Speaking with Nintendo recently, Daemon X Machina producer Kenichiro Tsukuda explained how his game would take into consideration the many environments people play in when asked about how he would provide the best mech game experience possible:
One way we hope to achieve that is by making it appropriate for the age we’re now living in. The environments in which people are playing are always progressing and changing – we see advances in hardware, and now with Nintendo Switch, people can play both at home and on-the-go, and also online.
He further explained this, noting how there would be features tailored to environments and ensuring the game was widely accessible:
By adding features that players will be able to enjoy, not just within the game, but rather tailored for each of these individual environments, we hope to create a game that lots of people will be able to enjoy.
In terms of gameplay, we’ve made it so that you can fight with the style you want – you can get new equipment and change it in real-time on the battlefield, so you can alter your tactics at any time. We’re also working to make it so that you can train up and customise your mech, and strengthen it beyond mere equipment. This means that anybody should be able to play in the way they want, without having to rely entirely on their skills.
In a separate question, it was discussed how Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates character designer, Yusuke Kozaki, was behind the designs in Daemon X Machina:
There are all kinds of characters in the game. There’s someone who watches in the wings, and will come to help if your character gets into a sticky situation. We have two brothers who search battlefields for weapons and parts to sell, and another character with a dark past.
The characters you meet will sometimes be your allies, and sometimes your enemies. Mr Kozaki is currently working on the character designs, so I hope to be able to show them to you and talk a bit more in the future.
Elaborating on this, Tsukuda once again reiterated how the unique art for this title came about:
With so many different games out there, you kind of develop a fixed concept of what a game in a particular genre should look like. However, games are also creative works, so I feel we have the freedom to have an individual style.
So although this is a mech action game, instead of going for photorealism, I wanted to try our hand at a more comic- or anime-like visual style. The staff agreed with me, and so that’s the approach we’re pursuing.
More details about Daemon X Machina will be revealed at Gamescom 2018. Tell us in the comments if you're excited for some mech action on Switch.
[source nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 30
Looks, good. Kinda too good. We'll have to wait and see.
I'm ready for it. Need me some mech action.
"So although this is a mech action game, instead of going for photorealism, I wanted to try our hand at a more comic- or anime-like visual style."
I personally think it was a tech choice more than anything else... but wathever we need to see more of it to have a better idea of this game.
I'm not fan of the colour palette they use but if the gameplay is good, why not...
I LOVE the character designer from Fire Emblem Awakening. Hands-down one of my favorite videogame artists of our time. I just love his style so much. And this game is looking the part!
I like how you can kill an enemy and take their weapon right there on the spot and start using it. This is going to be the surprise hit of 2019 here.
Super pumped for this game. Looks great on visual art style and I hope they keep that metal feel for the music B)
I'm hoping he'd go more into the destructible environments at some point. From the Treehouse play through at E3, it looked like you can destroy the whole area if you wanted to. Also, I'd like to see more mecha melee combat variety with weapons, using debris, or arms/legs from fallen mechs as makeshift clubs. And since there's dashing, why not shoulder block some enemies? Or form an energy shield around your fist and do a dashing punch. Heck, let us do Alteisen's Revolver Stake/Bunker from Super Robot Taisen! I'm sure he and his team has seen enough mecha anime, run wild with it!
I want this now.
I want. NOW
Looks rather interesting but I seriously hope they go for a better soundtrack that what was in the trailer. I know some people love that stuff but I can't
Might be excited for this if the E3 trailer actually revealed something about the game besides “mechs”!
This is the mech game I've been dreaming of for years! This is second most hyped game next to smash!!! Cannot wait, day 1 cop for sure.
If this game lives up, or even surpasses, the promise of the trailer, then it’s going to be another stellar title for 2019! I know that Smash Bros. was the big game of Nintendo’s E3, but this was the game that excited me the most!
At first I passed it off as “that one game with the heavy metal scaring the living dog mess out of me at the beginning of E3”, but this game is looking pretty cool. I’ll give it a chance.
I have only bought 3 Switch games Zelda, Arms, Splatoon 2...this will be my next purchase!
The fact that Nintendo chose to start E3 with this game tells me they think it's going to be special. I'm excited, Looks like a beautiful, fast paced game.
Aren't all mech games either really old or janky? Not a high bar to overcome...
Cant wate for this. Iv been a fan of ArmuredCore for years and this looks like a nice alternative
I hope for the best, it would be fantastic to have an amazing mech on Nintendo Switch. So far I love the art style and overall design of the game .
I need this game to be great. I do. But it'd be to everyone's best interests if maybe they'd cool it with the hype a bit; they seem too eager with the "best in the genre"/"artstyle unlike any other game" kind of quotes, that's setting them up to disappointing reception.
This game definitely has my attention, i loved everybl bit of the trailer. Cant wait to see more.
the coolest looking game on my radar for sure, so much style! i want it now
Mech games have a track record of underwhelming me. I am one of the biggest Gundam nuts around, but even I am hard pressed to point to many mech games I can consider better than "so-so"...
It's always been weird to me how few mech games there are. Isn't it a pretty popular genre in Japan (mostly thanks to Gundam)?
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this. I hope it's good!
I haven’t loved a mech game in a long time, but I think this one looks awesome.
Virtual On : Oratorio Tangram (what a title) on Dreamcast was probably the last one that really got my attention.
Not sure if it'll top Xenoblade X as the best mech game, but I can't wait to see more.
@LegendOfPokemon Then check out Treehouse gameplay of it. There's way more to the game than what the trailer showed.
It better be stellar lol am looking forward to it!
@Heavyarms55 The last Mech games I really loved were MW2 (still the reigning champ for all time and the last time Activision wowed me ), and Starseige, a surprise and unloved masterpiece.
MW3 was almost great, but....Microprose was heavily in decline at the time, and it shows. Game was a broken mess that crashed non stop. MW4 got Micro$ofted. Their buyout of FASA was like the buyout of Rare, and tried to micromanage development like it was an Office suite. It looks like there's an MW5 coming out this year though. PC-only, back to its roots. Looks really good so far just looking at brief trailers and previews, though I no longer have a PC to run it. HOTAS is the only way to play those games though
I wish this got more exposure at E3.
Just shut up and take my damn money already
@JaxonH I love Kozaki's art too! I do think his designs in No More Heroes 1 & 2 are a little more interesting than the stuff he's done in Awakening and Fates but that's just my opinion.
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