Most of us are likely pretty familiar with the gorgeous art style of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by now; releasing alongside the Switch on launch day, the game took the world by storm, hoovering up more awards than anyone could ever have expected.

What if the game had been released 20 years or so ago, though? The video above, shared by Nintendo Wire, presents a mock up of how the game might have looked if it had been released on the Game Boy Color. It's certainly interesting to imagine what all of our favourite modern-day games would have been like if they had been dreamt up years before, and vice-versa, of course.

Do you think a (smaller scale) version of Breath of the Wild could have worked nicely on Game Boy? Would you like it if Nintendo still published the odd game or two for older systems to give them new bursts of life? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
