Monster Hunter XX on Switch may be seen by some fans as something of a lazy port of an old title by Capcom - especially when you consider that the swanky new Monster Hunter: World is coming to PS4 and Xbox One in the near future - but it has helped the publisher to another bumper year.
Net sales for the six months ending on September 30th are up 17.6 percent compared to last year, reaching 33.7bn Yen ($295m). Operating income jumped 191.5 percent to 5bn Yen ($43.79m). This rise is mostly down to Capcom's "Digital Contents business", which includes video games and smartphone games.
Capcom highlights the "stalwart performance" of Monster Hunter XX on Switch as one of the key drivers of revenue, and also picks out the original 3DS version as a big seller. As previously reported, Capcom is also pleased with the sales of its other Switch release, Ultra Street Fighter II. Monster Hunter XX remains a Japanese exclusive on Switch at the time of writing.
Elsewhere, Capcom picked out Resident Evil 7 and Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite as other commercial successes, despite the latter having a weaker UK debut than the aforementioned Ultra Street Fighter II.
Comments 64
Capcom making money on Nintendo platforms.
Despite skiping developing games on Nintendo platforms
But seriously tho, Capcom rode last gen and current gen on the success of MonHun on 3DS. It was a huge factor in them not going belly up.
I tried to get into Monster Hunter and it's just not for me. Glad to see it do well on Switch though.
Then just i heard that they have no real plans for the Switch when it comes to new MH games? I almost finished Resident Evil Rev. on my 3ds and wont buy it on Switch. Had to sell MH3 years ago and never played MH sinds so would be nice on the Switch. But Capcom doesnt want my money anymore it seems...
I'm sure I'd love to play this game...if I could read Japanese.
And how Does Capcom respond?
At this point it's too late, World is months away and no one would care if this game made it to the west. And they're not missing too much here anyways. Only worth playing just to see 4U content in HD. (and Ka)
MH needs a fresh Switch title. Although I hope it does well, I don't think World will sell that well being on consoles that aren't portable. It's basically a deal breaker for me. I've been playing MH on hanheld since the PSP. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Just put some of that profit into bring us a monster hunter game!
Can they tell Sony to stuff themselves now and bring it over here? Game looks awesome.
played MH on 3DS and back in the PSP days. Great concept and gameplay, but at one point you will hit the bottleneck and start to grind and grind and grind... for certain parts of monsters. Very fun when playing with 3 friends locally, but when it comes to single player, it just becomes boring at certain point...
And yet they still won't support the Switch properly. What does that tell you? The same with EA, they won't commit to anything more than FIFA 18, even still when the Switch is selling well. There are so many big 3rd parties that won't commit seriously to Switch. I could reel off ad infinitum the major games and series that they won't bring to the handheld.
DRAGON'S DOGMA needs to come to Switch . . . .
Ok good so now bring MH to the states? You did for Wii U- I’m sure sales will be more than satisfactory. Oh and don’t forget that mountain of classics you’re sitting on! Cmon Capcom! Get moving!
Capcom! Get yer butt on Switch!
You know what would really do so well for you Crapcom, a Mega Man Legends 3 for Switch? Release that and we can all forget about your grim practices of the last few years.
To me, Capcom is dead. Their talent moved on a while ago. I'm more interested in seeing a new Switch title from Platinum.
I would LOVE a port of Shadows Of The Damned with gyro support.
The only thing I'd like from Capcom is Okami in SOME form on Switch, but i won't hold my breath. They lack common sense.
@JHDK I am glad I'm only one thinks that way. Don't get wrong the Monster Hunter series are well develop games I simply glad there is an audience for that series of games.
I’d buy this gAme day one of it came to the west
The "Capcom doesn't support the Switch" thing is narrative-driven, and not really based in reality.
They, like pretty much everyone else, weren't sure the Switch would succeed after the Wii U. As a result they were cautious. The Switch took off and they got caught with their pants down and are resource-tied, so they can't do much outside of a couple old ports.
Things will improve in time. By the way, about MHXX... Both 4U and Generations took MONTHS for a localization announcement. People freaked out then on both occasions claiming the games wouldn't be localized.
"Elsewhere, Capcom picked out Resident Evil 7 and Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite as other commercial successes"
Like hell it did. All the said was "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite released." that's basically it. They mentioned that it existed and its out for the west. Because they clearly know it bombed in Japan.
@IceClimbers "They, like pretty much everyone else, weren't sure the Switch would succeed after the Wii U"
Explain Bethesda, out of all devs out there, being on board with the Switch.
"B-but Skyrim is an old game"
As old as the Skyrim ports the PS4 and X1 got. But that's beside the point. Who even dreamed Bethesda would show up with games that weren't cheap shovelware (baby simulators galore).
Export this #]cker.
Don't be a Backstabber for Nintendo, Capcom.
@GC-161 Bethesda got on board because Nintendo approached them, and they made sure to do it early on. Bethesda saw a business opportunity by working with Nintendo. They really like the Switch concept. Not much else to explain.
@IceClimbers Except Capcom was involved in the creation of the Switch, getting Nintendo to give it more RAM. You'd think they'd have a reason for wanting that right?
@IceClimbers Yes, Nintendo approached Bethesda for the first time. And they responded by bringing their biggest IP's to the Switch.
You know who else they also approached? Capcom.
And yet Capcom apparently was caught off guard and complained that they couldn't properly support the Switch during its first year.
Pure unadulterated BS
@LaytonPuzzle27 Your avatar made me sad.
Seriously This Company is a Joke!!
Plz come to the states (and Europe I guess)
I have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on my 3DS and I didn't enjoy it too much, but I didn't play too long I guess because that was before I had a C-stick so the camera was bad. Don't think I'm gonna jump in now since I have so many games to play and by the looks of the game it doesn't seem my type. Still I know there is an audience for it (just like Pokemon which I also dislike) and so it should come to the West.
Would prefer Okami HD. Come on, Capcom... I want to play my favorite Zelda but not Zelda game anywhere.
Also, off topic, but Bandai Namco should bring Katamari to Switch. I really, really, really want to scratch my Katamari itch. I don’t have a way to play any of them anymore and it’s killing me.
Yeah. They sold
1.8 Million copies of XX
2.6 million copies of 3U
4.1 million copies of 4
4.1 million copies of 4U
4.3 million copies of Gen
on 3DS.
That's 16.9 million copies of MH on 3DS.
Ace Attorney series was also a consistent mid level performer and they sold 1.2 million copies of Street fighter IV on 3DS too. 3DS was good for Capcom.
The rest of the interview on another site mentions Capcom saying that this game has helped the PS4:
Also worth noting, Capcom noted that Switch helped revitalize the home video games market in Japan:
“During the six months ended September 30, 2017, our industry saw broad signs of recovery, including greater penetration of the PlayStation 4 home video game console and the strong performance of the new Nintendo Switch game console. This revitalized the home video games market, which had appeared stagnant relative to the growth of mobile games primarily for smartphones.”
...So Capcom essentially is saying "Thanks for supporting us on the 3DS and Switch! Now we can focus on the PS4. NO CURRENT PLANS TO RELEASE MHGG ON SWITCH. KTHNXBYE."
This is the main game I wanted to play on the Switch and CAPCOM pulled the rug from underneath it. Whyyyyyyyyy.
Meanwhile In America.
"Sorry filthy Gaijins. We only want money from PS4 and Xbone. It's not like the best selling MH in the west by a large margin was on a Nintendo handheld or anything."
Want to play. Cant understand the language. Arghh
@Pikachupwnage yeah I can't understand the logic behind this at all. They already have the game. There's been enough time to localize it by now... Christmas season is upon us... then so far nothing.
I know it's just a game, but between this and MHW I feel so betrayed by Capcom.
Couldn’t care about Capcom news unless we get games for the Switch here in the US. I bought and enjoyed Ultra Street Fighter.
Capcom shipped more software on Switch than on Xbox One (850,000 games for Switch vs games for XBO), despite only releasing two games, one of which that has yet to be released outside of Asia.
Waiting on Capcom to get over themselves and release the Disney Afternoon NES Compilation on to the Switch.
As I see it, the problem with the "you have to wait and see what we've got cooking" they haven't SAID anything about "something cooking". Capcom is rapidly falling (with Nintendo fans) into the same category as EA now: they have gone too long dismissing and putting down Nintendo hardware, while not giving the fans what they WANT over here. Is it nice to have RE1&2? Sure, I guess...but no one ASKED for those. Okami? Resi 7? Monster Hunter XX? THOSE are the games that people have been asking for on Switch. The longer Capcom goes with putting out statements like this...making it look like they kept their company afloat on the backs of Nintendo hardware (3DS) with MH games...put out Switch XX in Japan exclusively...and put out statements sounding like they are putting down the Switch hardware as inferior...ALL without even giving a HINT to their (possibly by now former) fans of the games they actually WANT on Switch...and all the company is doing is further and further alienating Switch fans....the same way EA has done to Nintendo fans over the last recent years. All Capcom would have to do is say "Yes...we are working on Okami/MH/ will just take time and won't be out till 2018 at the earliest" and fans would be HAPPY with that. They would be FINE with the company saying something like this, and Capcom would help to vastly improve the sour image Switch owners have of their company right now. But do they do something as simple and easy as that? NO. Hell, Switch fans would even be happy by now with a DEFINITIVE answer of "No, we are sorry, but we are not porting any of these games to the Switch no or later." At least then we would know SOMETHING for sure. These innocuous comments from Capcom, I feel, are to try and keep SOME folks hanging onto their hopes, while hoping these same gamers will buy whatever other games Capcom chooses to pop out in the meantime...while still not giving fans what they WANT from them.
that's great! Can you localize it now? I wouldn't have a problem buying both World on PS4 and XX on Switch.
@Juma009 Exactly, million dollar question?! It's inevitable imo that we'll see an official Monster Hunter game on the switch now that the switch has stricken major success
If you are referring specifically to Capcom, their inability to properly adjust to the Switch's success in a timely manner tells me that they are an incompetent company with more valuable IPs under their care than they actually deserve.
Unlike EA, who can effortlessly sell 20 million copies of FIFA per year on non-Nintendo hardware, Capcom isn't so lucky. Their success thus far during the fiscal year has been driven by two Switch ports exceeding sales forecasts, while their weak points has come from MvC Infinite, a new PS4/XBO/PC title, missing sales targets.
New big one for us on switch please
Still bummed about MHXX not seeing a release in the west. It's not even hard to localize, a large portion of that is already done. Just release it as DLC for MHGen and rake in some cash already.
Despite that, it's rather funny to see that people are STILL salty about MHW.
@Xcape_DuCkMAN_X amen to that!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Bandai Namco have come out today and said they are going to increase dev resources for Switch due to its success.
More will follow no doubt.
Also regarding MH on switch. I am pretty certain you was all up in the sales threads claiming it was a flop on switch and capcom wouldn't be happy with the numbers.
A series which made a fortune on Nintendo handhelds continues making a fortune on a Nintendo handheld thus, Capcom refuses to release it to a broader market to make even more money, even though its an extended re-release and most of the localisation is already done.
Never change Capcom, never change. You're an excellent example of what not to do as a game publisher.
I have never played monster hunter, but that monster hunter world looks amazing, can`t wait to play it on pc.
I'll see you boys on the PS4. I rather have it on Switch with my original hunters i've met throughout the years but it is what it is ~
@yeayeanaynay nevermind the ports, how about some original content based on those IP?
Maybe Capcom would have even better profits if they released XX worldwide or ported some of the games they released, like the Disney collection.
Just a suggestion, y’know.
@Pikachupwnage Because a lot of people complained about MH saying should be on a "real" system (The hell does that even mean). Yet a lot of these spunk drinkers will buy it on a console where it feels like they are moving to the cell phone model now. Which are just locked down gimped PCs now. And Capcom wants to make MH appeals to the West, and the west likes the cough mature consoles.
Good, then it's up to them to do more for Nintendo.
In its defense, MHXX is an excellent game. Where Gen felt a little slapped together, mostly because of some majorly inconsistent visuals, XX has been a blast to play on the big screen. The language barrier only comes into play once in a while, especially for series veterans. As it turns out, “Stab the dragon until it dies” translates pretty well to any language.
I find it even more baffling that they would release it for the Xbox One considering that their most lucrative market is their home turf. Why not support the Japanese consoles?
Stupid Capcom does as stupid Capcom does.
Western release?
Weeeelllll.....we are waitiiinnggg!!
Good grief people chill.
Capcom deserves some criticism but let's not pretend they aren't committing to Switch now. Let's not overlook the fact they will have brought 4 different games to Switch in its first 9 months, 2 exclusive to Nintendo and 1 exclusive to Switch.
There is such a thing as moderate criticism. No need for the extreme. Their games are selling on Switch and Capcom goes where the games are selling.
I love almost everything about Monster Hunter... The artstyle, the monsters, the cameo's, the villages.... But I hate the gameplay. Might check out Stories though.
@Joeynator3000 Ka and Valphalk for me XD
They'll be back! I'm sure Capcom has something in development for the Switch.
I would definitely get MH World on the Switch than on my PS4! If it isn't coming, I won't be getting it. Saving my quids for other games on Switch.
@MegaTen i understand but they dont say that. You cant expect people not to get annoyed if they come with reasons that dont make sense for Switch owners. Its understandable if they need to keep their finance in check, but it feels like developers want to think for consumers instead of just saying whats going on.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I don't think you could rattle them off, that's why you only listed the two. Everybody else is coming and saying, "we're selling great, we're doing more."
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