As the initial excitement from the Switch Lite reveal starts to calm a little, more practical questions start to enter our minds. The most pressing of all these questions is probably 'do we need one of these?' and also, 'how would we actually use it?'
The cheaper price point and bright colours are very likely designed to attract families with younger players - it'll no doubt act in a similar way to the Nintendo 2DS in that regard - but how about for those of us who already own an original Switch?
It would be pretty cool to be able to play our favourite games on the TV with our original model, and then take a Switch Lite out and about to save some space - after all, the Switch isn't the easiest thing to fit in a pocket, is it? But how would this work? Can we start playing Zelda on one Switch, and then carry on playing with that same save file on a Switch Lite?
Talking to CNET, Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser says "yes", but perhaps not immediately.
"Yes, you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences. More to come on there, but that is the intention."
We'd say that having this ability would be a major pro for the Switch Lite; if Nintendo hopes to sell the new console to those who already own the beefier, multi-functional version of the same thing, it'll need to have practical features like this.
Time will tell, of course, but until then, make sure to let us know whether or not a feature like this would sway your decision to buy a Switch Lite in the comments.
Comments 93
WTF you mean "eventually" if this isn't a feature available on day one...
So, can i not just download my cloud saves?
I think it requires Online Service to allow you transfer Save Data from OG Switch to Switch Lite and vice versa.
@Rika_Yoshitake It's already a feature. You can connect your account to multiple Switches and you can transfer save games.
Less intention, more action.
Eventually? why not at release?
@J-Plap It already has the feature in the OG Switch. So yeah it's going to be there day one.
@Anti-Matter It doesn't.
Can I download all my games on multiple consoles
@jobvd You can. You can play them on one console at the time though.
@sanderev Unless it’s; Splatoon 2, Pokémon, Animal Crossing.
@sanderev how does that work?
Check this screenshot:
It allows you to transfer your save data two a second console.
Also you can link your account to a second console
(Just add a new user and log on to your Nintendo account)
Remember if you use your account on a second Switch THAT Switch needs to be online in order to play a game. Also the game will stop when you start playing on the first Switch.
You can change your "primary" Switch by going to the eShop.
Remember however, Save transfer is not Cloud save. Cloud save allows your save on multiple Switches at the same time (with your account). Transfer removes the save from the original Switch. No NSO required for transfer or "account sharing" , though.
@HobbitGamer That's the kicker there, isn't it?
@HobbitGamer This works for all games. Including those. This has NOTHING to do with Cloud Saves.
Can we share games between 2 consoles with one account? I can do that with my iOS devices.
This was a huge missed opportunity on the 3DS. I would have owned multiple 3DS’ and 2DS’ because they had so many cool special editions. However, I like to play what I collect and not being able to have the same account with cross-over saves between multiple systems was a deal breaker for me. Nintendo, get this right and you will make so much more in hardware sales.
I have a feeling that this will have a lot of astricks. Like have to use cloud saves. And if the game doesnt support cloud saves...
@Trajan check my reply above.
@nintendolie yes. But only one can play at the same time.
The feature is already there I guess, they just have to make this a seamless experience.
@jeffri yeah it’s a bit hidden currently.
@sanderev ""Yes, you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences. More to come on there, but that is the intention."" That sounds different than just pointing people to the existing Transfer Save Data feature, doesn't it?
I wouldn't be keen on using TDS twice a day, and risking the loss of save data every time.
@HobbitGamer that's always possible. But the basic features are already in place.
But I don't think they will allow game sharing on two Switches at the same time. So if you want to play local multiplayer between 2 Switches you will need two copies of the game. (Or take the "primary" Switch offline and play local multiplayer that way)
This is only an option once someone makes a grip case for it. I'm looking at you, Skull & Co! I like the colors and it could be a strong entry level for the DS families to join in, but for someone who already has a preexisting Switch(es), I'm content with what I got. I'm also happy it doesn't have a 3D slider.
@sanderev Here's hoping they streamline it. If there were a seamless way it's done with as little effort on my part as possible, I'd be interested in grabbing a Lite as my secondary/work console. Similar to how I can browse Chrome on my phone, then log in on my PC and see the same pages in my 'recently viewed' tab from the phone session.
@sanderev Sweet!
@HobbitGamer You can do that with the Cloud backup (for supporting games) feature. That automatically checks if the backed up version is newer than the local version and then downloads it if it is.
I think the headline is somewhat misleading. Of course they would include the ability to transfer data with Switch Lite
This would indeed sway my decision to own a Switch Lite. Being able to leave my main Switch in the dock and carry a second on the go (with a sweet d-pad no less) would be a selling point at my household.
@sanderev and pass online "check"...
@Anti-Matter only cloud save
So basically the same as undocking your switch to go elsewhere but instead of undocking you just grab your Lite instead.
Like me watching Now Tv on my TV, then later on continuing on my iPad.
They haven't removed the 'Switch' part you just need a second one to do it
My question is if it will let me install the games I bought via the eshop onto it and keep them on my original Switch. Would likely keep my original model docked (except for stuff like Labo) and use the portable as my new main on the go handheld in place of hauling the Switch around in a case.
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to do that with cloud saves on day one
They just need to do Local back up + local transfer like on PS4... should not even be tied behind $20 paywall.
Nintendo has the dumbest problems nobody else has 🤦♂️
If I have to buy a game TWICE to be able to play it on both my Nintendo Switch AND my Nintendo Switch Lite, then it's a 100% deal breaker. I'm not saying you do, nor do I believe it has been hinted that you do. I'm just saying that this is the most important thing for this to go over.
You must be able to associate more than one device to your account, and you must be able to play on any of those devices at anytime with out a network connection BECAUSE when you are out of the house using your Nintendo Switch Lite, the vast majority of people will NOT have an internet connection.
I like what they have done with the Nintendo Switch Lite, and I like the direction Nintendo has taken over all for the past few years, but I worry that big wigs in upper management will not understand how this is best implemented.
I see the SAME issue with the PS4 as well. I have 2 PS4 Pro consoles in my home, but I have to have 2 accounts with 2 copies of everything I want to play on them. It should just work with 1 account. You should be able to buy a game once, and play it on as many game machines as you own. I shouldn't have to go to one machine, tell it to release the account, and then go to the other machine and tell it to login to the account for it to work.
Meanwhile, homebrewers can make hundreds of backups locally, instantly, and transfer them to as many other (homebrewed) systems as they want. They can make backups of Splatoon, Pokémon and Animal Crossing saves as well, and they don't even have to pay for it.
As someone who plays undocked 80% of the time, the new Lite looks really appealing - especially considering that there will likely be an Animal Crossing special edition console, which I would be pretty much unable to resist. It would be great if we were able to seamlessly switch (pun intended) from the OG console to the Lite and vice versa and pick up our games where we left off on the other console, as it would allow games that usually do not support cloud saves (like Pokemon or Animal Crossing) to be played on the big screen without requiring a full data transfer every time. Fingers crossed this is what Bowser means!
@PharoneTheGnome I can see that people would have both a Switch as a home console and a Switch Lite as a handheld, but to be honest, I don't think the use case of people who have more than one of the same home console in the same household is all that common. The idea that you can only use your account on one of the same console at a time makes sense, otherwise you'd have hundreds of people using the same account, and not buying any games. There may be room for improvement, of course.
There will be more devices to follow. An upgraded Switch, possibly a Switch “Pro” and (some day) Switch ShieldTV, if they’re already talking about sharing user data amongst a group of devices.
I’m curious, will there be another version of the Switch Lite in the future? Much in the vein of a New 2DS or iPhone Plus? The OG Switch, in my eyes, is similar to the original iPad.
My only concern is that we may have to keep transferring our saves from the OG to Lite and vice versa, if we want a smaller Switch to take with us or want to play on the TV. If that's the case, no already took a while to transfer all my save data and games to my New 3DS XL. The Switch Lite looks cool, don't get me wrong. I just hope that won't happen for those who want to have two different versions of the Switch.
This kinda hurts my interest. When the handheld is an entirely separate thing, it's okay, but when it's literally the same machine, I don't want to split up my titles between the two. At least they're talking transferring saves and not gutting everything from one to the other.
Oh snap, that's right, Nintendo has been crap with on board memory.
Eventually? So I MIGHT get the switch lite. Eventually. When the cross saving is seamless.
Unfortunately, all signs point to setup where your account can only exist on one system at a time. That's how it worked on Wii U, that's how it works between Switches. It's "System TRANSFER", not "System SHARE", so I'd be pleasantly surprised if it were anything less restrictive than that.
The only question is, will any other game cards work like Mario Maker 3DS did, where the PHYSICAL copy could only operate on one system at a time. Got another 3DS you want to play it on? Fine. Just pop it in, WIPE IT CLEAN and you're good to go. Oh, you wanted to play it on both systems? You'll have to buy another copy for that.
I'm not even sure about this, but I don't think Switch game cards hold the save info on them. Aren't they saved to the system memory instead? So even if a game can be swapped between two units, it will probably have two different save states between the two systems.
Why they don’t just go the same route Apple takes with iOS devices is beyond me, I’d double dip for sure if they did this but I’m sure their implementation of this will be cumbersome at best. How will games that don’t support cloud saving work? And what about eshop games?
I guess this would be the main appeal. I wouldn't get a Lite as my one and only console, considering it can't play games that don't work on handheld mode and you need some tricks and extra cash for other controllers on tabletop mode
"Eventually" ... because transfering save files between two Switches is such a technical minefield.
I'm getting more the impression that they "don't have anything more to reveal at this time" and will give more details later, not the "it won't work on day one" that people are getting worried about.
With online, this should work automatically right?
Whoa, I'm considering buying it to keep the other one docked. If this works seamlessly enough, that's a major selling point.
Good. I always thought my Switch was a bit to big to take it out with me.
So, the quote from Nintendo specifically says (paraphrasing) that "yes" we'll be able to transfer save data from day one, and that's what they've always intended to do. However, the "journalist" reads that as it meant "eventually", even tho that's not what the quote actually was. Either the 'journalist' doesn't listen, or, he purposely added "eventually" for clickbait.
It'd be nice to be able to sync saves like the PS4 does so people with multiple systems in use can at any time pick one up and be on the most recent file. Without that I can't imagine many people double dipping for a slightly more nifty handheld that can't be shared.
It already does this? Cloud saves, right?
I feel like StreetPass should've made a comeback.
But will they let me keep my digital games in both places? History says they'll be hesitant, but that makes or breaks the sale for me.
Oh wait. What about games Nintendo blocks from cloud saving? Particularly Pokemon?
@HobbitGamer I wonder if a way they could get this done is via some kind of local wireless "family group" in the future.
Kind of like you register Switch consoles to recognizes each others as "family group consoles", thus you have a copy of your account on both and can update your savegames on the other via local wireless connection once you're home.
I could see a cap on how many consoles a Switch could recognize as part of the same group that would force to "ungroup" consoles if you want to "group up" with other consoles past a point but yeah.
Of course that might be getting complicated at this rate.
But for a slightly similar example, the existences of the "family subscription" for the Switch Online service being able to cater to 8 accounts/consoles at once has me wonder.
I don’t like “eventually.” I had a GameCube and Gameboy Advance with the cable that was supposed to allow all sorts of things. All I remember is letting my kids play as Tingle in Wind Waker to help find stuff. It never worked as a second controller the way Nintendo originally sold that setup.
More importantly, I have to be online to use eShop games? If I bought one of these to take out of the house, then I have to designate it as my primary console or find WiFi? Seems weird I’d have to make the portable console primary while the more expensive one connected to the tv is secondary.
I really like the convenience of digital downloads but man, Nintendo makes things harder than they should be!
One interesting tidbit I just read:
" The Switch Lite uses a more efficient processor that enables smaller heat vents on top of the system." .
So this might be the reasons for the chipset rumors we were hearing about. These likely weren't meant for a Switch Pro but just for making this Lite version actually possible by allowing to run with smaller heat vents(and thus allowing the console to be smaller in the first place) rather than allowing the console to be more powerful.
@Dad I think the online part is if you're trying to use this to play eshop games that are registered to another Switch.
I.e.: to identify that this is indeed the proper account trying to access these games.
Games registered on the Switch Lite as their primary console might not have an issue. Which is where account/save transfer features might be useful.
So ironically it might be best for some people to make the Switch Lite their "primary" Switch console vis a vis the eshop so that they can play games offline on the go whilst their OG Switch being at home would likely thus be always capable of connecting online as a "secondary" console to identify itself to re: the eshop to show you're again the same person.
It also means that with games that support cloud saves, kids being gifted the Switch Lite would benefit from having their primary account on the Switch Lite(which would make sense, it's their personal console afterall) and thus the home docked Switch become their "secondary" console which by being connected to house wifi by default would make the "need to be online for identification purpose as a secondary console of this account" less of an issue.
I'd say it's a situation where an adult owning an original Switch might indeed consider this an hurdle but it would re: be much less of an hassle for family who're buying the Switch Lite as an additional console for one of their own kids specifically.
I don't want to sit trough an entire save transfer every time so unless it's gonna be a quick process I'm not interested.
@sanderev this has everything to do with cloud saves. Nobody wants to "transfer" saves between two switches unless they are replacing one with another. This is about being able to play on the TV using your real switch and then continue on the bus using your miniature switch.
Please understand
@Ludovsky That’s pretty much what I was thinking. Like a parent/child console designation. Heck, they could even make it have to connect to the same ‘parent’ within 7 days or some arbitrary number if they’re afraid of exploitation
So you can't download cloud saves to the Switch lite? WTF NINTENDO!? GEEZ, THEN HOW DO I MOVE MY SAVE FILES OVER TO SWITCH LITE? Have to make a blood pact with Lucifer!
@sanderev @antimatter actually it does require online service to use the cloud. It is part of the nose subscription. Then you would need to make sure you have a internet connection to transfer saved data.
Why the Switch Mini? I thought people always brought their Switch to rooftop parties, used the kickstand and gave a joycon two each player, while laughing and highfiving the crowd that cheers them on.
You can have to seperate products aimed at the same consumer. Wii u or Switch and a 3ds. The reasons are obvious. But to have the Switch and a stripped down version of that product would be for to seperate markets. Much like a smartphone and a lesser version being for seperate consumers.
And to transfer files, maybe in two or three years and maybe never.
And the price is wrong, its to expensive for what it is. Its twice the price of a 2ds with games 40% more expensive.
Start on Switch, carry on with Switch Lite. You know what other switch console you can take with you? The one that lifts out of the dock! I like Nintendolife but they are getting a little too sales pitchy.
@Airsqueeble Guess that comes with covering exclusively nintendo. No problems here imo. Personally I don't really see any benefit for me with the switch lite. I am a little bit older and don't play on the go.Nintendo should offer regular switch consoles without dock at a cheaper price point.
@MonsterHunter I don’t have an objection to the console. I think it’s great for kids or people wanting only a handheld. But some of the coverage on this site is a little sales pitchy. One article talked about the d pad and how excited they were for it, hori sells a controller for 20 bucks with a d pad. If they are sponsored by Nintendo I get it, if not cover it for what it is, a handheld for kids. They just seem to be talking about it like it’s an upgrade, which it isn’t.
@Jezebel95 Definitely gifting my wife the lite animal crossing edition. I'm basically expecting that one as well.
@MonsterHunter lol the lite definitely seems overpriced when you factor that the dock is $90. Get rid of the dock and the price of the original Switch becomes $210. But you can get a Switch lite without the HD rumble, hdmi output, and other features for a $10 discount.
@NotoriousWhiz nintendo isnt exactly known to be generous all the time, lol.
@MaseSco One of my first thoughts was that if StreetPass was still a thing, I'd be loving this. (Now, I'll probably hold on for a special edition or perhaps a revision of the original if that happens.)
I think some kind of StreetPass functionality included in one of Nintendo's smartphone apps could have been great. Could have collected hits on our mobiles and transferred them to the Switch for playing or just kept it on mobile. I'm biased. I loved StreetPass.
Nintendo is in 2019 and can’t figure out how to do cloud saves. Every system got it down except them
Yeah I am going to buy a 200 dollar massively downgraded Switch to take with me!
Or I could just take my Switch with me!
There is no merit to buying one of these if you already have a Switch. This is only for those people who just can't shell out 300 bucks and are okay with a Switch that doesn't SWITCH!
I can't see anyone seriously transferring data on a frequent basis. If you're main Switch is the base one, then you'd still use that for portable unless you went on holiday. If you're main Switch is the Lite, then you'd probably begin using that all the time. In fact, I don't see any reason anyone would buy a Lite as a "second personal" Switch. Of course, that's me.
@molliolli182 @Dad @fluggy @J-Plap @Rika_Yoshitake Not anywhere is Bowser (still funny to write) saying "eventually", it seems to be the wording of @ryancraddock or whoever it is that makes these headlines. It's quite misleading actually, NL. Reading the quote from Doug, it sounds like a day one feature, but they are yet to give us more information about it. Reading your headline, it sounds as if it will come months after the console's release.
@Lawnachaun @Wolfgabe @sanderev Glad that some people get it. Hopefully these functions will be smooth and well thought out. Obviously the Lite is mainly aimed at new and younger players, but there are also a lot of Switch owners that wouldn't mind owning multiple versions of the console and therefore it's important that Nintendo have a solid solution for transfers and backing of save data.
Edit: It's fun to see people already owning a Switch moaning about the Lite in general. It's clearly mostly aimed at newcomers that only wants to play handheld as well as to kids. You don't need to buy one if you don't want to. And I bet a pro model is in the works, we'll just have to be patient.
The full part from the original article (that's not even linked properly here, had to make an extra click on that ad infested site (ads that automatically starts to play loud music - oh, how I hate them!)):
"Nintendo's working on a way to make switching Switches easier (shared libraries?)
At the moment, Nintendo doesn't make it possible to easily play Switch games on two devices. For instance, if you wanted to buy a non-TV-connected Switch Lite and make it your console, you'd give up playing games on TV with the Switch. But Nintendo may be making it easier to live between two devices soon. "I could see this fitting into a household where there are multiple players... and one flagship Nintendo Switch," Bowser says about Switch Lite, adding, "Yes, you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences. More to come there, but that is the intention." Maybe, when the Switch Lite is launched in September, we'll know more."
I don't even understand why you'd want to do this. I remember Sony pushing this with the PS3<->PSVita initiative. So now they come out with a system whose soul purpose was to "SWITCH" between home console and portable as one device and everybody wants to go back to having multiple consoles of the same thing. I may be the only one but I just don't get it.
I own 2 PS4s as well. You don't need two accounts or two copies of anything. I just log into my account on either PS4 and I'm automatically logged out of the other. You don't have to "release" either one. It works exactly as you say it should work.
@MonsterHunter they probably wanna be in good terms with nintendo. I mean they need to praise the new switch lite somehow. Did they ever mention its relatively overpriced?
@Agramonte They already have that though.
@Dad Crystal Chronicles used it for four controllers, but I was dreaming of a more universal use of that cable.
@Many_Hats I did not know that. Thanks
@Rubbercookie really? The only one I know about is the transfer that wipes the old one. I just keep a USB in my PS4 and just back-up a copy of my saves.
Great if they just let people with an SD card to do it that way. Just take it out and put it into a new Switch and you done.
@Agramonte A, I misunderstood what you meant then. Yeah it's a pure transfer where it's gone from the old system and moved to the new. Only backup system remains locked behind NSO.
3DS, Wii and WiiU are still the only Nintendo systems you can back up locally, (and even then only goes for certain games)
PS4 solution would be very welcome
@Rubbercookie Honestly that transfer one you mentioned is really the most important one. I am really not sure who would buy $500 worth of Switch to do CrossSave. I guess if you want to trade-in for a LITE.
@Agramonte Guess the Memory Stick™ is dethroned as the most pointlessly proprietary handheld console storage medium
@Rubbercookie I do not think it will ever... and not just the most pointlessly proprietary storage in gaming. Cameras, VAIOs, MP3 Players (I mean ATRAC players, lets do proprietary Format + Media 🤦♂️)
They would not let that nonsense die.
Cool, I hope they get it working by March for Animal Crossing but if I can get a switch lite (in turquoise please) it would be great to take it as a portable device for when I want to play switch games instead of 3ds games, and alternate.
@PharoneTheGnome You have always been able to do all of that. You can have your games, saves, and users on more than one Switch console at a time.
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