Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition has just received its first English-language story trailer and, being the lovely folk that we are (and also just doing our job), we've shared it with you wonderful readers above for all to see.
The trailer first appeared in Japan a couple of weeks ago, but this re-release comes with an extra portion of English subtitles to help fans understand what's actually going on. If you've missed the news on this one, the definitive edition of the game includes an up-scaled screen resolution and characters, events, and costumes that have never been released outside of Japan. It also introduces two new playable party members - Flynn Scifo, the main character’s best friend and rival, and Patty Fleur, a young pirate searching for her lost memories.

A couple of months ago, Bandai Namco also shared a tease for the game's upcoming steelbook special edition. If that's not enough for you, a gorgeous anniversary bundle was revealed soon after; the product has been floating in and out of stock since its announcement, however, so getting your hands on one might be tricky.

The game launches on 11th January 2019. Will you be trying to get your hands on a copy? Tell us below.
Comments 21
Erm, gameplay?
Wait, I thought that this game was supposed to get English dub as well?
This game does have English dubs. I did enjoy Tales of Love with a Japanese voice acting.
@Bunkerneath story trailers focus on story, not game play. They usually have a separate video for that.
I’m unbelievably hyped for this game since I didn’t have an Xbox.
So Patty wasn't in the XB360 version at all. Did they bring back the original VA cast to include the new scenes involving her? How was this situation handled?
Day one for me as I want to see what is all about the tales series (even though not much into hack and slash RPGs)
Not too big on Tales in general, but I'm willing to give this a shot since so many people seem to claim this is the greatest title in the series.
@Balta666 well it's not a real hack/slash rpg. you encounter monster and you fight and you have to use your weapons or skills of course. They won't die by blowing to them or whistle lmao
@Alucard83 humm, I heard somebody saying the gameplay of YS VIII was very similar to the tales series (and that one is as hack and slash as anyone can get, I would even calling a button mashing hell).
Best game ever made IMO
Never played this, and am so excited! I played Berseria recently, and am currently replaying Symphonia on GCN. Need to decide whether I'm going with the Switch or PS4 for this. Will likely do Switch unless the performance is surprisingly worse, but it shouldn't be given that it's a PS3 release.
I'd really like for the PS2 Destiny/Destiny II games to make it over to the West as well eventually.
@EarthboundBenjy they handled it a bit weird: most of the voice actors from the original return for extra voicework, but for some reason they didn't even approach Troy Baker to voice Yuri's new lines and picked someone else instead - and not even the guy who usually stands in for Baker. Troy was quite baffled when he heard about it, he even mentioned on twitter that he would have loved to do Yuri again. If you search around you can find footage of some new scenes where the other guy voices him if you want to check it out.
@Kriven I hope that is the worst comparison ever made as I really don't want to play a RPG that plays like a fighting one...
This was the 360 game that everyone considers about on-par with Tales of Symphonia, right?
The older I get, the more I hate playing video games with 12-year-old characters. That and my annoyance with talking animals is really interfering with my love for JRPGs. I'll pass on this.
Erm, that wasn't English language that was Japanese with subs.
I'll start getting hyped when they release a dubbed version.
That one looked depressingly bad the way I recall it!
I haven't played othe Tales games than Symphonia and Phantasia, and even between those, I think the very first game is just better. Symphonia is way longer than it has story for already, so I was in no hurry to play a sequel when it showed up.
Sounds like it could be fun, but knowing how much time goes in, I'm not sure I'd head back that way. I'll be keeping an eye on Vesperia though.
Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition seems like a nice game to play or gift for the holiday ,if you care about the price you can just use allkeyshop.com to compare prices on deffrent store and get it cheap
this is not the "first time" its been released to the west
cause all the way back in 2008 the game originally released to the west on ONLY the Xbox 360 and the PS3 for Japan
so to claim this is the first time its had an English translation would be ling to every one
cause i owned the game back in 2008 for the xbox 360 which is how i know about the game and all its characters
so the only thing you could say was a first was its the first REMASTERY of the game that the west gets since 2008
do get your facts right next time
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