If there's one game that we really can't wait to see more of, it's Metroid Prime 4. Despite only being treated to a glimpse at the game's logo so far, we, and countless others, have been desperately waiting for more news for a while now. The game wasn't present at E3, but fans are beginning to gain hope that a new reveal is on its way at The Game Awards later this year, all thanks to a t-shirt.
Geoff Keighley, host and producer of The Game Awards, has shared a photograph on Twitter featuring none other than Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aimé. Simply saying "See you in December!" - the month in which the show will be taking place - the tweet has caught the attention of eager fans thanks to the particular choice of photograph. As you can see, Reggie is wearing a Metroid shirt.
You might think that this is just a coincidence, but that hasn't stopped a flood of replies being sent in featuring desperate pleas for Metroid news. The Game Awards does often feature premieres of new games, and this could well be a little tease of things to come. Anything's possible!
On an admittedly almost-irrelevant side note, some members of the Nintendo Life team originally believed the gentleman in the middle of the photograph to be Ubisoft's very own Yves Guillemot, prompting a new wave of speculation that Metroid Prime 4 could actually be a collaborative effort. As it turns out, the man in question is actually celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck, but the similarities are certainly there!
Do you think this photo could be a tease of things to come? Would you like a studio such as Ubisoft to help out with the game's development? Feel free to share all of your Metroid feelings below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 90
Finally, Nintendo's going to announce Cranky Kong for Smash!
To be fair, Yves Guillemot and Wolfgang Puck look like they were seperated at birth.
I hope they do but this seems like a stretch.
At no point did I think that chef was Yves.
Wolfgang Puck will be announced as an SMBU character, an echo fighter based on the simultaneously announced Yves Guillemot.
I really don't think they look the same.... they're just some old European guys that were betrayed by their hairlines
"Cooking Mama: Puck Edition" confirmed.
@rjejr I was thinking "Overcooked 2: Wolfgang DLC"
@Grumblevolcano Just came in to say something similar.
Reggie wore Metroid gear to the Game Awards before and all we got was Cranky Kong. A reveal that summed Wii U era Nintendo up to a tee.
@Neko77 Not really when you consider the first reveal of Breath of the Wild was at the Game Awards. It's a pretty big event with multiple reveals and first looks at major games. It's kind of turned into a mini E3.
Lol, twins!
As for the shirt, well... different personalities, different noterieties, so why not wear a very "Nintendo" shirt to show who you are to the uninitiated? Makes sense to me, but hey, who am i? Hopefully more MP4 news is coming.
oh come on people
Obviously the resemblance between Yves and Wolfgang is meant to symbolize a doppelganger which is just their way of teasing that Dark Samus will be in Prime 4.
It's really obvious to be honest. I'm actually surprised you guys didn't see it.
Miyamoto has done the exact same thing (wearing a specific t-shirt prior to the unvealing of a new big game), so I'm fairly certain this isn't a conincidence.
@OorWullie Im not saying there wont be any announcements, there always is. I just don't think the shirt he is wearing means anything.
I dont know about the shirt being a clue thats a stretch but some Metroid news would be great, I miss Samus its been to long.
101 ways to prepare metroids, with Wolfgang Puck
Not only are they going to show a trailer for Metroid Prime 4, at the end it's going to say "available now".
I can be completely delusional on here right?
OMG, never before did I realize Yves and Wolfgang Puck looked like twins.
This cannot be unseen..........thank you Nintendo Life for ruining all future E3's and cooking!
Metroid and Wolfgang Puck. So, do Metroids taste just like chicken?
Sincerely hope we get some more news on MP4 and hoping we get the MP HD Collection on Switch as well. I need more Metroid in my life.
@shani Yeah, agreed. Didn't Miyamoto wear this shirt with Samurai Mario at Jimmy Fallon, which was a costume later available, while nobody knew outfits would be a thing in Odyssey at that moment.
Nintendo always has a big announcement at the game awards (previous year Bayonetta 3). A Metroid Prime 4 trailer would be a blast too.
Cooking confirmed for Metroid Prime 4
Well, could be a hint ... Could be not
Reggie is fully aware about the Metroid fans wanting more news about the game, he's not dumb, I don't think that he would wear a Metroid shirt and go to a place where he would have to take photos without thinking about the fans trying to see a hint in that
Could be nothing, but now I'm waiting for a trailer, it's more than a year without any sign, just need something ... Even if you don't have gameplay to show, just show some CGI trailer so I can watch it everyday until the game's release
One year he wore a Metroid pin. People speculated, and there was nothing
Even though its not out yet. Metroid Prime 4 still wins 2018 game of the year if there is a presentation lol
@Saego Yeah he also wore a Majora's Mask shirt on E3 or something shortly before MM3D was announced.
@Grumblevolcano Cranky most underrated character ever.
my semi is ready
I literally received an email from Amazon telling me my Metroid Prime 4 pre-order date was changed to December 31, 2019. I know that's not the real date it comes out, but wanted to note that it got pushed back.
Looks like the S-emblem from Super Metroid.
i doubt it i expect prime 4 would be shown at e3 next year but would be sweet to see some footage of it.
Chef Yves. I guess he has a future as a chef stunt double if this whole absolute streaming gaming future thing doesn't work out.
Metroid Prime 4 Cooking Mama confirmed for 2DS XL...hype!
All I want is for the game to be challenging. Metroidvania games are all the rage just now and Nintendo needs to show everyone else that they are the masters of the genre everyone else so blatantly imitates. I just hope Nintendo and/or Namco Bandai do not mess with the formula too much. I have not been this excited for a new game since Zelda BotW.
More information on MP4 in December makes sense to me but who knows. As one of Nintendo’s more ‘hardcore’ franchises, this award show would be a good opportunity to reach to ‘hardcore’ fans.
@Grumblevolcano I’d actually love Cranky along with his pogo stick cane in Smash.
Separated at birth!
Reggie has said repeatedly that E3 will no longer be the place for all the big reveals and trailers. LUIGI'S MANSION 3 and ANIMAL CROSSING are further proof of that. And METROID is considered a "hardcore" franchise. This would be the perfect venue to show off some footage and confirm the development team.
I hope Nagathon is his Final Smash move. XD
Well I doubt it's a hint, Metroid would make sense to get a true teaser trailer there. We certainly won't get any AC news, probably not any Luigi's Mansion or Yoshi... Daemon X Machina or Fire Emblem: Three Houses could easily get news as well however.
Nintendo does nothing by accident, I'm very excited for the game awards now 😁
@LightBeam “Watch it multiple times everyday until the game’s release”
Fixed that for you
Just give us Metroid! Lol
I think people look into this way too much. He's wearing a shirt.
Internet pioneers in early 90s: "The web can be an information hub to spread knowledge, share ideas, all without borders."
2018: NEWSFLASH: President of Nintendo wears a t-shirt featuring Nintendo property.
Face meet palm.
Chang the name to Metroid Dread! The Prime trilogy is done.
@gokev13 That would be the biggest Mic drop ever, but that won't be happening 1 day before Smash Ultimate releases lol.
I'd be surprised if this was a hint.
Picture translation: Something is cooking up (Wolfgang Puck) at Nintendo (Reggie) and it will be revealed during VGA.
@link3710 Those are good games but to show Fire Emblem or Daemon X Machina as your big game at the VGA wouldn't be a good look for Nintendo. They will like have a small session with Metroid just like they did BotW a few years ago.
Remember the game awards where he wore a Metroid pin and everyone thought the exact same thing back then?
Ever since Nintendo Switch Online was announced, I've had a strong feeling that Prime 4 is going to have some sort of online multiplayer mode. Call it a hunch but I think Prime 4 is going to be a key game when selling people on Nintendo Switch Online in the future... that and Animal Crossing... mabey
Look at Mr Keighley's smile. That smile says my vehicle has just gotten the world exclusive for Metroid Prime 4. I totally reckon Nintendo need to go heavy with announcements, because they are going to be light on awards this year.
Hmm... Reggie cooking up a Metroid announcement?
I think in the next Metroid game, you're going to be a intergalactic chef, and you have to make dishes according to different types of aliens appetites (and weird digestive systems), all using ingredients that you have to hunt for on (and in) a series of alien planets.
@brutalpanda While I definitely don't disagree with Daemon X Machina (though it's likely to get shown to some degree like how Cranky got announced. Nintendo is weird), Fire Emblem is one of Nintendo's tentpole releases, and heavily appeals to core gamers.
People are probably reading waaayyyy too much into this. But the game reveal should come soon anyway, we've known the game was coming for such a long time, I doubt they can hold out much longer without showing anything.
Man, you guys reached across the entire kitchen table with this one lol...
Oh look, Miamoto is wearing dinosaur briefs. Could there be a trailer for a sequel to Star Fox adventures this December?
It's the president of NoA. He's gonna wear Metroid shirts, Zelda shirts, Mario shirts, Kirby hats, Animal Crossing pins, etc
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD + Hunters HD!!!
@link3710 have you looked at the footage? VGA is for mainstream audience more than core gamers, to market your number 1 game coming to your console as an anime style top down turn based strategy game would be a bad idea. I’m sure they will show some footage for it but I don’t think it can be their main attraction at that show.
@brutalpanda I usually only watch clips of the reveals afterwards, so I'll take your word for it.
As long as they don't show off a bunch of ridiculously monetized AAA games (here's looking at you Ubi/EA/Activision), I might actually watch the Game Awards until the end this year. If not, I'll just check out the reveal on YouTube.
@BetaWolf YES!! NO BOW BEFORE ME AND THE MIGHTY WIND SQUID! ... kidding, no I'm not actually Mark. lol
I think we will see bayonetta and reggie is just trolling us!
I'm also thinking that metroid is not coming in 2019 as its too soon. It's not had enough Dev time.
That will also explain why they are pumping 2019 with other titles to fill the gap.
Coincidence? Maybe. But I won't say no to any Metroid Prime 4 news that may result.
This also confirms that Yves will be in Smash, and that Puck will be an echo fighter.
Maybe just maybe he likes his beeping Metroid shirt.
“Don’t get your hopes up’ don’t get your hopes up, don’t get your hopes up”
I more interested in where he got the shirt last time I was in the Nintendo store in NY they didn't have anything half this nice for Metroid.
Reggie wearing a Metroid T-Shirt to a public event was not a coincidence or happy accident. He knew exactly what he was doing. PR FTW. Whether it's a hint or not doesn't matter; it gets people talking about Metroid and gets hopes up.
I hate how the nintendo fandom assumes the wildest things from the most dumb and common of events...
Ha, the t-shirt has worked a treat! Now you're all going to be genuinely surprised and thrilled when Nintendo announce Wii Music for Nintendo Switch is coming to eShop.
A lot of people think this means nothing, yet this wouldn't be the first time Nintendo has subtly done this sort of stunt.
Wolfgang Puck was born in 1949 which is a prime number = Metroid Prime. Confirmed: we’re getting some kind of cooking elements akin to Breath of the Wild in the next Prime.
I wonder what the pin on his jacket is?
Can't wait for that Metroid game!
Don't cook the poor metroids! We need a pet simulator, but with metroids. Think of the poor lonesome baby metroids.
@Beluganator I believe that it represents the Screw Attack upgrade.
Lol could be the metriod fusion remake they announced
Maybe he just likes Metroid. Now if he wore and Overwatch shirt, or another game not currently on Nintendo Switch, THAT would be an indicator.
@Elvie Yes, that is true! But this particular design, with what looks like "screwed on" pieces around the S, comes from Super Metroid. It comes in a few different designs.
Well, I don't think there's such a thing as coincidence when it comes to high Nintendo staff wearing branded clothing at PR events. Either he's hinting at upcoming news, or he's casually blowing the hype train whistle at a very well planned moment. Either way, he won.
@Lord I agree with you on that. It appears that metroid is going to be a 2020 game and to be fair that is absolutely fine with the line up next year
It's a bit of a reach but "See you in December!" is also reminiscent of the ending to Super Metroid where it says "See you next mission!" after the credits. Maybe a further subtle hint from Reggie?
Damn, hopefully there wasn't a purple chair somewhere in that room.
Hopefully an announcement of an HD collection / remake! I can dream! 😎
I've been saying this for months: a Metroid Prime 4 gameplay reveal would be WAY too big for a simple direct. They first showcased Breath of the Wild at TGA, so of course it makes sense for MP4 to do the same.
@Beluganator Oh, I see what you mean.
We have to remember that we can still be disappointed. Remember the game awards reveal of playable cranky kong? Calling it now: Metroid Prime:Federation Force 2
We have to remember that we can still be disappointed. Remember the game awards reveal of playable cranky kong? Calling it now: Metroid Prime:Federation Force 2
"Idk about you, but the section of the wall in between the two posters or whatever the heck those are is hinting towards... The Office video game, confirmed for Switch. Make your subordinates as uncomfortable as possible with stereotypical jokes and conference room meetings". That's what she said.
It means SNES Super Metroid is coming for online subscribers 👍😁
We didn't get that...
Instead Sakurai pulled out the Wild Card
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