Yet another prominent YouTube channel has received an almighty number of copyright claims from Nintendo relating to official game music, becoming the latest in a series of channels facing a similar fate.
The channel in question is GilvaSunner, which since launching back in 2010, has amassed over 862 million views. It reuploads official game soundtracks for viewers to enjoy without a licence to do so, which gives Nintendo every right to issue the copyright claims in question, but some feel that the situation isn't quite as black and white as that.
Yes, Nintendo has every right to protect its music, and nobody should expect to be able to distribute its content without facing repercussions, but Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative. At present, fans flock to channels like these because Nintendo - for the most part - doesn't make game soundtracks available to purchase or stream via legitimate platforms. Without unofficial channels like GilvaSunner, what are fans supposed to do?
There could be a silver lining to all of this, though. As we mentioned, multiple similar channels have been receiving similar claims - BrawlBRSTMS3 X has been shut down entirely after initially facing copyright notices from Nintendo, and The Pokémon Company issued similar notices to Pokémon Reorchestrated a few years back.
Some are hoping that Nintendo is taking down unofficial streams in preparation for an official music service - perhaps full soundtrack streaming via Spotify or full downloads via iTunes. Only time will tell if this truly is the case, of course.
Would you like Nintendo to offer official and legal ways to consume game soundtracks? Would you pay for downloads given the chance, or stream soundtracks if they were available? Let your voices be heard in the comments below.
Comments 130
"Is an official music service in the works?"
Yeah, you wish.
...we all wish. So that we could listen to Nintendo's music without having to resort to the pirate bay, or lugging an entire flippin Switch as a MP3 player with a 3 hour battery life.
Many soundtracks can be found on iTunes (entire Pokémon library) also you can buy soundtracks for Fire Emblem, Super Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Kirby, Smash, Splatoon by simply going to
Distributing music you don't have copyrights for IS piracy and Nintendo should claim all of it.
i have my favorite soundtracks downloaded now, and if i need more i still can find them. though usually only 30 minute or 10 hour versions.
Unless there is an official music service asap this is really poor form from Nintendo. I know they have the right to block this legally, but seeing that unofficial YouTube channels are our only way to listen to all the amazing soundtracks from their games at the moment, it's a real slap in the face to have that taken away from us. I'd understand if this is taking away profit from them, but since there is currently no way to listen to their music officially, it's not as if channels such as Gilvasunner were taking any money away from them, so blocking a harmless channel is just a move that will irritate all their fans
You know, with the giant library of music it does own, they could even launch their own app or service to either stream or buy music legit.
Money maker Nintendo, think about it....
Brawlbrstms3 was also taken down today
I'm still surprised (and sad) that their music isn't on Spotify. I hope this is a tease that they will soon.
Although Nintendo made that big move before the end of the year to be more lenient on YouTube videos playing their games, you know small YouTubers are still being hit with copyright claims from Nintendo because said games still contain Nintendo's music which is absolutely disgusting. Unless you're a big name YouTuber, Nintendo doesn't care if you're just streaming some fun Smash Bros matches, because that game contains so much of their music, they don't even think to consider being lenient on that too.
Please keep revising you YouTube policies, Nintendo. You're far from done with them yet.
I'm worried I'll receive a cease and desist if I start whistling a theme from Super Mario World on my way to work.
It's their property so they should be able to do what they want with it.
If you used a track from a band without their permission the same thing would happen.
It's their music and they will do whatever they like with it.
I use the music player feature in Super Smash Bros Ultimate for this purpose. If you press both shoulder buttons whilst in Handheld mode, you can leave the music playing without the console shutting down. There are options for shuffle and playlists as well so its good.
Straight up rereleasing of soundtracks is probably out of order, especially as many are available commercially, but people recreating them in interesting ways is fans in action. Nintendo won't be able to act in this way especially on music forever, lots of places have copyright expiry dates for music which will start to come into play.
Get with the times Nintendo
@Stability_Update This is how I listened to Zelda music in 1998...
The official service will require you too run a wire from your swiitch to your phone, open a new app, then open the Nintendo online app on a second device and register a new music-only account, link them together with a 3DS and stream off your phone at 48kbps. Oh, headphone playback of any type will be disabled and you have to have an existing Nintendo Online Subscription. And songs only play in a random order. You know, how Nintendo do.
Steal people’s music, pay the price.
Without unofficial channels like GilvaSunner, what are fans supposed to do?
I gotta admit, in my day (the 90s) we didn't have video game soundtracks at all and we somehow survived.
Ow this must be coming to switch online, thinking on it. With the SNES controller listed could be part of online service revamp.
@Bunkerneath thank you for saying that: I am a publishing musician. While no one buys my silly music I still want it protected. And if that is good for me, it is still good for a multi million dolllar company.
That said: oh boy would I love to buy a ton of nintendo music. They are missing out on a bid opportunity.
While I don't endorse stealing content this isn't like someone distributing copies of video games or trying to give people albums to download. Streaming music on Youtube is just a nice and convenient means for people to experience and explore music that they otherwise wouldn't be able to access. Consider how nobody is really trying to sell any of this I don't see the offense here.
On the one hand, people are totally not buying consoles and games because they can listen to the soundtrack on YouTube, right? eyeroll
On the other hand, why everybody tryin' to monetize everything they upload? Especially when what they upload isn't theirs?
Quite honestly, I don't see how having soundtracks to things available to the public at large, especially when they are not being marketed themselves, that cultivates a fondness for the music is anything but good for the brand. Other people are advertising and putting your products out into the public culture for you and without you having to spnd a dime. And even if all of a sudden a music-providing service were to pop up tomorrow, do you really think it would have the extensive catalog of all the titles ever? Even for obscure games, like Black Sigil the DS game? Or what about licensed products that Nintendo can no longer sell themselves, suche as Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team?
so they can provide lackadaisical options themselves i bet.
im certainly not gonna stream music or open an account just to listen to one, i have my stuff entirely offline as such as an entire soundtrack of donkey kong country in one long runtime.
you know stuff nintendo would never do in a unique way like the youtubers does.
and before you yell thief i own the cartridge so i think im well within my rights.
Naturally, Nintendo has the full right to do this, but I'd hope that it's because they're preparing for music streaming. Time will tell, but still...
Crossing my fingers that this means that an official alternative is in the works.
Why the heck would anyone want to go around listening to video game/Nintendo music?
@Tsurii nah your thinking of digital license games which is what people are trying to hard to push.
we can do whatever the hell we want with our physical collection which im sure is how people are getting the music from to upload in the first place. we OWN them wrap your head around that.
@fluggy Because some of these songs sound pretty damn good.
How many times has GilvaSunner/SilvaGunner/etc been banned now? He seems pretty determinted to keep trying.
Oh well. There 's still Overclocked Remix & other cover artists out there.
Cutting off the hydra's head continues...
I assume before this random copyright flagging, Nintendo was earning 100% of their ad revenue for these vids? Wonder why they wanted to change that arrangement....
@Illusion thats what makes this a little off, but didnt they shut down the program while back?
@JazzyPone or a six hour battery
What's a fan to do? Grow up and deal with it!
Something not being for sale does not give us the right to steal it. Hey, Nintendo Life, I really like your website, are you gonna be okay with it if I hack your server download all the content without your permission, and then upload all your articles on another website?
Or how about individuals? Let's say artists. If you spend dozens of hours painting a beautiful picture, you think the artist is gonna be okay with you copying their painting and uploading it to another website instead under a different name instead?
This is the unfortunate rules we all get to play by thanks to unreasonable copyright laws, but they are still the law of the land. Nintendo did provide another way to listen to their music in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, and honestly they don't even "have" to do that.
Does it suck? Yes. I don't particularly want to break out Xenoblade Chronicles every time I want to listen to the awesome soundtrack, but those are the rules we have to live by. Our only recourse is to get our Representatives to fix what they broke, and all I have to say is good luck because there are multiple entrenched mega-corps whose interests are against you.
"Yes, Nintendo has every right to protect its music, and nobody should expect to be able to distribute its content without facing repercussions, but Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative"
And doesn't have to, let's be honest. I know the feeling of annoyance at such a lack of official purchase options first-hand, but it's hard to seriously fault what's literally a company's own business without trespassing the domain of first world problems. We can all live without this music; if you can't get your inner fan to do the same, you can but pirate this stuff at your own risk and your own conscience bargains - but last time I checked, YouTube was never the extent of piracy's facilitation either. Chances are the certain other sources are exactly where the generation of gilvasunners gets a lot of this music to upload from.😏
Nintendo's own music service would certainly be a nicer option in all regards, but C&D's would be something Ninty's legal folks are paid for with or without such a service existence. As with anything in this industry, it's best to discuss something seriously once it seriously happens. Although I find it hard to get excited for new music services when most of the existing ones end up region-locked to Bowser's guts and back.
@Darknyht Why is it unreasonable? If you write a song but for whatever reason decide you don't want to share it, and I hack your computer and copy it, you gonna be okay with that?
And on the topic of Xenoblade, I have the soundtracks sitting on myself, 1, X and 2.
I thought Nintendo was done doing this kind of thing as long as there is commentary over it.
I support the talented and hard working musicians that create music for Nintendo. A lot of these people will be individual artists, composers and musicians that dont get paid when music is pirated or broadcast via a YouTube for free. It may be that the Youtuber earns view revenue through this but the musicians, artists, composers, studios and the rest of the massive chain of people and companies that ultimately help create and distribute the music get nothing for their efforts. It is right that Nintendo issue copyright claims. It would also be nice if Nintendo did have an official presence on iTunes, spotify etc...
Personally, I want all Nintendo works on Vinyl. 😊
Makes sense from Nintendo's stance, but where else am I going to be able to listen to Lumpy Pumpkin for half an hour? Well I guess I can load up the game and let it idle. lol
Years ago when I first got a cellphone with MP3 playback I made the decision to stockpile VG music I came across because I knew it would always be a challenge to find it on sites like YouTube. When music streaming became popular I wasn’t surprised when this kind of music wasn’t included.
It always boils down to the same idea: if there’s no easy way to acquire something legally, then people will find “illegal” ways of getting it.
@AlternateButtons aaaaaand I rest my case. "May I ask why"? Maybe because they're not in the mood to invest their time and resources into providing the legal means? Don't shoot the messenger, but a personal desire to "listen to beautiful music" doesn't mean all THAT much to most other people unless they can make some profit for it - and as I've often reminded, those who can have a simultaneous right to choose if and when and how to try making said profit. Besides, in the case you bring up - and quite a few others, for that matter - Nintendo already gives an option to listen to FE3H music outside the game... if your desire to do so is strong enough for the 100 bucks the special physical edition costs. Indeed, special editions have been the main official source of game OSTs for a while now, especially with Japanese games.
It's like what Nintendo did with the Rom sites. They are just showing their mucsles. Nothing will come of this. No Nintendo music streaming app.
I’m just over here with Click Clock Wood stuck in my head without internet aid.
I don’t begrudge Nintendo for doing something within their legal right. Like someone else said, there’s laws currently on the books; If they’re not agreeable, work to change them.
I mean if they actually allow streaming they will make more money off people who are gonna torrent it instead of paying 100 dollars for a "SE" with some cheap packaging.
Even Avex figured that out eventually.
@DarkLloyd Creator's program purpose was to have a right to use gameplay footage or a fan content to Youtube that has anything related to Nintendo. Good thing that they got rid of it...for now.
Soundtrack is however different story and it of course flags copyright claim as "a piracy"
I fell asleep to startropics ost on youtube last night.
For entirely biased reasons I want this to stop.
This is the same company that, years ago, sued a guy for mentioning he liked Metroid on his dating profile or some other "adult site". And still copyright strike let's plays for things like having cinematics in them.
@Wawawaaaario true and youtube is usually harsher on music to begin with
I still don’t understand why Nintendo hasn’t uploaded their music to Spotify yet. Would be ok with it too if they waited a year before a game soundtrack is released to it appears on itunes for spoiler reasons
@Matroska serious? damn thats pretty petty of nintendo
@AlternateButtons there doesn't need to be an excuse for it regardless of the year. Whether to spend 100 bucks on a selection is your choice, but that's the choice you're officially given - in a situation where NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM has any legal, moral or ethical obligation to give you any choice at all. Sega, Square Enix & Co offer their music libraries because they choose to - and the fanship ulcer inside your mind is doing nothing here but implying (intentionally or not) that Nintendo is denied this choice. "Anti-consumer practices" is thrown around by people who barely ever read the related legislation as it is - but it may well be the most egregious example when you can hold an "anticonsumer practice" by... deciding not to have customers in some market at all. And your inalienable right to do so turns out to be "archaic". Because fans say so.
Sorry, but if you allow the fan in you to write such things in public and with a straight face, I retain all the "dare" to respond that it's an obscene junkpiece of a mentality that befits a fan but not a person. The entitlement is getting downright surreal in discussions like these.
xD you made me laugh a little because of that joke!
I do not think they suffer from it.
If people like a piece of music (or any other stuff) they go and buy it. Regardless if it is available on youtube or not.
If a person does not want to pay money for any content, restricting this content on youtube will not help at all - the person will not pay and find a way to get it for free
GilvaSunner got hit?! This actually really sucks...
Boy, I can't wait for Nintendo's own music service, where they release 2-3 individual tracks a month and it requires a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. 🙄
@AlternateButtons you honestly believe you're being "forced" to buy an electronic entertainment product you can live without and you talk "lost causes" in the same statement. And people still expect me to so much as consider any respect for "fan" entities that drive entire crowds to think and say such stuff.
But as long as you believe I'm seriously enabling Nintendo to do all these "anticonsumer" things... what can I say? Would if I could. "It ain't much but it's honest work" XD
I only like Zelda games OST. Sure Mario has a nice tune, but I can live without it. But when it comes to Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess is an other story
This passage; "but Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative. At present, fans flock to channels like these because Nintendo - for the most part - doesn't make game soundtracks available to purchase or stream via legitimate platforms. Without unofficial channels like GilvaSunner, what are fans supposed to do?", underscores the entitlement people feel today. Nintendo owns the rights to the music and they can do what ever they like including enforcing their rights. Calling it an "homage" or a "fan dedication site" does not soften the hypocrisy of expecting a company or a person to give up the right to earn income from created or intellectual property.
How many times have I visited Amazon trying to buy the Mario Kart 8 soundtrack, or the Super Mario 3D World soundtrack, or some other Nintendo soundtrack, only to find that it's not available except through some third party shipping from Japan? I honestly don't know. This kind of thing wouldn't be nearly so annoying if Nintendo would make their music available for those of us who want it, but they don't.
The question is if Nintendo will start a streaming service for their music, if they do then the real questions would be if they are going to be charging some kind of membership that will require us to purchase the tracks individually or pay a monthly membership to use the service, and will it have every soundtrack of every game (including the obscure hard to find in-game jingles) or will it just be a specific selection of games only and not every Nintendo game in which case we would still be dealing with the problem of how and where to find the missing music.
@Bunkerneath There's tons of unofficial uploads/lyric videos on YouTube that get generally ignored. Sometimes the copyright holder monetizes them. Nintendo could absolutely do that instead, and easily make a little money while still letting people easily listen to and share their music.
Otherwise, they could make up for it by pulling a Square Enix and putting most of their music on Spotify. (And finally localizing the third game in one of their smaller series while they're at it.)
Square Enix recently put a bunch of music up on Spotify, and they are known to be really protective of their music.
Hope Spotify is where they be uploading their music. Bin waiting for them to do this for ages
@Heavyarms55 Unreasonable in that the terms of copyright have extended that for all practical terms they are infinity. By the time the copyright on Xenoblade Chronicles's soundtrack expires, no one will be alive that cares. We are sacrificing 95% of content produced to protect the really valuable 5% that lasts past a few generations.
Go look at the amount of film, television, and other media that has been lost essentially because they have rotted on a shelf due to unknown copyright status or failure to preserve it. Some of it considered the best of the era it was produced in.
EDIT: This is mostly an American view, but copyright wasn't intended to last forever so that culturally important works could be released to the public for use and in turn fuel new works (an example of abuse is Disney's use of public domain fairy tales, while hoarding everything it creates into vaults).
I just hope an official version comes to Amazon music.
Quote "Yes, Nintendo has every right to protect its music, and nobody should expect to be able to distribute its content without facing repercussions, but Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative."
When a company does not provide a legal way to listen to music or play a game, that does not justify stealing it.
Also these YouTubers are making money off of others works.
This is a big deal to me, as I've built up 2 music playlists with almost 6000 songs between them on YouTube, and at least 40% of that is Nintendo music, so much so that I sent in a news tip regarding it. If Nintendo really does take down all uploads of music from their games (apparently, even retro soundtracks haven't been safe), then the closest things I'll have left are probably the Mario & Sonic soundtracks and maybe Cadence of Hyrule. If there's an alternative, that's fine, but if not, then this is a huge blow to me. Maybe Dystify's 24/7 Nintendo music stream will survive?
I will buy all the Nintendo music that I've downloaded onto my music library the moment it becomes available to purchase, but until that happens I'm not just going to not listen to my favorite music. It would be fantastic if Nintendo finally added all (And I mean all) their music to the common music services. Unfortunately though, even if they do start uploading their soundtracks, they'll probably take a Virtual Console approach where they only do a couple games a week, and many games they'll probably just never get around to.
@Heavyarms55 Just realize that if even the updated 1909 Copyright Act was still in force in the US, any game made before 1991 would now be public domain unless the copyright holder renewed. Everything released prior to 1962 would be completely in the Public Domain.
In that scenario, odds are in favor that there would be a lot of public domain NES games, including a lot that will never be re-released due to licensing agreements expiring. Plus, our society would be able to enjoy/reuse the entirety of 1950's culture.
I feel like if you've already bought the game then you should also have entitlement to the music in it too.
Nintendo should make they’re own music streaming service like PlayStation Music. And since you can listen to music from Smash Ultimate while the screen is off, I think this would do really well if a music streaming service for the Switch.
@Mr_Persona glad I could be of service ^_^
No doubt this mass Youtube purge is likely due to what happened with Smash Ultimate. Also its fairly obvious Youtube is pretty much the primary reason most game companies don't put up their OSTs for public sale more often since whats the point in making your soundtrack for sale if people will just rip it to Youtube anyway.
It probably will matter little anyway since now there are other channels reuploading BrawlBRSTM3x's content
Noooo Nintendo be consumer friendly notlikethis
You know, at first, I didn't feel like bludgeoning everyone I saw today with a lead pipe.
Then I read these comments.
If only there was a way to listen to music from Smash Bros in game.
Dang, I knew BRAWL had to take down all of their Nintendo-related content, but I didn't know that the channel itself had shuttered. Such a shame. I frequently listen to extended versions of video game tracks on YouTube when at work. It's a nice alternative to Spotify when I just wanna plug away at my code. I find it easier to work with nonverbal soundtracks like that vs. my normal music sometimes. I've found alternatives so far, but who knows how long those will last at this rate.
I know that Nintendo has every right to protect their music via copyright, particularly if it was being monetized (Which I don't believe is usually the case), but there just aren't any decent alternatives for these tracks in many cases....Not without paying out the wazoo for some of them in physical formats when they're available. I would gladly PAY for a lot of soundtracks if they weren't extremely limited and/or scalped to death.
Someone mentioned that Pokemon tracks are available, true, but those are specifically at the mercy of TPC, not Nintendo.
Edit: To be fair, there are some EXCELLENT video game music covers out there by talented individuals using their own instruments or even acapella, but they aren't quite the same.
Im half and half about this. If your job is gaining profit off of other peoples music, you get taken down. But it sucks because we dont have an OFFICIAL way to listen to them. At least copy what SIIVAgunner does
Nintendo has been awful about this for ages.
They really don't understand the internet, fans, or I guess anything at this point.
Copyright law is tricky to say the least. I won't say much since I'm not a lawyer but I think it's pretty clear that the current copyright laws in the US is outdated and needs updating. How and in what way, I honestly don't know but there needs to be some change
@nhSnork The big problem with using special editions for music is the limited availability of the special editions. They tend to have limited stock available for day one and that's it.
The Master's edition of BotW was sold out within a few hours of the preorder going live and the special edition sold out within the week.
I was trying to find a special edition of Fire Emblem Three Houses and it was sold out everywhere I looked. I had to go to multiple stores just to find a physical copy of the base game.
imo copyright laws should just be scrapped, all it is needless corporate greed & monopolization. hell, one of the reasons why it's gotten so MESSED up in the us is because of disney pushing it's influence onto the US government every time micky is about to make his way onto the public domain and it's going to happen again in 4 years.
@brandonbwii Not if the courts really will take away Nintendo's legal protection if they don't take some kinds of measures against piracy. That said, I doubt that it's actually that much of an issue for them since they're clearly the creators of each of their franchises.
I'm still seeing Toad putting the headphone on his hat instead of where his ears would be. This bothers me so much more
If they're planing on releasing a music service or adding their music to existing services, then count me in, otherwise it sucks to lose those channels since youtube is basically the only place to listen to nintendo music...
One of my biggest problems is that, in the US, whenever we do happen to get an official release it's almost always exclusively through iTunes, which I don't use. I imported the Xenoblade 2 physical soundtrack for that exact reason.
Ohh, the entitlement of today raises its ugly head yet again. We the general public have absolutely no right to any of the in game music found in video games. If you want the music, go buy the soundtracks. I'll even help you get started by providing a link to buy some.
Oh, its not on itunes? Once you have purchased the album rip them from the CD. Not every piece of music is on soundtracks? Well, you are out of luck then aren't you.
There is also another way to enjoy video game music, buy the game.
Yeah, since Nintendo doesn't like to make their tracks available, screw them
@mikegamer I have many official Nintendo soundtrack CDs so I have no idea what you are talking about.
It's true that you can buy soundtracks online, but they cost too much. Screw this, just download the soundtracks off the internet. Screw corporations 8)
@wew Oh no, you have to buy a product? What madman invented this system of exchanging money for goods and services?
@Trikeboy tone it down a notch
@Trikeboy take it easy pal your trying too hard
@StableInvadeel Why? There are so many childish comments on this article. People are acting like Nintendo personally kicked them in the face by protecting their products.
also his channel has not been terminated as the Banjo music is still up
Well, I guess if I want my Nintendo music fix from now on, I'll have to face the grand daddy himself.
or just use KHInsider - hehehehehehehehehehe
@sanderev Can you please explain why pirating something you can't buy or is included with a game you already own is bad? the "it's illegal" excuse won't cut it.
@Wolfgabe the whole donkey kong 64 tracks are still there too
@DarkLloyd and Diddy Kong Racing too
I really feel like half the people in the comments section defending Nintendo just want to argue just to spite people who are upset over this. As a person who has numerous older RPG soundtracks on CD, game OST's can be wildly expensive and/or impossible to get, and not available on many streaming platforms. Ive had to pirate plenty of soundtracks just because i just cant get them, but a civilian telling me i shouldn't because copyright is just silly. Its not my fault nintendo, or whatever game company doesn't want my money.
( @PikaPhantom ) With that being said, streaming sites, websites, and video sites ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND when it comes to game OST's. They can and will be taken down at a moments notice. get your music copied offline and then upload it to a google music account so you can stream it privately via the web or app.
@Noid It's not an excuse. If you own a license of a game (you NEVER own the game) or if you can't find it anywhere else it's still NOT allowed to pirate it.
@sanderev just because something is legal still doesn't make it morally or conceptually ok. copyright laws are for the most part ridiculous, and alot of game companies aren't smart enough to monetize their soundtracks properly, so you just create a hotbed for pirating, and its their own fault. I have no sympathy for any corporation in that aspect.
Yeah, Nintendo has the right, doesn't make it any less crappy, though. Hate when that's used as a defense. Especially reading some of these comments. It's amazing what people will say to justify their precious Nintendo, lol. And with such furor, too, it's kinda hilarious
@sanderev Dude, that's literally the excuse I told you not to use. there's tons of legal stuff which is horrible and more than a fair share of illegal stuff that's harmless
@BranJ0 The real slap in the face is to the composers and musicians. Is your convenience more important than their work's value just because it's easily reproduced digitally?
Video game music is generally widespread, though. My playlist just lost Gilva's upload of "Conquest (Ablaze)." A quick YouTube search reveals many other users' top-notch uploads, all of varying lengths. Heck, not all of Gilva's uploads are gone. Only recent ones seem to have been de-listed.
I won't lose sleep over this, since my lost tunes were most likely also uploaded by less successful and therefore less threatened channels.
BrawlBRSTMS3 X has been shut down? How am I going to listen to Streets Of Rage soundtracks now?
Just put your music on Apple and Spotify already.
@Dr_Lugae The problem is there's no way for me to listen to their music at all! If I could easily buy it somewhere I'd happily spend a considerable amount of money on some of the best video game soundtracks out there, but if they're not available anywhere at all for me to purchase what's the harm in having them on YouTube?
@Trikeboy Huh, that's funny, question?
Can you get the OST to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Nooo
Can you get the OST to SNES games or N64 games? No. Oh, I remember!
You can't, so please, spare me your bull crap.
Nintendo Life commenters would defend Nintendo even if they killed their grandmothers
@BranJ0 lol waluigi will be in smash before they do this sensible thing. At least you can listen to smash Bros music on the switch
I've never known a company so good at pushing people away who simply want to enjoy their content.
They do have alternatives many of the soundtracks from their biggest games are indeed available, you may have to import them but they are out there.
@Charganium Wow. Major labels have been doing this with music for years. It’s not just Nintendo it’s about taking other people’s work for for free. I know artists who make music and their labels are always doing takedowns on YouTube and mp3 download sites to stop people stealing it. Sucks they don’t give people another alternative but hey, life isn’t fair sometimes.
"Yes, Nintendo has every right to protect its music, and nobody should expect to be able to distribute its content without facing repercussions, but Nintendo doesn't offer an alternative."
Because they don't have to? Nintendo makes the music to be enjoyed in the games they make. You buy the game/the product they are selling and you get to enjoy as much of that music as you want.
Granted, it would be nice to have Nintendo provide an alternative. I'm not disagreeing with that. But assuming someone else gets to fill that role "just because" isn't the correct response. You don't use/steal an artists work "just because". This is the same.
I don't think his channel was taken down because he got caught uploading official songs from Nintendo or other companies, it's because his channel garnish popularity and that popularity had make his channel profit from works that wasn't his. Not only that but by having such a large fanbase his channel had easily become a target for copyright infringement cause once your channel grows, your fanbase also grows and you'll eventually attract the attention of big giant corps as well. Once the big corps arrive and find out your works are not original, you bet they'll take action.
There's a saying about the Internet. Once something has been put on it. It is there FOREVER.
These channels have had these music sitting there for YEARS, before they were taken down.
Therefore, it is very easy to assume that all the music they uploaded has been downloaded, reuploaded, archived and redistributed across the Internet in thousands to potentially millions of sites.
The Internet is clearly something that Copyright law, especially one that hasn't been improved other then extension of control since the 1970's, cannot handle properly.
The people that support this, get this through your head; There are 7 billion people in this World and the majority of them can access the Internet far easier now then in all previous Human history.
Not to mention that there are many areas in the World full of people that DON'T CARE about Copyright Law and will take what they can and upload it for free to the internet because they physically can.
Looking at it from an overall view. This is a losing battle for the copyright owners because this law is ultimately no match for the power of the Internet and they know this.
Another music channel will come in Brawl's place and take over its position.
@ThatNyteDaez its 100% the correct response and its their own fault. People keep saying "oh life inst fair" "thats how it goes" well you create an atmosphere for piracy, and that's what you get,Piracy. "thats how it goes".
"life isnt fair"
Just download the file from blogs that host VGM. Or use a torrent. It isn't difficult.
Just to add though I am quite amazed at the reactions in here. Like a lot of screaming kids shouting “mine!” when they have to give back someone else’s toy because it’s not theirs. I never thought people would go into such a meltdown over video game music. I’ve never known or met anyone ever who is that bothered about video game music, which leads me to the conclusion it’s just another storm in a teacup on a few specialist websites dotted here and there.
This time next week it’ll be something just as trivial and first world, see you then. 😉
I haven't neccessarily checked for Pokemon, but I sure can't find anything I've ever looked for on a legit streaming service. This is how people are consuming music now. Hopefully Nintendo are pursuing Youtube uploaders (the land of music that hasn't made it to streaming services) because they are planning on putting things like the BOTW soundtrack on these platforms. They have to know that people stopped buying records because of video games + cell phones + internet utility fees as of over a decade ago. iTunes, primarily, is why mass internet music piracy isn't a thing anymore. Morality has nothing to do with the fact that if they don't oblige, people will rip CD's/vinyl and post to youtube. We saw this back with the portable cassette (and even reel to reel) when people didn't bother with bootlegs the minute something was commercially available to them in the format of their choice.
I still buy almost all my music on CD or on iTunes. I only use my Youtube Music subscription for background music (way too low quality even compared to iTunes AAC)
Most common I buy soundtrack CDs, rip them in FLAC and copy the files to my NAS. Which I connect to over the internet. (Basically my own personal streaming service)
I even automated the process. I buy a CD, insert it in my PC, on my PC the dics will be tagged and ripped into FLAC which will automatically be synced to my NAS.
Get lost, Nintendo 🙄
@sanderev Still got my 1200s, got into DJing 27 years ago so have amassed thousands of records. Since Serato though I've eased off on the vinyl, for me it was about hunting tracks down, a rip or a digital version isn't the same.
I can't believe I didn't buy the Playstation Ghost in the Shell 2 x LP when I was in HMV in Tokyo in the friend has a track in the game.
They busted SilvaGunner! That's absolute crime! They only ever produced the highest quality game music rips the world over!
I applaud your efforts. I recall when we thought that the near future was to be consumers getting a 24-bit 192khz format and their was a constant back and forth about recording at over 48khz, let alone such a sample rate (the bit depth I’d argue in favor of). Alas, everyone went to MP3’s. 😂
I was stubborn about it for well over a decade. But, I too succumbed.
Once in a while Nintendo is on a youtube killing spree. The reason: Greeeeeeddddd!!!
They picked on lets play video makers before and now on music uploaders. They are to stubborn to realize that those are massive promotions for their games. Or in othe words: listening to music on youtube or watching a lets play easier gets people to the games then those awful free to play (with microtransactions) mobile games!!
To the big uploaders: I hope they have a simple backup, that as soon as the coast is clear they can reupload all with one touch of a button!
@sanderev I'm sure you're really fun at parties.
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