Towards the end of last month, Nintendo uploaded a YouTube video to advertise the fact that the Switch is now home to over 1,000 games. Just in case you weren't aware, or perhaps in an attempt to really drive the message home, a new trailer has been released today which boasts that fact once again. We get the message, Nintendo...
You can see the new video for yourself below, and we'd actually urge anyone reading to give it a watch. The trailer shows off the impressively high number of ways you can have fun with your console, with top games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, third-party hits like Dark Souls: Remastered, and Nintendo's more adventurous efforts like Nintendo Labo all being featured, as well as having a focus on the different playstyles that make it all possible.
It's easy to take the Switch's capabilities for granted once you've owned one for a while, but this video really highlights its selling points nicely.
Of course, Nintendo's president Shuntaro Furukawa recently revealed that the console actually has more than 1,300 games now available, and we imagine this number will continue to rise at a steady pace for quite a while. Each week is still bringing with it a surprisingly high number of digital games, and far more than any one person could ever hope to keep up with.
Are you impressed with the Switch's games library? Do you use your console in many of the different ways advertised? Let us know down below in the comments.
Comments 108 Can' them..all.....
And there's only like, 20 games I want to play.
Choice is a good thing though.
They forgot about Mario Odyssey...? Strange omission from a trailer celebrating Switch games...!
My iPhone has 811,000 "games"... Not played much on it in 2018 either 🙄
Still need 2 games to complete the GOTY list and 1 from "Best RPG" list. That alone is a $660 and tons of time investment. Also, mostly not in that 1000+ random games list.
Maybe he's getting an entire new trailer of his own this holiday season, and they don't want him cramping everyone else's style?
@Pod Yea, I guess they must be doing that. It's just odd to not include your biggest character in a trailer like this... Maybe there's a Super Mario Odyssey related announcement incoming...? New DLC worlds for Christmas would be nice...!
I used to complain about the Switch becoming the dustbin like Steam - but I don't anymore.
I realised, the more games there are, the lower the average price will drop and the better sales we can expect with time.
The other day I found out the eShop wishlist maxes out at 200. I guess I'm wishlisting faster than I'm buying
@nocdaes No Zelda BOTW either. That game single handedly got the Switch off to the great start it received. It's good to see however some third party offerings in the advert. Would have been great to see Skyrim or Doom also, Bethesda really have surported the Switch well so far.
After the drought that is Wii U, Nintendo must be feeling really proud to have that many games. No more nitpicking these days, all indies welcome on board, put whatever you want in the eShop to increase the number.
Not good enough
This is absolutely ridiculous.
Does Nintendo understand that doing a video like this one, amplify the sad truth that the system have only a minority of great games ?
When you tell the world that you have more than 1000 games on the Switch and people are able to name only 20 titles max, it means what it means...
But how many of them are truly QUALITY games that most of us would actually PLAY? No matter how much you pad numbers to create the illusion of a vast and diversified library, quality always trumps quantity.
That said, the Switch indeed has a ton of awesome games and Nintendo has absolutely worked hard to gain support from both major third party publishers as well as the countless "Nindies" whose games make up a huge majority of that 1,000-plus. But numbers are like touting console sales figures; the typical gamer/hobbyist doesn't really care aside from whether said games appeal to them personally.
The single biggest problem this "embarrassment of riches" has created is evident in the Switch's eShop; the new search parameters help somewhat, but new games are quickly pushed "below the fold" and permanently out of sight and mind for potential buyers due to the eShop's clunky organization (to be fair, Steam has the exact same problem). I can't help but think how many deserving games have suffered this fate solely because so many less deserving ones have been allowed to crowd the Switch library. The Nintendo Seal of Quality used to mean more than it does now.
All the choices are great but with 1000 plus games it’s time for Nintendo to update the eShop and how we find games in a meaningful way.
That's all good, I supose.
But the PS4 has almost 2000 games now!!
Step on it, Nintendo!
They just did, didn't they? Or is it still a bit underwhelming?
@Cobalt Yes so many are shovelware. Realistically you are looking at 40 good retail games and another 100-150 download games worth buying in my view.
But they have Smash Brothers Ultimate there, but it's not even out yet
@Cobalt You over estimated the masses. Why do you think those Plug-N-Play consoles sell? Because most people that aren't part of the 'gaming community' think More=Better
At least the Switch has a good deal of quality nit just quantity.
In the initial Switch reveal trailer, they also showed young people using the Switch, even if it wouldn't be available for another six months, and in particular we saw Karen playing Mario Odyssey, which was a full ear off.
Advertisement is crazy!
In all fairness, I know what you mean, it's not on shelves yet. But it'll be out in three weeks, and they want people to know that it's fun, and that they should get it for Christmas. If you ask for it at a store, you'll be offered a preorder, most likely.
It maxes out? This means I'll eventually have to delete some from my wishlist if I want to add new ones? That's very dumb.
I mean, most games I want on Switch are overpriced (as in, available elsewhere for much less, or I already have but want to play them on the go on my Switch) so I'm waiting for some decent sales (which are rare for the games I'm interested in).
I don't have much games, but my wishlist must be over 100 games now.
@BANJO Yep, Zelda is at least at the very end (not that many would spot it) but I agree, it should be more prominent.
They've clearly chosen to focus on recent titles, but then included Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 due to the Online being a recent new feature.
That doesn't explain why you'd exclude massive hits though... and also, given that indie games are the vast majority of the 1,000, I'm surprised the likes of Stardew Valley, Celeste and Hollow Knight (my personal picks, but there are plenty more) are not featured even as part of a mosaic of "digital download icons". The Trailer is celebrating "1,000 games", not "2018 games" - seems whoever made this, didn't read the brief properly.
Why argue over the merits of Switch having 1000 games when you can look at the bottom right corner of the image and see the official boxart for Travis Strikes Again for the first time? That's a spicy easter egg! It's a great looking cover.
But, but... there may be more than a 1000 games, but 950 of them are bad, indie crap, Wii U ports, decade old games etc. etc. nag, nag, whine, whine, moan, moan... /s
At this point my money can't keep up.
I don't really get the point of 1000 games as a selling point. It's not distinctive - their major competitors have more, and it's not exciting, because clearly I can't actually play 1000 games.
Obviously choice is good, but '1000 games' just doesn't feel inspiring.
....and most of them are ports of old games.
Should have had Senran Kagura Reflections being displayed on this video. I would have died laughing if they did. Nice little trailer though.
...and-a shovelware, lots-a shovelware. Italian Mario voice
Remember the time when Nintendo only has little more than over 180 games and nobody complains. Oh how time has change, now we all became entitle fools.
Quantity over Quality! I rather have far fewer games of high quality that are easy to find on the e-Shop, than it is now where you have to suffer yourself searching through all the Shovelware on the e-Shop!
The charts were once useful in the beginning, but now way too limited.
The problem is that while there are some great games, most games available on the platform are games that :
A. Are available everywhere else, often for much less.
B. Are cheap ports of $0,99 mobile games sold for $11.99
C. Are mobile-like endless runners, hidden objects and the likes...
D. Are often simple affairs without much depth to them
E. Are ports of much older games now resold at inflated price
I'm not hating indie games. Some of them are true gems. But for each one that shines, there are about 10 that are cheap, uninspired and simply not needed.
When people say that the Switch has no games, I don't think they mean it litterally has no games. It more than probably means not enough major AAA big releases with significant depth to them. And on that front, I'd have to agree. The vast majority of those "over 1,000" games are small indie titles. Nothing wrong with that, but for many, me included, you can't live on these alone. You also need "meatier" titles to sink your teeth into. And these are few and far between on the Switch. There are some, of course. The usual Nintendo suspects (Zelda, Mario, etc...) being among them, as well as a couple from third parties as well, but these are few, if we compare to competing platforms.
I know it's all relative to everyone's tastes and opinions, but "over 1,000 games" means nothing. To be reflective of what everyone's truly want to know, you'd have to talk about the number of "meaningful" games. As no, that cheap game nobody heard about that goes on sale for $0,19 on a regular basis is not a "meaningful" game.
@The_Mysteron u can! and you will!
Any gamer with a brain knows that number isn’t a testament of quality games.
Not quite as cringe inducing as the Rainbow Six: Siege E3 showing but close..lmao
@retro_player_22 The n64 had 388 and boy did people complain about a lack of games for that system. Now the switch has 1000 more games and people are still complaining.
@Pod @Bunkerneath You could buy SSBU last Friday, at least in the US, when the Switch and SSBU bundle released for $359. If the bundle was $299 you could say you weren't buying it, but at $359 you are paying full price up front.
And a good amount of that 1,000 is indies,Mobil games, old ports,shovelware.
Happy to see that term applied correctly for once!
I’m going to be generous and say that only 200 of these 1,000 are of actual value. The rest should not be on the system lol
The n64 with there 388 games had more new meaty offerings than the switches 1,000. That’s why people voice there opinion.
But how many are physically released? Dont care for (collecting) digital games.
Many of the old ports ARE the shovelware.
That term originally covered the specific practice of hastily porting whatever game you have available to the latest new hot system, with little regard for controls, performance, or graphical context.
Literally (well, when speaking in pictures at least) shoveling it unto the system.
A weapon to surpass Steam.
Honestly i don't think i ever bought more than 100-150 games on a single console generation.
@Pod still pretty underwhelming. It’s basically a best sellers list by genre and even that it’s noy all that accurate. I am yearning for something akin to the Wii U eshop
I guess you're in luck then, reports from the last six months state that Nintendo are once more becoming quite selective with the games they're greenlighting for development, and even demanding from a host of the smaller devs that they find larger publishers to ally with, instead of letting them self-publish.
I guess Nintendo just wanted everyone aboard early. And wanted to be able to make this trailer about here being 1000 games available? Who knows. Now they're allowing YouTube with ads on the system, charging for online, and letting F2P games with micro transaction models roam wild.
But if all games are subjected to slightly tighter curation and quality assurance from here on out, maybe it ain't all bad.
Compared to the Wii U this is a godsend for ninty
The neatly curated sections with various themes on the Wii U eShop was a pretty nice thing. That, the little mini game when loading the store, and the new ditties every six months and on special events?
The Wii U eShop was pretty cosy.
But I could have done without the best seller rankings and the user scores. It's not a democracy between people of all ages and tastes, which games I might like.
@Pod I sort of enjoyed the user reviews. I saw them as a nice plus for those interested but something that could be easily ignored.
So, once again, we gather around the campfire of geekdom and nitpick the value of Switch's ever-expanding library.
I realize now that those who complain about Switch's library are also the same people who complain whenever the system gets an impossible PS4/XBONE port, ala Doom and Wolfenstein II. They want exclusives that are never going to happen, in the era where exclusives are practically extinct anyway; they want day-one ports for games that, given the architectural differences in hardware specs, would require different development teams. They complain about indies, regardless of how great the games may be. They don't like retro games, unless it's for unsupported consoles (Gamecube, N64, etc.). So, they basically want Nintendo to do exactly what Sony and Microsoft are doing. No surprise, really. I'll be the first to admit that it would be sweet to have a pitch-perfect port of Red Dead 2 for Switch. That is never going to happen.
If you want a PS4/XBone so badly, then buy one! I promise that those who are complaining about Switch are many of the same people who complained about Wii U, Wii, and maybe even Gamecube, which begs the question: what, exactly, are you holding out for? Nintendo isn't suddenly going to have a swift change of heart and release a console whose specs are identical to the competition. They tried that, with the Gamecube, and were slaughtered! Are you holding out for the glory days of the SNES? That is never going to happen either. That industry doesn't even exist anymore. The industry has been fragmented for well over a decade, and you essentially have nothing but options:
1). Buy one console and be content with the library.
2). Buy one console and complain about it's library.
3). Buy one console and complain about the libraries of the competition.
4). Buy more than one console and relish in the fact that you can essentially play anything.
5). Buy more than one console and complain about your investment.
6). Buy more than one console, sell one of them, and then make a grand announcement on the internet that the console sucked, so you sold it.
Personally, I can't keep up with the Switch's library. It's the first time since the Gamecube-Wii-DS eras that I've had that non-issue occur.
My only real complaint? The eshop is far too bare-bones for a two year old console, and Nintendo had ample time to make something better than what it is. Oh, and their peripherals are still a bit overpriced.
There's a Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels reference in here somewhere.... "1,000 games is still 1,000 games... Not when the price is 1,000 quality games it isn't. And certainly not when you've got Metroid, proper Pokemon, Yoshi, Animal Crossing and something by Retro Games in your skyrocket!"
While we’re complaining about bad games, please check out the Youtuber game coming out soon on the eshop (in NA at least). If you click through the photos you’ll see in one of them that there are buttons on screen that are PlayStation buttons... the developers didn’t even take the time to switch them to Switch icons..... it’s actually pretty laughable how lazy that is.
"The WiiU has no games! Poor Marketing! Rabble Rabble! Pitchforks and Torches"
"The Switch has too many games. Too much marketing! They're all ports and low quality! LABO! Rabble Rabble! Pitchforks and torches!"
-People again.
"Put out everything. Don't read the comments."
Nintendo, probably.
I found them a little hard to ignore, as they were always present alongside the title of any game. And often just served to show that generally "Nintendo Game = 5 stars! (maybe 4,5)" while "Other games = 4 stars or less!".
The [casual/intense] and [gamers/everyone] sliders were interesting ideas though. I'd be okay with those making a return.
I found them fun to report as well, but you really had to make and effort to review the games you'd played on the eShop. Meaning that many smaller games didn't havet enough user scores to get a star rating at all, leaving them to look very unattractive and unwanted on the store lists.
Any new user review method ought to invite everyone more openly to share their feelings on a game.
I haven’t bought a game since July and that was only because I was in the hospital with nothing better to do. I just can’t seem to get into many games any more. Maybe I’m just getting old. Looking forward to Smash at least.
I have some catching up to do. I feel overwhelmed.
Yeah would be nice if we had some folders to organize all these games.
What good is all that quantity when the quality is lacking?
There's probably more trashy games in those 1000 games than the Wii era ever produced.
I'm gonna be real. I love Nintendo and i love my Switch but it currently serves as a paper weight because Runescape Mobile was released at the start of the month, RDR2 also didn't help them.
My list of to get games this year went from 11 to one (Diablo 3) and i still got to get it.
They probably never had a real chance to be fair but had the online service been better than what it has been i might well have been interested.
Gonna do some Diablo 3 soon though.
I have over 40 physical switch games and all I keep playing is XC2.
While the question does come up in my mind concerning the ratio of actual quality games to hot garbage, I realize it doesn't matter. The good games on the system are genuinely good and it's not like I'm going to be coerced into buying the bad ones anyway. I know people will always bring up what to do when the good games are done, but personally my recent backlog focus has made me all but oblivious to the droughts. Even failing that, I have games I like on past consoles I haven't played in a long time.
@SuperWeird can’t tell you how much I want folders. Have loads of Neo Geo games that I just want to separate.
The ‘1000 games’ image is on the screen for about 4 seconds, out of a 184 second advert 😃
That’s also a very good advert. Good to see Nintendo remember how to market, though I suppose it helps when you have something worth marketing.
Like. Now give us folders
FAO everyone complaining about ‘shovelware’. It doesn’t matter. Quantity sells. And regarding quality, on Metacritic Switch has....
14 games rated 90+
131 games rated 80+
328 games rated 70+
Lots of good games, lots of choice. That’s what people want. They don’t care about games they aren’t interested in.
The Game Cube had less games but the games were better.
@Cobalt Your logic is beyond ... logical explanation.
@Cosats My logic is beyond... YOUR logical explanation.
@Cobalt Came here to say the same thing! Wee, 1,000 games...I own 9 right now lmao!! Hopefully the overall quality improves. There sure are a LOT of shovelware titles on the eshop right now.
@Cosats I disagree. Generally speaking, the eShop is currently swamped to heck with shovelware titles. It’s a shame they didn’t at least curate their influx of games a little. Quality over quantity, my man!
@InklingLegend You’re good man! Waiting might serve you better, because they are planning a second generation release of the Switch. Who knows? Maybe it will have improved features or hardware?
@Syrek24 It's the internet man.
I miss the days of the unregulated internet where normies didn't exist. Now we just have complaining and politics shoved into everything.
@shonenjump86 That's what I'm taking about. I've bought all of the Neo Geo games so far, I mostly just a folder for those games.
I said it when Nintendo had systems with low quantity libraries, and I'll say it again with this large library: I've don't give a care about the size of the library, just quality experiences, and that's the main thing the Switch has delivered for me. I'm in nirvana from retro, to neo-retro, to modern, to co-op, to online, to competitive, to RPG, etc.
The problem with this is how it is becoming the mobile gaming argument. Tons of games, but only so many are worthwhile.
@SuperWeird Same here, lots of us have been begging for folders for over a year now, I still find it ridiculous how Nintendo has not released a single update for the games library. Even a simple ability to organize my games alphabetically would be a huge improvement.
@Cobalt Bad loser=Bad player. You complaint so much its unbelievable.
So, just like I said the last time, YES only maybe 10% of them are actually good games, and that means there are something like 130 really good games on the Switch.
Still with me? Good. Now, the Switch has been out for 19 months. That means... does the math... 6.8 good games on Switch have been released every month.
Bear with me here. So, 6.8 good games coming out every month, that means that to play all of them you have 4.4 days to beat each game (for simplicity's sake we're calling a month 30 days here).
So, we can infer that every single one of the guys compaining about how the Switch doesn't have enough good games beats the average modern video game in 4.4 days and has enough money to be buying a new game every 4.4 days. We can also assume, based on that, that they have no social life, other hobbies, or family obligations.
Because if ANY of those things are not true, the statement that "total number of games doesn't mean anything, the Switch still doesn't have enough good games" is utter nonsense.
I literally had to make a spreadsheet of all the upcoming (and past) games that my chick and I have said we wanted to buy...just to point out that it's creeping closer to the 4-digit cost range of purchases.
I don't complaint, I talk about facts...
So many games , so little time......oh well
I keep posting up the numbers but so many posters just want to repeat the same wholly inaccurate thing over and over. I don’t know why.
Remember the Irish guy? Same behaviour.
Your way of doing is ridiculously wrong...
A good game Like tropical Freeze ? Like Bayonetta 2 ? Like Zelda BOTW ? Like MarioKart 8 ? Like Captain Toad ? Like Lego City Undercover ? Like Hyrule Warriors ? Like Fast Racing Neo ? Like Warrior Orochi 3 Hyper ? Like Rayman Legends ? Like One Piece Red ? Like Pokken ? Like Resident Revelation ? etc...
Guess what ? I played all of them on my Wii U...
Or maybe like Diablo 3, like Dark Souls, like Doom, like Wolfenstein, like Dragonball Xenoverse 2, like Dragonball Fighter Z, like LA NOIRE, like Syberya, like Disgaea, like Skyrim ? etc...
Guess what ? These games are already out since a long time somewhere else and for a smaller price.
So, NOW make me dream with a list of Switch games... good ones.
No ports, no inferior version, no IOs/Android ports, no shovelwares/Trashwares... just Switch games which are good.
Like Kingdom battle or Octopath...
You'll see that it's gonna be difficult...
As somebody who isn't put off by indies, ports, remasters, etc., I think that Switch is more of a treasure trove than any piece of Nintendo-related hardware since the DS, or maybe even SNES. In two years alone, I've accumulated the following library:
1). Breath of the Wild
2). Mario Odyssey
3). Splatoon 2
4). Doom
5). Skyrim
6). Labo
7). Celeste
8). Thimbleweed Park
9). Steamworld Dig 2
10). Golf Story
11). Double Dragon (ACA)
12). Punch Out (ACA)
13). Donkey Kong (ACA)
14). Bad Dudes (Johnny Turbo)
15). Dark Souls
16). South Park: FBW
17). South Park: Stick of Truth
18). Sonic Mania Plus
19). Crash Bandicoot Trilogy
20). Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2
21). Mega Man 11
22). Hollow Knight
By the end of the year, I plan on adding the following games to that list:
1). Mario+Rabbids
2). Diablo III
3). Smash Bros. Ultimate
4). Civilization VI
5). Wolfenstein II
6). Octopath Traveller
And there's a slew of games that are supposedly good-to-great that I have no personal interest in playing, which are:
1). Xenoblade 2
2). Mario Tennis Aces (supposedly, it's anywhere between so-so and good)
3). Super Mario party
4). Kirby
5). Undertale
6). Let's Go Pikachu
7). NBA2K19
And then there is the 2019 lineup, which includes:
-Animal Crossing
-Luigi's Mansion 3
-Bayonetta 3
-Metroid Prime 3 (maybe)
-Yoshi Crafted World
-Daemon X Machina
-Dragon Quest XI
-The upcoming board games.
Also, you have to factor in that countless indie titles are constantly being released. Considering the quantity, it's astonishing, really, how so few of them are absolute duds! Most of the reviews tend to fall between a 6 and an 8. That's actually pretty impressive!
I'm sorry, but the "no games" argument is, at this point, laughable. It's not that the console doesn't have games. It doesn't have games for "you," which makes me wonder why "you" are even here.
The divide here is emblematic of this last dry year. When the Switch launched, we Nintendo fans didn't think the momentum would end . . . but it did, especially when contrasted with the recent big releases on other platforms.
2019 is going to be a better year for Nintendo, assuming they can keep their deadlines. 2018, however, is likely going to read as follows: "The year Smash dropped and Pokemon Go got a console release." That's excluding the disastrous reception Nintendo's online service was met with.
As consumers and fans, it's important to acknowledge these crticisms. Old ports, deflections, and an oversaturated indie catalog only go so far. While I'm not dancing to the tune of the Nintendoombringer, I'd like to see Nintendo have a more competitive software lineup; one we will see more of if the rumored Switch Pro comes to fruition.
Despite trying to express these thoughts, I can expect the cadre of Nintendo "dindu-nuffins" to rally behind Nintendo and participate in their charade of apologetics. They'll remind me Nintendo has always stepped to the beat of its own drum to (often) great success. This, in many respects, was not one of those years.
Still, the Switch will sell, and I'm just an old Nintendo fan sitting on the toilet and writing wistfully away about the little Switch that could've been. Maybe one day we'll see a Nintendo console that offers not only the best first-party games in the business but also third-party heavy hitters like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Monster Hunter World.
LOL! I see that NL’s biggest troll is at it again!
Amazing that people, no matter what, ALWAYS find things to complain about.
I’m very happy with the Switch’s library. Of course all of these games are not worth my time, but for me, there’s MANY games on the system I enjoy. I just don’t have that much time for gaming nowadays, being an adult with a full time job, but any time I get playing on the Switch is great!
+1000 games, and "some" people say that "there aren't games" and want more and more because they do not have any more games to play; Really?!!!
I for one am loving every bit of the switch and it's library. I never got into the indie scene until the switch and thankfully there's loads of good ones. But to be fair there's some clunkers too. All and all I typically always have something to play on switch be it indie or not. It also helps I never supported the Wii u and many of the good games on switch are ports from Wii u. So i can understand those frustrated who came from the Wii u to switch. But at the very least, it seems as though Nintendo is heading in the right direction with adding as many games as possible and also some 1st party games in 2019. With all the games they add weekly, I find it hard to believe people can't find a couple gems for themselves every few weeks. But I wont knock you if I'm completely wrong in my assumption
@electrolite77 Ahhh the Irish guy, it's like he's still here, but under another alias or two....
Anyway back on topic. 1,000+ games? But I have nothing to play! The Switch has no games! I need folders for my no games! Etc.
I need a money tree
It's over 900.0!!!
It really is a case of (overpriced) quantity over quality. Yes there are some great games on Switch but most if those 1300 games are dire.
It weird seeing people downplaying the Switch library because I know Wii U owners(myself included) would've killed to have a library like this 20/21 months in.
As a PS Vita owner, I also would've loved to have the Switch library. I also knew a lot of early PS4 and XB1 owners who would've liked to have these games in the early year(s) of those systems ' lifespans.
I also have to scratch my head at all the complaints about shovelware. News flash folks, shovelware has existed since the dawn of home consoles.Some, more successful platforms get more shovelware, but yeah, every system has shovelware. Let's stop pretending the Switch is unique in that way. The "good ol days" of Nintendo systems had 'em, the PS2 had 'em, the "God almighty" PS4 has 'em too. But guess what? You don't buy the shovelware and you buy the good games, not exactly hard if you follow gaming sites and gaming forums like NL.
@Frendo The sad reality is they have no life why else would they be on here. Shovelware are on all platforms but for some reason they seem to say Nintendo has more of them-when in reality those that been out longer has more shovelware to show for it. But that only tells you they are hatin' on Switch precisely because it's the new kid and got indie and developers coming aboard and man that must squeeze their britches is what is happening.
My opinion , it’s not that the switch has more shovelware, it just has a ton of shovelware, and not much triple a, or first party games. Other systems that have a ton of shovelware, ALSO have a lot of new first and third party games, which the switch does not. That’s the difference
@Mgene15 There we go Trolls. Switch has first party second and 3rd party games but they keep on spouting the same line over and over. Thus it must be true. Why aren't you putting the same scrutiny on the other platforms as well but we all know the answer already here.
@Yorumi "The switch's library looks a lot less impressive when you take out the games that are older than the system itself, take out the shovelware and trash, and just focus on the new, quality games on the system."
This is what others say when the Switch survived their trashing about the System and Games available for the system. If you did the same for the other platform then you would get the same results as well. So these lines are really getting old and just more of the same lines used.
I like how I’m a troll when u only pay attention to the negatives that I discuss about Nintendo. What about the 70% of me praising them? Am I a troll then. I’m sorry I’m cutting the narrative u would like. You’re just not getting it. Sony and Microsoft have the same amount of shovelware, along with having much more 3rd and 1st party support so it evens out for them. Nintendo has very little support for 3rd and first party currently for the switch unless it’s a port. The rest of the library is indies. Do u not see lobsidedness in that? Moron
When are you going to realize it's not only core gamers like us that buy consoles?,the Switch is appealing to a much wider audience than the core internet posting minority,who has video gaming as their main hobby.
Which is why the Switch is still selling very well despite having no games like you are suggesting,just because the console does not have enough games that you want does not mean that rings true with everybody else.
So then why is the console still selling so well?,I believe the console while still bought by the core as a companion to their Ps4/Xbox One,it's main audience will be the more casual and mass market,for them all the games on the system are brand new.
You can't argue with sales figures,the Xbox One has sold around 39 million consoles by most estimates,this machine has been on the market for around 5 years or so and has tonnes of games,the Switch is even on target to sell as well if not more than the Ps4.
I would totally disagree with anyone who labeled you or anybody else a troll,just because you view the situation with the Switch's game library as lacking,the Switch library does not have enough of the titles you or other similar posters want.
Now I will say I am in a similar boat as a core console fan who owns multiple consoles,but I can see it from the other more casual mass market side too.
"If you've owned a pc or any other console besides nintendo ones in the last 10 years chances are you've played about 80% of the good games on the switch already."
You have hit the nail right on the head my friend,and a lot of this will be down to personal perspective,I believe that Nintendo since the Gamecube have stepped outside this more core marketplace,and have gone for the more fickle mass/casual gamer,this worked out very well for them with the Wii,but failed with the Wii U as you just can't rely on the demographic staying on board with you for your next console.
Nintendo have hit gold again with the Switch,and to be honest it's such an unpredictable market you don't always know the reasons why you have a hit or failure.
@Frendo Schh... 🤫 The trolls don’t want to know...
"Sure the other consoles this gen have done the same but is anyone really claiming their libraries are super impressive outside of fanboys?"
Actually they are just look at the Switch bashing going on. If one doesn't see that then well you know the problem then.
"When you look at the major consoles and portables from the 80's and 90's(nintendo, sega, sony), you generally find libraries that are 60-70% original new quality content worth playing. When it comes to the switch, ps4, xone that number drops to around 5-10%."
All games old and new are some form of the past. No one is making any claims beyond that but when it goes to Nintendo that's when the hatin comes into effect.
"I think even the absolute quantity of good games is lower this current gen than in past."
That is in the eye of the Beholder here.
"Don't get me wrong about this next point I love indies and wouldn't change a thing about them but it sort of throws into perspective those absolute numbers when a lot of those games are the equivalent of releasing nes and snes games today."
That pretty shallow there.
"Development of those types of games has gotten MUCH easier with the advance in technology. Given how much easier and more accessible game development has become you would think the absolute quantity of original, good games would be going up, not down."
That is a cheap shot to make at indie developers. Time/Money are the two biggest factor after that the staff support become just as important. If they don't dedicate themselves no games will come out good for anyone.
"Does that make the switch terrible? No, it just means these numbers aren't all that impressive, and it adds validity to the complaints against it."
Being out only 1.5+ years and people are already saying how bad the Switch developments are is just plain bias.
Also I read here or somewhere that a recent company that used to make Sony games and with the death of Vita they are switching (pun) their developments towards the Switch so that in itself tells me who is going to be the better of the two at bringing games to a wider audiences.
"PQube Drops PS Vita Support To Focus On Switch Development"
This should be all we need to know whom is going to be the leader of the pack.
@Yorumi did I say there was no port or port of another not really. Just stating the obvious happenings. Nintendo has done what others failed to do properly and now they are doing it well - the naysayers are coming out of the woodwork. Old is new and new is Old but if you fail to support such developments then don't expect indie and developers to come to you.
Here's a question are you a indie developer?
@BanjoPickles there's only one flaw in what you say. Those are in the majority internet trolls lol
@Frendo I am going for broke here... lmao... At least the CE editions are slowing down allowing my CC from burning down.
@gcunit I'm a bit surprised you're still allowed on this website :/
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