On July 13th, the latest instalment in the long-running Pokémon feature film series will premier in Japan -- along with a fresh animation style for fans to catch.
Pokémon: Everyone’s Story takes a dramatic turn towards a more Ghibli-esque appearance, seen in the beautiful new poster tweeted out by the film’s official account on Sunday.
The style may look familiar – it was illustrated by artist Yoshitoshi Shinomiya, who had previously created a poster for the previous Pokémon movie as well.
The text on the poster roughly translates to: “let’s go with the wind blowing”. Ahem. Interestingly enough, the only Pokémon shown in the image are Pikachu and Eevee. There may be some cross-marketing happening here with the upcoming games slated for November.

However, unlike the Kanto setting in Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!, Everyone’s Story takes place in a brand new location: Fura City, where – according to the trailer – residents “live together with the wind”.
Although the visual changes in the movie appear drastic, many fans have expressed excitement about the new animation style and aesthetic changes. The fresh look is in part thanks to production company WIT STUDIO, the creative crew behind the anime adaptation of the award-winning Attack on Titan manga series.
Everyone’s Story seems to be a sign of the changing times, ushering in a new era for the franchise – not only in the Pokémon films, but also its video games and toys. It will be interesting to see if these changes carry over to the new core RPG slated for 2019, as well.
Sadly, a Western release date for the film has yet to be announced – but, judging by the global excitement surrounding Pokémon at the moment, it’s likely that Ash’s latest silver screen adventure will surf its way over at some point in the near future. After all, it is Everyone’s Story.
Are you a fan of this new art style, or do you prefer the original look of the anime series? Do you think this might indicate a dramatic new look coming to the core RPG game in 2019? Let us know your thoughts below.
Comments 31
Looks absolutely beautiful and as a fan of animation in general I can definitely say im excited
That's a purdy bit of art.
It's always nice to see Masako Nozawa in the voice cast.
I love the new animation, hoping future films are like this style. It looks amazing, better than sun and moon anime In My Opinion.
so long as they ditch sun/moon art style I am fine.
Beautiful artwork and a logical evolution of the Alolan style 😍
This is the kind of artstyle that could theoretically get me back into Pokemon. Been burned out since X & Y, and none of the games since have interested me. If they fix the artstyle, the story and start using modern full-console conventions (such as open worlds, maybe voice acting; basically do a Breath of the Wild type thing where they buck the trends) then maybe, just maaaaaybe, I'll get back into it.
Pokemon Sun and Moon actually has some of the best animation I've seen. I was thrown off by the stills, but in motion it's really beautiful and I love the wacky facial expressions.
Will the movie goes to Indonesia ?
No matter what (official) art style it’s in Pokémon always looks great.
Glad it looks great, but lets hope the writing has improved along with it. The last few Pokemon movies (Excluding the reboot movie) have all felt like filler movies. Where a good 80% of the movie is of stuff to buy time (Like watching Ash chase around his hat for 10 minutes, or showing us 5 minute long shots of the characters Staring in awe at something).
It's interesting that all of the Pokémon in this trailer were first seen in Kanto/Johto, with the exception of Zeraora at the very end. Makes me wonder if Fura City is in/near the Johto region?
Looks okay apart from the utterly stupid modern nose-to-mouth syndrome that sooo many anime cartoons suffer from these days (and sometimes mouth-on-side-of-face syndrome too).
I cannot wait for that absurd artistic trend to just die a death.
Doesn't look that different to me...
@ALinkttPresent So I'm not the only one?
@edgedino Why? Not that I watch the anime, but judging by trailers and videos I've seen, it looks great, far better than the first 4 or so seasons, the ones I watched.
The animation is really energetic and fun. Most scenes in the old series mostly looked like a low budget anime with very minimal moving. And even when there was supposed to be a fight scene or something, you just can't compare the two.
I just don't get why people bash the Sun/Moon series' art style.
that, actually looks nice
@DrLockdown I’m right there with you - that type of game would be my childhood Pokemon dreams come true.
I’m fully on board with this decision, please let it carry over to the games(?)
Before Let’s Go promos dropped, I used to think Pokémon could use Ni No Kuni as a point of reference for the art style moving forward. I still want it, but it stopped being realistic till now.
It's a whole heck of a lot better than that ugly Sun/Moon anime style. The Sun Moon anime was so jarring after how nice the XY anime looked.
It looks beautiful. Pokemon is in need of a graphical overhaul overall. The Switch will be the most powerful system a Pokemon RPG has ever been developed on so, I think it's time to update the visuals and wow people with something new.
@Anti-Matter Have Pokemon movies released in theatres where you live before? If so and this is a major release then yeah it probably will.
@Krisi its mostly if not all tbh because they changed how ash look. everyone else looks good he looks like something else.
Hmm looks way more beautiful than the Sun and Moon anime art style. Personally I hated that one.
As for changes for the core RPG... I hope so. The series has become quite stale, I actually love some of the changes for Let’s Go and hope they take some inspiration from it. No wild encounters would be a huge plus for me (or at least to see them in the field and choose whether to engage, getting through caves or water routes has just become a chore) with a focus on trainer battles. EVs and IVs should be heavily revamped too, currently IVs are about whoever wants to invest a bunch of time into repeatedly breeding them (which is messed up if you think about it anyways) and EVs are about looking up online what to grind on and then arbitrarily fighting that thing a bunch (which doesn’t even make sense mechanically). We’ve had the same thing for over two decades with the only changes to mechanics ADDING stuff to the pile (abilities, mega evolutions, Z moves, etc). Let’s Go may be a bit oversimplified but there’s certainly a middle ground where some fluff is removed but the full strategy is intact. Basically, any game that requires mindless activity to be competitive in can be improved - being competitive should require practice and/or strategic planning, not running in circles waiting for hundreds of eggs to hatch just to throw 99% of the results away.
Thi is how Pokemon should have always looked.
I d on t know if I will see it!
I like it. I also like this alternative take on Ash’s original journey
In addition, count me as one of the few that likes the Sun and Moon art style. Aside for a few moments, it’s not really that wacky or over the top silly. But in general, Sun and Moon/Ultra Adventures has actually moved right up there as some of my favorite seasons of the series. It’s got a lot of charm and Ash has a really great group of companions. I also like the fact it’s a bit more intimate. I think the show being centralized (for the most part) at the Pokémon school and on Melemele Island helps with that. And it’s had some really fun and emotional story directions so far that hasn’t taken 8 years to actually happen.
I want to see Pokémon animated in the 80’s anime art style!
@MasterJay @ALinkttPresent It's a lot more "softer" if that makes sense. It still has some 90s anime holdovers, but the human characters are clearly drawn and animated in a more squishy, soft modern style.
I'm thrilled for Pokemon in 2019
Good animation, nice style.
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