Although the new Champions amiibo arrive this week, Nintendo has said little to date about the final part of the expansion pass for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Sure, we'll get a quirky Xenoblade Chronicles 2 costume crossover this week, but for many of us the real wait is for the promised story content in the second full DLC pack.
Just recently a video featuring Eiji Aonuma gave a strong indication that we were looking beyond November for this DLC, as he stated that it'd be available "by the end of this year". Now a Twitter user called Lord of Gamez has spotted a small detail on the European eShop page for the DLC pack; it states that it "is planned for release in December 2017".
Some theories doing the rounds suggest Nintendo won't want the release to clash directly with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on 1st December, and some reasonable bets are being placed on the DLC getting a high profile trailer during The Game Awards, which take place on 7th December. Perhaps a mid-December release would be a good fit, or Nintendo could make it a festive arrival a week or so later.
It's still a rough window, but at the very least confirms what was already strongly suspected - November is out. Good things come to those who wait, in any case.
Thanks to all that sent this in.
Comments 60
Releasing DLC at a time when people are handing out money like they own a bank. What a strange idea.
Between XB2 and Zelda DLC, this'll be a great end of the year for Nintendo.
I'm still waiting to know more before I part with $20. I really hope we get at least one dedicated dungeon!
As if the Christmas season isn't already the best time of year.
It will be unveiled in a mid to late November Direct along with a few 2018 reveals. They've got quite a show planned for us, I feel it in my bones.
I would rather them get it right, than rush to release and have it be... well have it be like games and DLC on other consoles - a beta version.
It's still coming out Dec 31st right?
Honestly, I would have preferred a Direct on this today.
I've already paid for the DLC,I thought I might as well get it when I bought the Switch version. After spending over 300 hours on the Wii U version though I've barely touched the Switch version let alone any of the DLC.
Can't wait for this. I hope it delivers a substantial amount of content. The other DLC was mostly fluff apart from maybe The Trial of the Sword and even that was recycled existing assets. A lot of the content should have been free, like the Hero's Path, Travel Medallion and hard mode. I played just over 475 hours, completed absolutely everything. Just to reiterate a point I made earlier, elsewhere about DLC in general, the game cost €60, the DLC cost €20. So will this DLC offer 150 hours of additional playtime? I sincerely doubt it. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it even takes anywhere near half that length to complete.
Edit: For the whiners, forget about the hours I played so. I'll put it another way, will the DLC offer 1/3 of the content that the main game has? Again, I sincerely doubt it.
Works out for me...who knows how many hours so far and thinking I'm at 50% of the regular game.
@yeayeanaynay Its only been a few months... sheesh
DLC will be released on Boxing Day - December 26th All those shiny new Under The ChristmasTree SWITCH consoles will beloadingup form the eshop!
@JTMnM Xenoblade has never been a big seller. At all.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE sounds like a personal problem to me.
@gatorboi352 Hey, Debbie Downer, I wasn't referring to sales. Listen, Negative Nancy, if you want to invite Pessimistic Patty over, you should do it when no one's home.
@OorWullie I hope so!
To pose the question, why not wait until January?
@yeayeanaynay Yeah, there won't be any more DLC for BotW after this, methinks.
@Spoony_Tech - It’s possible I’m mixing Internet rumor with fact, but I think I read here that we are getting a dungeon. I’ll probably be headed to Hyrule in a bit, and I’ll double check the DLC tab to see if there’s clarification. I haven’t purchased the DLC yet either, but definitely will even if all it gave me was a pile of Hestu’s Gift.
Edit - The info in game for DLC pack two states there will be “an additional dungeon and an untold story.” What constitutes a dungeon in BOTW, I don’t really know. I’ve done three of the four divine beasts, and they’ve been a breeze. One traditional Zelda dungeon would be great, but I’ll take what I can get.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I don't think you are looking at it fairly. Production cost have gone up. Salaries have gone up. I am sure shipping, storage, retail spaces have gone up. The cost of a game has mostly stayed the same. I get at $20.00 it might not have value to you but that doesn't negate the bigger picture.
It can wait as far as I'm concerned.
Still playing Super Mario Odyssey, have both Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Skyrim preloaded with scheduled vacation days to take off and play, not to mention DOOM and LA Noire and Resident Evil Revelations Collection, and I haven't even finished Mario Rabbids or Fire Emblem Warriors. That's not taking into account the 2 dozen other games releasing like RIME and Gear.Club and what have you.
Plus I just got my Xbox One X, setting up now in fact (not that there were any new notable games that released with it) and I'm sure I'll be checking a few (existing) games out on that.
.........the story content in this DLC isnt going to be all that long or very woopdedo is it?
@Moshugan Nah, they'll add a special Zero Suit Samus outfit for Link to promote Metroid Prime 4. XD
I haven't picked up the the DLC yet for Zelda. I loved my 120+ hours of BOTW but I was ready to put it down, too. I'm gonna wait until I hear full information before I spend the money. If it's actually legit content and new story, I will happily buy it and jump back in.
Between finding the rest of the Power Moons in SMO, tackling XC2 and getting stuck into this DLC, it's gonna be a very busy end to the gaming year for me.
@Masurao I played BotW on Switch and have over 300 hours. And I’m still playing. Some people just enjoy the game more than others.
@Caldorosso-E They could wait till January but I've been predicting a November Direct for a while now so I'm going to stick with that for now. When I saw we were getting a Xenoblade focused Direct I started to doubt myself but I forgot they still have to reveal this DLC. I think they would do that in a Direct. Not just that though, they really need to fill that infograph out for 2018. Some holiday buyers will want to know what's on horizon for Switch before they commit to a purchase.
@JaxonH I am coming over your house to play games =P
Door is always open!
Think frat house but for gaming 😁
@Spoony_Tech Same here! I really want to see what that new dungeon will be like. i also want to see if they'll make a real effort in improving the weak sauce excuse of a story we got in the base game.
Fine, I'll wait. I was still holding out for November. Just really don't want to be waiting for too long into December now T_T
I really hope this isn't the only DLC they do for BotW. They could do SO much with it, and I'm not ready to let go of this version of Hyrule yet. My fingers remain firmly crossed.
Still hoping I can play as the champions (including Zelda) in some flashback scene. Let us reenact the events that happened while Link was asleep.
It says the 31st Dec on the DLC, and has done for months, so how is this news.....
They said it was December back when the pass was announced. Little late here guys.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Maybe you spent 475 hours playing but not everyone did. I "only" played for 120. Asking for $20 to cover 150 hours when I paid $60 for 120 seems a bit stupid, no? I think your trouble is you got a bit too obsessed. Even if you want to get 100% completion, that's fine, you have to understand others can get there faster and the devs don't have to cater to YOU.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Or as my mother used to tell me when I was four years old and having a tantrum, "The world does not revolve around you."
I still have to go back and do the Master Trials or whatever that is called. Held back on it because I‘m not that good at the game as I once was and figured I‘d get good again for the entire DLC instead for the first and second packs seperately. Prob end up playing Xenoblade 2 first so this will have to wait a while longer.
Sounds fair, something to play whilst waiting for Christmas and access to my other titles.
I'll still wait for full details before parting with my cash. I'm hoping for at least 10 hrs of play; hopefully there's extra side quests too. Although this may get me to go back in and do the ones I didn't complete yet.
Oehhh cant wait!
I am looking forward for this. Christmas season would be perfect for playing more hours in BotW
@Setery Knowing Nintendo's legendary delays, I'd say it could very well be on the 365th of december
Just in time to nick all the Game of the year awards I guess (otherwise Mario probably would have won. People tend to go for te newest things).
"I guess that's what happens when you get stuck on a system that does not get any new releases anymore...."
Lol, I remember he said once that he didn't own a 3DS. Sooo he chose one system, one that bombed. No wonder he's pissed! I still have my fun with my Wii u and have tons of joy on my 3DS. Of course its a pity that Wii u is already over, but it can't be helped. At least the Zelda dlc (and Shovel knight dlc) still hits Wii u!
I should really go back to BotW. I played 'about 25hours' until my friends nephew somehow deleted my game file. Just haven't had the heart, or time to go back yet. But I think I've had my fill of Mario Odyssey now, so maybe I'll start BotW all over again.
Such a pain I 'lost' my save
@AlternateButtons When I pay money I expect new material. All the enemies were the same in Trial of the Sword. Everything about it was made with existing assets. The masks were all useless apart from the Korok Mask and couldn't be upgraded, they had the same abilities as masks already in the game. The Korok Mask was useless to me, I'd already found the 900 Korok seeds. The first treasure chests were an insult, you know the 3 where one contained the Switch T-shirt. What a joke. And I've been over other fluff like hard mode, the Travel Medallion and Hero's Path. I understand it's about the last pack and like I said I hope it delivers.
There's a reason companies are doing these DLC packs, Loot Boxes, amiibo, etc. It's because they can make more money from these in comparison to the effort it takes to make the main game.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I know others had already commented on this but your logic makes no sense. The base game has given you 475 hours for €60. That's basically about 10x longer than an average €60 game. So because the base game offered you exceptional value you are saying that the DLC needs to offer the same value to even be considered OK. You are judging it by the wrong standard.
@chardir thumbs up
Pushing 150hours in this game and I've only just spoken with Purah yesterday to unlock my Sheikah slate further, with 27 shrines completed and 98 Korok seeds found and only 3 map regions unlocked and explored, I think I'm still in the early stages of the game.
I'm truly hyped for this story pack.
Stop releasing stuff! The mind is strong but the wallet is weak. Not even talking about that dann Worktime...
Like the base game was "planned" to come out in 2015.
Nothing to see here, move along, it's been "planned" this entire time to come out in December.
wasnt the planned for december always there?
I'm still "stuck" with the Wii U version as well. However, I still have many games I either haven't played at all or have only barely played to keep up on. Since this is about the DLC though, I should say I just purchased it and am still looking for the armor pieces- just have 4/6 of the Hyrule field pieces to go and whatever is scattered about on the Plateau. I did try the Trial once but I got killed by Stone Talus- will never win it that way. Serves me right for leaving the game dormant since June (shortly after I got my save file star)...
"Just to reiterate a point I made earlier, elsewhere about DLC in general, the game cost €60, the DLC cost €20. So will this DLC offer 150 hours of additional playtime?"
That's a really strange way to think about it, especially since your playtime number is so high. If we go by that logic, that means, I should spend 60+ hours on my DLC compared to your 150. Odd to measure it by playtime, especially when the standard game was so rich to begin with. You're holding the DLC at way too high a standard.
At 350 hours Ive finally hit the burnout stage. I started losing interest when I took up doing reverse expanding square search patterns. Hopefully this new dlc will revive my interest.
@JTMnM Wait, am I Debby, Nancy or Patty?
I've more than got my money's worth out of BOTW within about a week of owning it, I'm sure once I break the back of this I'll get the DLC - if it's a whole new story that'll be a result. Not that bothered about Master Mode really.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Most quality games will give you around 1/2 ratio of hours compared to euro's/dollars spend (so for a 60 euro/dollar game you get 30 hours). Some games, like many zelda games in the past used to give you 1/1 ratio (60 euro's for 60 hours). Now your logic is, that because the main game gives you so many more hours than normal, the DLC should have the same ratio? That is just weird. I would agree with you that the DLC is not worth it if it gives you less than 10 hours, and I can even see your complain as valid if it gives you less than 20 hours. But demanding 150 hours from a 20 euro DLC is just silly.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Woah, that's some Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights/Elder Scrolls level expectations there. Well, BotW is basically Zelda Scrolls... but still, very lofty expectations! Usually, 150+ hours DLC is for PC gaming, but hey, more power to you.
On a side note, I find it ironic that so many people here are instinctively calling you out as negative, even though in this case, they're the ones getting all pissy just because you enjoyed BotW more than they did and consequently have higher expectations.
Why didn't you just buy the DLC for Wii U?
i hope they'll release a cheap goty edition
@janfritz They already said that the Dlc content will be about post-game... I say it will be about naming the new champions of Hyrule or something like that
I know it's impossible, but what if the new story is about going to the past to prevent the calamity? Just like what happened in Skyward Sword. Killing Ganon in the future and then going to the past to take it out completely. That would open a new Hyrule to explore, maybe a way to add that new dungeon and having a new final boss battle against Calamity Ganon (a lot of people didn't like it was very easy, so adding a new final boss could change their opinions).
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