, Bubble Bobble 4 with mr.
And boardgames.
Been making a start on yet another run of shovel knight. It's amazing how many games I have and how little I complete but shovel knight is a pure gem. This will be my third run through the base game and afterwards I will make a start on the DLC. May dabble on a bit of ps4 but everything I put on lately I just cant be arsed to play.
This Christmas my game will be Doom 2.
Probably Okami (which I bought despite it not being included in the Winter sale) and Octopath Traveler, which hasn't wowed me yet but I'm still hopeful.
And maybe, if I find the time, I'm starting to play Shenmue 3 (after 18 years of waiting).
This is the first holiday I will be spending with my partner of 4 years! I don’t reckon there will be much time for games. But If I can manage it, I believe it will be all Shovel Knight and King’s knight campaigns.
I will also bring Dragon Quest 1 in case I need to switch it up a little. But we will see!!
Merry Christmas you lot. I’ve enjoyed reading your comments all year
I've been downloading the 10 free Qubic Games, that have been coming out, however, I've yet to actually play any of them, so at least for today anyways I plan on checking them out.
Happy holidays everyone and enjoy your Christmas.
I just beat King of Cards, so I'm gonna try to get the "HURRY UP!" Feat.
EDIT: Change of plans. I got all the feats and Challenges for Shovel of Hope before beating King of Cards, so I need a break from SKTT. I ordered a bunch of Final Fantasy games this week, including VII&VIII, X&X-2, and XII. I'm in the mood for a good story, y'know?
Just got Dragon Quest XI S, so that’s gonna be it.
I'll surely be unwrapping my recent deliveries from limited run: Turok, Turok 2 and Timespinner. Also I fell for Ori with the discount. And maybe some shiny hunting in Pokémon Sword since I already completed the Pokedex. Happy Holidays everyone!
Finishing up Pokémon Shield's story.
I started a new game in Super Mario Odyssey, so I'll finish that. I'll also play some classics that I played a lot during the holidays as a kid. The holidays really bring out my nostalgia for NES, SNES, and Gameboy.
Probably be playing some seasonal Overcooked and Super Mario Odyssey while on the road. Also will hit up Shovel Knight and Picross S3.
All depends on what I get Christmas morning.
Hoping to get though some more of the Witcher.
Just finished king of cards last night. Loved it but it was noticeably harder than the previous outings. Ill also be playing some Mario Maker 2, snes games, AC3, And recently just up axiom verge for 8 bucks so i think I'll start on that too.
@NintendoByNature That final boss, man. I kept comparing it to Mega Man X, and rightly so; it was a pain in the ass then, too.
My holiday plans tend to be pretty busy, not leaving a lot of time for games. Plus I'm not off as much as some - I'd love a week off. XD For this weekend at least, I'm still busy with both Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS (about 25 hours in) and A Link to the Past (Started last weekend but haven't touched it much since). Tomorrow will likely bring a little Pokemon Go.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
@KayFiOS it was definitely brutal with no check points to his final phase. You know what it actually reminded me of? The final boss in oracle of ages (or seasons ) where you climb on his hands to get to the head. It was the same exact design
Mostly Cuphead!!
Well obviously this will depend on what is in the presents under the tree with my name on. I see one that does look like the shape of a Switch game card case, let's hope it's a game (not cleverly wrapped socks) and one of the two one my Santa list. 😃
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove on switch, Resident Evil 3, & Metal Gear Solid on psone!🙌🏼
I will probably clean up my Animal Crossing Wild World town in preparation for yet another new years count down.
Just got Johnny Turbo's Heavy Barrel on sale so, need to give that a playthrough. Just got back into Civ VI as well. Getting a Genesis Mini for Xmas so that's my post Xmas plan.
Hopefully will finish DQXIS tmw on a day off. Back to work Monday and then I have tons of back log to play. Maybe DQ1-3 if I can fit them in.
Alien Isolation
Gonna finally put together the blaster from the VR Labo kit. More Overwatch as the Switch version has sucked me back in. Hopefully some more FALLEN ORDER if I am granted time with the TV. And I hope I get Witcher 3 & Ult. Alliance 3 for Christmas.... and a Genesis mini, lol.
I'm busy prepping for Christmas so I haven't started another epic rpg. I'm playing Link's Awakening (Switch) which is lovely. I've just got passed the 3rd dungeon, which was where I think I put the GBC 3DS game down a couple of years ago.
I have a bad habit of not finishing Zelda games, so I'd like to see this one through.
Don't really know on the Switch front outside of more progress on Ori and DQXIS but the XB1 front is mostly about Halo (MCC and 5).
I need to work on Octopath Traveler as I'm only a couple hours in but all gaming has been paused by the fun times that are Christmas prep and parties. I would also like to get back to Dark Souls as I played it for about an hour a year ago and then haven't had a chance to revisit it. Hoping I can dedicate some time to it over my holiday break and then continue in the new year now that Three Houses isn't dominating my time. Thankfully there is a small lull in new games I want to play so I should be able to catch up on those 2 and maybe actually finish off War Groove.
The Christmas gift that is Pokemon Shield may mean the Switch is over utilized though and take away from my gaming time.
Santa should bring me my own switch.....that would solve some of these dilemmas
Fx3 pinball, Starlink and the Witcher
@gaga64 Sure thing, but I'd like to make a mod or two to it:
@KingBowser86 that’s awesome
Just finished King of Cards, and so when I have time I may try and finally best Xenoblade 3d. That, and rumor has it that my wife bought me a copy of Chrono Trigger DS for Christmas. I can't wait to play that!
Probably some Mario Maker 2, little more Witcher 3, Netflix and Disney+
I'll be rocking Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Super Mario Maker 2, and possibly Star Ocean: First Departure R. Mostly Fire Emblem. I'm about 70% through my second Blue Lions playthrough. If I'm still hungry for more after I've finished it, I might do Maddening Crimson Flower.
Right now I'm horns-deep into Hollow Knight. If I can get through it, I've got Digmon Cyber Sleuth, The Witcher III, the new Cadence of Hyrule Octavio mode, DQ11, Pokemon Sword, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses (320 hours in and I still have a quarter of a route to go! Then I might try non-NG+ Maddening mode!) to keep me occupied. Plus a bunch of short indies including What Remains of Edith Finch.
Basically, too many games! I'm going to do my best to take at least two off of my backlog this season, though!
I'm really hoping to get Astral Chain for Christmas
Nothing, played enough this year. It's Christmas, just relaxing and eating.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Well with all the sales going on atm on my new switch I have four games I think I could be going through:
My primary focus is to beat Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! so I can spend the new year playing Pokémon shield.
(And by the new year, I mean like the first two months before Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes out)
I’ll also be playing Ori and DQXI @grumblevolcano ! Also want to finally finish Goose Game and will definitely play Tetris 99. Once I beat Ori I think I’ll start either Wargroove or Hyper Light Drifter..
And with my buds I’m looking forward to playing some Smash, Heave Ho, Stretchers, Towerfall and Killer Queen.
Much love Nintendolife community and staff, thanks for existing!
For my something else game I am going to be greatly catching up and pouring some hours into a classic: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Out!
Currently playing Metacritic's highest-rated game of the decade: Super Mario Galaxy 2!
Dauntless for me! Love the game so far!
Let's see: I am playing Crash Team Racing Blazblue Central Fiction Dragons Dawn of the New Riders Astral Chain Link's Awakening Pokemon Shield Daemon X Machina
I also help promote Nintendo products with Nintendo of Canada in PR on Facebook. I'm finally working for Nintendo. And it's work from home.
This is a great Holiday gift!
After being disappointed by Pokemon shield, but still wanting a monster capturing game, so decided to start world of final fantasy. Absolutely hooked and so much more fun than Pokemon
@Farmboy74 world of final fantasy is amazing! Enjoy
Stardew valley
I started on Castle of Heart and while it seems a pretty decent game I'm not sure it's for me. Also started SNES zelda on switch online. Been a while and I'm enjoying it. Probably play a bit of civ 6, enter the gungeon and maybe some splatoon 2 over xmas. Might start on collection of mana too, which was almost free on cart via an amazon app offer, although my son is getting pokemon sword for xmas so i suspect my time on the switch will be limited for a few weeks soon!
Have a good xmas everyone!
I'm playing Pokémon Sword as haven't had much time to play it since launch. Also some Mario's Picross on GB. Might also play either Golf Story or Yokus Island Express.
Will definitely be picking up Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology for 3DS as the discount is amazing.
@Zuljaras Turok on Switch is cool. The option to turn off head bobbing meant I could finally play the game without getting motion sickness.
Bloodstained:RotN, Blasphemous demo, and Blaster Master Zero 2.
I'm going back to my home town to visit family, so I'm taking games my nephews will probably enjoy. I haven't decided which all games I'll take, but the two I bought in Japan, Zoids Wild and Fishing Spirits are definitely going.
Frosty Fest on Rocket League
The amount of games I'll have to play for the holidays is insane! I wont even have enough time off to play them all.
I'll be playing the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 X-Men dlc for the Switch on the 23rd. I just got Vacation Simulator and Real VR Fishing for the Quest so I'll be trying them out too.
I also renewed my Xbox Gamepass so theres a bunch of games on there I'll try, like Gears 5, My Friend Pedro, Outer Worlds etc.
I'm getting a new PC for Christmas though, so that will consume most of my time. So far I have Batman Arkham VR, Elite Dangerous, Star Trek Bridge Crew, Asgards Wrath, Doctor Who the Edge of Time, Arizona Sunshine, Disco Elysium and Age of Empires 2 to play. Doctor Who on Christmas Day ftw!
Honestly? Working on a few things for upcoming reviews but I'm starting to get REALLy good at Dead Cells so I'm pretty much sucked back into that one right now and LOVING it. Still haven't beaten it on Hard but I got close last night. Still discovering tons of new stuff and it's just fantastic. I'm sure I'll dip into some Dauntless and other things too, but Dead Cells has my holiday attention for now!
I have a week off coming up(one more work day woooo!) and I just started Black Flag yesterday. Lots of AC4, and lots of playing with my daughter and the 5 million new toys she is about to receive. Merry Christmas
I was already lucky enough to squeeze another Overcooked co-op session with my friend yesterday (and even a splitscreen race in Grid). As for the bigger plans... I dunno, what's the holiday range in the UK? Here it's arguably until January 7 (due to the religious calendar discrepancies, we have TWO Christmases as official bank holidays), although some jokingly extend the cutoff date into January 13 (projecting the aforesaid calendar difference upon New Year's Eve for a similar but unofficial reprise). So it's hard to list everything I hope to try/start/resume over such a long period of time when even my weekend plans get subverted constantly.😆
But to humour the topic... it would be neat (and, given the current progress, doesn't sound impossible on paper) to finish Dual Destinies and finally wrap up Tales of Destiny. And the first Persona while I'm at it, although I'm still not sure if I have good odds against the penultimate boss (or if I even did everything to qualify for a rendezvous with the ultimate one). On the same "paused for month but not far from the finish line" shelf are 999 on Vita (where I've been naturally trying to unlock all the endings for a while) and, of course, Diabolical Box on DS.
On Switch... where do I even begin? From new bites and mouthfuls of Starlink, BotW and Skyrim to [somewhat] more progress in FFXII, Nelke and Star Ocean, from casual procedural romps through the likes of Isaac and EtG to the gradual grind in the likes Disgaea and Warframe, from likewise resuming and possibly finishing adventure titles like Goetia to inflating my backlog further at the lure of new additions like Morphite and Degrees of Separation. Oh, and I hope to pour a few hours into my laptop-dwelling backlogs as well, including more of my repeat journey through Gran Pulse (would be remiss not to, this being the game's grand anniversary month), more mouseclicking through the quests and hunts around Vizima, more gunning and driving through San Esperito... and once again, I'll be lucky to do 10% of this whole list above. But hey, you asked.
Anyway, better luck to everyone else with their own backlog plans for these next weeks - and happy holidays overall!
I picked up The Witcher 3 on Switch this weekend. I finished the game on PS4 when it first came out. I've already put about 6 hours into the game and the experience of playing it handheld is fantastic!
Working at Christmas and alone this year. Probably not really in the mood to do much other than sleeping. Maybe playing a little bit of Donut County.
Ori And The Blind Forest
I'll finish Luigis Mansion 3 co-op with my daughter, we are finally on the 15th floor now. And I'll get time to finish The Touryst and King of cards and maybe the Witcher 3. And as usual I'll play a bit of Grid Autosport in between, looking forward to getting online multiplayer for it!
Let's see:
Bloodstained (Switch)
Zelda BOTW (Switch)
Into the Breach (PC)
Prey (PC)
And I'll be with my brother over Xmas, so we'll be playing his Xbox. Probably Borderlands 3 and Star Wars: Fallen Jedi.
I am hopefully getting Fire Emblem for Christmas, so will be playing that. I will also be spending more time on DQXIS. I played a few hours yesterday and completed the Sniflheim section, which was appropriate for this time of year.
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