For some time now, there's been much confusion about when the Switch online service will be launched. Nintendo originally said it would arrive in September and then narrowed it down to the second half of the month. With September now here, Nintendo's Japanese Twitter account has had to issue a tweet to clarify the service won't launch on the first day of September:
The message went on to explain how Switch owners would eventually be notified about the official start date of the service on the Nintendo website and also on Twitter. Yesterday, a rumour surfaced, with hackers reportedly uncovering more information about the Switch online service hidden within the upcoming firmware update.
Will you be using the Nintendo Switch Online service when it launches in the second half of September? Tell us below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 92
I thought we already knew this.
I'm honestly interested to see how this is going to affect things and how gamers and consumers are going to react to it.
Soon, another Direct about Paid Online Service will be coming before 15 September 2018.
I've got a group of 6 of us ready for the super cheap family pass. I would just like to know the other ten games!
Y'all know disappointment is in the air
What a clarification!
Answered all my questions!
@booker_steve I hope one of them is Castlevania
I'm always puzzled when Nintendo shows players using the joy cons sideways without the strap attachment, with the players apparently pressing the shoulder buttons. Those buttons are almost impossible to press like that.
And the player on the left isn't using the buttons while the player on the right isn't using the stick. How exactly are they playing? What a weird picture.
Anyway, I rarely play online so I'm not interested in this online service. Nes games? Meh. Cloud saves? Just let me back up saves on the SD card.
i'll wait until the service gets better. (if they even have any new features to add after launch.)
How difficult is it to give an exact date, Nintendo? This only throws concerns towards the consumer, because as of now it sounds like it will be a rocky service.
@Aven I still have an inkling there will be SNES games.
Why are they STILL this secretive about a service that's about to launch THIS MONTH? It's a Online Service, it's not classified government information.
I know their will be a Direct this month (it is only logical) and I think the Online Service will launch "right after" this Direct. But even this Direct isn't announced yet.
Nothing to see here!
I'm buying this anyways. Cloud saves for me, online diablo also for me.
When you gotta pay 35/19€ just for that Smash Online. The feels...
@KoopaTheGamer We've known this for nearly a month.
I hope I get a chance to pay for Super Mario Bros for the 124th time.
Definitely not launching 1 Sep!
Which would be important if other official Nintendo accounts hadn't already announced that it would be launching the 2nd half of September. If anyone thought the 1st of September was in the 2nd half of the month, I think we should be concerned.
I think it will be delayed again
@Denoloco feels or not, the price is for the online in all the games sans freemiums. If Smash is the only one you care for online multiplayer in, only you decide whether that's worth it for you or you may as well get by on local matches.
Although on the other hand, all games or not, I wouldn't be surprised if the service paid off on Japan alone and courtesy of Splatoon 2 alone. XD
Kinda pressed for money until September's "twentieths", so I might coast along on a 1-month subscription for my main account for a start. The year-long one I'll be getting for all the accs on my Switch later, all of them already tossed into the "family". XD
@VotesForCows exactly, this has me thinking THEY don't even know when its launching. And that they don't even know what the remaining 10 games will be. Business as usual for them I guess.
@1UP_MARIO I disagree, however I think we'll see a "one month free" of the full service when it launches.
Not sure the date is such a big deal. They flick a switch, I pay 15 quid for the year, and forget about it. I praise Nintendo for not making the price obtrusive.
I find it funny that they don't even have a set date. It shouldn't be that hard to decide on one.
It launching today would have been... not great. Did anyone expect it so early anyway?
@Yasume they've already delayed it by nearly a year, I can't imagine it would be too rocky considering the important part (online play) already works fine.
I am getting sick of the complaints I see on every post related to this.
But there is one I agree with now. If it is launching this month, THIS MONTH, how hard is it to just give a date?
Welp, that eliminates roughly fifteen days out of thirty....
I don’t see what’s the problem with not knowing the date just yet.
When it launches, it launches. Couldn’t care less if it’s next week or the next after that or the next after that... whatever.
@sanderev That's a good call about the service going live right after the Direct. They've definitely got something up their sleeves for this service that they've not told us about, not just the unrevealed NES games. Whatever it is it will be revealed in this Direct and then they'll hit us with the 'Available now'.
@Tyranexx Knowing Nintendo it'll go live on the 30th September at 11.59pm immediately after a Direct that began 29 minutes earlier. A Direct that was only announced 5 minutes before it begun. As of 11.24pm on the 30th September we were still none the wiser to when it would launch.
Soooooo when do we get the details?
@OorWullie I don't see there being that little notice unless there's a free trial period of the full service for everyone with a Nintendo Account, "Surprise, we're shutting down your access to online straight after this presentation" would be so anti-consumer.
I think Nintendo's afraid of the backlash of the online so they'll announce the rest of the online stuff (the remaining NES games, release date, etc.) like a week before launch to avoid having to delay the service by another year. Maybe have some Smash info around that time to soften the backlash.
Nice clickbait. We already knew this.
Can't wait until the 3rd week of September when Nintendo tweets "The online subscription service will go live the second half of next week".
Seriously, do other countries routinely say the "2nd half" of a month, b/c I've never heard that before, people I know always either say the middle of the month or the end of the month, nobody has ever said to me "I'm doing so and do the 2nd half of the month". Beginning, middle or end, the entire rest of the world knows enough to narrow something down at least that much on the first of the month.
"For some time now, there's been much confusion about when the Switch online service will be launched. Nintendo originally said it would arrive in September and then narrowed it down to the second half of the month. With September now here, Nintendo's Japanese Twitter account has had to issue a tweet to clarify the service won't launch on the first day of September"
Who was confused? Obviously it wasn't going to be 1st September when they had previously committed to the second half. They haven't told us anything we don't know already (unfortunately).
I'm sorry but... wasn't it already said before that it would be the latter half of September? I thought a Nintendo rep already stated that🤔
@1UP_MARIO maybe, but only until next spring...... ,everything is delayed till spring.
Broken pencil article: pointless.
I never care about any of their online stuff, I just want to know what the rest of their other lineup of game were that was not shown at E3 which they claim they had plans for before the end of the year. So far they had not announce jack but more indies which I don't count as their lineup of games, stuff like Grandia HD and Langrisser HD also won't be counted. You said you had more games coming this year Nintendo which you choose not to show at E3, ya better show it soon or you're a bunch of liars.
@booker_steve That would be a nice suprise and typical of Nintendo. I can't remember the last console I owned where every week checking the store was exciting. You never know what gems are going to show up on the Switch.
@tedko I didn't find the use of the shoulder buttons strange, because sometimes I do that. No doubt it's more comfortable with the attachments, sometimes I'm just lazy and I apparently hate my fingers.
But now that you've pointed it out, that picture is kinda weird. Here hand models, hold these things. No, not like that, flip it over. Good enough. Now tilt them a bit. Alright, good job everyone, we'll add the "game footage" later.
Alright, we know when, but we still don't really know what! Considering that Nintendo has made almost no effort to promote this service and build consumer enthusiasm, it's almost like even they don't have much confidence in it.
@KoopaTheGamer This sounds awfully familiar. I think it's already been covered before. Anyone up for finding it?
Maybe some kind of coop: Left player is moving, right Player ist jumping (or what else the game needs) - oh, we found a secret multiplayer mode
DISCLAIMER: My previous message was deleted by Nintendo Life or by the writer because they don't like my opinion. That is not nice. So here is my message
once again:
Please, stop this clickbaiting articles of yours. No one is confused about when the Nintendo Online service will begin. We all know, more than 6 months now, that it will start in Seprember. Try to make our beloved website a better place with better articles, please.
I have the feeling that it will not be welcomed when it finally launches.
1 week later GUYS, BIG NEWS! The Online Service is coming in the second half of September!
It's not exactly inspiring much confidence that we still have only vague information about almost anything regarding this service - weeks before its supposed launch. I mean, this is not a game reveal, is it now? It's not like they mainting the games integrity or air of mystique by not spoiling certain aspects for the player before hand ... Assuming they are about ready to launch this thing, it strikes me as odd why they would not just go ahead and give a clear and detailed account of costs, launch date, features, conditions, a rough roadmap for further development and so on and so forth.
Anyways, we are probably going to know soon enough. Maybe it's just their way of managing expectations.
@Ralek85 I'm remaining neutral on this. They'll most likely give us more details in a mini direct.
@SladeWatkins Here, this shall "clarify" things: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/08/nintendo_confirms_switch_online_service_will_launch_in_second_half_of_september
Dr. Mario is here, That was Awesome!!!.
keep bungling this up nintendo, making asses of yourselves.
@Heavyarms55 couldn't agree more.
@impurekind If this community and other online communities are any indication if the Switch base at large, we already have an idea. Lik I’ve said before, you would have thought Nintendo just sprung the paid online service on the public an hour ago judging by the reaction of many
does anyone know if you can buy the games flat out?
the nes games and classic nintendo made stuff
@EightBitMan Oh we are well aware of your dislike for Nintendo by now. Still makes no sense why you would frequent a site for company you don’t like. Seems like a waste of time and energy to me
@OorWullie: I would hope that they wouldn't launch it on a Sunday since that probably wouldn't be ideal from an I.T. perspective. But who knows? Nintendo likes doing things at the most random times!
I do suspect it'll at least be during the last week of the month.
It will become a hit and eventually all physical releases of games will not be released anymore. Paid up fee for a month to play some numbers game on a cloud service. I do see it happen any near the future. So be prepared if you support this
I think those games were the Labo Vehicle kit and... Er... Stuff like that
@UmbreonsPapa I agree with what you say. There is a very aggressive reaction to this and I really cannot see why. People seem to expect the earth when a full years membership equates to £1.50 a month. It is probably worth it if you only want one of the three main things it offers (online, cloud, classic games).
As for people who come onto websites to complain... I have no idea. I Scuba Dive regularly and therefore have no reason to go to surfing website just to have a whinge about how i don't like surfing. But horses for courses and all that!
It really amazes me just how everyone loves to complain about this. Nintendo is a business before anything else and if they want to charge for online, that's their choice. If you don't want it, don't buy it and leave people that do pay it alone. Just because you're choosing not to pay it doesn't mean you can be a douche to people that do.
Yes, yes I am! 👌
Nintendo has no frakkin’ clue what they are doing... this online venture is just gonna crash and burn.
@NCChris If you don't want it, don't buy it and leave people that do pay it alone. Just because you're choosing not to pay it doesn't mean you can be a douche to people that do.
Let's play the reverse game.
If you want it, buy it and leave people that don't want to pay alone. Just because you're choosing to pay it doesn't mean you can be a douche to people that don't.
We know most everything on Smash bros, due in Dec, but a service that controls how we play online that may launch in 2 weeks, we know very little. I just don’t understand their reasoning. They are definitely one of the most baffling companies when it comes to communication. O well, I’ll sit and wait.
Here we are in September, no Nintendo Direct to show off all those extra games that fanboys and their lying god Reggie said were coming. Looks like a Gen 1 Pokemon remake using Go's controls and Smash really are the only games- that Mario Party spin-off doesn't count either!!
@Crono1973 Right. I couldn't believe he and other guys have said that. It's like saying "If you don't agree don't make comments". It's when you don't agree when you must comment, if you accept everything that is given to you then why bother being hostile? Just to try to shut up people?
In short, they are wrong because they are attacking people for being critical of Nintendo when they are free to do so.
Everyone is entitled to be critical of companies, especially if you are a customer, but nobody is entitled to be critical of people just because of that.
All I have to say is that Nintendo had better use the money they make from this to gradually improve the service. And not just look at this barebones offering and think "What we're doing is working." Because this doesn't even come close to PSN/XBL.
Those NES games are basically just Nintendo saying: hey we didn't really want to give you anything, but we see that Sony and Microsoft give away triple A titles every month with their online service, so we give you
Balloon Fight.
Well, I'll need it since I'm now playing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, the one game on Switch besides Splatoon 2 I'll actually play online.
But me and my bro were playing local wireless today, which is awesome that no matter what, we can always do that regardless.
Weird they don't have a date yet though. Just get on with it already.
Day one user
@sanderev Nintendo is notorious for keeping things top secret, similar to J.J. Abrams and his movies. Anything that is not part of an official press junket is not allowed to be released.
@Crono1973 But that's where the difference lies, I have no problem with people not buying the online, if they do not want it then that's fine and I would never be a douche to someone that simply isn't interested in the online.
That logic doesn't work on me because the people I'm referring to do something I don't.
@BlueOcean I never said people cannot make comments, of course people are free to voice their opinions and if people take an issue with the online being paid then that's fine but what I do have a problem with is people being a douche to people that do pay for the online. Again, I'm not saying people cannot leave comments voicing their opinion but that's not the same as what I'm talking about.
@NCChris Only comments that follow your rules are allowed?
I don't get what you're trying to say here, all I'm saying is people that are paying for their online shouldn't have to be judged by people that do not. I'm not saying people cannot speak their minds but there is a difference between speaking your mind and just being a douche to people that don't share your view.
@astrofan1993 However usually they're actually quite early releasing details about stuff. Now they are very, very late. And yes, I know they don't reveal stuff outside of "official" announcements.
Either Nintendo has something awesome planned, or this whole thing is being done by the seat of their pants.
@AlphaElite it’s almost definitely the latter...
@Orwellianson Really? So the person that's saying you shouldn't be a douche to others is a douche himself? Explain.
@tedko this so much dude, not to mention that the SL RL buttons are complete and utter sh** mine broke down 3 months after purchasing my Switch, and I take good care of my controllers and play with my kid, in any case pro controllers are the way to go.
@sanderev The problem is, the stuff they do officially release is almost all that they release throughout the entire press tour, at least in my opinion. Very rarely have I seen new information on games until after they are released. God knows that I saw enough of Super Mario Maker or Xenoblade Chronicles X during their E3 livestreams.
Overjoyed, I sure can't wait to pay for NES games I can't even keep offline.
@Orwellianson A few of your posts recently seem to be rubbing people up the wrong way. Please stop insulting other users.
@vanYth hahaha! That's the new online multi-player mode for 1 player games. No more taking turns!
@shadowharold @NoxAeturnus I once tried to play Mario Kart 8 with a friend, each with a single joycon, no attachment. I couldn't get through one race, trying to drift or hold items. It's pretty much unplayable that way.
@NCChris I did not see anyone being a "douche" to people who are planning to pay for the online service. Just different people expressing different opinions, that's all I saw. Some are happy with it. Some are critical of it.
@tedko Oh! Now that you've made it clear, I can see where the issue lies. Yes I know there's nobody on this page has done this, I was talking more generally not directly specific to this page.
I see Nintendo is taking cues from JJ Abrams on how to market their online service. All we need now is a surprise announcement during the Super Bowl that Daemon X Machina is already on Eshop!
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