A brand new trailer has been released for Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, this time giving us a very quick glimpse at Lavender Town and Pokémon Tower in celebration of Halloween.
As you can see, the original music has been recreated and all aspects of Lavender Town and the haunting, spooky insides of the Pokémon Tower have been revamped. Exploring the secrets of the Tower might be a little more spine-tingling in HD, with Pokémon like Gastly and Haunter popping up to scare your party of battlers silly. We even see poor Pikachu trembling in fear.

We've already seen countless areas, trainers, Pokémon, and more for the new games, but it seems that The Pokémon Company has no intention to slow down just yet. Just in the last couple of months, we've been treated to sneak peeks at the post game's Master Trainers, secret techniques learnt by partner Pokémon, and footage of Surfing Pikachu to name just a few.
We're just over two weeks away now from the launch of this new Pokémon adventure. Are you ready to jump in?
[source serebii.net]
Comments 40
Forget the gameplay, now I just want the game for music like that.
"That white hand on your shoulder? I'm just imagining it!"
Plot twist, the cubone's mother is at the top floor.
Spooky scary gengars
Send shivers down your spine...
@ReaderRagfish Nope, same here.
This was my favourite location in gen 1. I do not know why but the spooky, creepy, graveyardy and crypty things in Pokemon are my favorite things in the games.
This is awesome, I cant wait.
I’m ready
I’m ready
I’m ready!!!
I'm surprised that the speech bubbles in the Japanese version don't feature furigana above the kanji, to aid inexperienced readers. :-'
With all these other adjustments for accessibility to younger players, that would seem like a no-brainer.
So that the reason people called Lavender Town = Spooky Town.
I seen that mysteriously POKEMON DARK EDITION is a conspiracy theory of URBAN LEGENDS found on Gameboy LAVENDER TOWN THEORY it sound like SUICIDED to hear music it's so real and creepypasta. In latest version this one almost exact same real one it's sound like a creepypasta music of URBAN LEGENDS THEORY. Beware before playing. Lavender Town Syndrome persist consult your Doctor Mario.
Surprised they didn't change it to the friendly lavender town with upbeat comforting music.
Nintendo Switch never put POLYBIUS the Urban Legends. It's kind of Nightmare video game theory.
@Anti-Matter I think it's spooky because it suits the colour purple, and every town in Kanto is named after a colour.
I'm not sure what else they could have done with purple to be honest...unless it was full of lavender flowers
@Kimyonaakuma That is why the hometown is Palet. Palette because the other towns are the colours in the palette.
Such nice play on words. I wonder if it is the same in the JP language.
Maybe I have an overactive imagination, but Lavendar Town was by far one of my favorite areas in Gen 1.
I liked Lavender Town. It was a good contrast to all the upbeat music and scenery in the OG game. The new tune in this vid is nice. The whole thing reminds me more of the cartoon each time I see a new snippet, and I like that.
So......anyone else gonna talk about the other trainers souless eyes..........no?
Wasn't there an urban legend about kids committing suicide or being murdered because of Lavender Town or something like that?
This game is the pinnacle of the soul/soulless meme
So are these just yet another remake of Red and Blue?
@Franklin it's an almost direct remake of yellow.
@patbacknitro18 they're possessed.
@Pod : There is the option, at the start of the game, to play with Kana or with Kanji.
YES!!! Lavender town is back! While not as creepy as the original, I'm very happy it's back!
@Kalmaro Team Rocket's on the bottom and the Cubone is a robot
THAT sounds like a plot twist!
@Tyranexx Cinnabar for me..... wait...... that's not gen 1 is it?
@HobbitGamer Kinda a reality check to the steroetype that
Pokemon's a happy go lucky series, huh.
@ilikeike Speaking of those Gengars, I wonder if a Gengar Master Trainer would be hidden here.
@Kalmaro Wait a minute, the mom was dead... but the idea of having you fight the mom in like the undead Alolan forme sounds awesome!
(Although it is kinda sad...some of the saddest in the series...)
@Reigestugatensho: That it is. The mansion was pretty fun/weird/creepy, too.
@Reigestugatensho Not sure if I'm ready to beat up someone's dead mother again.
@Kalmaro But they did confirm Alolan variants.
So Alolan (zombie) Marowak mom could happen.
@Yosheel I know but seeing it now is even creepier
Just in time for halloween, I guess
Love that creepy song
It would be cool if they kept the missingno encounter on the right side of cinnabar isle as an easter egg for the gameboy generation
@SakuraHaruka the white hand on your left shoulder, I'm Imagining that right? not sure is Illuminati or Third Eye. That girl is a ghost. See VIRAL video.
That explains everything then. Thank you.
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