One game we feel like we've been waiting a lifetime for is '90s Super GP. This arcade-style game, formerly known as 90's Arcade Racer, started out as a Kickstarter campaign and was originally targeting a Wii U release. In 2017, we received confirmation from Nicalis that the game would instead be power sliding onto the Nintendo Switch at some point in the near future.
So, what's the latest development update? At the start of this year, it was revealed developer Antonis "Pelikan13" Pelekanos was no longer involved with the project and since then, there's been no further updates. A fan has now reached out to Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez over on Twitter. According to Rodriguez, the game is still happening and will even include online play:

The original scope of what was in the Kickstarter wasn't realistic for a single artist to do. He was able to get a lot of things running, but you need a specialist for a lot of things, like online--which the game will now have
When this game is finally released, it's expected to channel classic Sega arcade racers such as Virtua Racing, Daytona USA, Sega Rally, Scud Racing, and Out Run. We're sure the addition of online play will make it even better when it does arrive. While we wait for some more substantial information regarding the Switch launch, take a look at this footage of the Wii U version dating back to 2015:
Have you been patiently waiting for this game since it was originally announced? Leave a comment below.
[source gonintendo.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 56
I love old arcade racers and since nostalgia is the flavor of this console generation, I wish ea would resurrect the old rumble racing game.
It's seriously hard to believe that this game is actually still alive. We go literally years between updates, and said updates are rarely anything more than "it's still alive".
Prefect, just what I needed
I'll believe it when I see it.
Woah. I forgot this existed. Well, this does look cool, and I love arcade racers so i’ll wait for more info on this game.
Looks terrific! Though I have little faith I will ever actually play it though. Shame really
I did not know about this one until stumbling across it a good while back. I really want to play this one since learning about it, I use to love playing Sega Super GT (Scud Race outside the US) years ago at a local arcade. One of my favorite arcade racers.
I'll believe it when I see it.
I look forward to the next update in June 2020 where we'll be informed the game has entered Pre-alpha.
@OorWullie That's ambitious. All of the video we have seen thus far has actually just been sheets of concept art Tyrone has been flipping through really fast.
A twitter reply? That’s how we’re hearing about this game after all these years? That’s still not at all very promising. Going back to believing all was lost...
Wow I thought this was vaporware, glad to see this is still alive since I have always been a big fan of Sega arcade racers.
At this point, I think it’s more likely that Tupac is “still alive” than this game.
I will buy this for Switch and Xbox One X.
It seems the situation would play out like this.
Nicalis: [sleeping]
Fans: Hey wake up are you guys still making that one game?
Nicalis: One game, what one game?
Fans: You know that 90s based arcade racer game that was suppose to be release for the Wii U.
Nicalis: Oh that one game, yeah it's still happening and will even include online play for the Switch. [then goes back to sleep]
Fans: Okay?
Nicalis: [next time we'll just tell them that it'll have gyro support, it's too soon to admit we'll never release the game]
I gave up on looking forward to this game a long time ago.
I'd love to see this actually finished, but I've given up hope. A random tweet isn't going to change my mind.
Hard to believe this will actually ever get released. I just don't believe them.
Holy crap! Was just asking about this game 2 days ago!! Great news!!
"the game would instead be power sliding onto the Nintendo Switch at some point in the near future." yeah I heard that before for the Wii U...not believing this crap
I was looking forward to this on my Wii U. But I'll take it on my Switch instead.
I can’t remember for sure, but I think the original dev had some personal issues that came up that delayed the game, so I won’t fault him for delays. Life happens. However, I have given up hope.
It would be nice to see a release for those that already gave money with the Kickstarter.
@Indielink Haha, a 'Super 90's Super GP Maker' is probably more likely at this point.
I was really excited for this a few years back. Now I would prefer they just admit it's not going to happen rather than to keep hopes alive. This just reeks of Duke Nukem Forever at this point.
I would still buy it.
Also that Wii U footage still looks leagues better than Xenon Racer on Switch. What a dumpster fire of a game that turned out to be.
People are gonna be really disappointed with this game when it finally drops. Read below
I played this on the show floor at Anime Expo this year.
Absolute garbage. It’s not even a racing game anymore. Your final position is determined by points you get for drifting.
The AI is laughable. They drive seemingly random racing lines all over the track with no real direction.
The person demoing it on the show floor didn’t seem very proud and was actively avoiding answering questions
Between this and Racing Apex, I thought we had a full on arcade racing revival on our hands. Which would have been amazing, because I love those kinds of games. I hope they both eventually see a release.
Will Kickstarter backers still be getting the copy of the game they paid for then Nicalis?
This is the racing game I’ve been wanting for some time!!! Daytona!!! Just get it out at last!!!
Oh wow I had totally forgotten about this! Back in the radar it goes!
Sounds like boll###s to me. Once i see a release date i will believe it.
If it plays as good as it looks then i will grab this
Xenon racer has been patched by the way and is now amazing.
@SBandy I decided to give xenon a chance now with 1.05 and it can be found around 25 EUR now. It is acceptable now, a 6.5 to 7 out of 10.
I took Horizon Chase Turbo over 90s Super GP as I gave up. It would be great though if it still would happen! Wat annoyed me most was the release date on the Nicalis site, stating Coming Soon for over 2 years now!
@atomicjuicer Really, I know the patch was substantial but surely its now only average at best?
Of course it'll be released. Right around the time Half-Life 3 is
@smithpa01 it sounds terrible. It's not even a racing game anymore
I am happy you are getting enjoyment out of it but the damage has been done for me. Maybe if it drops below a tenner but not before then.
I remember feeding the arcade back in the days a lot with this game. We were on Christmas holidays and a shop just nearby our hotel had the arcade.
I almost spend my holiday s the rallying...
Nice memories from this game, I buy it instantly when it comes
Whatever you're thinking of, this is not actually that game.
I was just thinking about this game the other day really. Thought I actually missed it releasing.
90s Arcade Racer: still going strong, ever since 2013...
After hearing the stories of Nicalis and their scummy publishing practices, I honestly thought that this would never see the light od day. Tbh, it should've been finished and released by now.
Reminds me of Ridge Racer 1 and 2 on the PSP... probably will buy this.
In February a Bandai Namco employee updated their LinkedIn page to say they were working on Ridge Racer 8 which was a Nintendo Switch exclusive - Feb 13, 2019
Looks good, but is there no racing? It looks like time trial. If there was racing, I'd want the ability to take out the competition... I just want an HD Burnout 3.
WHAT? Been waiting for this since the heyday of the Wii U lol
@Jayofmaya there was racing when originally announced. Sounds terrible for what it is now. Final position is decided on drifting points.
Having Kickstarted this, I'm just glad it's ever going to be completed and released, especially on Switch as getting a WiiU copy at this point would have been frustrating. Might be the longest I've waited for a Kickstarter...
@kobashi100 Ahh, that was my least favourite part of NFS Carbon and Burnout Dominator, sequels that were good but honestly annoying when it came to Drift challenge.
Thanks for reporting this "development". I needed a good laugh today . . . .
@BANJO I have about 60 games on my Switch. I’ve a PS4 Pro and an Xbox one x. I’ve been playing arcade racers since the 80s.
This game has been crapped on by clueless reviewers who don’t know how to play it.
You hold accelerate and tap twice on the handbrake to drift.
It is in all honesty a better racer than ridge racer, Daytona, scud, wipeout, destruction derby, split second, blur, Mario Kart.
No one is playing the very BEST racer on switch.
Surprising to hear anything at all about this game. I’ll still get it if it ever gets released, but I’m not holding my breath.
@Tandy255 It wasn't personal issues, he actively BAILED on the kickstarter donors to work on some scrolling beat-em-up instead. Hard to get much lower than that imho.
@AngelFox I stand corrected. Hopefully the game can be salvaged and the Kickstarter fullfilled.
I played the demo at Anime Expo
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