Sega has announced that the Nintendo Switch version of Valkyria Chronicles 4 won't launch until Fall 2018.
To soften this blow, the company has confirmed that the original game will release alongside it in digital form.

Let us know if you're excited about playing both by leaving a comment below.
Comments 99
Cool. never got to play this but would try it on Switch
Why does this keep on happening?
@Juma009 Because after 21 years of poor third party support, having anything is better than nothing.
Hells yes. Please let us get 2 as well.
The delay of 4 only affects the Japanese Switch version, not the rest of the world or other platforms, which still have the same release window as before.
Woot! Never played this one so happy to try it out before 4.
So part 1 and 4...why not go all in and give us 2+3 as well?
Let me guess, Sony paid Sega to delay the Switch version of the 4th game on Switch in Japan? Sounds about right
@FragRed I'm not saying that's true, but I wouldn't put it past Sony. Businesses aren't each other's friends.
Oh bother! I was really looking forward to the fourth one on Switch. But I guess I'll take getting the first one alongside it...
Looking forward for them to release 2 and 3 as well! (since I don't have any of them, so I would not need them for PS3!)
@MagnaRoader Because 2 (released in pal and Japan) + 3 are exclusive to the PSP and 3 was only released in Japan.
What is the series all about anyway??
I have a preorder in the US - so as long as the US version is still ok
really wish they announce a LE for the west
I prefer physical versions, but I guess I can settle, if the price is as reasonable as the Japan Eshop. Here's hoping we get 2 and 3, because I never got a chance to play them.
Just put em all on switch lol

At least, I hope it was...
@Juma009 down porting from PS4 is far more difficult then up porting.
@KingdomHeartsFan Even if number 2 was a bit mediocre, I hear good things about 1 and 3. So I would want it for the overarching story. All they need to do is bundle it or keep things reasonably priced.
A tad unrelated, but while we're on the subject of ports to Switch, does anyone else remember Tadpole Treble? I love that game but never got around to finishing it on Wii U, and would kill for a Switch version.
Great. I'd love another go at the first, never actually finished it.
@FragRed oh here we go again. The developers have already said the Switch version is a buggy mess @ the moment.
Stop with the Sony conspiracy BS!
@KingdomHeartsFan I haven't played the first game, but yes, I did own a Sony and MS console.
The game just flew under my radar. No need to insult people insinuating they never owned other platforms because of one niche game they said they never played.
@KingdomHeartsFan sounds awesome will have to read up a bit later for sure.
That sounds fair.
Tsk. More ports.
Loved this on the PS3, purchased again for the PS4. Looking forward to it no matter when it's released!
@KingdomHeartsFan It was easy to interpret it that way unfortunately. Just the problem with text based communication eh? XD I know it all too well.
@KingdomHeartsFan Its most likely this is the remaster that was released on PS4 right?
@Marakuto 2 was released in na you can get it digitally on psn still
Awesome. Was hoping for that. Now let's hope it comes west.
As for VC4 that delay is for Japan. It's a fall 2018 release on all platforms in the west.
Sounds like they forgot to develop a Switch version and are porting over the PS4 version at the last minute.
That or an moronic manager is in charge of overseeing Valkria Chronicles 4.
No wonder those companies are failing.
Oh my I just got the platinum trophy on the PS4 version. Maybe I'll triple dip, but VC4 is what I'm waiting for!
So two games for the price of one. What not to like about this news
Considering the delay only affects the Japanese version, AND this means I finally get to play the original (not really interested in 2 or 3 anyways), this is amazing news!
Played this strategic rpg on steam and was one of the finest games in the genere. I could say it’s likr fire emblem but with guns and tanks instead of sowrds
@Arnold-Kage It's not free. It just launches at the same time. Although you do get it for 500 yen (€5?) if you buy VC4 digitally.
@Frank90 You mean you'll be triple dipped, not you will triple dip.
Companies double/triple dip the consumer, not the other way around.
Hopefully this doesn't affect the release of the localized version, which is already scheduled to release in the Fall simultaneously on Switch and PS4
Companies don't do anything to consumers. Consumers are the ones with the power and the choice. Any purchase made, is made at the consumer's discretion and by the consumer's own will and desire.
If someone double dips, that means they are choosing, by their own free will, to purchase a game they've already purchased, because they see enough value in the new version to warrant it. Companies don't do anything except offer the choice.
The PS4 version has already released. And the Western version has not been postponed, so there's no advantage to purposefully postponing it. To anyone.
The Switch version was likely postponed in Japan to not only coincide with the western releases, but allow time for Valkyria Chronicles 1 to finish development and launch together ala Bayonetta 1/2 in an effort to promote sales.
@JaxonH The company double dips their existing product/creation for little to no extra cost, but extra reward. Double dipping comes from getting extra on one thing, a 2nd helping on your 1 item.
You get double dipped by the publisher/developer.
Your first statement... I might concede some logic to that.
That second sentence is completely irrational and illogical. The consumer isn't getting "double dipped" by anyone or anything. Unless the company is forcing the consumer to make the purchase against their will then you are completely wrong.
The consumer is choosing to double dip. Don't twist words to try to make it out like people buying a game twice are stupid or being taken advantage of. They're not. And I know why you're doing it- because you hate to see people buying games on Switch, so you want to insult them in an effort to coax them out of doing it.
I could buy a game 67 times, but if I choose to do so I'm not getting "dipped" by anything or by anyone. I'm doing the dipping. It's my money and my choice.
If you choose to take your money and spend it on what you want then nobody is doing anything TO you. You are the one dipping. You are literally taking your own money and dipping and second time for a game. At your discretion. By choice. Choice is everything. It is impossible to be "double dipped" unless the company is physically reaching into your wallet in taking your money without your approval
@JaxonH Actually I realise I worded it poorly. My original analogy is still accurate imo (getting extra return for little to no cost) but what I shoulda said was...
Companies double dip, not the consumers.
Damn have a pre order for the game physical version.
I'll agree companies do double dip. And, well they should. Especially in today's market with how expensive video games cost to make. If they invest the money into the game, they should make it as profitable as possible by porting it to as many platforms over and over and over again until people simply stop buying it. And that's what we're seeing in today's market. PS3 games become PS4 games which become STEAM games which become Switch games, etc.
Every different platform has people willing to purchase that game. Some of whom already own on a different platform but, for whatever reason, are willing to purchase it a second time, i.e. "double dip". Call it what you want but, that's what it means when people say it.
I bought this game on PS4 because I missed it on PS3. Unfortunately I don't play PS4 games often because I have to be at home, in my bedroom and in the mood to play. As good as this game is I never got more than 5 hours into or so. So when I preordered GPD Win 2, I double dipped for the STEAM version in order to be able to play it on a handheld. But now that it's releasing on Switch I regret doing so. GPD hasn't released yet so I'll probably get a refund (for the game, not the Win 2) and just convert that purchase over to Switch.
Assuming it comes west.... it better
@JaxonH While I'm aware that people use the term "double dipping" for referring to when they're going to buy a game on another platform despite already owning it, I disagree with the practice of people saying "double dipping" in the incorrect sense of the definition.
Have they confirmed it's the remastered version coming to Switch? The video posted was for the original PS4 announcement, so that really doesn't tell us anything.....
I'm not sure there's an official definition for the term so it's meaning is directly related to how people use it. Synonymous with double purchase. The way I see it is, if you know what people mean by what they say then why does it matter. Not that I think there's a right or wrong here anyways because it's not like this word is in the Webster's dictionary. So I don't really think there is a sense of the definition outside of common use.
The Remastered version was basically just the PC port brought over, which was basically just higher res and framerate, with some subtle changes in AI filtering and the like. Some very minor improvements all around.
The Switch version will just be the same exact game, at the res and framerate appropriate for the platform. There's not going to be any tangible difference between being "Remastered" or not, aside from the marketing employed behind it.
@JaxonH The Remastered and PC versions also had all the DLC bundled.
It's just like SEGA to announce a Switch port right after I finish playing it on PC. Eh, whatever. It's a great game, and I'm glad the original is hitting the Switch.
Softening the blow or not, this is amazing news!!
Right, but included DLC is more akin to Ultimate or GotY editions than Remastered. I'm referring to actual differences that give it that remastered moniker.
I'm sure the Switch version will have all the DLC as well.
But ya, this is why I'm not really playing any games on other platforms anymore unless they're like, 1st party exclusives. Because those are for sure never coming over. Code Vein, already have rumors that's coming to Switch, but a year after other versions. Guess they were originally going to release it this spring but swapped it out with Dark Souls. Dragonball Fighter Z will likely come over (not "likely", it's definitely coming, Bandai is giddy like a schoolgirl over DB demand on Switch). Bandai in general said they regretted not seeing the potential in Switch sooner, and are now paying the price trying to catch up. So I expect a lot of their stuff to come over at some point. Sega too. Most of these games will probably come after the other versions but I think they'll come. Especially since switch will be pushing 25 million units sold when the holidays come around. That's when games will start really paying off with higher sales numbers.
I bought it on PS4, then bought on PC in anticipation for GPD Win 2... but I haven't played it yet on STEAM. Which means I can probably get a refund for it. Might just keep it too though. Always nice having a good classic in the Steam library.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 wasn't coming to the West until Fall anyway, so this only (negatively) affects Japan and those planning on importing (or downloading from the Japanese eShop).
That being said, the first game is a welcome addition to the Switch.
@JaxonH I wasn't correcting you, just adding on to what you said.
They didn't do a whole lot to touch it up, because, in general, it didn't need a lot of touching up. The biggest drawback of both games on Switch is that they'll likely be 30fps, which isn't that big of a deal.
I know you weren't correcting me.
I was just adding on to what you said
Since you recommended this ages ago, i think it's fair to say that luckily i have so long backlog that this can wait
My point: I have only time to play if i do not lose all interest to gaming before that.
@MH4 I'm guessing you're in the US, because I'm in UK and always wanted to get Tadpole Treble on my Wii U, but it never got released here.
On topic - I have this game in my PS3 and Steam backlogs, so unless it's dirt cheap and still in my backlogs, I'll pass.
I'm liking this decision, I never get to finish the first part so if a digital version exist I'll be jumping on that until the new one arrives.
@KingdomHeartsFan I played a demo of the first one when it was new but never got around to buying the game. Hopefully this port comes west, I'd love to play the whole game and on the go.
Huge props to Sega for this. They did not need to port this game in the first place and I'm sure Valkyria Chronicles 4 will do well regardless of the delay. But to not only announce this port, but say it will be released side-by-side with Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a huge win for the Switch. The only way I see these two titles not doing well is if Fire Emblem Switch is Breath of the Wild good and sucks away all of the target audience for SRPG's.
"Soften the blow"??? This is the best news ever! I'd probably cheer for VC4 delayed until 2019 on these conditions!
To think I no longer have to invest in and stream the PS4 port. The second game has been sitting in my Vita library for months, too. VC3 is sadly stuck in Japan but at least there's a translation patch. The Revolution spinoff is in the west on Vita. VC4 will be on Switch (duh). JACKPOT.
@gcunit Indeed, I'm in the US. The only reason I know of Tadpole Treble is because of the (excellent but now no longer running) American webcomic Brawl in the Family. It's hilarious and worth checking out!
I loved the first on the ps3. Enjoy the second on ps vita, missout on the third 😣.
Will wait for fhe forth on the switch. Great game to take to the cafe or pub.
Hopefully it does well enough for them to release the third in the west.
Ew. I love this series but digital only is the worst decision.
No reason for me to double dip but im happy for those that will be playing for the first time.
Still have it on PC.
Still haven't played it.
Still need to.
Well unless you're in Japan, you won't have to wait any longer than previously announced. Western release hasn't changed so. September 26 I think it is?
Let's just hope the first gets localized on Switch
Hey, you ever played Fire Emblem? Since you've finished the game (one of the few I've ever spoken to that's actually completed it all the way through), how would you rate it against FE? From what I've played of it I tend to put it on the same level. But I'd love to hear from someone who's actually played the entire game. Assuming you're a Fire Emblem gamer, that is...
Yeah, I'm buying both. Never played any game in the series but it seems right up my alley.
@KingdomHeartsFan Many Sony and Microsoft systems owners haven't played this game, as it flopped badly. We tend to prefer playing western AAA on these systems since you get more quality-value for your money spent with these kind of games.
@JaxonH I've played all of Fire Emblem 7, a few hours of the other localized GBA one, all of Awakening, and all of 2 of the 3 Fates campaigns. So while I wouldn't consider myself hugely knowledgable about the evolution of the series over time, I've tackled at 4 full FE games' worth of content, plus the one I dabbled in years ago, so I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the core identity of the series.
I don't know that I'd compare it with Fire Emblem at all. The gameplay is significantly different (given the heavy real-time elements), there's no conversation system, and the setting is steampunk WW2 as opposed to medieval fantasy. It's really only similar in the sense that it has permadeath if you don't rescue disabled units and all of your units have unique personalities and identities. In the case of VC, personality traits and personal characteristics actually impact their effectiveness on the field. A gay character, for example, will sometimes attack for more damage if they're trying to show off for a same sex team mate. A nervous character will be less able to dodge attacks or take more damage if you make her run into danger. A character used to rural environments might gain accuracy if you're fighting on fields or bare earth. Stuff like that. The only game comparable to it on a Nintendo system in terms of gameplay is Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
In terms of narrative? It has a simple but charming and emotionally involved story. Less complex than your average FE game in this regard.
The presentation is gorgeous, of course. The original and VC4 both have this watercolor look to them that amplifies the feeling that what you're playing is akin to a war-themed fairytale. Which goes well with the charming, somewhat simplistic narrative.
Ya, I didn't mean compare it in that sense. Clearly they're very different styles of SRPG. I meant... based on how good it is. I mean, would you rate it as high quality as FE. On the same level. Same caliber SRPG. Is it truly worthy of being considered an equal, as I have often cited it as...
@JaxonH There's definitely a less oppressive level of challenge on default difficulty, thanks to the fact that the real-time elements let you scope out environments instead of committing to definite moves right away. Also thanks to the fact that, as I said, if a unit's HP is reduced to 0, you're allowed a couple of turns to reach them and take them back to safety (unless a second enemy unit also reaches the downed unit, in which case they're toast). So there's a lot fewer cheap deaths and re-loading overall. I'd say, in some ways, the gameplay is deeper, though: you actually have to explore environments and make heavy use of your terrain to survive. For example, you'll want your units hugging walls on any maps with enemy snipers. But, at the same time, you can climb buildings with ladders yourself, survey your environment, and position a sniper to pick off easy targets. There's also a lot of variables that are introduced to VC, such as smoke bombs. In some maps, for example, there will be enemy towers that'll mow down your approaching units. But you can use strategically fired smoke bombs to obscure the environment and allow your people to safely reach cover.
There's also a lot of balancing. Tanks are incredibly powerful units that you can use to destroy armored targets and encampments, and your soldiers can huddle behind them to avoid enemy fire. At the same time, though, they're slow, consume twice as many command points as normal units, and if someone fires a rocket or some other explosive at the exposed core at the back of it, it'll explode in one hit.
With that in mind, with this complexity comes some... downsides. The gameplay is... wonky, in some respects. Tanks can't run down enemy soldiers, for some reason. If you run up to an enemy unit, it'll fire continuously until you switch to attack mode, whereby they'll just... stop and let you shoot them (of course, the same logic applies to your units). A lot of times, it seems like you can't interact with your environment in a way that it seems like you should. Compare this to FE: everything about the gameplay is polished to a mirror sheen, and you'll never die just because some gameplay quirk exists that you didn't know about.
I'd also argue that a few VC levels are arguably cheats in terms of how they'll sometimes introduce gimmicks or set-pieces halfway through, and if you haven't positioned your units in anticipation of this coming change, they'll all get wiped out in a turn or two. I could arguably see a really skilled player completing any FE level on his or her first go, but there are VC levels that... I just don't see how players could clear without foreknowledge. It's not the majority of the time, but there are a few of them like this.
There are also some boss encounters where it wasn't entirely clear to me WHAT I was supposed to be shooting at until it was already too late.
Narratively... it depends on what you like. As I said, Valkyria Chronicles doesn't have a hugely complex plot, and despite all of your units being individual people, they don't really get the opportunity to develop as characters like in Fire Emblem. The plot and character development that's there is charming, though. I'd say the story in VC1 is head-and-shoulders better than anything in Fates, at least.
VC also has less replayability. You can play through the game a second time to S-rank all of the maps, but that's pretty much the only reason I'd see to revisit it (trophy hunting aside).
I'd say it deserves to be considered a classic of the SRPG genre, right alongside Fire Emblem and XCOM. I'm not sure if it's "as good" as FE, considering that's an apples and oranges comparison, but it's definitely a high quality game that has become one of my favorites.
Wow. Now that's a worthy analysis.
From what I played of the early game, I didn't really run into any gimmicks, but that's why I was asking. You never know what kind of twists and turns a game will take along the way.
Nonetheless, that's kinda the same feeling I got. It's definitely the same class of top-tier SRPG, One of the only SRPG I would dare put on the same level as FE... but if one had to win out, I don't think any game can touch FE. Still, to even be in the same general ballpark is an accomplishment in itself.
X-COM I played a bit of also, but not much. If they brought it to switch I would get into it for real. But the Vita port was... lacking.
We're getting Valkyria Chronicles 4, a new Fire Emblem and the original Valkyria Chronicles all in the span of 60-90 days (assuming FE isn't delayed). That's insane to think about.
I'm so excited about this news! I played VC when it came out and loved it. While VC2 was less good, I had a blast playing VC3 (played using the fan-made translation). There's something delightful about the combination of RPG elements with strategy. Also, I thought the story for the original VC was beautifully written and immersive.
I can't recommend this enough for those who never played the original. I'm personally looking forward to playing it again on the Switch and then embarking on VC4 - which is easily the game on the Switch I'm most looking forward to. Hope this will sell enough to compel Sega to continue investing in the series!
Got it on PC. If the western versions come with a coupon like the JP version does, I'd get VC1 again, but until's a game I already bought and played twice. I'm good.
@JaxonH Yeah, the gimmicks and setpieces mostly show up later in the game.
It's definitely not going to satisfy a hardcore SRPG nut in the same way that older Fire Emblem games or XCOM can. It's just not as mechanically polished as those games. But it effectively invented a new style of SRPG and, purely imo, has a ton of heart. I know that "heart" isn't something you can really quantify in any sort of objective way, but I'll say this: there are characters and scenes in VC that'll stick with me for way longer than anything in the FE or XCOM games I've played.
Look at it this way: if an older Fire Emblem game is Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (a hardcore game that anyone can play, but that also deeply rewards people who go out of their way to understand the mechanics inside and out), then Valkyria Chronicles is Earthbound (a weird game that kind of does its own thing, and that people will remember fondly because of its uniqueness and charm that can't be reduced to mechanical complexity).
@JaxonH yo at a certain point you need to concede a point ,you know they read what you typed the first timetable they understand and you both just fundamentally disagree.And your not going to convince anyone with a paragraph.
I want shinning force 1-3 Sega I know you're listening so please port that at least plus if you have time the other games in the shining force "series".Also port Sonic Adventures 2,Sonic Heroes,and time permitting the other valkyria I wna juice box and a cookie.
This better not be the Original and better be the Remastered.
I will happily buy both. I never finished the first one on PC because I got distracted, I will happily buy both titles! It's a bummer they got delayed though.
Release the damn second game no one played that was vita exclusive!
@Jcdbengals The second game was released for PSP, not Vita, as well as the third game, which was never released outside of Japan.
Completely off-topic ... I really dislike the term Fall; it’s so American it makes my ears bleed. Using a season is a bit northern-hemisphere-ist as well.
Maybe some of these people don't have the money to afford multiple consoles? Maybe they have a preference just like so many others? Maybe they don't like the other console makers controllers or even something as crazy as the way that they do business? My buddy absolutely hates sony systems because he got fed up with disc read errors and breaking down ps1's & 2's. People have their reasons.
As far as missing out, that happens all the time. You can have all the consoles and still don't get to play every game that you want because of money, time constraints, responsibilities and this thing out there called a life. And honestly, always find it cute when people tell others how they're missing out because not owning console X or Y while almost always omitting the much superior PC platform?
Talk about missing out. They have tons of games that none of these consoles ever see. And yet you never really see some of these console makers being questioned about why they'll wait for some PC games to be dumbed down for will make their way to their systems. Especially considering the veey viable option already out there for them.
There's always a rub, bub. And, like I said, people miss out all the time. So why question or ask somebody to justify how and why they enjoy gaming the way that they do? I mean unless you were directly funding their habit, there's no right or wrong answer for them to give you. Si why not just borrow Nike's mindset and just let them do it? Hell, why aren't we instead celebrating the fact that we have so many options & that we can actually be this discerning.
@YummyHappyPills Nintendo had good third party support on the GameCube and Wii, especially on the GameCube.
I have this on Steam and I really wanted to like it... But the amount of anime cutscenes between battles tired me out (almost as bad as Tiny Metal) and the combat system is rather obtuse, like a halfway between making a turn-based tactics game and an action game. And it doesn't really work as either. I relented after the mission in which the tank is introduced and the party rolls out of the village.
Last I checked it's VC1 is only coming to Japan as of right now and VC4 is delayed but as a bonus if you purchase VC4 you will get a voucher to purchase 1 for only 500yen
I hear many series fans talking about the first game as the best one, so this is good news to me.
I'm still waiting for news of a western release of Valkyria 3.
I hope that means it’ll be a Japanese and Western release in the fall then. Because if not we might have to wait till early 2019 maybe.
As happy as I am hearing this news I still believe it's a mistake to release them simultaniously. I'm not going to buy them both at once even though I'm a big fan of the series.
There’s no chance of VC4 releasing for the Switch in the West before Japan.
No idea what you're talking about. I think you're responding to the wrong person.
Pretty sure the only discussion Ive had here actually has resulted in someone saying "ya ok, I get ya".
So clearly, you must be referring to someone else.
This is the proper way to announce a delay. Squeenix should take note.
Nice to see Valkyria Chronicles 1 coming to the switch, hopefully english release as well. I already have near 100% the ps4 version so not picking up the switch version unless I get really bored and want it on there. Still plan on picking up 4 hopefully day 1, though depending on special editions I may get ps4 version instead. Also hoping eventually 3 will get a switch port or any western release but who knows. I could care less about 2 being honest.
And yet it's not like anything that you're saying right now doesn't apply to any other gamer out there. There are people that choose not to play on Nintendo systems and they miss out on a lot of games as well. So what's really the point? People miss out all the time. So why single out these gamers here for their choices. Are we running around to every sony, PC or MS message board and telling them how much they're missing out on because of their gaming choices?
It's belittling and a bit condescending in all honesty. As if these folks on message boards dedicated to video games like yourself & I don't know that they miss out on some games. Being on a message board makes them much more informed than the average person. It's funny how people seem to always feel the need to say these things to certain gamers only though.
This news is making me a little nervous about the Switch version of VC 4. For me, portability is preferable to graphical fidelity, as long as the Switch version is competent, but now I'm worried it might end up being a glitchy under baked mess. At this point, I'll wait for reviews / comparisons before deciding between PS4 and Switch.
As far as VC on Switch, I'll probably pass. I triple dipped on the game already (PS3, PC, and PS4), and don't picture going back to play it yet again. Similarly, I don't think I'd re-buy VC 2 after getting it physically on PSP and digitally to play on Vita (and sinking 270 hours into the game during my initial playthrough on PSP to grind out all weapons). I would totally re-buy VC 3, though. It's easily the best game in the series. Best story. Best game play (no gimmicks like some of the fights in the original, plus improvements to the VC 2 formulas). The fan translation was strong but incomplete. I'd like to experience it again fully translated.
@gameboy1975: you're just...right! Who wants someone telling them they're missing out on though that person can and has experienced everything there is to do in the world! Cool, you own two or perhaps all 3 consoles, great; but, well, you should really go outside more often, "you're really missing out!" Followed by, naturally: you shouldn't take offense to my harmless statement, "sheesh!" How else is one supposed to react to that extremely helpful insight--with a thank you?
I got the Special Edition of 4 pre-ordered for Switch. Looking forward to picking up the original game as well on Switch. Makes sense they're doing this as the special edition has 2 bonus missions featuring the characters from the first game.
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