For a few years now, we’ve known about an upcoming animated series centered around classic Mega Man, though it’s been one of those projects that seems to be weaving in and out of development hell. Nonetheless, it appears that the show is still on track for a release sometime later this year. Man of Action has now retitled the show, and a plot synopsis has been posted, as well. As you might expect, plenty of liberties have been taken.
The show will now be called Mega Man: Fully Charged, and Jakks Pacific will evidently be producing a toy line alongside the show. The official plot synopsis is as follows:
Aki Light is a regular, upbeat, robot schoolboy. He lives in the futuristic world of Silicon City, co-inhabited by robots and humans. But this robot boy has a secret… Deep within his programming lie protocols that can transform him into the powerful hero, Mega Man! When the villainous Sgt. Night and his evil team of Robot Masters emerge with ill-intentions, Mega Man dedicates himself to protecting the citizens of Silicon City.
Equipped with his Mega Buster arm cannon and the ability to absorb the powers of his opponents, he bravely battles the wickedest of villains. In this brand new series inspired by the iconic Mega Man video game, comical, action-packed adventures abound as we follow the journey of Aki Light and his alter-ego, Mega Man, as he strives to balance life as an ordinary robot boy AND an amazing superhero.
What do you think? Will you be tuning in to watch this? Do you think it’ll respect the source material? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source rockman-corner.com, via issuu.com]
Comments 79
Call me cynical, but I’m not digging the art style. And Sgt Night??? Even I know it’s Dr. Wily and I’ve barely touched the games.
I’d love to be proven wrong though. Sonic Boom the cartoon had some funny moments like Amy leading group therapy.
@ItalianBaptist I'm not completely convinced this is garbage either, but the fact Dr.Light, Roll, and other classic characters aren't mentioned in this press release doesn't give me much hope.
Super fighting robot...Aki Light!
not sure if im looking forward to this...
That face scares me.
@MegaVel91 Well they might be in, I remember seeing some now deleted footage of this Mega Man battling Fire Man....
It looks..... ew
Hoping my favorite megaman character, Bass, makes an appearance.
How difficult could it have been to just call him Roll
@jedisquidward Roll is the girl's name. Mega Man's real name in the games is Rock
Well, i have to take a look the trailer first.
I’m sorry. I just don’t like this. I’m a narrow minded purist who likes Rock and Roll, and Dr. Wowie.
I’m definitely checking this out... but it has a LONG way to go to beat the absolutely fantastic Megaman: NT Warrior series.
I'm far from an expert, but the synopsis and CGI graphics has me thinking Astro Boy more than Mega Man.
@rjejr Considering Megaman was originally inspired by Astro Boy, that's appropriate.
This sounds like flaming hot garbage.
The show sounds like it was created by someone who got a two sentence summary of Mega Man and thought it would make a good toylike.
I bet there will be a Sailormoon-type transformation.
And a bully for a school nemesis.
Color me skeptical at this point. I know adaptations of things like books and videos games are known to take some liberties, but part of me doesn't feel right with them deviating this far from the source material.
Then again, this is only a press release, and may not do the final product justice. I'll wait until the series comes out before I make any final judgements.
Then again, I'm not really much of a fan of classic Mega Man, as the games are simply too difficult, even for a veteran gamer like myself. I never thought I'd use restore points when playing the original game on the 3DS, but if I had any hope of beating the game, I had to.
They should have stuck with the art style the comics use.
I'd watch it, and I don't even like the Mega Man games that much. I just like the characters.
Anyone remember those beautiful anime sequences developed for the cancelled MMO game?
This is what I'd picture a Mega Man animated series to look like in the modern age.
Ok, glad to know many in this forum think this art style looks terrible and it’s not just me.
I'm willing to check it out, but besides the Ruby Spears animated series, I'm still waiting on a true Mega Man anime adaptation since Mega Man 8 and Maverick Hunter X!
Of course, I knew dozens of regular robot schoolboys in my classes growing up.
There is something awful about the design of this Megaman.. They made him look like an a$$ whole! Definetly not the hero kind. Couldn’t they make him look like Megaman Legends version?
I will probably check out the first episode, but I highly doubt I'll be sticking around for the rest.
I just do not like the art style.
And I hate how so many modern takes on classics have decided to totally change up the art style but in a way that just looks worse all-round than the original did.
Usually, the original illustration art for these games, or the original animation art and stuff, is just way better aesthetically.
What's happened in recent times? Did all the great artists get abducted and taken to another planet, and in their place they put a bunch of glorified Flash/Web artists who have terrible taste and no genuine understanding of the fundamentals of great art (like basic anatomy, proportion, correct use of color, good shading, correct perspective, the rule of thirds, dynamic lines of action, designs that have instantly recognizable silhouettes, timeless aesthetic design/appeal, etc)?
@JTMnM Exactly.
Every reasonably informed person knows exactly what a Mega Man cartoon should look like.
I just don't get how the illustrators/artists making this official cartoon, and surely getting a decent wage for it too, somehow don't.
Ah, so mild-mannered Aki's secret identity is Mega Man.
Well, I sure hope he doesn't talk like a nasal-congested schoolgirl like every other time he's been given a voice. Oh wait I'm wrong, Captain N must be the only time Mega Man sounded like a....man. Although he was still totally lame in that show.
@Prizm Ruby Spears Cartoon.
"Aki Light is a regular, upbeat, robot schoolboy"
I think I threw up a little when I read the first sentence there. Why? God...
Might be something for kids who don't know who Mega Man is an what the original story is about. But gah! Disgusting adaption of the source material. I don't like the art-style either. Oh well, no problem, plenty of Mega Man goodness coming this year.
There are usually two types of video game adaptations.Ones that apply little effort expand the story and ones that deviate way too much.Castlevania on Netflix appears to be one of the few that come close to reaching the in-between.
@Elvie Light and Night?Get it!?!Light represents good,Night represents bad.Such subtle contrast.Plus,the names rhyme!This show obviously has Emmy Award potential.
In all seriousness,this sounds like generic garbage but we have to be fair enough to give it the benefit of doubt.
That image of MegaMan is gross...
I remember how it was originally going to be on Disney XD but now it will be airing on Cartoon Network from what I hear. Part of me wonders if they changed networks to avoid clashing with Big Hero 6 The Series
It's for kids so I won't make a big fuss about it, I'm just glad the new game isn't based on this.
@MegaVel91 The protagonist's last name is "Light" though.
I wondering if they ditched the "Mega Mini" part of the concept, since it's not mentioned here.
Don't know where they pulled "Sgt. Night" from but I guess it serves as the antithesis to the Light family.
Umm yeah. We've known what he's being called. Too bad Man of Action still doesn't know what his actual name is.
(The name) "Aki" might be a nod, or just reference, to Akira Kitamura, MM's creator. Keiji Inafune is generally misunderstood to be the series creator. Also yes, as Lizuka said, the name was Aki before, if I remember correctly.
If the series is good, might be fun to watch. It doesn't seem to be following any established canon. That whole schoolboy thing makes me think they are applying elements of the Battle Network, &/or ZX games.
As for the art style, again, I can put up with it, if the series is good. I prefer Mega Man to look like how he is supposed to look. I just dislike how modern "animation" all seem to pretty much do the same thing: (they/animation studios) either a: make the character unrealistically proportioned, like bendable/posable mini-figures made of plastic, or rubber, or they b: make the designs grotesque, like even beyond the '90s version of Ren & Stimpy, or even Spongebob.
@AlexOlney lol
@impurekind They must have been abducted. It's the only explanation.
@Prizm I always thought Captain N Mega Man sounded kinda like Pop-Eye.
@link3710 "Megaman was originally inspired by Astro Boy"
Thanks. I didn't know that, but it does make sense.
With a super-powered mind!
A mechanical canine!
He rescues the day from sure destruction!
This is the themesong for Jimmy Neut-I mean, uhh, AKI LIIIIIGHT!
@RupeeClock Hmmm, i'm guessing they either want to make him a "Season 1" primary villain until they decide to "Introduce" Dr Wily into the fold as the main villain... OR SGT.Night winds up being Dr Wily in disguise. BOTH being plausible scenarios. Still i got to wonder, is this cartoon canadian made? Cuz' if that's the case, i'm hoping Scott Mcneil reprises the role of Wily.
I don't like it. Super Mega Man would be better. LMAO
Hmm... the picture looks classic Mega Man is cosplaying Mega Man X.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Yeah, which really isn't that bad once you think of it, i know people have opinions of such a thing, but after Captain N's Megaman's design... Yeah... It's not that bad.
Sgt Night??? Even I know it’s Dr. Wily and I’ve barely touched the games.
Probably a completely new character that isn't Dr. Wily with a new name.
I don't have any higher hopes than anyone else for this cartoon to be any good, (in fact, I'm predicting that it's going to be really awful, though I'd be happy to be proven wrong) but since we're also getting a brand new actual Mega Man game soon that's looking pretty sharp so far, this show being bad won't feel like as big of a betrayal as it otherwise might have.
I sure hope so.
WTF is this garbage!? Aki Light?! What the hell!
As others have said, Night might be Wily in disguise, or just under an alias.
@Enigminator I know, it just bothers me none of the press material, at any time past or present, has mentioned him. You'd think that as Mega Man's creator it would be prudent to mention him, even in passing. He's kinda that important.
Same with Roll...-and seems even Rush isn't being mentioned... I really hope that doesn't mean he's been scrapped...
I know this show is aimed towards kids and not Mega Man fans like me, but is anyone in the development staff even SLIGHTLY FAMILIAR with the game plot!?
Now how Rock (oh sorry, Aki Light) becomes Mega Man is a mixture of Ben 10 and Generator Rex (makes sense), and SGT. NIGHT? SGT. FREAKING NIGHT!?
And Doctor Light is not mentioned ONCE in the sypnosis-- this is already making me mad.
Yeah no...
This just sounds silly. Well, maybe the kids who have no clue what MegaMan is like it...
Light Man
Fighter of the Night Man
Just keep butchering poor Mega Man
Yawn... ok, I'll check it out.
I doubt I could eat the amount I want to vomit when I see that art, I'm not even a megaman fan.
Sgt Night? Why not just Doctor Wily?
I don't understand the hatred here.
After i found from Youtube, well.... as i never knew about Mega Man so detail, when i saw the trailer from Youtube, it didn't look so bad as you think. Maybe it looked different than usual, but don't be too harsh.
Oh no!! Oh god please!! Nooooo!!
There's something about that face that just cracks me up.
Omg that art style is awful
Aki is my cat's name...
If it is gonna be that ugly CG style of cartoon animation I am gonna have to hard pass... Very much not my thing.
Not sure if they're rehashing Astro Boy or just hoping no one read the Mega Man Dreamwave comics.
"Aki Light" implies that he probably is a robotic "son" of Doctor Light.
I'm willing to see it, I'm not huge on Mega Man, but generally I'm all for alternate interpretations. Man of Action is generally solid. Art style looks trashy though. Maybe even worse than Rise of TMNT.
@Anti-Matter It's just the internet being the internet. "Everything sucks and nothing new should be made"
I for one think this looks cool, and really hoping to watch it soon. Even if it somehow ends up being the worse thing ever (which I really doubt), I'd be glad at least they still tried to keep MM alive. So many kids these days have no idea about Megaman.
Actually, i still can't find the better quality videos on Youtube. I had watched the intro of that Megaman, well... quite good to me. So far, the Megaman's face and his looking without armor was pretty cute for kids show. I don't understand why so many peoples called it trash or disaster just because it looked quite different (but still maintained on similar looking) ?
Oh yeah, that. Design looks like 1 part Megaman, 1/2 part X. Are there actually moving pictures around yet? Otherwise I can't really care yet.
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