Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has just delivered his keynote speech for the 2018 Computer Entertainment Developers Conference held in Yokohama, Japan. This year's theme for the event was "Fantasy becomes Reality", with Miyamoto sharing his words of wisdom with an attentive audience.
During his speech, Miyamoto encouraged game designers to draw on their own experiences rather than follow current trends within the industry. According to a translation provided by Wall Street Journal tech reporter, Takashi Mochizuki, Miyamoto was astonished by the success of Minecraft and even thought about making a building game himself in the past:
Miyamoto summed up his keynote by explaining how criticism can be used as a means of motivation. Wise words, indeed.
The Computer Entertainment Developers Conference is currently celebrating its 20th year. The original event in 1999 was held as a study group for developers and was an off-shoot of the Toyko Game Show. The objective of the event is to promote the improvement of technological strength and exchanges of known information for people within the computer entertainment industry - predominantly those who specialise in video game development, business, hardware, and research.
[source twitter.com, via cedec.cesa.or.jp]
Comments 32
Can't wait for people to complain about how they didn't announce any new games during this cause clearly every word Nintendo says has to be an announcement, right? 😉
EA could learn from this speech
Isn't that the guy who made Sonic?
New IP from Nintendo with Minecraft inspiration confirmed !
Drawing from their own experience is much better than jumping on industry bandwagons like so many others do.
@iLikeUrAttitude EA will never change unless they start losing money.
@Anti-Matter Would be a terrible idea. Minecraft is overwhelmingly the leader of that genre and is on their own platforms too. It'd be better for them to collaborate more with Minecraft.
Steve confirmed for SSB. Creepers as assist trophies.
Yeah, don't have much to dispute here. At the same time though, some things become trends because they're good. So you have to do a balancing act between the two if you want to look elsewhere for inspiration.
Portal Knights used Minecraft ideas and turned into Beautiful game.
As long not Blocky all of them.
the legend himself
@JHDK Thought he was the guy from Crash Bandicoot?
@mr12calvin @JHDK You're both wrong. He's the man behind the GTA series.
Looking forward to reading the full, translated transcript. The man is a legend, a true icon and I want to read EVERY word he spoke!
Some of the greatest games came from own experiences, though from the top of my head I can recall Pokemon being a big one (based on creator's childhood bug and tadpole catching).
Learn from criticism - wise words indeed.
Also 8-bit troll is at it again. ^^
@EightBitMan You're beating a dead horse dude. The japanese industry is dead and no one make videogames like Nintendo anymore with a team centered around a game designer, except in the independant scene. I really don't see the point to waste your energy to fight a battle you already won.
@EightBitMan I'd rather you sod off and go join 4chan or something, sounds like this would be your element. What you're doing is not criticism, it's just spouting bollocks so that you'll get the attention you're craving so much. Mommy didn't hold you much as a baby?
'And, you don't have to get ad hominem because I refuse to hold this company in high esteem.'
Why exactly are you here then, just to tell us all we are wrong!
Just ignore the FCK:r.
@EightBitMan Wow. You've got so much emotional investment in a company, it's incredibly childish in my opinion.
@EightBitMan the only one who's emotional here is you, most users praise and criticize in equal measure. And you are both a troll and an attention seeker since all you do is rile people up with lies, inaccuracies and meaningless provocations. Off to 4chan now, I'm sure your "opinions" will be appreciated there
Criticism loses its effect when it's all you ever do. It also has so little effect to begin with when it's always condescending, scolding remarks rather than actual constructive discussion. And any hope of swaying minds is utterly lost the minute you go full board extreme.
I agree Miamoto has done things which have been a detriment. However, he's been a great asset as well, and overall is a net asset. When you refuse to acknowledge that, you immediately lose any hope of people taking your views seriously.
I agree with your statement about calling critics trolls, however that only applies when criticism isn't all they ever do, and never in a constructive manner. You might see yourself as some unbiased critic but, to most people it does look like trolling, which too often hides behind the guise of "just criticism". And you go off topic far too much looking for ways to sneak in jabs. That's the biggest giveaway that its trolling. This is an article about Miamoyo giving a keynote. But you just saw Miamoto's name mentioned and decided it was opportunity #579 to rail against him.
If the day comes where only 10-15% of your statements are criticism as opposed to all of them, and are delivered with actual tact and respect, then I will be the first to step up denounce accusations of trolling.
People here are fans of Nintendo and want to talk about the things they like. Doesnt mean they "accept everything". There's plenty of things people dont accept. Doesn't mean that's all they're ever gonna talk about though. Saying people don't want Nintendo to "be better"? Of course people always want to see improvement. But that doesn't mean they want to hear people rag on them 24/7. You say people "blindly accept" everything that's wrong? You mean everything YOU deem wrong. And no, people don't blindly accept anything. But a lot of the hoopla you complain about is crap so insignificant people dont care.
Most people don't want to spend their whole lives complaining or listening to others complain. When something happens that actually matters, you'll see people step up. Til then... people just wanna play video games man. If they wanted this kind of drama and constant criticism they'd be on a politics website.
@JaxonH I think you just perfectly summed up what everyone is thinking. Respect to you, my friend.
When talking about the most influential video game creators/producers, Miyamoto is always mentioned. You could say he's the face of video game production, that's how important he's been to the industry. If you walk around the street showing random people pictures of famous video game creators, asking if they recognize any of the persons in the photos, Miyamoto would definitely be recognized the most.
And aside from Nintendo's own video game characters, he's the company's most recognizable individual (you could even go so far to call him a mascot) so it's no wonder Nintendo is having him around so much. He, in many ways, IS Nintendo! I bet we'll all miss him the day he's gone.
@gortsi He's got /v/ written all over him – I can't help but think he got lost on the way and ended up here. He's another stealth editor too...
@WiltonRoots oh yeah I observed that today. At least the Sligeach had a Wii U whilst constantly complaining-and occasionally had a point, this guy doesn't even own a Switch yet here he is crapping out stuff every day. Reminds of people that escape from cults and then go ballistic against them
@JaxonH Very well said, and completely agreed.
@gortsi Some people just fail to understand, that an Olympic gold medalist will forever remain an Olympic gold medalist, aka a winner, regardless of any minor mistakes they might have made along the way.
It's completely useless and a waste of precious energy, to try and reason with such short-sighted idiots, because they are simply incapable of even the most basic forms of constructive communication and/or logical reasoning.
All they want to do is whine and complain, and grab attention where they can. More than likely to seek some kind of validation, if only towards themselves...
@JHDK No, he made Mega Man. Get it right, you uncultured swine.
@EightBitMan I knew someone was going to post a link to brihard's video. Hahaha
Ugh, you're ALL wrong! That's the guy who created Fortnite! Unlearned fools.
Saying Miyamoto is a detriment to Nintendo because he "ruined Paper Mario" is like saying Steven Spielberg is a detriment to movies because "I didn't like Ready Player One."
I doubt you have ever played a Paper Mario game in you life.
Everything else you have written and continue to write on a consistent basis is nothing but the generic Nintendoom drivel that has nothing to do with the article in question.
@EightBitMan "What has he done recently, except for ruining Paper Mario? Nothing. "
Heavy involvement as General producer and creative supervisor Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
Executive Producer Super Mario Odyssey:
General Producer Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
External supervisor Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle:
@ThanosReXXX "Some people just fail to understand, that an Olympic gold medalist will forever remain an Olympic gold medalist, aka a winner, regardless of any minor mistakes they might have made along the way"
Unless they're Russian in which case there's a 50/50 chance they remain a gold medalist regardless.
@NEStalgia No, in the case of the Russians, their entire record will be scrapped, due to doping scandals, and they'll have to return all the related medals, making them an eternal shame instead of an eternal champion...
But of course, Putin will just give them a new, special replacement medal...
@EightBitMan I truly find it hysterical how worked up you get. Like, we've had diehard trolls before, but your obsession with Nintendo takes your trolling to a new level. Congrats, man--or whatever the proper word for "male troll" is.
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