For anyone who wasn't confident the talent behind the Castlevania animated series on Netflix was respecting the source material, this should put any concerns to rest once and for all. An eagle-eyed viewer of season two has spotted a cartoon chicken bone poking out from one of the walls within Dracula's castle during a key fight scene. The assistant director of the animated series even confirmed it himself.
While we won't go into the details about the battle to avoid spoilers, what we can point out is that this is a direct reference to the original 1986 Famicom game, Castlevania. If you haven't played a Castlevania game previously, the series is known for hiding different varieties of meat - including chicken - behind certain walls around the castle. In the first game, you could often use your whip to destroy a wall and access a hidden chunk of meat, which would in return replenish your character's health.
This was dubbed 'wall chicken' by fans and has led to theories and even jokes about it over the years. Preserved dungeon meat also tends to be a common video game trope. Below is a look at the scene from the Netflix animation as tweeted by @Nick_Waplington and an enlarged screen capture courtesy of Kotaku:

And here's a screenshot from the game:

It is a bit odd when you start to think about it. A man finding preserved chicken meat behind a wall and then proceeding to eat it. At the very least, it's a hilarious and faithful reference to the iconic game series.
Have you watched the latest season of Castlevania? Did you spot this yourself? Tell us in the comments.
[source kotaku.com.au]
Comments 40
I believe in the manual it was called “pork chop”... oh NES.
it may be a bad picture, but i can't make it out, not a white bone or a rounded piece of meat it was connected to, it looks very square and certainly no bone. ???
yah, just looks like a very geometric dirty stone and a slightly lighter top of a damaged piece of stone
i think this is a clear case of patient see what he wants to...
if you look over to the right on the floor though, you can CLEARLY see the likeness of Elvis Presley in the wrinkles of the cloth
@jhewitt3476 You really can't see it?
@jhewitt3476 I agree, I do kind of see it now but I do think it is more likely a piece of rock as you say. The "chicken bone" is the light shining off a rock
@jhewitt3476 After following the linked tweet this looks like it is confirmed (that or the artist put a piece of meat somewhere else and the assistant director mistakenly thought this was it). So yeah, probably just a bad picture after all.
Didn't notice when I watched the whole season last night. Really good, even better than season 1. I loved the musical touches and a certain main item being found.
I like Castlevania and happy animated series
Loved Season 2, much more what I'd wanted 1 to be
When they stormed the castle and freaking Bloody Tears busts out from CV2 (NES)... I cheered
I read that the producer is in talks with Nintendo for a Legend of zelda serie. I really hope thats true.
I don't have the best eyesight and i can't see the pork chop in the wall
Didn't catch it, that's awesome.
Also, the second season was really good and the final two episodes were everything I hoped they would be. Sypha in particular is great.
I think i see the symbol of the Illuminati on that corner brick just above the blond hair of the guy on the table....
it's fuzzy but clearly it
Whoa, heavy man !!!
Lol, didn’t notice that. I do plan to rewatch season 2 again so I’ll look out for it.
Maaaaybe should have used a slightly higher quality image if they're going to be pointing out hidden background stuff...
Funny; I was just playing that game the other day...
So excited to play Simon in Smash
i agree, i would like to look for it, problem is, I just finished it and I really don't feel like trodding through the 7 24min episodes again just to try and catch a 1/2 second glimps of a piece of meat hidden in the shadows, if someone remembered the exact episode, and even the time stamp...that'd be fantastic
As a big fan of the series, I loved the animation
Good reference in there
Wall meat, can't live without it
@Nemodius that would be great to know the exact episode for sure.
It has to be the next to last episode of season 2 because that's the episode with the father son/final & actual confritation fight right?
Where do you see chicken meat in the second picture? I certainly don't see it...
well, to each his own, myself i was very surprised and loved it, actually went in expecting it to be crap, but it was my day off and I was bored one day and 4 episodes wouldn't have been a big loss
glad i did chance it
I cried like a kid watching the second season. It was beautiful. . .
I need more Castlevania in my life, but Konami only makes pachinko and Mobile games now.
honestly I think episode 8 was a little frivolous, they would have done better with a 40 min extended episode 7 than a full episode 8, I understand what they tried to do...a follow up/set up episode, but the problem was they really didn't do anything to make you wonder what's next ???
Sypha & Trevor are like totally friendly now and Alucard has a pad, cool, and some emotion, it was great but it was more like a dragged out post credit set of scenes, and really didn't do or hint that even though D is bye, bye, the series is far from done
I do think one of the reasons the show did so well was that Dracula was NOT the villain, not exactly, it was the church and D's generals, D was perfect, they humanized him, he was broken and betrayed and you were constantly reminded of that, even in his agenda, he was iffy at times, he even showed compassion in the way he wanted it done and why he trusted the two humans more than his own generals......"that's all they are to you.....cattle."
they so easily could have made him just the stereotypical blood thirsty, tyrannical murderer, it would have made the character monochromatic and blahze', as bad as things were looking, you always felt bad for D, not hateful
the best villains in literature, tv and movies (and games) are ones that make you think that maybe they are not wrong and/or empathize with greatly
@Schwarcz Did you also re-re-re watch the scene when the trio first walked into the Castle?
@Nemodius The assistant director confirmed it himself. Kinda hard to call it a case of "Seeing what you want to" after that.
@MegaVel91 @Zuljaras
I have looked at the pictures available here and from other sites, I just don't see a piece of meat with a bone sticking out, what I see is too geometric in shape, including "the bone", but I have also REPEATEDLY asked for higher quality pics AND the season, episode and time stamp at where that specific image appears, lots of people claimed to have seen it on show but refuse to say which season, episode and time, so OBVIOUSLY I have not completely dismissed the possibility, but have very good reason to question, also I just don't want to spend 6-8 hours pausing every five seconds through 11 possible episodes, so chill and give me the ability to find and see it
@Nemodius I can't see it either. Probably just wishful thinking on the author's part.
even in the Twitter page, where the person says congratulations, the pic is crap quality and the owner of the Twitter account didn't actually talk about it, I know I would have, why, why in that spot on that scene, where so many others could have also qualified, it's just all too questionable, come on people, give me the S, E & T !!! I WANT to see it, but this refusal to help just makes me question its validity more, a very low quality pic, which gets worse as you try to zoom in and for a piece of meat and its accompanying bone, it is just way to geometrical
in all other articles here on NL that some info is questioned, a dozen readers will go WAY THE FRACK out of their way to find confirming proof and/or fix/correct wrong info, sometimes to the point a verbal posting war breaks out for ten+ pages, yet no one is willing to help here ???
the ONLY Castlevania easter eggs I have ever seen are during the credits of the original Castlevania NES game, it displays the names of the various monsters and wirter and such, but next to the names were actors (and an author) of people who played those parts in the old Universal Studios movies and some others, but the names are slightly altered probably to avoid legal issues, it's cool as hell, but for the life of me, I can't find this Pork Chop for shnizzit in the show
Merry Dark Christmas from Transylvania everyone !!!
@Nemodius That shot is literally from the last episode, during the final battle between Alucard and Dracula, around the 18 minute mark or a little before, on the last episode of season 2.
A little research would've done you some good. .__.
don't be a jackass MV, I said I didn't want to spend a whole day scrutinizing every every second of every episode (except the REAL last episode 8, NOT 7)
I also said I want to see it, I was asking for assistance to gather the necessary information....that IS "research"
now I will show my appreciation and say thanks for the info on the episod btw, I'll check out S2/E7 on my tablet at work right now, since I'm going to be waiting a while for the committee to give me an answer on my funding
into the 17 min. mark of season 2, episode 7
I have a Fire 1080 HD 10", brightness turned all the way up, I'm looking at it now and i see even better than the picture.....
a geometric piece of stone with some light reflecting off the triangular top corner, I have rewatched that part of the fight 7 times now and it just doesn't seem to be anything but a broken brick
I can tell it's that based off the zoomed in screenshot, but definitely missed it when watching season 2 yesterday. Love it though.
@Nemodius It's a strange mix of posters on this site, that's for sure!
I had just rewatched it 7 times (season 2, episode 7, 17 minute mark)
I have a 1080p HD, didn't matter, paused the hell out of it during the 7 times I watched it, the brightness turned ALL the way up and saw the same thing over and over I see in the pictures above and on other sites and Twitter, a reddish, geometric shape in the shadow with a bit of light reflecting off the top of it, also geometric in shape...
excluding the top/left part of what is supposed to be the "bone", the other two outer sides are also very flat and geometric, bones don't make sharp 90deg turns, sorry, I'm going to have to just say it can't be confirmed (by me), but consider the possibility, that the internet is full of pranksters and even false info goes viral, plus the supposed person on Twitter that is supposed to be the person involved, did not actually tell the guy that submitted the pic that he was correct per se', he did say "congratulations", but it's not unrealistic that he could have been screwing with the guy too, he never actually really commented on it further after that one word, so it could all really just be that people want to see the U.F.O. in the bad, picture so much that they really do think they see it, not saying true, just saying it is not an unrealistic hypothesis
YAY !!! : D My Funding Got Renewed !!!
We may find a way out of this solar system in our life times after all !!!
Missed it while watching it, but that's pretty awesome. Who wouldn't want to process wall chicken?
I buy chicken only at Walmart...
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