The Japanese peripheral maker Hori was only in the headlines recently, warning customers about a Switch battery-draining issue currently linked to its left-hand Joy-Con featuring a full D-Pad arrangement. While we got the official word from the manufacturer this would be fixed prior to the controller's release in Western markets, the latest news is it will be arriving locally in September for $25.00.
The announcement comes via IGN, with the other part of the reveal being the controller will be available in Zelda and Mario-themed designs. Obviously, this isn't the first themed controller Hori has worked on, with the accessory manufacturer also recently revealing Mario, Zelda and Pikachu designs for GameCube-inspired Pro Controllers.
Some vital information that appears to have been forgotten is the fact the controller is for handheld use only, as can be seen on the packaging above. According to the source, the low price point of the Hori left-hand Joy-Con has been achieved by excluding a number of features including Bluetooth, Gyrosensor, HD rumble, a battery and the SL/SR buttons. As a result, this makes traditional couch play with the controller impossible as it is unable to be used with a grip.
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Are you tempted by either of these left-hand Joy-Con controllers? Are you still concerned about the battery-draining issue or are you surprised the controller is limited to the Switch's portable mode? Tell us below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 66
The Zelda one looks cool, but the missing features puts me off of it.
The whole point of the switch is being able to go back and forth between handheld and docked mode, which I do all the time, so this is not for me. But it’s nice to see cheaper and alternative options available on the market. I hope they fix that battery draining issue,
it has no shoulder button?
@dok5555555 it does. It is missing those internal buttons found along the slide rail when using it as a single independant controller.
@dok5555555 It does have the regular shoulder buttons, but not the ones on the inside that you use for single joy-con play when detached, as you can't use the joy-con wirelessly.
Looking forward to a d-pad on the joy cons, but this is no good, i am reliant playing in docked mode due to my eyesight, i can't use it handheld.
Ok I'm down with this. I can use my regular joycon docked and this one for handheld gaming. Nice to see Hori doing something Nintendo should have done earlier on
I get that they're excluding many features from it in order to keep the cost down, but how exactly does disenabling the "grip mode" do this?
@RailX @NicolausCamp Ah, I see. That makes more sense then.
long as these dont have that very annoying the wondering issue im all for it
Given all the lost features on this thing and limited use, it's not worth $25 to me, and that's even if I did utilize the joycons in handheld mode like this. I prefer using a pro controller with the stand up in handheld mode, so this isn't ideal.
The problem is, normally I would like to see Nintendo make an official D-pad Joycon, but only if the quality of it isn't as horribly bad as the Switch Pro Controller one is. That one made me so disappointed. I would prefer a D-pad more in line with the New 3DS XL, where erroneous inputs are far less likely. If that isn't possible, I'll stick with the D-pad buttons...I don't really mind them that much, and I like them far more than the Switch Pro Controller D-pad.
Not tempted at all and not liking the designs. Surely would look strange when the right joy con is just a single colour.
I don’t want or need this because
1.) I actually like the D-pad on the Joy-Con; it makes sense given the Switch’s design
2.) All those missing features are an absolute deal breaker
3.) The designs are too busy and, in my opinion, undermine the minimal elegance of the regular Joy-Con designs
So yeah. Hard pass from me.
I don't really care about the missing features as I use my switch Mostly as a Handheld (can always keep the original as a dedicated home controller)
My problem is that it is not a set. Give me a Zelda combo L/R for $39 and we have a deal.
Would go great with my Zelda case that came with the ZBOTW LE
These look cool, but there is no reason to buy one. I personally feel like the joy-con analouges are very adequate for 2d gaming. There small enough to make precise movements possible. Im playing the Mega Man X Legacy Collection and im doing just fine without a d-pad.
@bluemage1989 That's what I thought, how ugly would the Zelda one look next to a pink Joycon?
I'm good with my Neon Blue, thank you.
yeah i'll skip this.
Eh no thanks seems a waste of time, all we want is the same controller as nintendo shipped with the switch but a cross on it instead of the 4 buttons, why is this so hard for them to understand!?
There’s literally no reason to purchase this outside of “its got a D pad”. If you’re into the aesthetics then sure that is one thing but you aren’t exactly getting a set. It would look awful used with any other joy-con.
Has anyone asking for Nintendo to replace the buttons with a pad ever used a single joycon for 2 player? I have, and I understand why it’s in a button fashion. Imagine your A B X Y buttons being a dpad sideways.
@HobbitGamer Well I guess it’s more of a single player thing. Especially if you’re old school like me and like to have a traditional D pad for games like the Street Fighter 30th Anniversry Collection when you’re on the go. You can always have you other joy-con for multiplayer but honestly anyone I have ever played with absolutely cannot stand using a tiny single joy-con and prefer to have a complete set.
I just don’t understand why people can’t just be happy with how awesome the switch is, and instead would rather take 3 steps back and 1 step forward with the $25 controller here. I have no issue using the joy cons, and prefer them over pro controller even when docked. This is not for me but to each his own.
I hope these flop really badly so that we can finally get some proper themed Joy-Con (I already have more Joy-Con than I know what to do with ).
I want a joycon with a dpad in the place of the analog stick. It’s a detachable controller, there has to be many different options.
Ha ha, might as well try again with the features and just charge a normal rate...
The sacrifices Hori thinks we'll make for a D-Pad. Never really missed it personally, even though I use the Pro Controller more. On the go it just feels natural, I don't really use the buttons for movement as much as the stick anyways.
@Gauchorino I’m guessing because one of the things cut is Bluetooth. So it can’t communicate with the Switch when not directly connected to the console.
I can't get used to the current button D-pad, so I'm down for one of these, although both designs are a little too ornate so I'm not sure which one to get.
I would love these if they would have added the normal functions as they are a D-Pad is not worth handicapping the controller that much, that is sacrificing to much for a built in D-Pad .
Playing through MMX collection now and I really don't have a problem with the standard "dpad". I like the designs but it seems every single 3rd party controller has some sort of compromise or deficiency so far on the switch.
I’d hate the look of those without a matching right joycon.
Here's a question, where are the connections at on either the controller or tablet for it to draw the power between the two?
It’s a joke!
Definitely picking up this joy-pad as even though the move buttons on the left side do not bother me MUCH, I'm a retro gamer and playing this in handheld would be much more comfortable. In fact, enjoyable with the Street Fighter combinations that are executed with connecting motions.
It's perfect for me, I just need a D-pad for portable Street Fighter and megaman play, none of which really requires any of the missing features.
I do wish they sold a plain black one though, not sure if they will in the west.
@ShadJV Thanks. That makes a lot of sense.
I know it says "For Handheld Mode Only" on the box. I can see a lot of these getting returned, especially in the states.
The mario one looks good, but having only one joycon like that seems like it would be a little weird.
@Jayronauron If you want to know what a horribly bad d-pad is like try using an Xbox 360 controller. The Switch pro controller isn't that bad.
@dok5555555 its just missing the extra ones in the attachment rails used when playing with one jcon per player. Tge regular shoulder buttons are there.
@Agent721 and if you own a pro controller or you still have the set of joy cons that came with your Switch..you can easily go from handheld to dock still.
Need to get a new left joycon and I'll def be picking up the zelda one!!
Edit: nvm those miss of features changed my mind
My brother’s left Joy con is starting to curve left when he’s playing games, so I can see him buying this as a cheap alternative to a $50 Nintendo brand one or a little more for a left & right side. I can even see myself getting one since I only play in handheld mode.
Already have the the royal blue one on the way from Japan. Now they need to make a Joy-Con L/R set that features "Turbo" functionality. I'm really surprised they didn't just go this route in the first place. $34.99 for the two pack.
What a pile of rubbish! Looks okay though
I think a lot of y'all are missing the point. When the console is docked the Pro Controller already has a regular D-pad. If you want to play handheld the pro controller isn't an option, so if you still want a regular d-pad that is where this steps in. So someone playing a d-pad heavy game would use this in handheld and pro controller while docked.
I already do this (with the included joycons). My joycons rarely disconnect from the console. I just bust out my pro controller while docked.
Just use the Pokken controller instead (dock or handheld, but it will not be so comfortable - tabletop maybe)
It’s a shame it is for hand held use only, however I’ll probably get one because when I play on the TV I use my 8bitdo controller. There are times that I want to play certain games I portable mode but didn’t because of the lack of d-pad on the controller. The Hori controller will solve this.
@Devlind I don't understand why Hori keeps pushing out only cheap stuff that misses a lot of features. I'd buy a "pro" version of this joy-con with the same features as the original ones and a higher price tag but this one is just...meh.
Do these not include a right Joycon? What's the point of buying one Joycon with a cool design if the other is just a solid color? No right 'con, no features of the standard left 'con, handheld only, twenty-five freaking dollars?! Dream on, Hori. I'd rather buy Joycon replacement shells with that money. Sure, it's DIY, but at least it'll make both of my Joycons look cool, and they'll work like a normal set of Joycons, assuming I don't flubb it up.
We already have two modded sets with d-pads on the left joy-con (one Ice Blue N64 style, one Indigo GC style), so we don't really need these. That said, they're both so cool looking I may consider picking them up. Still, I'd be happier if they priced them higher, made them full-featured, and offered matching sets.
@dok5555555 it doesn't have a load of anything really, not sure why anyone would want this.
I'll pass. I'll explain:
No point in excluding "bluetooth, gyrosensor, HD rumble, a battery and the SL/SR buttons" just to achieve a lower price tag;
I'd like to play in my couch too. The Switch is all about options, isn't it?;
Releasing them themed and leaving the right joy-con with a not matching theme.
In light of all this, I prefer just use the Nintendo Pro Controller instead... for now...
@HobbitGamer I don’t have the hori, but I have a shell mod d-pad. The only multiplayer game that I use multiple joycons for is Mario Kart. But even for games that require more button inputs than MK8, using the d-pad is actually fine. It still registers individual inputs. But using separate buttons as a d-pad is by contrast more difficult for certain games. I have never regretted putting a d-pad on my Switch.
Tempting. Might deshell the hardware and put it on a proper joycon. I'd also would need a right joycon as well.
I can't see the appeal on it with all the missing features. I rather just buy a skin.
Lol what garbage, get a skin.
I'd buy one just for platformers and shmups in handheld mode, then switch out an official Joycon for every other situation. I'm still hoping Nintendo will answer the call with an official D-pad Joycon of their own. Games like Curse of the Moon and Gunbird are not fun to play with Nintendo's current Joycon.
I'd rather just get one of those shells that I can take the actual Joycon components and put them in.
I'm not the type of man to say day one purchase but with this I definitely am, with dragon ball FighterZ, street fighter, the last blade, snk heroines et al this accessory is a must have for me
@Sun-WuGoku Fair warning, these Hori Joycons are draining Switch batteries in sleep mode.
@Tank207 Aye that's defo a worry as my battery doesn't last long as it is, you reckon hori will find a wee fix before the release?
@Sun-WuGoku I'd say it's possible they might.
This will strictly be for my 2D fighters when wanting to play in handheld mode. And yes, it is worth $25.00 to me.
@WhiteTrashGuy Same.
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